The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, April 18, 1894, Image 2

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r ce as ••uisi-cUsm
secund-class Mail Matter.
Win, G. BYRD, [ E^“^ d
daily and Sunday.
10 cent u, week or $5 00 per a mum
FFICE: Corner Broad Street and
. Official Organ
Os tbecfty of Rome, and Foyd, the
“Banner county” of Georgia.
Thirty days from this date all advertising
lertainlng to the office of Sheriff of Floyd county
«dU tee done in the Hustler ol Rome.
’This April 3, 1894, J. C. MOORE
lawlw Sheriffy plod Co., Ga
“The man whose business is to
interpret the Bible is likely to
make a sad nibs of interpreting a
platform “—[Atlanta Journal, Ev
ans organ.]
Dalton, Whitfield Co., on Mon
day, April 16th.
McDonough. Henry Co., on
Tuesday .April 17th.
Mcßae, Telfair Co., on Friday
Riedeville, Tatnall Co. on Saffir
.ay, April 21.
Any of these dates are subject
o ■cancellation, should they con—
diet with dates selected tor subse
quent j >int deb: t 8
To the voters of Floyd couiPy,
. hereby announce myself a can
didate for the office of representa
:ve of Floyd county in the next
Leg : elatnre. My candidacy sub
ject to the action of the democratic
primary to be held on May 26th.
Moses R. Wright.
To the voters of Floyd county, 1
hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the office of Represeuta
ive in the next Legislature, my
audidacy subject to the action ol
‘lie Floyd county Deiuocia’.ic pri
iiiaiy to be held May 26th.
. C, W, Underwood.
Mr. F. J. Evans, has been ap
pointed collector and superiuten
•jent of circulation for tne Hust
er OF Rome.
; Ail parties indebted to us are
to pay no money due
his paper to any one except our
authorized collector.
If you tail to receive your pa
rser, please notify the office and
y.-g will see that you get it.
All subscriptions are payable
veekiy, unless o erwlse arranged,
x-.ud you are ex, cta l to be ready
’it o,?>> the collector calls on you, as
•iCQ.u t call three or four times
or a ten cent subscription,
Everybody \\ ho gets this paper
f expected to pay for it as we car
’v no deadhead list,
Fhii.l G. Byrd. (Editor.)
Roxeys tramps are now kommon
*• oaters. ’’
Henceforth let Democrats elect
rely Democrats to office.
Zhe fellow who can't say something
had about himself can't tell the truth
—when he meets it in the road,
• •
A lawyer may be an expert at
c, awing a conveyance and still not
'■:u& a mule by pedigree or practice.
’ t is not neccessary to tell a woman
viiat to do with spending money.
tSie would think you impertiment.
All flesh may be grass but the
:,<»g run through the lawn more —
may be saw, but he is not sausage.
Ths hen-dust-ry of the poultry
ud has been renewed and fresh
are retailing at 10 cents per
A man saved a thousand dollars
yesterday by endorsing Thb|Hust
sk of Roue instead of endorsing
lire editors note —But, like (Joi
■Jlarper Hamilton, as we didn’t
D-oxi the money we didn't care
tniogot it.
Oh ! Mill, my soul tracks thine
Though long leagues intervene.
There s naught, thy love, and mine
Can ever come between.
So fair it is, so sweet
>■ rom Paradise a dower,
Thai Angele coma to greet,
And smile upon the Hower.
,'lksof immortal birth,
And brings an angel shine
What recks it of the ear’ll
With lineage divine.
So bound ess and so great,
It spans the world like air,
So holy is its state,
'1 hat God himself .eemstlere,
sty own I cetne to thee
Though long leagues intervene
Through dark and storm and sea
My soul to thine doth lean.
Ethel hilltek Hakhih
Tha gentleman who cant see the
Hustler of Rwa’ co ore is act a
subscriuer, and is color blind —be-
The joke of the season: A man
has been found in Rome who says
‘the Hustler of Rome will have io
show its colors.”
