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IflE urn OF ROffi.
Wuaxilt th* Rome post O .ce a» “tlr»tcl**»
BecoirtlAnAßi* Mali Matter.
PHIL G. BYRD, [ Mai in gel.
3 tent * week or $5.00 per annum
'PFICE Corner Broad Street and
r,lv v, t, tflh Avenue .
Official Organ
Os the city of Rome. and Foyd, the
“Banner county of Georgia.
“The man whose business is to
interpret the Bib; ? is likely to
»ake a sad mir-s of interpreting a
platform “ —[Atlanta Journal, hv
jei organ. ]
Tall'ftfero count}* goes four to
aue for Atkinson.
Atkinson carries eight counties
Sv the General’s six.
Talliaferro, four to one for the
rhampion of Georgia Democracy.
The land slide —don’t slide any
3oore than the spontamiug, spon
tei-n s.
In the shuffle, Dr Carlton seems to
hare been lost some where—ls he
jlffl in the deck?
Ttbat avalauch "f counties has
wet’ been launched to dute. W ill
taey ever b •?
The leaders in Floyd are rush
mto print, truely the faithful
sr» afraid of a stampede.
Will the editcr of the “Jonah’
f&je for the nominee? If he do he
smash 1 is own record,See?
Tha Atkinson procession has the
•jpAjut way in Milton, and don't
yos so-jet it. —Alpharetta Free
As goes Chatham so goes the
State. Chatham will go forAtkin-
K>3i .'i.v.’Lim.h Evening Dis
When the test is over the world
will see that Georgians are for a
Georgian more than they are for
*i> Atlantian.
The Evans Boomers may claim
Ibe earth but they have not been
getting over half the counties in
Ceurgia. See?
“Richmond’s six.” while con
tested, have already been over
«cme. Now let Fulton slip in and
<tur caper.
Air. Atkinson has captured
'tight ccunties out of the “Evans
ilide” while the Atlanta Ring has
©nly saved six for their candidate.
Gen. Evans will have to carry
ten counties to Mr. Atkinson's
three, if he carries the one hundred
ffwuntiet that he claims.
Grover Cleveland is out snipe
hunting—but its not the first time
fox Grover. And he makes it a rule
Sc-'. 'he “other fellow” hold the
Says Editor Doolan: The wire
section is against the preacher
jtutesman who only takes an interest
in political affairs when he wants an
It is costing the Atlanta ring a
~ile of money to keep about half of •
iLe promised avulanch of counties
Juned to the spehtainous pitch of
the tune.
From the information we have
seen able to gain, it will be close
in Franklin, with the chances in
Atkinsons favor.—Carnesville Tri-
the Executive committee of the
:ey3r E.aus club propose
to vote the unterifia I voters of Floyd
tonnty— bat they will never succeed
“mark that prediction.
In the great war of the angels
Lucifer was banished from heaven. <
Therefore it stands to reason that ]
matches are not made there any I
tawre. —Ghattooga News. I]
The Evans men say that Mr. At
kinson will not carry 38 counties.
And yet out of the first fourteen
counties, tho young champion of
the wool hats carries eight.
How many big jobs have been
promised to the Evans leaders in
Floyd? Not more, perhaps, than
have been promised to the leaders
in every other county in the state.
Where is the Evans club of Sa
vannah? The influence of the
morning tariff •reform-except-for
rice organ evidently choked toe
i baby at its birth—Savannah Dis
i patch.
M ill the * Jonah” the nom
inee? In view of the Jonahs record
we propose to have a promise befora
i ballot is cast. If the Jonah votes
I for the nominee he will break his
own record.
D'spite the undemocratic meth
ods of Richmond, and the flooding
of Telfair funds, Mr. Atkinson has
divided evenly the “land slide
votes and captured eight out of the
fourteen counties.
The Evansites claimed Talliafer
ro a week ago and the Atkinson
people had it marked‘‘doubtful” —
, but the wool hat voters of Tallia
, ferro knew w hat was what and
voted like free men.
