The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, April 18, 1894, Image 1
THE HUSTLER OF ROME. THIRD yeah. [8 [P FOB 4 MS Tff0 ofti.e Silver Creek Hob her Negroes. THE other is liberated Br , Humriek, the Vivtim has Los a ll the FliS®™* 1 h,s L * ft Ha “ d an d may yet That Member. The jury in theSilverCr.eka,- M ult and attempt to rob case cam. 1U thia afternoon with a Aerdict finding Henry Briscoe and poio ue|' Matthews guilty. His Honor, Judge Henry ass ed sentence on the trio He .gave the two guilty coons four yeais each aud the innocent one hie lib erty* ... i Mr Hamricks band which was burn edin the tire during his scuffle wiih the black desperadoes may have to be mputated yet, as it has not entire h healed He has lost the thumb and fingers because of the terrib,e barns. SINGING BAPTIST. The Presbyterian church cho assisted by a number of sing-rs from the Baptist and Methodist churches, are practicing now of rights, to be prepared for the meet ing of the Presbytery. And faith they need to practice, when it comes to good, soul stirring mu sic, the Baptist of this place can put to blush the Methodists and Presbyterians combined. Good music adds greatly to the interest of ary church service, and is a strong inducement for many peo ple to attend who o herwis would not go; therefore it is a talent well woith cultivating.—Chattooga News. 4* GO *lO 4*- The Hole Id Tiie Wall Tor the following goods, THINK OF THIS Fancy patent Hour, as good as theie is in Rome for only $1 80 Next bes flour 1 65 One bushel meal *55 Hall Bushel Mea' 28 Peck of .deal Oone Gallon best oil 14 One Gallon 150 test oil 12 One ib. Arb ickles coffee 24 Pest lard ] O best lard 07 Magnolia Hams ]>er lb. 11 1-2 Breakfast bacon per lb 10 1-2 P*' a nd, per sack 60 Best Prunes 12 ]_2 T ext best Prunes 10 Corn, p er bushel 55 Lemons, per dozen It) ford's Bread prep. 16 e packages pearline 10 Laundry soap, any kind, Per bar 0 Best X n B yr Up 35 medal Byra| , 50 8 ( ys sell rising Hour 20 ?}! xed nuts 9n Verv’l 1 7 s ’ per pound 25 ? fc ry best tea s<) founds grits 1 0 Q 20°iho CeS lemon ex tract 05 Come t g, anulated sugar.l.oo u see and be convinced. ' ery respectfully, ®). B, MORRIS Central Hotel. " ■ >’K - TH,'.,l.h ROME GEORGIA. WEDNSDAY EVENING APRIL 18. 1894. i<4 IB IIIIS The Electric Street Car Coi A ductors, THERE IS MORE LITIGATION And B«twe«a the two Fires end.. tors Perry and Garrard Find it Necsessary to Quit The latest litigation against thp Rome Electric Street Car C . was fl el Ou yesterday when the First National Bank served gar nishment on each of the conduc tors for the receipts of fares All day. the nickles and car tickets were held up but last night Mr. Jack King, the President of the merchants National Bank and also President of the Street Rail Road Co,, handed each of the con. ductors on the road a letter Bimi lar to the following: Rome Ga. 4 18-94 Mr. C L King, Rome Ga. Dear Sir: lam informed that garnishments have been served on you in the interest of the First National Bunk against the Ri me St. R R Co, This company does not owe the First National Bank one cent. Their claim ,8 for a debt due them by J. S Lawrence which fact we can establish at the proper time. You will therefore ieiuru as heretofore all your cash collections and this company will uuarautee you against any loss by doing so. ROME STREET R R CO. J King Pi.sid.nt Today the matter came up again and the difference rose between the conductors and Mr. King. The conductors asking Mr. King to take the place of the Street Car Co. as a surety for them in case they turn over the money. The attorney for the plaintiff ay s hat if Mr. Kin believed the claims unjust, and could prove what he states in his letter to th*- conductors, that all he would have to do would be to go into court and file a dissolution bond as provided by law. Two of the conductors, Messrs. Garrard and Perry are not at work on the cars. A DISGRACE. TWO MEN AND TWO YOUNG GIRLB AR RESTED. It was a painful scene at Police headquarters this morning when twe aole bodied men: Sam Beard and B. A. Barnett aud two yonng girls, Hattie Jones aged 13, aud Becky Jones aged 11, were arraing ed for disorderly conduct. Officers Sharp, Logan and Huff man arrested the quartett in a va cant house in the Fourth Ward last night at 11 o'clock. The parents of the Jones girls are now in jail charged with keep ing a disorderly house. The case was a plain one this morning aud whi'e Col. Moses Wright, ably defended the accused Recorder Spullock committed the men to jail under a $75. b<nd in each case. He was puzzled as to what he should do with the little girls. This wt.s the secon 1 time they had been before him this mouth, and they stated tl a‘> they had four little broth ers and sisters at home who wer* by t iemselves. Finally his Honor decided to let the smaller girl go, once more, but told her if she appeared before him agtin he would positively send her to jail. The elder girl was committed in the sum of SSO. and will join her fa'her and mother behind the bar s Tne condition ol the little children of this household is, indeed, deplor able The parents and older sisters are sc m local and degraded ttat a life of suiime stares the little ones in the face. What is the remedy? ARE W J FOOL? Bob Taylor Will Lecture on the “Farad ee of Fools.” AT NEVIN’S TONIGHT A Delightful Evening will be Spent by all who attend. Do not Miss it. Bnt get Tour Tickets and cone Early and Avoid the Hush. Dont forget Bob Taylor le Jure to night. It will be the treat of the season, and all who wish to spend a delight ful evening must Be sure to hear the eloquent Ex, Governor, Romans have heard him ill" Fiddle and the the bow” t.nd all who were Present then are anxious to hear him iu his new lectures. ‘Par adise of Fools.’ This is said to sur pass all other efforts mingling iu his inimitable style burner and pathos and paying.upon the em itions of his heareasto a marvelous and Delight tul degree. . Seats has been selling rapidly and the indications are that there will be few if any vacant chairs tonight the Romo Light Guards get. a persent age of the reeept, and by attending the lecture you will not, only spend a charming evening, but will help the military boys. Those who wish to attend church can go after the service aud miss very little of the lecture, A STRANGE STORY- OF TUB STRANGE ACTION OF AM OLD TIMER. The following story appeals iu the current issue of that enterprising sheet, the Lawrenceville News. Mr. John Martin reports a strange story of a clock at his home- Mr. Martin lives about four miles east of of town, and is a citizen well known in tnis county He is honorable an 1 upright, and his word would give tie story credence if there were no oth er witnesses. But there are plenty of witnesses who testify to the truth of his narrative, in each of his instan ces here after refered to, There are plenty of people in the house who heard, saw and are wit nesses ot these strange facts, and the question is only, “What made the clock strike? And why has it done so under the same peculiar circuir stances twice before? Os course we Jo not pretend to say there was any thingsr> ernatural about the occur ence, but it was wonderful, to say the least of it. “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, thau are dreamt of in your philosophy. Mr. Martin says this clock has been in the family for 70 years and has not ruu a lick for the past 16 years—has not ticked once. Not al the works are in it, and it has been tried often and found to be utterly impossible to make it tick even once. There is nothing left of the striking apparatus but the gong and hammer. Various persons have often trial to make it strike, always without effect. Five years ago when Mr. Martin's mo ier died was. the first time the awful and strange conduct of the, clock was noticed. A few hours be fore her death it struck seven times, with an intermission of 50 or 55 min nteis between each stroke, until fie last was "to follow, when an intermission of only 15 minutes i c cur.ed, MASONIC NOTICE ATTENTION ROME COMMAND RY NO 8 KJNIGHTS TEMPLAR. There will be a called conclave of Rome Commaudery No. 8 K T. on Thursday evening April 18th at 7 :30 o’clock . Every member earnestly request ed to be present iu full uniform. The Comman lery will be in. spected by Sir W. P. Baldwin. Grand Commander of Ga. and the officers elected installed by him. M. M. Pepper E. C. H. E Kelly, Recorder. GARBLED M Atlanta Reporters Sent out Specials Based on Here- say. AND THEY ARE MISLEADING The Hnatlerot Rome was the Only I‘nper Represeated in the Hall at the Meeting of the County Hemo cratie Executive Committee. The following “Special’’ from this city* appears in this mornings Constitution and is powerful in terestiug reading matter to Evans men who do not know any better. Rome, Ga. April 17—The pr - ceedings of the executive committee of Floyd county developed some interesting tactics, which shows the way things stand in Floyd county. Xo sooner was the meeting called to order than one of the supporters oi Mr. Atkins n moved that it be a star chamber session. An Evans man rose and said that, so far as he was concerned, the whole county may be present. This announcement was in stantly sustained by a vote.’’ “Tee nxt motion was made by a supporter of General Evans, wh o moved that the democrats of the county vote directly for their choice in primary. The Atkinson men en deavored to have the county's vote placed iu the hands of the municipal district uainstructed delegates to act in county convention bat the primary motion was passed over their heads without any trouble. In leaving th* matter to a primary General Evans’is assored of the vote of Floyd county. The people we for him. and the only chance of taking the votejiway from him was having it loft , nninstructod,, delegates. The supporters of General Evans saw through this and placed the matter in the hands of the people, where General Eva ns, s interests are safe Toe prim r, faxes pl ice on tis 2( h of May, In the out set the husler of Rome wants to stated this fact at the maet>n of ih Io county Democratic Executive committee last s .turday— tie only meeting held this year the holler of home wa» the only paper Represented in the hall. How* v r since that time “spe cial reporters’’ have, ou heresay ■>r imagination, sent out reports ihat have beea garbled and miss leading, and truth and common justice demands that a correction be made. In the first place, the executive committee met, not to legislate iu the interest of either candidate fur Governor, or candidate for any other office. They met to decide on and map out a course that would oe for the best interest of Floyd County De mocracy, aud to a man the Hustler of Rome believes that every mem ber did his duty as a Democrat, subjecting every partizan to