The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, April 19, 1894, Image 3

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kluster of bulls eye shots. ~s s b ' llerkno ' nl “ u ‘ peg ’ , tou«. i«‘" Bping ~e; ' L- J"' l * B ““d daughter, N.« tie. The family ie domiciled cell at the county Hotel, Jess raised a. row Xt ** hotel service. He c am 1 f or permission to chase him : fXud .be corridere of th. „1 and e«ore that he »«e cooped Rolens .bat bis wooden leg was tiff. *** John Starling, the talking bird ofthe .veil known law firm of En plg<fc Starling, is one ot the cheek pt members of the Rome bar. He came to me this forenoon and requested me to say to the lawyer who had borrowed hie 1< th South Eastern Reporter, that he, Starling wished he would return it. My readerswill understand the “cheek’ o f it, when they learn that Col. Starling represents a client who is suing The Hustler of Rome for $3,000 damages —and this "libra ry of his, this 17th S. E. P. is the seurce from which he must draw his law. Notwithstanding our own predicament we deeply sympathise with John in the loss of not only his entire library but bis “report er” as well. «** I clip the following from the columns of the Brunswick Times advertiser of yesterday and pub lish it here to show how popular Charley Underwood is even ifi the uttermost parts of the state : ‘•Col, Chas W. Underwood is spoken of as one of the legislative candidates from Floyd. Col. Char ley has many friends'in this sec tion who will be glad to see him win.” * * * Dr. Felten returned to the city at noon today. He reports his fa ther considerably improved and expressed a belief that he would recover. The old Doctor is one of the most wonderful men and unique characters in the state to day and a host of friends in Floyd wish him a speedy and full recov ery. Dr. Felton returned to his fa hers bedsid 3 this forenoon. HIS FIRST BIBLE LESSON. I'-acher—James, who made you? James—Aw, git out 1 You ean’t guj me; I ain’t no Indian cigar Sign 1 1 was horned in de Sixt’ ard, and me name ain’t James, neider. Ijistgiveyou de tip. Me name’s Chimniy, see?—Truth. ■'Will there be politics in Heav en? asks a contributor. No, the B ** takes care of his own.—Au gusta Newg. The people are going to elect W. ■ Atkinson, governor—General , Vil OWe hope, will reform and yet be saved. A TITTLE GIRL’S COMPOSITION A little gi-1 wrote the following " tupos.tion, and it comes to us of the Early County News: are meu that have not got J J| g as their papas, and girls are °ung women that will be young When Sod lo'<k»d ' an b he said to himself:’Well guess I can do better if I try G< B n-? nd theU he ma d* Eve. Adam thatuh ****** thaU mT “ are trouble Th Boys everything h 7 Weariu ß ou wav h„ fS UtSOa P- Isl had my would h U the ,)9yfl lu thfl world -l\ b :s:i lheother haif that I guesHh ’ 1 3 Papa 18 SJ Ulce little gIT w *T 1 haV6 beeU a boy.” eu he wa » » little Hav ~ ~ " lea ®t of bL.r? • a,tended the gret the Parks a ' vait y°Ui let another dav tOCk ls U3t dot V Sit to this PaSB Without A G °, boughs the Kale Ba9B Br< greatß acJ fice at ß * a ?y articles wa above coet - ,j u afford to mi 3 ow c °st can not. t 0 miss it : we thiuk THT TP.4 Y THEY'RE PUT UP, Sin sealed gloss vials, is enough in itself to recommend Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. It keeps them al ways fresh ami reliable. You can’t be sure of the big, old-fashioned pill* in wooden or pasteboard boxes. But these little Pellets are better at every point. By their tonic or strengthening effect on the lining membranes of the intestines, they increase tho natural action of the bowels, and permanently cure Jaun dice, Biliousness, Dizziness, Sour Stomach, Indigestion, and conse quent stupor or drowsiness. There's no disturbance, no reac tion afterward, and their help lasts. One tiny granule is a gentle laxa tive; three are cathartic. I They're the smallest in size, the f easiest to take, and the easiest in the way they act. They’re the cheapest, too, for they’re guaran \ teed to give satisfaction, or your F’J / money is returned. Nothing else can be “ just as good.” Tricky dea’ is always have •4- /jf things to urge upon you which are Z /i-'j, better for them to «< ■', but bad for 4> ' you to buy. Hundreds of eager buyers at feuded the sale of Parks & Co, stock by Bass Bros, & Co. last week, the sale will continue through this week follow the crowds. Nine ot every ten ladies who go out to buy stylish milinery find just what they want at The Rome illinery Bza r. Found: One set gold rimmed eye glasses. Owner