Do the Evans people ever think
I of the insult of the Primary in
Meriwether county. Atkinson git
every vote. Will Gen. Evans carry
a county by primary with such a
I “Spontaneous” vote?
, Gen. Evans said once upon a
nme that a hundred counties had
) called him —had literaily asked
him to consent to be elected gov
ernor. Oh, General, where are those
counties at?. —Dublin Post.
Floyd was “seven to one’’ for
Evans when the fight opened. Now
the leaders are claiming that the
changes are all for Evans and
that “he will! carry Floyd county.’
But he wont—“ Mark that predic
How about that SI,OOO that Ev
ans contributed to the fund that
his Atlanta supporters raised.
What is done with such large
campaign funds? Are they used to
purify politics?—Columbus Ledg
General Evans contributed SI,OOO
to the Atlanta Central Evans club
corruption fund, and while it last,
his ring of political wire workers
will make the spontaining spontaiu
and carry the counties at the rate of
“six eut of fourteen.
If, as they claim, all the “kussin
men” are for Atkinton. then he is
elected and he may thank Grover
Cleveland for it, for truly Clevelands
policy has made the democrats “kuss
very much* many oi the Evans lead
era of Floyd will now jine us.
The “spontaneous movement”
which the Evans papers have been
talking so much about must be at
a very low ebb when it takes a big
campaign fund and a halfdoien
Atlanta lawyers to try to keep it
above the surface. —Adel News.
The Atlanta Boodler is abroad
in the land and the corruptional
ist is getting in his work. All the
same \V. Y. Atkinson will get
enough ui.purchasable votes to de-
I feat the Atlanta Ring and its can
didate.— Mark that prediction.
Perhaps the Constitution will
read us a verse or two on the ac
tion on the executive committee
ot Dodge county. They are Evans
people au<l they propose to hold a
‘Baldwin—primary,” making ev
ery body vole in the town of East
wan. That's democratic, aint it?
What a pity that Mr. Atkinson
cant make a few more speeches. It
helps the (Evans) cause mightily ;
—Augusta Chronicle.
Suppose the Chronicle persuades
the Constitution into the notion,
of making General Evans meet At
kinson in a few more joint de
bates. You are a beautiful set of
lulus, aint you?
A p’rfect surprise.—“ Are you |
hap 1 y?” Spirit (through medium)
—“Perfectly so.” Friend—“ Can
v ou state what has pleased you
'most since you left us?“ Spirit—
“ The epitaph on my tomb stone.
It both amazes and dslivhts me.'
Street car Driver(to passenger):
“Why don’t you put down that
heavy satchel? You’ll break your
back holding it up.” Passenger
(recently imported from Done
gal): “Thun little harses has got
all they can do to dhrag this big
kyar an’ the load that’s in it. I'll
carry the bag mesilf.”
“The lb raid would like to s e
some politician with baokbo io
enough to repudiate the disgust
ing and, in one or two instances,
the sacnligious methods employ
ed by newspapers purporting to
be their most devout champions.
The idea of a paraphrasing the
the words of that beautiful song
s>as to make it read “All Hail
the Power of Evans’ Name, etc.”
It ie worse than sin.”—Albany
No Democrat has ever been more
bitterly opposed by the Atlanta poli
tician than Bid Atkinson,
Atlanta hss opposed a few men
that the people wanted but like Bill
Atkinson the peoples choice has al
ways ‘ got them ”
There is no lacli to the effrontery
of the Atlanta Constitution, as this
bold expose of the Evans methods in
its own columns shows:
‘’A correspondent wants to know
what is really meant by saying’ the
vote is on the market ’ Well, in u
year when cash is scarce it means one
gallon of molasses, six pounds of side
meat and a jug of blind ‘tiger.”
It must have taken a great deal of
tong sweetening, ice cured bellies
and moonshine to carry Telfair,since
the boodle agent had to telegraph for
SIOO more besides the amount he car
r< id with him.—Griffin News,
A Lot of circulars critcising
the 'egisla'ive record of Hon. W.
