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About The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1894)
TIST BARGAINS J. KdTTNERS •*»* Z' Dry Groods, Car- Clothing and Fur* nets, <N Mattings, ni shing Groods, i Curtains & Shades Shoes and Hats After two or three days spent, in sharp shooting and skirmishing be tween Chas. D. wood and myself lam happy to announce to the public that "Wood has capful ated and lam in charge- I bought ihe (STOCK FOR SPOT CASH & AT SUCH A DISCOUNT tTHAT I SHALL BE ABLETO OFFER GOODS LOWER • THAN EVER BEEORE, I feel that I have some reputation for selling bargains- Mly business motto is, Buy a bargain and keep it a bargain. It is unneccessary to attempt here to tell about what kind of goods, Wood carries i ’ BEE! WAS -A. SHREWD BUYER and knew the wants of the people. The stocK consists of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Trimmings, Silks Satins, Velvets, Satteens, Percales, Calicoes, Ginghams, a large stock of Domestics Hamburg Edg ings & Insertings, Laces, Notions, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Fans, Gents Furnishings, Hats, bhoes Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloths, Lace, Curtains & House Furnishing Goods &c. &c., come to my store N 0.238 Broad St where 1 shall be very happy to meet & greet you and will see that you are cour teously and kindly treated and above all seet hat yOu get BARGAI NS. All are cordially invited to I come. Thankful for past favor, lAm Yours To Serve. J. KUTTNER. Will have additional heip to wait on and serve the trade. I LOCALS. Dr. J . C. Reese, of Reeseburg, is in lhe city today. What is Ronie going to do about a big 4th of July celebration this year! i Have you returned your person al property for city taxes. Miss Laura Moore, the charming daughter of the best sheriff in Georgia goes to Livingston tomor row to spend a week with frie ids. New style clothing just received at W. M. Gammon & Co. ts The Rome market is now well supplied with both salt and fresh water fish. Papers may come and papers may go, but the Hustler goes on forever. A protracted meeting will begin at the Second Baptist church, of which Rev. IL D. Gilbert is pastor on the fifth Sunday in this mouth. Stylish neckwear, underwear for spring wear, at Gammons, ts. L“ts all attend the revival at the First Baptist church tonight a 7:30. Everything at your own price at the Rising out sale of Reese A Whitehead'. The stock goes at auc tion on May first. Dr. A. W. Wright, of Cave Spring,is in Rome to day. Dr. D. G. Hunt is going to re build his house on Second Ave nue, which was burnt recently. W. M. Gammon & Co. are ready for business agaiu, and can furnish you with anything in their liue, in latest styles and lowest prices, ts F. E. Adomson has accepted a I traveling position with one of the largest Shoe Manufactures in New England and leaves on Monday, for a three month tour in Texas. Mayor R. T. Fouche returned from Atlanta last night. Work on the King building is suspended for a few days on ac count of delay in arrival of the stove for the front. If you are willing to be sacri ficed on yourcounrty’s altar at the capitol in Atlanta, hold up you r hands. The receipts of Gov .Bob Taylor’s lecture last night was 180.00. There was a pleasant dance at the armory of the Light Guards last night immediately after Mr Taylor’s lecture. It is reported on the stree ts to day that Rev. Win. Murdoch, the able editor of Rome's new daily, The Evening News, will possibly be compelled to retire from the journalistic field or give up the church. The report has it, that Presiding Elder Pearce has the molten in hand and some definite decision will be reached at an ear ly day. Col, E C. Blackwell on« of Anniston leading young attorneys is in the City, the guest of mayor Zeke Treadeway of North Rome New style straw hats iu great variety at Gammon’s. ts WANTED—A good route boy. Apply at this office tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock. Clothing of all kinds, made to order. Splendid line of samples r ady for inspection . W. M. Gammon & Co. ts. , Fi ’7'.*''- *LleXey Hattte ’' I ■; I <■* L, £ G i fin.'! at 1 lu.-.v W nu ll Li [-■T* “ W J -Ut pH);;. „( pfcr . ilLJli ’J V-;.. ij went » Kt*. |A !j,v -v* B. M. W< •< 1.1. EY,M I>. Officeluv. Whitehall Hfr Mi 010 If C ißu] klan 11* I I oetp.-m Book of rr ■C liiVHLi f t;ca.i..r«teut fh£ M. Woolley,fl. THE HUSTLER OF ROME. THURSDAY APRIL 19, 1894 “SILVER CREEK” RIPPLES. SILVER CREEK, APRIL 19TH, ’94. Local Dets not very numerous this week. We are longing for the picnic season to come around, and it is time now to go fiishing. Now' that the fruit crop is killed we’ll have to resort to the good old watermellou. Is there a man in our midst who has not been to court, or be fore the grand jury this week? Quite a number of our young people attended the Singing at Seney las Sunday, and all report a glorious time. Dr. J. N. Cheney is having a new fence put up around his h«us b which adds greatly to its appear ance. My wife has been busy this week planting gourd seed, says she wants enough to go round. Mr. Ben Griffin left yesterday for Manchester, Gi., where he goes to build some bouses. The first Friday in May has been set as the day for the people to meet and clean off the Ceme tery at Pleasant Hope. Mr. Dau W. Barnett is wearing a broad smile this week over the appearance of a new comer at his house. It’s a girl. It is rumored that there will be a Sunday school picnic here, on the third Saturday in May. 8it...... ” fig Letters of Adrtii (listration. GEORGIA,FIoyd County: To all whom it may concern: Samuel Pyle having in proper form applied to me for per manent lettersot administration on the estate of John F.Landrum, late of said county. This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of John p. L,audrumtobe and appear at my office within the time allowed by law and show cause, if any they can why permanent admiuis tion should not lie granted to Samuel Pyle on John F. Landrum’s estate, witness myhand ami