can get same by calling at Hustler of Rome of fice and paying small reward to finder. We'are selling and proposeto continue selling millinery at lower figures than any so called “at cost ‘ house in the city. We have the goods and prices. The Rome Millinery Bazar. An immense line of “Drummers samples”]ust received and now on exhibition. Beautiful goods sell ing at less than wholesale prices. The Rome Millinery Baza ar . We have a large and handsome stock of New and Stylish Milli nery,and will sell same at lowest cash prices, A. O. GARRARD. For seeds of any de scription, and of the best varities, call on P. L. Turnley &. Co. Central Hotel Block, FRESH GOODS AT A REASON ABLE PRICE. The following goods have just arrived at Lloyd’s Fair were bought in such quauities as to a'- low them to be sold for less than usual prices: Large Fat Mackerel 10c each Ylagle Milk, direct, factory, 18c Fancy Teas, all kind, 60c lb Coffees, fresh roasted, 2.5 to 30/. Fancy soda crackers 10/ lb, Finest cream cheese 17/ lb. Vegetables always plentiful. INDUSTRI AL INSURANCE. In the closing days of 1893 one of the most astonishing achieve ments in the history of life insur ance was announced by the Me tropolitan Life Insurance Compa ny. The company’s “Weekly Bul letin” bearing the date of Decem ber 30 made public the fact that. during the last canvassing week of 1893 the agents of the Metrc pohtan turned in no less than 80,- 361 applications for new policies This is almost a larger number ot applications than ’he biggest of the giant companies writing regu lar life insurance receive in a whole year. When, in October last, the Metropolitan’s agents wrote 68,000 applications in one week, it was supposed that the high-water mark had been reacned —even in the Metropolitad’a busi ness But on the very next trial the record is carried beyend the 80,000 mark. NOTICE. Floyd Superior Court, March Term 1894, 4 n 80 ) Application to ad C. a. Allen, J. dopt an unknown S.V. Allen, j child. To any and all persons concerned. You or either of you are hereby commanded to be anp ppearat the next term of Superior Court to be heldon the 4th Monday- in September 1894 to show cause if any you can. Why the application in the above stated case should not be granted and in default there of the same will be allow ed witness the Honorale W. m. Henry judge of said court this 13th day of April 1894, Win, E, Beysiegle, Clerk of Superior Court Flovd county aa. Citation—Leave to Sell, GEORGIA FLOYD C OUNTY : To all whom it may concern : Thomas F. Gar roll Administrator of Isabella Carroll deceased has in due form applied to the undersigned for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased, and said application will be heard on the first Monday in Mav next. This 6th. day of April 1894. John P Davis Ordinary. THE HUSTLER OF HOME, THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1894. CITY LICENSE NOTICE. All persons, firms corporations, companies and agents for same, doing business of *ny character whatever in the city for which li cense is required, are hereby noti fied that license for the fiscal year is due and required to be paid be fore or on the first day of April, 1894, and do person is allowed by laws and ordinances to carry on business in the city without ob taining license for same. Call at once at the Clerks office in the City Hall and pay your li cense. By order of the council. Haleted Smith. Clerk Council. For Sale Cheap : One Barlock or Caligraph type writing machine in perfect order. Address “Postal’' care of Hustler of Rome, 4-16-6 t, Money to loan: Apply to J. H. Rhodes at the office of the Rome Mutual Loan Association. 325 Broad Street. 4 12 3t. Wanted:—A second hand en gine, about 15 or 20 horse po v e Apply to or address Rounsavill Bros. 4-3-ts. Rome, Ga. Wanted—Two live men for In dustrial insurance good pay and promotion sure to right parties. Address, C. Care Hustler Office. anted: —100 Weavers, bring sample of your handiwork and ap ply at my office. J. Lindsay Johnson. 335 Broad Street. for rent, Two comfortable tenement houses five rooms each on 4th Avnue for rent cheap. Can if desired be converted into one very comfortable house. 