Professor Edward Orton, an Ohio
geologist estimates that it will take
1000 years to exhaust the coal field
of that State.
Fifteen candidates for Mayor in
Augusta -.Augusta has water power
and municipial fun. again we say
Dam the Etowah.
The nautical tenor striking the
high C. Augusta News.
The naughty—cal tenor —Striking
his wife the treble, for an X.
Madeline Breckenridge Pollard
loves her “Willies" $.'5,000 too well to
become an actress. Madge is laying
the wires for the new trial, if it is
Under the rotation system it is
Bartows, time to name the State
Senator. Trott out a rock ribbed
democrat gentleman and Floyd will
do her duty.
It would never do fur sister
Lease to go to Macon this season
tor the Macon Base-ball ganders
are in the goose egg business
world without end.
The wages of sin is, according to
Juoge Bradley,s court, $15,000,
—Augusta News
\ i y th its only a single payment
on the installment plan.
If Trouble was extended that cour
tesy of the law that is due a’ 1 wives
the divorce courts would be flooded
with buisness and the growlers would
become grass widowers.
Gen. Gordon is still lecturing. It
would be all right if he could and
would leave power of attorney with
Mr. A\ alsh to vote tor him in the
Senate.—Augusta Herald.
Since Max has been “muzzled’
the most active Evans man in the
city is Max's rival. Col. David B.
Hamilton. The Colonel is leading
a forlorm hope and leading it gal
Ohio has lynched a negro for that
crime which always brings death at
the hands of the Caueassion. Ohio
ha« done well—let the Governors of
the States offer rewards for the
lynchers if they choose.
A woman wearing a $l5O seal
skin cloak swore,■tin a New York po
lice court a few days ago, that she
was starving, and that a man to whom
she owed a small sum of money was
about to take away her grand piano.
Mr. Charles M. Williams has
purchased The Acworth Mineral
Post, and will here after edit and
publish the same. He announceo
that he will make the paper an
"interest ng one to everv citizen.”
Col. Bill Glenn, the “space kill
er" of the Atlanta dailies, is skeerd
—so badly skeerd, in fact, that he
aomes out and declines to run for
Attorney general—ship. Now
let that other Atlantiau, the gen
tleman on Peachtree Street who is
running on his war record go and
do likewise—and much will be
forgiven .
Sometimes a fellow “in the swim”
Plays “duckirg” with a scamp,
Ami when they write his epitaph
They addfinancial cramp.
Abuse of Northerners who have 1
settled among us will not have in
fluence even with the old soldiers
Most of llnm are too 'brave and
manly to harbor sectional preju
dice for a third of a c.utury. —
Oglethrope Echo.
We would advise Hartsell to take
a day off and read up on Atkinson's
record as a Democrat and statesman,
before be applies such loving epithets
to so pure and honest a member of
the party, and, by the way Hartsell,
take about thiee weeks off and see if
you can find any trace of that thing
that can't have a gostjbecause it never
existed—viz: General Evans’ Demo
cratic record.
The Evans papers are full of
congratulations each t® the other
over the fact that the joint deba e
“are done, are entirely done.” But
all these consolidated congratula
tions do not begin to compare with
that deep feeling of intense relief
that permeates the bosom of Gen
eral Evans.
No misstatement has ever been
made by the Atkinson papers
about General Evans but that
they were the first to make, full,
fair and fearless correction—but
gaze on the other picture and read
columns of the “Me too” press and
see how they emulate the exam
ple of their leader in the Macon
Telegraph episode. Be fair, gentle
.men —if you can.
Did Crisp’s declination of the
Senatorship annuli Gov Northeu’s
declaration that he would not be
a candidate for the long term?
That is a question many are ask
ing.—Oglethrope Echo.
Whats the difference? Governor
•‘General” Northen “spilt his gra
vy” during the Waycross war
and the greasy spot it made was
only about 2 by 4. Your Uncle
Gus Bacon is going to be the suc
cessor to Pat Walsh. “Mark that
p redictiou.”