Y. Atkinson are being circulated
in this county, which seems very
unfair. Mr. Atkinson is too well
and favorably known in this coun
ty to do him any harm here. It
does seem that if charges were to
be made against him that it should
have been done during the jwint
debate. Our people are intelligent
enouph to think and act for them
selve’s and are not led by every
campaign dodger.—Fayetteville '
A lot of these same “circu'ars”
have made their appearance in
Floyd and are now being issued to
the “faithful.'’ Let every wool
hat voter who reads the “Artful
Dodge-’’ remember that it was
printed in Atlanta after having
been compiled by some rascal!}’
politician who is too much a cow
ard and a knave to attact his name
to it.
Let no wool hat voter be hood
winked by such anonymous trash.
But remember that the Atlanta
ring has pitted its own and SI,OOO
of the Rev. C. A. Evans money
to carry enough counties to put
the Atlanta candidate in, Shall
they win? Vote as you feel about
Lookout for the Campaign dodge:
The Executive committee of the Max
Meyerhardt Evtyis Club have issued :
heir Manifesto. They charge Mr. I
Atkins m with every thing they esn I
concoct that is calculated to injure'
him. As to the falsity of the charges!
see first page this issue.
pre “« e l Jlean, l “ r ,n, ’ T oU ’ Softens and !
te&W* 8 k Mew and ral, not j
Hon W Y. Atkinson wasamem
bar of the Dgislatuie from Coweta
county from ISB6 to 1894. Hon.
C. A. Evans was State senator
from Stewart county in 1859—G0.
He re are the records the twomen
made, by which we impartially
judge their character as statesmen.
1 Introduced a j Voted to allow
biil which ' vfts banks to suspend
passed, to make specik payment
the office ot com- when there was
missiouerof agri 110 panic,
culture elective I
2 Introduced the
bill establishing o , T , ,
° 2 V oted > i »i
he Georgia Nor i . .. ,
. ish all laws
nml and Indus-
. . .. agamai usury,
trial senool tot' ° J
g’rld j
> ih .'l dra wj 3 Voted to par
1! ‘1 ’’ " llc 1 don a worthless
the state road an j co jj blood
betterment (pies Lj murderer of a
tion was bPtt ' llia n who was ex
with a sea mg jo, ;pcU (|g the law
the State ot siso
4 Introduced a
1)111 ,’ b ‘ cb ."““j 4 Introduced a
passed, by which bi|| (0 |)o|lih
the slate ieannu tmi ,
ally saved $15,; J
000 for the in-:
spection of oils.]
o Aided to in-l ,5 Voted to re
crease the com— p ea i a t] Jaws ap
mon school fund p ro „ riat j D g mou
rora $400,000 tn py or aid by th
1 250,000 P er j State to educa
annum. ,tional purposes
6 Aided to in
crease the Con-j
federate soldiers
ai d soldiers wid, 6 Voted against
ows t pensions allowing Confed
from $19,000 an-'erate privates to
nually to $460, choose their own
000 annually. ‘officers.
To the voters of Floyd county,
I hereby announce myself a can
didate tor the office of representa
tive of Floyd county in the next
Leg’slatnre. My candidacy sub
ject to the action of th-’ democratic
primary to be held on May 26th.
Moses R. Wright.
To the voters of Floyd county, 1
hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the office of Representa
tive in the next L>g slaiure, my
candidacy subject to the action of
the Floyd county Democratic pri
tnary to be held May 26th,
C, W, Undsß voo D.
Hustler of Rome: —Please an
nounce my name as a candidate for
the next Legislature, subject to
the action of the Democratic party
at the primary election to be held
on May 26th. Respectfully,
R. T. Fouche
■ Hustler of Rome : —Please an-
I nounce my name as a candidate
forth • next Legislature, subject co
action of the Democratic party at
the primary election to be held on
May 26th. Respectfully,
John H. Reese.
To thi voters of Floyd conn tv. 1
hereby announce myself as a can
didate for re-election to the office
of representative of the county of
Floyd, subject to the action of the
coming democratic primary.
