Newspaper Page Text
Mr. E. R. Pugh, hii Atlanta
gentleman who is well known h<T.i
is Autographed at the Armstrong
The North Rome Sunday School
will picnic at Popes Ferry next
Frank Edge, an old Rome boy
who is now located in Atlanta, wa*
in the city this morning shaking
bauds with his many friends.
Mrs. J. B. Carver is visiting in
Atlanta this week.
Mr. J. P. Holland, a well known
merchant of near Rome was in the
city today.
Mr. C, R. Newsome, of Colum
bus, Ga., is registered at the Cen
tral Hotel.
Mr, H. P, Bishop is in the city
Mr. J. D. Erwin, a pronient citi
zen of Washington, Ga., was in
the city yesterday.
Mr.S.D. Camp of the Fourth ward
lost a fine horse this morning with
blind staggers. It would be a good
idea for all owners of stock to look,
out for this fatal disease, as it is pre
valent,Mr. Camp desires us to say
that he would like tonurchase a good
horse cheap.
Meters o.D. Camp and family,and
W.L.Lanham, will leave in a week or
so for Johns Creek a ten days fishing
taip.Mr.Camp spent a we-k on this
creek last year and reports be a v< ry
fine sis iag giound.
Messrs. Frank Bale, Tom Ragan
Shubert Bumgartner and < liar he
G lliain left this morning tor up the
river on a camp hunt and fish.
Experienced paaties m certain lines
of business are likely in a mad haste
for news to make a blunder, imbar
jxsing for them to right. Such W a [the
ease with one of our smaller local
contemporaries several days ag<
when thay reported a certain busi
ness trade which had not been con.
su mated,
Mr. L.D. Webb' for nearly of
Rome* bnt now in Atlanta is register
ed at the Central to day.
The Cave Spring baseball team i P
registered at the centra'.
Capt. Phil G. Byrd is in Atlanta
to day
Frank Taylor’s Broad street
Barber Shop is the place of place.-
when you want your cheek mad l
clean, your chm curried or youi
hair slicked up according to Hoyle
Frank has only skilled artists,
among them that old reliable
kuighr of the rrzor. Lewis Barrett.
4-25 if
--Genuine large reo
onion buttons can be
found oniy at P- L
Turnleys & Cj Centra)
Hotel Block.
Nice new lot of sa.l
ors in Milan straws for
ladies an»l children A.
O. Garrard.
New style clothin just received ai
W * M Gammon <t Co. ts
A Os j
• iuk v» tai**-, b* • u.m - i •'.< ••••u. ' u..<•:<• •
• remedy f- r b...->u.M • J../ • •' ' .•«•*•« , •
• i ifItKMV, Cu....1», *i on>’ ;....,
• chronic Diarnio-a. Chrouic l.r - 'I x. .Me, Dl.v '
• betea, Db-urdt -r» d >n i . - otery, T
• Dvs-peps) i Ulema, Fla’uliuie. Com- 1
z Foul Braith,Heade« ht. Heartburn. Hivea, I
• Jaundne. Kian< y (. dnpiuidU, x-wr .uta, »
• Loh* of App-'tite, Mtn.ul Depreaaion, Nan sea, a
• Netti? Kaa;..f - <*»•» - • -’ 4
• t 01. Pimplo.j KUbll u£ blood •
• to tne Head.! Sallow
• pler.ion, Sa 1*» z fOAJ7RMMR Kheum, Sca.d J
• head, derof, ul>. ,rd<-k Head- •
ft ache,Skin Pit*-, ' ~<// ** r .