The following clipping from
the Columbus Herald is a sock
Oue Cain—not he who slew his
brother—the editor of the Chat
tooga News. publishes this para
The Columbus Herald places
the Hustler of Rome in its list
of dailies who are supporting Ev
ans. That is a fair sample of the
wild and reckless assertions made
by the Evans papers. Certainly
some of them are not worshipers
at the shrine of the Goddess of
Cain was a member of the last
Legislature, we believe, and is a
small scale politician. But this s
no reason why he should try to
misrepresent a great and good pa
per like the Herald. Editor Cain
had every facility for knowing
that the Herald did not claim
that all the.papers in the list we re
supporting Gen . Evans . On the
other hand, we stated that the list
was incorrect and incomplete, We
invited corrections in case any
paper should be put down wrong.
Cain is most likely a hypocrit.
Now here is an example of a
great and good paper, to-wit—the
Columbus Sunday Herald—pub
lishing a list of Evans papers
which it knows and admits to be
incorrect, and includes in that list
The Hustlbr of Rome, the most
aggressive and widely quoted At
kinsen paper north of Atlanta.
The claim that The Hustler of
Romb was supporting Evans, was,
we think, a wild and reckless as
sertion, and the fact that the Her
ald publ’shed the list knowing it
to be incorrect, proves that its
methods are careless, if not reck
less. But we feel disposed to for
give the Herald for calling us a
“hypocrit ” more especially as the
walking between here and Colum
bus is bad ; besides the price of
coffee is advancing, and ammuni
tion is scarce. So, we shan t order
“pistols and coffee” for two. We
can t afford it.—Chattooga News.
It don't hurt a man like be
called ‘a small scale politician,’ when
the caller is knave, fool or stranger
enough to suggest that the editor ofi
tire Chattanooga News “is most like- ,
Iv a hvpocrit.” A num wl o knows
Cain, and then makes such assertions
will have no trouble in establishing
a pedigree that will trace back to An
nias and Sipbira. We • are glad to
know that Cain has consented to
H pare such a blue b ood of the stock
to—the side that needs him.
Every now and occasionally the
“fresh’’ correspondent of the At
lanta Journal g*ts in his political
work —for instance in reporting
on Tuesday the proceedings of the
doings of the Democratic executive
committee of Floyd county, on
las; Saturday, he says. “General
Evans has a majority of the com
mittee as his supporters.”
The reporter had no right to
make this statement, which is
false to the heart. Why even Max
Meyerhardt th« papa of the Max
Meyerhardt Evans Club of Rome,
has admitted that a majority of
the executive committee is for At
The Atkinson people of Floyd
have no lavors to ask at the bands
of the Evans pe> p'e but in courtesy
to common decency we do demand
that so far as tlrey can they should
see to it that their own reporters
stick to fact and tell the truth.
—■ — ■. ..
News comes from Atlanta to the
effect that a SIO,OOO purse has been
raised to secure the nomination
of Col. Atkinson for governor. —
Brunswick Times Advertiser.
“News comes 'from Atlanta”—
indeed, and do you stuff the peo
ple of Glenn county on such ‘news’
as that? Will you give the name
of the author of this bit of Atlan
ta “news?” Can you name the an
gel of truth who concieved th is
item of “news?”
Os course such a slander did not
eminate from the hearts of chil
dren of purity who form the At
lanta ring nor did it come from
those boomers who stand in with
the Peachtree Streeter now run
ning on his Atlanta Citizenship
and his war record.
“News” indeed—why that item
i was hatched out of whole cloth
I and sent forth on the to de
tract attention from the Evans
Campaign Club fund and such
roving Atlantians as Frank O’Biy
an .
What does the Journal and Con"
stitutioa think of “Come down Mr.
Atkinson,” being able to raise
a campaign fund of SIO,OO0 —in
Atlanta? In all sincerity, boys, we
honestly believe you fellows could
come nearer telling the truth,
than you are doing, if you would
only try harder.