W. C. Bryan.
. {ill
..ills 1
The Great Health Drink I
f-’ie, sure and reliable. Always on
time. A pleasure and a delight. 'Com- ’
, fortaoie, enjoyable.
t beer
A 25c. pkg, makes s‘jallene. Sold everywhere, I
Sciml J-, namp for t eautiful picture cards aud book. '
I'hi t :i:i>. L. Hires < c,., Phil ul: Iphia. I
New Arrival of Nab
by Pattern hats just
received at popular
prices. A. O, Gan-ard.
Stylish shapes in
dress hats come and
price them at A- 0. Gar
Lanham & Sons are
stiil at the old stand
236 Broad St-, selling
first class 1-2 gallon
f cs Cream Freezers at
Sheriffs Sales ForJune.
krgia—Fl <yd County.
Will be sold before the C urt house door
tn the Citv of Rom e,Floyd cuur.tyGa. between
the legal hours of sale on the Ist Tuesday 1U
June, 1894, the following describi d property to
—ae undivided half interest in part of lot
No. 24th district and 3rd Sectian Floyd Qo,
Ga, Adjoining laud« of M-irk Taylor, near Shan
nun Station on the E. T. V. & G, R. K. about
seven miles north of Rome, containing 40 acres
more or less, andon west side of said Lot
and of eq tai width across. Also one undivided
half interest in City lot, in the city of Rome, on
wnat is known Sevier heir lot, being lot No 9
fronting on Se-’ier St, of survey made by Hines
M Smith, fronting 77 1 2 feet liy 2il feet back
towards right of way of Rome Railroad. Ihe
above 40 acres, tract above referred to is now
occupied by Mark laylor as tenant. Lived on
by virtue of a mortgage flfa issued from the
Floyd Superior court io favor of file Southern-
Banking and Trust Co., Transferees, vs John
C. Priutup as the property of the defendant.
Also at the same ti ne and place, East half of
lot No. 2(1 in the 22nd, District and 3rd, Section
of Floyd county Ga. Levied on by virure of a ti
fassued from the p'li.vd City < ..urt in favor of
I iioinis Fliilpot vs. ,M. J. Bobo and William
Ricuardson, As the porperty of the Defendant.
Also at the same and place all that, tract or
parcel of laud situated, lying and being In the
23rd District and 3rd Section of Floyd Co. Ga.
containing one fourth ot an acre off of lot es
land No. 253 in said district and section bound
ed on North by property < f Cetia Young. East
by Line Street,' South by the property of I Hom
as Rawls, west by rtltilf street, Levied n by vir
tue ■ f a 11 la issue from the Justice Court of the
9Uith Dist. g. M. in favoi of S;F. cr ne vs
Jim RaWis and Ellin Rawls as the property
otjiiii Rawls one of the Defts. Levy made by
W. I’. Mcl.i-.d L. C.
Also at the same time and place, all that tract
or parcel of laud lying and being iu the tiosta
naulr division of the city of Koine Ga. know on
the plan of said city as lots Numbers 56 and 65
ot said division being the place on which ilie
sain w W. Seay re idea ou 31sc day of Decem
ber iS»9 and formerly known as he Vliet prop
erty, Levied on by virtue of a ti fa issued from
the Floyd superior Court in favor of Rome Fire
Insurauce Co. vs. W W Seay as tne property
of the Defendant.
Also at the same time and place, a parcel of
land situated i , that part of rioyd county Ga.,
known as ••New Rome ’ „eiug part of laud lot
No 357 in the-3rd, Distric. aim 3rd section of
said County, and described as follows: Begin
ning at the intersection and Southwest comer
ot Tennessee Avenue and Seventh street, and
running along said Tennessee Avenue South,
deg, 4.> iniu, west a distance of 226 feet,
thence due west 152 feet, thence South 5 deg,
West 202 feet, thence South 84 deg, 30 min. West
bo feet, thence South 3 deg West 237 feel,
thence Nortn 82 deg, 30 mm, West 70 feet
tuence South 5 dag, 3 min, West 786 feet, thence
West 1 deg, South 660 feet thence Norm 26 deg',
3 > min, East, 1782 feet, wuh the line of the Fur
nace Companies property, to a white oak tree
thence Sou'.fi 6 ueg,4o min East, 310 feet along
Seventh Street to ttie begiuiiug corner con
taining 17 acres more or less. Also that part of
.a id in lot No. 307 described as follows: Be
ginning at a point 950 feet due South from the
Northeast corner of lot No. 357, thence running
cue Smith along the land line between lot No.