the party's good. One member of the committee did suggest that the doors of the hall be closed and stated that he had been a member of the com mittee, in years gone by, and that while it was not a rule yet it was not an exception, for on divers occasioiiS'thecommitiee|had tiaus acted its business behind closed doors. If his motion received a second the Hustler or R >me, does g< t remember, but we do know that the Atkinson men were in the majority in the committee and no such motion passed. The next paragraph is also missleading. The only member of the executive committee who ex pressed an opinion against prima ries was an Evans min, but he stated that he knew the people of Floyd wanted a primary and he would agree to it. There was a difference of opin ion as to the manner of primary but the vote stood seven to five and bad it been partizan and the Atkinson members set on acer- DOLLARS SAVED. If we do not save you at least twenty cents on every dollar you invest with us, why then we ask not that you giva us your patronage. We have no old goods to offer you at low fig ures, but a beautiful, fresh new stock at prices unprecedented for cheapness. Thousands of yards of spring dress goods going at a mere BIG BAIIGAIXS Every department contains hundreds ot bargains, so mag nificent. that no one can doubt their genuineness. Our silks are going like wildfire. Hundreds cf yards being sold every day. This department is full and com plete, 25,000 YA RDS Os Laces in all patterns, styles, weaves, quality and prices. Anything from a tiir y baby lace to a ha dsome silk lace or lace dress frwrts. The most charming and complete stock ever shown in Borne. You should see how the ladies swarm this department. idV idß V 1> A V Is our bargain day and ever- Article is a bargain. Don't fail to join the crowd this wee •. seeing is being convinced. THOS. FAHY. ed delegates” the reporter of the Constiiution to the contrary. As to General Evans being “as there was no one in the plelitera tions who would have consented to leaving the to ‘‘uninstruct tain line of policy they could have easily ca.rri°d it their way, and as to the Evans member*, ‘‘Paseed it over their heads with out any trouble “ As to leaving “the matter to a primary” every member of the .’. ■ 1 committee was unatnimous and suredof the vote of Floyd county we would like to refer the Consti tution to its files of the iast Sun day in December, where Floyd was quoted without a single Atkinson vote, and quoted by a reporter said to have been “instructed to take the first ten men or first ten prominent citizens.” A repor which the Constitution then clairal ed to be “fair and impartial. It was about that time, too, Max Meyerhardt, the daddy and wet nurse of the Max Meyerhardt evans club of Home was getting in his telling work, and “Old Potty the morning Jonah” was claiming Floyd seven to one. Now what do we see? The last heard fromsfax, he was “muzzled and muzzled’’ by his own followers while the Tribune’s last claim, msde just after the joint debate when everything was said to be for Evans, was a claim of two toone. And the Constitution of to day —it says: “In leaving the matter to a primary General Evans is as sured of the vote of Floyd county If the two pictures—the “Then 4 and the ‘now* are any consolation to the “Boomers -4 they are wel come to look at them. In the mean time all the Atkinson people— the ‘wool hat hoys and privates, 4 ask of the Co nstitution, the Jour nal and of any other partizan pa - per is that they will ‘tell the tru'h as nearly as they can, 4 and p-epare to see Floyd wheel into the Atkiu sen Column. For such will be the final IO CENTS A WEEK I Why didn't the 4 Lei esay reporters I speak of the fact that an Atkin son.member of the Executive com mil tee moved that Col Dj B Hamil ton. the rmkatf partizan of the Evans stamp in Floyd county, be accorded the privliges of a seat in the meeting—this was done some time after the meeting opened, ar he Evans members k tsw tW C>' Hamilton was a member of State Executive Com mi; fee— did' piev ? All the people of Floyd ask the heresay report*ra. it. that they get the story straight before they * ‘Special 1- it abroad. IN THE MOUTH A “SMAI.T aLEc”gETB A PISTOL BALL ALAHOMA DEMOCRATS Carrolton, Ga., April 17. The Cle burue c >uuty, Alabama, democrats will hold a county coeveution on Wednesday, May the 16th, for the purpose of electing four delegates to the gubernatorial convention, to be held in Montgomery on May ‘2‘2nd. At the last election Kolb earned the the county, ut this time the organ ized democrats are in better shape and expect to elect all officers, coun ty and state Joseph Dial shot, himself in the mouth in a peculiar way at Morris Station, Ale, Tie bad gone to the sta tion with a number of companions, of both sexes, on a frolic. He was the owner of a double ct in, h m aerless pistol. It was new, and the fact that it was loaded did not prevent him from trying to show how expert he was in handling it. Ho put the barrel in his mouth and cocked it just short of the firing point. IL he repeated several times to show the nicety of the touch- He repeated it once too often. The trig ger was pressed to the going off point and the 38-calibre ball did the rest. It cut off j art of his tongue, removed ■ several of his teeth, penetrated his m-ck and lodged just under the skin > close to the spinal column. LIV-ATC!.,.:;, w ?’,•*,fl jJ O Bi H IQ y