If every man who knows how to
run the goverment, Presidents busi
ness and all, could manage success
fully his own private affairs at home
what a country this would be, —Ogle-
thorpe Echo,
Chas. A. Lewis, a drummer, died
a - the Markham, in Atlanta one day
last week of acute alcoholism—Chat
tanooga News-
Floyd county’s committee decided
on Saturday to hold a primary on
Saturday, May the 2Gth, aud vote for
every candidate from governor down.
The Hustler of Rome says the execu
tive committee stands ten to six for
Atkinson and thinks the county will
go the same wav. We are afraid none
of these things will suit the Atlanta
managers of Gen. Evans.—Griffin
Clark Howell ought to offer him
self for governor it' he wants to rule
the State, instead of hiding himself
behind the ministerial p irsouage of
Gen, Evans. Clark is the power be
hind the throne already, He told the
general not to debate further with
Mr. Atkinson, and he obeyed.”
—Savannah Dispatch,
It is to be hoped that congress
man Maddox will have no democrat
ic opposition in the present campaign.
He has proven to be a watchful and
trustworthy official, and deserves to
be sent back. We hope no democrat
in this district is so desirous of a
trip up salt river as to oppose him
—Springplace Jimplecute.
T h | joint debates are over,but Mr.
Atkinson keeps ri ht on making
speeches, making friends and maki. g
his way into the gubernatorial man
ion.—Hawkinsville Dispatch and
Reports from all over the State
show that Mr. A kinsou is gaining
strength everywhere. The Democrats
of Georgia realize that they must
have a leader in the camiiaign who
can carry war and confusion into the
other camp, and Mr. Atkinson an
swers to the description.—Sjlvanii
The Constitution's correspon
dent at Jonesboro heads his re
port “General Evans is in the
saddle at last.”—"‘Mighty Gods
men of Jasper”—did General Ev
ans ever travel any othpr way in a
fight, except in the saddle? The
general had the honors of the wars
in which he fought. And now he
wants tbe honors of the army with
which he has not fought. Evans
has an Atlanta spirit when it comes
ta wanting the earth.
The Max .Meyerhaidt Evans
Club of Rome is a “lulu. ’ Afte ,
three months of incessant labor
the club now stands with about
250 names enrolled and its papa
and wet nurse “muzzled.” And
not a new name added in about
four weeks. And yet they speak to
us as “spontanwity.” If Max don’t
slip his “muzzle” pretty soon the
club will die out and its memory
become a laughing stock ghost.
Wake up, you hand full of demo
crats and bandwagon of “Jonahs’
—wake up and seek the field
your chief needs you.
Col. Donnethone has invented a
new magazine gun for which he
claims the following advantages:
Greater penetration, lower trajec
tory, increated storage capacity in
magazine, quicker action,
simpler construction, light-
er and cheaper; aud it must b?
admitted that the test to which the
weapon has been subjected were
well sustained. An important f? -
ure of the gun ip that the center of
gravity is preserved whatever the
condition of the magazine. As will
be seen the gun pcsesses advan
tages which will be highly appre
ciated by soldier and sportsman.—
London court Journal.
Inflamed itching, burning,crus
ty and scaly skin aud scalps of in
fants, soothed aqd cured by Johi
son’s Oriental Soap. Sold by D-
W Curry Druggist.
It will be an, agreeable surprise to
persons subject to attacts of bilious
colic to learn that’prompt relief may
be obtained by taking Chamberlain’s
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme
dy. In many instances the attact may
be prevented by taking a dose as
soon as the first symptoms of the
disease appear. 25 and 50 cent bot
tles for sale by Lowry Bros. Drug
gist. _
Fine Virginia Natur
al leaf tobacco 15cts.
per pound, at P. L.
Turnleys & Co Central
Hotel Block.
We have no Soiled
Drummers Samples to
offer our customers,
We only handle Clean,
New Goods, We sell
at lowest cash prices.
Something before never attempt
ed by a Rome merchant. How can it
be done? This is the way: Abel Lloyd,
ever ready to-give his customers the
best goods for the least money, bus
secured controll of one of the fimst
brands of Grated Pineapples, bou 'ht
in 25 case lots, aud will furnish it to
his regular customers at only 10c a
can, really worth 20c.