35. u...i
due Wu . a distance of 1,000 feet to Tennessee
Arnone, rneuce along said Avenue North 6 deg,
45iuiii, East a distance of 810 feet to Holders
corner, thence South 83 deg 15 uiiu East 159 1-2
feet to als feet ally, thence along sain ally
f orth 6deg, 45>uiin, East, a distance of 250 feet
to Cedar Street, thence along said street North
44 deg, 15, a distance of 270 feet, thence
South 75 deg, East, a destance of 570 Jeet to the
beginning corner containing 22 l-2acres more or
less reserved in this parcel of land is the right
of way of the C. K. C. n. K. siding t** Fur
uace and the right of way to the Rome St. R. n
running across one corner, Levied on by virtue
of a mortgage fi-fa issued from the Floyd Su
perior Court, in tavor of J. King vs. New Heme
hand Co., as the property of the defendant,
Also at the same time and place, the depot
building and ground upon which it is located,
the same being known as the Rome R. It. de
pot, property in the city ot Rome, Ga., a>.d ly
ing .mil oeiug bel-veen Ist Avenue in said ci.'y
and the Etowah River and near the foot of
Broad street, .he building on soi-i land being a
twostory onck building and ware house ad
joining. Levied on by virtue of a ii-ta issued
: rom the Flov u .superior Court m f-vor ol Ahs
oactie Barnett vs Tti Rome Kail ftoad Co.,
as principal, and John H. Reynolds and W. w-
Brooks asSecuri.ies on Supersedeas Bond, as
the property of the, Co., profierty
pointed out by vV. U . Brooks.
Also at the s .me time and place. No. 39 Doc
tor’s phaetou, having one inch st. el axels, pat
ent wheels, No. 7 tilings, shafts, lull leathei top
leather dash board with silver plated rem rail,
lamps on dash, tender trimmed in green leather
and gear painted dark green, same as described
in the within li-fa. Levied on by virtue of a
mortgage li-fa issued from the Floyd City
Court in favor of tue Milburn Mgf. company
vs. C, Hamilton, As the property ot the defend"
Also at the same time and place, one house
and lot adjoining the town of East Rome said
lot fronting 55 feet on spring Creek road and
running back 155 feet to property of Crockett
Campbell, bounded on the East by property of
Eliza 1 inner,and < n the West by Sarah Horton,
deed undeivideu one half interert. Levied on by
virtue of ati fa issued by John J. Black, Tax
Collector in lavor of State and Co. vs.lvlahala
and Lucy McCain as the property <’f the u< I.
Also at the same time and place, Robert I’.
FowelTs distributive share in the lollowmg de
scribed lauos, devised to tenant for life, vizjlot
of land No. 257 in 22nd District and 3rd Section
in Floyd County Ga., containing IGO acres more
or lessanduhat part of lot of land No. 248 on
the East side oi Spring Creek, exce Hing that
part below the grist and saw mill on the East
side ol Spring Creek, containing 120 acre
moie or less, said lauds more fully described m
deed from J. J . Cohen to George W. I’owell
ami recorded in Book W. Page 69 record of
deed in Clerks office Superior Court of Floyd
County, Ga., Levied on by virture of an at
tachment issued from the Floyd Justice Court
ot the 919th District G, M. in favor of J. A.