• Stomach Tired Feelin: r»<i ,
Liver, Ui< civ, J
• and every oth-» 1 ■ 1 to-.. <
JOl < ■•• __ _ _ .' r • fl I <
• ilUpulV . th . f
• a»»<-e of ♦heirfu*'-*’ s o > v <ranu 1
• i Per>«>’.iy w • over-<-fctnig*u< beix- i
i efitcd io takinir • >•■ »• • 't» • »•'’< h me: 1. A-
- conti , '>- ■ 1 v. h h tl'c >\ rest ft
ft i' coi tnin <
» nothing . irioUf io the moat deli’ ft
• cate J ••«- • ’ 1- r •s? f' ' ?-4 gr<»aa Ific., t
1> 1 1 gXX’bb !■ <• ‘H. ’ )O Umli DOFt.vX' wh’.. w
ft » H. v .v S T ttf BTP.AV* CHfcMJCAfe company. •
The Atkinson volunteers over in
Lee county have reported that Gen
r d Eva is It n a sister in the poor
home. The campaign liar generaly
gets caught up with. —Brunswi;k
YsmiltuH mu out to
be at Eva n m m an I a member oil
to, Atlanta ring rhey have toslali
der b lor Atkin.,on sople
“ l '“ 1 ’ _
hue Aibauy Herald, which persists
in remaining a disinterested specta
tor of the gubeuatorial contest, sees
no sign of a walkover as yet. it says ;
Not that the Herald c ires one
way or the other, but it does look
like Col, Atkinson is bolding ap bis
eml of the log pretty well to be op
posed by such papers as the Atlanta
Constitution, Agusta Chronicle At
lanta, Journal and tne Savannah
Morning News. The walkover that
they have been claimbing hasen’t
come along yet. ”
A JI W »
Rrr.mnt answer and an Vonest opinion, write to
1 UN N .t CO., who h. .ve bad nearly fifty yeah,
experience In the patent busitr V.. Communlca-
Hong strictly confidential. AI. andbuok of In
formation concerning Patents nd bow to ob
tain them sent free.. so a catalogue of mechan
ical and scientific books sent free.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
Secial notice In the Sicientitle American, and
us are broug’ *• wliio’y before the public with
out cost to the Inventor. This crlendfd paper,
issued weekly, elegantly Illustrated, has hr far the
largest circulation of any scientific work in the
world. A 3 a year. Sample copies sent free.
Building Edition, monthly, J'J.aQa year. Single
copies, ii.> cents, rvery number contains beau plates, m eol°rs, and photographs of new
houses, with plans .tabling nellders to show the
latest der’ers .-.nd sect.—>is.ntraets. Address
MU.NN X CO- Nbv “oiiK. S-*. 3mUVA»
•‘The best thing of the I Ind we have seen.’’-.
JV. K Independent. --_ rw - , -- rrTFU
5 Great Christmas Stories
“A Confederafc Christmas,” by Nina Fitch.
“Jimmie Daly's Christmas," by Edward Harrigan.
"Full Fathom Firs,” by Tom Hood.
“What Came ot a Surprise,” by Frani Renter.
“The Old Oak’s Last Draam,” by Hans Andersen,
the txvt n-rttem in the world.—“ The best stories
to ho found la literature. JVews.
“RriMANCF ” DOW in hs 4th vol i 18 8
nU m MI» U L., monthly tuecazme of com
Vletc stories by such writers as Ktpliitg, liobert
xuiis Stevenson, Rider Haggard, Ilret
Harte, Thoma, Hardy, Maurice Thomp
son, Conan Doyle, Olive Schreiner, Air
br«M Bierce, and all the other great writers u»
sltort BUmes. ♦
“ ROMANCE ”contains: Storlesof Adventuiw
and Love Stories, Tales of War and Tales o
Peace, Stories of Town Life and Storiesof Country
Life, Legends and True Stories. Mountain Yarns
anti Sea Tales, all having tins in common: that
they are clean ami vigorous. They have action
and life in them—tho kind of stories that have
t.iade the short story, especially the American
short story, tho most notable feature of moders
SPECIAL OFFER: To ’" v one who sen/
us the names of
readers of good fiction. Inclosing $1.50, wt will
send “ ROMANCE ” for a year, giving the special
Christmas Number free.
A “ Book of r'orty Stories,” selected from th
best complete stories in the world, by the greatest
writers, postpaid, 50 cents.
Clinton Hall, Astor I’lace, New York.
CLUB OFFER: (Send order to this office.) A
year's subscription to this paper and “ Komawcb “
rtho ChrLitmas uuiuber fr-ej will be given to
Conunu*.:c! uto*v <». L- n Arni.
Do you want io clean
bathtubs, pair.:, oidoth,
raucets, marble basins,
wood, ti'e or marble
hours and closets ?
OOH Mfbite
Mrs. W. of New Huven
"Bon Ami 1« the finest thinu
tor bathtubs, faucets a:r'
marble baaina I have seen.’’