3- W. Hoyt. NO BUGS. New cottage for rent, on West First Street next to Mr. George Chidsey. Can be had at a low figure. Apply to 1 w. Luke McDonald AGENTS make five dollars a day. Greatest Kitchen utencil ever invet ted. Retails 35 cts. 2to 6 sold in every house: sample Postage paid five cents. McMAKIN & Co. DRESS MAKING. Mrs. J. W. May is now ready for spring work. Dresses and chil dren’s especially Curtin and fit ting 50 & 75/ 504 Broad St FOR RENT. One nicely furnished room, pleas ant and airv. enquire, 233 Broad St. ts ’ LOST. One pair gold rimed eye glasses on lower Broad street or Main St. sth Ward, will reward the finder if delivered at this office. NOTICE. All persons who are indebted to us will please call at our office at once and pay their accounts or ar range for payments. 2w H. B. Parks & Co. NOTICE. The public is hereby notified that I will pay no bills contracted by my son, Pierce Roser, either on verbal or wriien order. P. D. Roser. 4- NOTICE.- All accounts not settled by the 15th, will be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection. Hammack, Sucas & Co. NOTICE. Attention of all persons is called to the city ordinance which re quires bogs to be removed from the city limits after the Ist of April of each year. J. B. Shropshire, Marsha 1 . Year's Support. GEORGIA, FLOYD COUNTY: To all whom it may concern : Notice is hereby given, that the appraisers appointed to set apart aud assign a year’s support to Mrs. E. R Payne, the widow of Samuel F. Payne, deceas ed, have tiled their award, and unless good and sufficient cause is shown, the same will be made the judgment of this Court at the May term 1894, of the Court ot Ordinary. This April 2nd 1894 John P. Davis Ordinary Floyd co. aa. SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION AT DALLAS, TEXAS, MAY 1894 My I) ar Brother: Having decided to attend the iux’ meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention at. Dallas fexsß, in May next, I have select ed the following route, viz: Rome Railroad, W.& A., N. C. & St. L I. M & S., and T & P. Railways via. Chattai-,oogoo, Nashville, Memphis, Little Rock and Texar kana, and would bi pleased to have my friends join me and get together a nice party sufficient to justify a special car for our own use. , As many of the party would like to visit, the famous Hot Springs ofArkansas, on the return trip, am pleased to advise that a rate of sl,lO has been made from Malvern to Hot Springs and re turn also a special rate at one of the leading hotels at the Springs of $2 50 per day. Now in order to perfect my ar rangements, would request that all who wish to join me in the trip would send in their names as ear ly as convenient. Yours truly, R, B. Headden. SOUTHERNBAPTIST CONVENTION. Dallas Texas May 11-15, 1894. The Rome Railroad will sell round trip tickets from Rome to Dallas Texas for $23,50 only one fare. Tick ets on sale May 7- 9th inclusive. Good returning 20 days from date of sale For any other ingormation Call on or write to C, K, Ayer. G. P. A. BAPTIST CONVENTION Dallas Texas, May 11th to 15th 1894 One fare for the Round Trip, The Western & Atlantic R R, and Nash ville Chattanooga & St Louia Ry. have arranged a delightful trip for tte Baptist en-rout to Dallas to at end the Annual Convention in May, Special train will leave Atlanta 8:20 P. M. May, Bth in charge of Mr. J W. Hicks. The route will be through Middle Tennessee, and the finest por tions of Arkansas and Texas. Side trip has been arranged from Malvern over to Hot Springs at round trip rates of sl,lO if you desire to go to Texas this will ne your very best opportunity to do so, during this year. The rates are cheaper and the accommodations will be better f han will be offered at any other time. Fbr further particulars, write J-W. Hicks, JH Latimer G’P.A. Atlanta Ga. G T. P. A. Or Atlanta, Ga. C E Harman G. P. A. Atlanta Ga. Our better halves say they could not keep house without Chamber lain’s Cough remedy. It is used in more than half the homes in L-eds. Sims Bhos., Leeds, lowa. This shows the esteem _ w iich that remedy is held where it has been sold for years and is well known. Mothers have learned that there is nothing so good for colds, croup and whooping congh, that it cures these ailments quickly and permanently, and th it it is pleas ant and safe for children to take. 25 aud 50 cent bottles for sale by Low ry Bros. Druggist. 7r.mii'.i:t;iumi.m.i'.'i;;m:m.....n iMuAiiMnm a?" r' F 4 - i ’ KEEP II 3,/ ? I|COOj L |i 1 And it will Keep You Cool 1 r Drink you thirsty; when you s S are tired : wb i you ar overheated. When- S 2 everyou f-elthat a h Htr ing temperance s “ drink will do you gM>d, drink I HIDES’ I j J = A 25c. pkg. makes 5 gallons. Sold everywhere, g E Bend 2c -stamp fur beautiful picture carda and book. S E The < him. E. Hires Co., Philndelphia. 