Bale vs b. F, Howell. Levy made by H. Beard
L. C.
Also at the same ttine and place, part of land
lot number two himdre i and eight(2<B), the
same being a portion of the thirty three acres
sold by J. A- Stansberry to Ledbetter, Ragan
and others and k< own by them as Fairview
i.roperty, a map of which is of record in the of
fice of the Clerk of the Superior Court, FJovd
county Georgia, Book “K. K” of deeds, page
186, the property here advertised being accord
ing to said map. Lots no. seven eight amt nme
(7,8 <& 9,) each fronting fifty feet on Rlmdv St.
and running back same width in Northeaster v
direction, one hundred and tit
ty feet] to an ally and lots numbers fifty
four (54) fifty tive (55) fifty six (56) fifty seven
(57) and fifty eight (58) each fronting titty feet
on Stanberry Street and running back sane
width in a South wes ernlv direction one hun
dred and fifty feet to an alley, and lots number
one hundred and twenty two (122) am' one hun
dred and twenty three (123) fronting fifty
feet on Stansberry Street, and running back m
a Northwesterly direction, same width one
hundred ami fifty feet ’o an alley allot said par
cels of land being in the 23rd. District and 3rd
Sect, of Fl yd county Georgia, andLevid on by
virtue of a justice < ourt ti fa in favor of cash
er merchants National Bank. vs. J r Dupree as
tlie property ot the Defendant.
J’keC. Moore, Sheriff
Notice 18 hereby given that
Saturday May 2Gth. 1894 there win,
he held at the City Hall in Rome |
Georgia an election for councilman
from the Second Ward of said city
to fijl the vacancy caused by the
resignation of councilman M. G.
McDonald. By order of counci
this May loth. 1895.
Halstead Smith John D. Moore
Clerk of Council, May or
16 to, 29.
A neA/ line of men’s
Tan shoes at Kuttner’s
Shoe Store.
Application for Letters of |r
miss 5 on L "
GEORGIA-Floyd County '
Whereas James w.
Aflrs, M irtha E McGee, represems' t Trustee,.
m his petition duly tiled t |,. t i,I .’"the ~ u L f
tered Martha E McGee’.estate 8 ft*
all persons concarna i. kindred knJ h * ” ite
show cause, if any thevean Uv dcre,lit ' l « h
should not be discharged from hi« *, a “‘ tr W«
and recetvo letters of dismiss!.?.! 8 trust «estiin
Monday m July 1894. This April^d'!^ B
John p Lavi. ’
Ordina-y Floyd
Application for Letters ot
GBORGIA,—FIoyd County :
Whereas Mrs. R. A. I’. Whit* v
Nancy Prentice <u> ( ’<l. represent , ;‘/ trix . o
in her petition duly tiled, that i the . c °ur
tered Nancy Prentice's estate. Thi U>a(in“uis
all ersons concerned, kindred ;u H i !!}?• cite
to SIK.W Cause, if any they can. why
trix should not bo discharged from h,.? u
istration ai.d receive letters of
the first Monday in June 1894 This m!? 1 . 0 ’ n «
1894, • ’ -«4rch
John i’. Davis
Ordinary Floyd County, Ge ( ,' r .. ia
Letters of Administration,
, Georgia, floyd County :
To all whom it may concern :—W H Cnt.
inz in proper form applied to , Ker “ av ‘
letters of administration on the est i <-!?u aent
E Towns, late of said county. Tiii, ls drv
amt singular the creditors and nexr nf
Mary Towns to lie amt a> p -ar at mv mii.* 11 ’- " f
in the time allowed by 1.,!, and show
any they can, why perm meat admiiiil I lf
should not be granted to the County
some other fit a id puoper person on Marv w'
Town’s estate, Witness my hand and'
signature Hus 7th dav of |\jay ti- q al
John P, Davis
Ordinary Floyd County
Application for Letters oi
Georgia—Floyd County:
Whereas EL Bosworth, administrator s
•Ins T Vandiver dec'll representsto tlieceurtr
his petition duly hied, that he has aduiiuiitiiS
James T Vandiver’s estate. This is to cite !ii
persons concerned, kindred amt creditors n
sit w cause, if any they Can, wliv said admi’ui,
trator should not be discharged from his admin
istration and receive letters of disruissiou ,1’
the first, Monday in Aug. 1894 This Jlavism
John p. Davis
Ordinary Floyd County Georgia
Application for Letters of
Dis n'ssion.