official signature this 2nd. day of April 1894. John P. Davis Ordinary Floyd I ounty. Letters of Administration. Georgia, floyd county : To all whom it may concern:—H. 11. Ware h . .ving in proper form applied to me for perma nent letters of administration on the estate of A. a. Ware, late of said county. This is to cite all a> d siugu ar the creditors amt next of kin of A. a. ware to be and appear at my office with in the time allowed l>v law and show cause, if they can. why permanent administration da bo nis non with wil. annexed, should not be grant ed to 11 H Ware on A G Ware's estate. Wit ness my hand an.l official signatvre this 2nd day of April 1894. John P. Davis, O rdinary Floy d County. Letters of Administration. GEORGIA, FLOYD COUNTY : To all whom it may concern:—S. D. Camp hav ing in proper form" applied to me for permaent letters of administration on the esta e of H. M. Cam ■, late of said county. This is to cite all and singular the creditors ai d next of kin of H N. M. Camp to be and appear at my office with in the time allowed by law and show cause, if any they cau, why permanent administration should not be granted to S, D. Camp on H. m. Camp’s estate, Witness my hand and official signature this 2nd day of April >894 John P, Davis Ordinary Floyd County For the fiueat Teas and Coffees at a reasonable price none can excell those at Lloyd's Fair. Only give them ne trial to be convinced. Try T urnley ’s In salable Liniment for Rheumatism Neural gia, Sprains, Cuts, bruises, and Pains in any part of the body or limbs, for sale by P. L. Turnley, druggist. Letters of A 'ministration Georgia, Floyd County: To all whom it may concern: Samuel w Guv having in proper form applied to me for'per manent letters of administration on the estate of John F Anderson, late of said county This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next ot kin of John F. Anderson to be and ap pear atmy office within rhe time allowed by law and show cause, if any thev cau, why per manent administration should not be g-rauted to Samuel W Guy oi John F, Anderson’s estate W'tness my hand and official signature this 2nd day of March 1894. John P. Davis, Ordinary. Warters “Extra Good” for sale by all cigar dealers. “Orange Blossom’, is a painless jure for all diseases to women. old -esh by D. W. Curry Druggist A nice G room cottage on East First, street, at your own price by caking on A B. S. Mosley. Fine Perfumes, toilet soap comb hair and toM.b brushes, free powde andtoiktait les at cut prices a the assignee s sole of Reece& White head. 3-12 Our big stock of new goods have arrived and are on sale and exhi bition. No larger stock of millinery has ever been brought io the city and we stand ready to compare bills and to challenge < u compet itors to show their band. We are in position to regulate prices— come and see us. The Rome Millinery Bazaar. WANTED. A good, reli able and energetic Agent to represent 'The Massachusetts Mutal Life Instrance Co,, in thiu city. Reference required address Horty and Apple Gen eral Agents lor Georgia Sa vannah, Ga, Executors, Sale. Agreeable to an order of the Court of Ordina ry of Hoyd county ;will be sold a auction at the Court house <loor|atCalhoun Ga Con r.'v of Gordon on the first Tuesday in April next, within the legal hours of sale : The following property to wn all that tract of land in the 14 District and 3rd Section of originally Cherokee now Gordon County, known as the Printup f arm lying on the East side of the Oostanaula Ri-er about (3 links west of Calhoun and known as lots two hundred and ten (21°) two hundred and eleven (211) and two hundred and twenty two (222) and three parts of lots lying on ihe East side of the Oostanaula River, known as lots two hundred ?s?s tW^l e(2 , l2) t ', wo hund red and twenty-one (221) and two hundred and forty eight (248) con -111 a a ’ ,l,ut seven hundred and twenty (720) acres more or less, together with Ferry and Ferry road sold as the property of Henrv S. Printup late of County of Floyd, dated. This Ist day of March 1894 * John C. Printup Exec or of Estate of ll.Printup Dec’d. Notice of Dissolution. We take this method of announcing that the law partnership or & Smith has been dis solved by mutual consent. The business »ow Included 1 * ,ln “ Wi “ be Pr ° per,y cared for . M . r ,' De ?, n h ? 8 formed a partnership with his brother Mr, J. E. Dean and thev will practice under the firm name of Dean & Dean. aVlr -formed a partnership with his ’ 'V2 h « m H - and wili prac tice under the firm name of Halstead Smith & Son - Very truly, L. A Dfan. ] Halsted Smith. 1 Those who never read the adver tisements in their newspapers mis more than they presume. Johnathan Kenison, of Bolan, Worth Co., lowa, who has been troubled with rheu matism in his back, arms and shou ders read an item in his paper abou how a prominent German citizen Ft. Madison had been cured. He piocured the same medicine, and to use Lis own words: “It cured me right up” He also says: “A neighbor and his wife were both sick in bed with rheumatism. Their boy ™ over to my house and said they were so bad he had to do the. cooking. I told him of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bow it bad cured me, he got* a bottle and it cured them up J D1 week.” 50 cent bottles for sale o Lowry Bros. Druggist. We have just ireived an stock of beautifully assorted and *• test stjles in fashionable miUeyeiy. Goods now on exhibition, call* 11 inspect. The Rome Millenery Bazaar. Nice line pattern hats and bonnets W’ll., 86 * 1 at lowest cash prices* A. 0. GARRARD Genuine large isd onion buttons can Hotel Block. Next week for bargains at the Ro Millinery Bazarr. The Metropolitan Life of New York is now actively at * in this City and Territory a J ordinary & Industrial The Industrial feature * r J whole families from the year old to the parents oi r . The small weekly this feature of life oC c ."1 securing indem nity w e and is easily kept pai ° n of the easy weekly P^ eD * A enables whola fannl* 8 to j urance eee? jE