• «<- . • * t k f«r ■ « ' -♦ •
■. , •< h • t K ' !•«.»• I «.1!l ■ •
i •> kj -■ "■: ■’" ■
-.•■,» 4 .3 • •
>».rrthi r r/ »» U.‘ . - •.? 14’. ’
<*. • \ ' • . 1 i fl. I ( A
, a kg?)-* p•’ *•*’ - 1 ' -imn
Wdigvrtioti, *n<l Stomach disorders, lake
All deal'll keep it, $1 per bottle. Genuine h»
tawlo mark and crowed red Imeson wrapw
Vu •'.•;• ;. t 3
” 4\U»U
• *• • un ; ?
| u\w 6p»r ' \ nr* <.*i
fc.»t i u •»
Try Turnley’s In
falable Liniment fori
Rheumatism iNeural
gia, Sprair.s, Cuts,
Bruises, and Pains in
any part of the body or
limbs, for sale by P. L.
Turnley, druggis*.
Oxford ties! Oxford
Oxford ties! We ar u
selling oxford ties at
A great Bargain, A, Bi
McArver & Co,
Mr. Jack Davis, manager fcr E.
E. Forbs music House, requests
us to state that he has moved his
stock of musical instilments, Bi
cycles and Type writers into the
Jewelry house of J. K. Williamson
at Allen & McOsker’s old stand.
He calls special attention to his
beautiful line of wheels and wil{ pleasure in waiting on you.
5 8 t su
Fine Virginia Natur
al leaf tobacco 15cts.
per pound, at P. L.
Turnleys &. Co Central
Hotel Block.
Alarge line of oxford ties at 50c.
a pair ,ut R. Abramson. 423 A 425
Broad St.
Dr. L. P- Hammond
has removed his office
to The Medical Build
ing, corner Broad
Street and 3rd Avenue
over J. T. Crouch &
Cos., drug store.
5 8 2w.
A lady at Too'y.i.La., was very sick
with billions colic when M C. Tisler
a pominent merchant of the town
gave her a bottle of Chamberlain’s
Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme
dy. He says s;ie was well fort,
mintes after taking the first dose.
For sale by Lowry Bjo’s Druggist.
A B. McArver &. Co.
are rushing out their
straw hats at a bar
“Orange Blossom’, is a painless
.cure for all diseases to women, old
esh by D. W. Curry Druggist
Stylish neckwear, underwea
o 1 spriugtfear, at Gammon s. t
Salesman Wanted; Free prepail
outfit, one of our agents has earned
over $20,000 in Tve years.
P. O. Box 137 , New York.
WANTED —A good route boy.
Apply at this office tomorrow
morning at 9 o’clock.
Go to A. B. McArvor
& Co., to get your Ox
ford ties and shoes at
a bargain.
We have opened up
a new store at 302
Broad St. Battey’s
Building, and will carry
a nice line of dry goods
notions, shoes, and
Gents furnishing
goods. We will make
a speciality of Notion*,
nd have <- ngaged Mr.
•L J. Holloway to take
charge of same. Mr.
Holloway has had sev
eral years experience
in the Notion business
and is a close buyer
and we can safely
promise the trading
people soiyp rare bar
gr ins. C i /e u > a call.
Yours truly,
Bee Hive.
Having been engag
ed to take charge of
the above business l
can safely promise
some big bargains, as
I havn had 7 years ex
perience in buyingNo
tians and having
bought from the larg
est importers and Job
bers, and got the very
closest prices and 1 am
now in ishape to give
the people the benefit
of same again.
Soliciting a share of
your patronage, I am
Yours Truly,
J, J. Holloway.
Ex- 1 0 center.
V. A. RHfcißY
Having purchased the entire
stock of JTnrnitnre from Messrs,
Hanks <Sc Roberts, and. consoli
dated it with my already large
stock I am now
A_nd am ready to supply your
with anything and everything
Business is business, and if you
can secure furniture now, that
you will bTty ] a ter on at regular ’>ri
ces and save from we nty to fifty
per cent, why
I respectfully direct your attention to the great
bargains that you know I must have secured
n the
Tneyare crowding my floors and must be moved
and I am going to move them and move them at
once. Tho first who come to lend me a helping
hand will pull in the cash,
"W -A..
Kinkaid C orner Eroa d S