3 e JAPANESE •7™s I I JK* CURE A New and Complete Treatment, coiiHisting of SUPPOSITORIES, C>ip<ules of Ointment and two Boxes of Ointment. A never-failing Cure for Piles of every nature and degree. It make* an operation with the knife or injection* of carbolic acid, which are painful and seldom a permanent cure, and often resulting in death, unnecessary. Why endure thia terrible disease? Wa guarantee 6 boxes to euro any case. You only pay for benefits received, fl a box, 6 for $5. Sent by mall. Guarantees Issued by our agents. rnNCSTIPATinN Cured. Piles Prevented, vvlvOl Un I IU is by Japanese Liver Pellets the great LIVER and STOMACH REGULATOR and BLOOD PURIFIER. Small, mild and pleasant to take, especially adapted for children’s use. &J Doee. 25 cents. GUARANTEES issued only by Hammack Lucas <& Co. MILL* We Mean Business Cal! snd get our Prices Before Buying we are Selling, SASH DOORS and BLINDS. FLOORING, C KI LL NG .MOULDIN G B ALLUSTB ItS and RRACKETS AT BOTTOM PRICES. ALEXANDER & HUME The Oostanaula Steamboat and Trading Company CALLS THE ATTENTION OF MERCHAATS, That we will run our Steamer Tony, on regu’a trips to Carters, every week. Ship what you can by us, Give us your orders for all Kinds of Country produce Chickens. Eggs. Corn. Hay. Batter. Bacon, Fruits, Dred, Wheat, and all Products of the Country. Geo W. Trammell, F. B. Holbrook, NEW CENTRAL HOTEL NEW MANAGEMENT NEW FURNISHINGS N. M. GOMEZ Proprietor. RENOVATED THROUGHOUT ALL MODERN’ IMPROVEMENTS ELECTRIC BELLS ELECTRIC LICHTS. [Oil U U It LI O'Neill Manufacturing Company, TELEPHONE. 76. fMm cam DENTISTS. f A. WlLLß—Dentist—2oßl-2 Broad scree l J B over Cantrell and Owens store. ATTORNEYS. -maxSieyerhardtT Attorney at Law. Office up stairs in new Court House in rear of Superior Court Room, JAMES H NEVlN—Attorney at Law Oltic Poverty Hui poscothcj coruor 3rd Avenue CHAS. W. UNDERWOOD—Attorney at law Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga. REECE <S DENNY—Attorneys at law. umo in Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga. WW. VANDIVER—Attorney and Conn B sellor at Law—Rome, Ga. WH. ENNIS— Jno. W. STARLING—Ennis & Starling, Attorneys at Law, Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga. fel>23. WH. SMITH, Attorney-at-Law. Office io . Masonic Temple, Rome, Georgia. * fel>32tf WS. M HENRY, W. J?"NUNNALLY, iT J. NEAL—M’Henty, Nunnally & Neal- Attorneys-at-at Law, office over Halt Davidson Hardware Co., Broad street, Rome, Ga PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. DH. RAMSUR—Physician and Surgeo- Office at residence 614 avenue A, Fourtr ward. LP. HAMMOND—Physician and Surgeon- Offers his j rofessional services to the peo pie of Rome and surrounding country Office at Cronch and Watson’s drug store, M Broad street. DR. W. D. HOYT—Office at C. A. Trevitt drugstore, j’o. 331 Broad street Telephon 110. residen »a. No. 21 DR. C. F. GI'IFFIN-Physician aud Surged —Office n«> r Masonic building. Resident* 300 4th ay aue. HOWARD E. FELTON—Phvslcian and sui geon—Office No. 6 Thirc Avenue, At office day and night. Telephone 62. Frank A Wvnn, Physician and Surgon t office at Tre-. itt iY Johns >n drug store Telephone 13 Residence 406 Second Ave. Prompt a' tention given all nrofessinn 1 call FETCHING PRICES. Fancy Mocha and Java coffee < 2 / ib, Good tea 30/, fancy tea 50/, beet 60/. Finest grated pineapple 20/ can. Beet Rolled oate a package Price’s Baking Powder 40/ lb. Imported Sardines, key, 12/. Extra fancy lemons 10/ dozen- Soda 5/ lb. Matches 10/ dozen. Best goods only. Lloyd’s Fair ifov Malaria, Liver Trou oJ s, or Indigestion, 11 s< 4 BROWN'S IRON BITTERS # ... "X § forsßcts.; “ KR3K: aifloa SS In Postaw, we will send fa Z A S&mple Envelope, of eillier 5 J iviiii:., i i.i.srs <>r nniM.riii 9 fa —OF — fa nozzoNit < miet I m You have seen it advertised for many fa 7 years, but have you ever tried it?—lf Z JU hot,—you do not know what an Ideal ■ f Complexion PowUer is. / H POZZONI’S M / besides being an acknowledged beautifler, Z 3 has many refreshing uses. It prevents cbaf- ■ / ing, sun-burn, wind*tan, lessens perspiration* X etc.; infactltlsamostdelicateanddesirable ■ y protection to the face during hot weather. 7 It Is Sold Everywhere. ■ \ For sample, address 7 1 J. A. POZZONI CO. St. Louis, Mo.ll \7>>. xCZ jir~ jr BEOSSOM is as safe and harmless as a flax seed poultice. It actslikeapo’d. dee, drawing out fever and pain, ind curing al! diseases peculiar O ladies. “Orange Blossom” is a pas tile, easily used at any time; it is applied right to the parts. Every lady can treat herself with it. Mailed to any address upon re ceipt of si. Dr. J. A. McGill & Co. 1 Panorama Place, Chicago, IU» Sold by D. W. Curry, druggist