GEORGIA Floyd County :
Whereas VI. A. Nevin, Guardian of J.hnwv
ly Snider, represents to the court in his petition
duly tiled, that lie has administered John Wv
ly Snider’s estate. Tins is to cite all persons
concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause
if any they can, why said Guardian should not
be di charged f-oin his Guardiannhip and re
cieve letters ofdisuussion on the firs- Jlmdav
in June 1894. This May 7th 1894
John P. Datis,
Ordinary Floyd County,Georgia.
Year's Support,
GEORGIA, Floyd County:
To all whom it may concern : Notice is hereby
given, that the appraisers appointed to set apart
ami assign a year’s support toPatience rTiiuiu.
the widow of wm V Timms decease", havetiled
their award, and unles< good and sufficient
c<use is shown, the sain • will be made the jud».
nient of the Court at the J tine term, 1894, .if the
Court of Ordinary. This M a y 7th 1894.
John P. Davis.
Ordinary Floyd county Georgia
Letters of Administration.
Georgia,floyd c< unty
Toallwnomit may concern:—Win. J. Gi
having in proper form applied to me tome
nent letters of admiuistrationde bonis non
will annexed on the estate of William T. G
dim. late of said county. This is to
all a <1 singu'ar the creditors ami next of i
Wm. T. Gordon to be ami appear at my '
within the timeallowed bv law ,md show ca i
they can, why perm meat adminntratimi de
ms mm with will annexed, s'muld not be '.ci,
ed 11 Wm T Gordon on Win E <T»riV>n‘v esta"
Witness mv hand and odl dalsi?natvra this
day of May 1894.
John P. Davis,
Ordinary Floyd comity
Mrs. Ida Vandiver having applied for Gnat
dianship of the persons and property of Lintou
Mi cliell Vandiver ami James Thomas Vandiver,
minoi children of James T. Vandiver late of
said County, deceased, notice is given that said
application will be heard at my office at M
o'clock am., on first Monday in M a . v next '
This April sth. 1894.
John P Davis
Ordinary and ex officio Clerk C 0
Letters of Administration.
GEORGIA,FIoyd County:
To all whom it may concern :Ennis shirliu
having in proper form tpp iedto me for pet- -
manent letters ot adininisi, ati ei on the estate® >
Jack Prior, col. late of sam c mniy. TlrinsW
cite all and singular tlie ereuitors and next ot .
kin of JacK Prior to be and appear at ml ,
office within the tim allowed by la"'ami show I
cause, if any they can wliv permanent aouunb
tration should not be granted to W. 11. I'- nuls
Jack Prior’s estate. witness my**
and official signature this 7th. day 01
John F. Davis
Ordinary Floyd County.
Citation--Leave to Sell,
To all whom it may concern : Audemoii u
son Guardian of Samuel ThimU'smi ■
Lucretia Thompson, minors has in
form applied to the un derel ,s n ®'L/of
leave to sell the lands belonging to ttieesi
said minors, ami said application
heard on the first Monday in June next.
7th. day of May 1894.
John P Davis <>r<’.i"hryj_
. ■, CtlAi’. If
UontlDlsed SlOi'y
©bout Bon Am.
mirrors, windows, marble
or slate mantels, brass
chandeliers, brie a ■
Bw M ®
Mr. Childs owner of the
restaurant 285 E’way and
33 Park How, N. i., says :
"I find Bon Ami gives a v •
brilliant polish to my mirrors
and that the brilliant effect
ver tains a long t>.ae.”
isbutskindeep. <"" f . ; ..“A
1 who have ref iar Jer.t-res >• ■ ■ t f O r«rf
jorded the pabno* beamy , .... '
complexion Toal.
qualities □uicr.’y Cha--*-
und florid x Vori to one <1 wa oiiy
and unbleniisli'a ~beaut>' « ; -anW”
Freckles, Black HemU ■ >> Actions o>
Tan, Kmoles, and all imt , } . c ,,«t
wkin. It is nol s cos St W ,h W'AJ
ter for the toilet table tlm> P 0” celpt
’V;««W^,crsen^^,P *