Next week for great
bargains at the Rome
Millinery Bazarr.
Mr. J . A. Duggar successor to
I • T. Connolly, is now in charge
o; that shoe business, and is offer
ing the public unheard of bargains
in foot wear .He keeps D. T.
Brown, the expert shoe man, wit h
the business and will certainly
entertain you when vou give him a
call at the old—Connolly stand
Fahy s charm in l, TdtT'
are not hanging fi rb) bu *
like hot cakes. 01u g
Made of Gluten Graham FU .
wholesome and nutrici<m o r 5 11
yspeptics, Brain workers J 7 for
contains the phosphates ’ ai ? dr ® n
nos the wheat. For Pa ] e a J d B lu
222 Broad SI. Ja "‘ i 8 0“
X” Beard,
Lewis Barrett?
old stand
Re Commßu dJohn SO u’ B M,, M|j
Oil for rhoumatiam, ‘
sprains, bruises, lam,
quickly relieves pain ’ 1
“Orange Blossom.” the Com ttoa
Sense Female Remedy, draws out
pam aud soreness. Sold by Ha m .
mack Lucas & Co,
Application for Homestead I
Georgia Floyd county: I
T. R. Mothershed has applied for E I
of personalty, and setting apart au i valu l
of homestead, and I will pagg ui.onthe iail " I
(10 o’clock A. M. On the 21st day ~f Al nl “ I
Instant) at my Oiiico. I
John P Daris, ■
Ordinary Floyd suuntj, I
Mrs. Ida Va idiver having applied for C, Mr . I
dianship of the persons and property of Linton I
Mi chell Vandiver and Janies Then.v al „. er ■
minoi children of James T. Vandher late of ■
said County, deceased, given thusaid ■
application will be heard at my oftice a t B ■
o’clock am„ on first Monday in M av next. ■
This April sth. 1894. M
John I’ Darts H
Ordinary and ex mH. ia Clerk CO ■
4w. H
Mrs, Sallie F. Turner having app:i,,| m lui . ■
dianship of the persons and pru; ■
Fleming Turner and .11.111. Mair: :
nor children of J. Walter Tiirm-r a:.- ..f said
tamnty, ileeeasvd, notice is giw: ~.
plication will be heard a' niy ■ :! .-J
a in., on tha first Monday in my i.vxt, Rus
April G'h. 18'a4
John P. Dark
< trdinary and ex ofti. in Clerk C.O.
4-w or 31-d
Hoad CitatiftL H
Georgia, Floyd County :
Mil.Te.l-. T. J ' . .’.t>
oi r;.,y u i ■,,-nity. < .rri.i f-.r - iBH
l’.a-s l orry road a Idne,- . ' SB
the easr side of Z. T. ■ *
In i i HMg
reviewers: fli is is to 'r''ify all n'tii.m 1
t here! r. oil to tile the S.une wi:!i - < -■ JBM
C''inmissioners at tliei: r.-gn - J SKI
first onday in May, ls:4, MM
Witness the Hon’. John C. I' -r - MM|
This March 7th,1814.
3 7d-3O d Max M< yeriiar «.
For the finest Teas an ' “I
ll 1-eiw .mil io pi i.’r 1: I - B
those ;it 1.1 y.l sl'.ti ;i
i:e trial to be couviuci■!.
Try Turnl—’’s
Rheumatism '■ ■£
gia, Sprains,
Bruises, and P“ 3
any part of the b o
limbs, for sale byr■
Turnley, druggist
( nJ i ■
Book Bind®
I have added to mJjj«
Office a Book Ji
with everything nt ■■■• ~ >a '.
business, and in char 7 t p' ]t? rr
petent Book Bindel u
20 years experience. •> ..*
and miscellaneous J
in every style. PaP?
blank book nian--‘ ai
lettering, etc., dont * P r Jfc:.
reasonable prices- . ,
to have a trial orde
who have been sending
such work. ,
Fletcher Siinf
240 Broad ■