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KuU-fd at the Rome post O *'Ce as •• first-clast
secoii<i-<2iBM9 Mail Gutter.
HULG. BYRD, { B £X“ d
0 cent a week or $5.00 per annum
fFFiCE - Corner Broad Street and
Official Organ
Cf the city <>f Rome, and Foyd. the
"Banner county*' of Georgia.
-r~ “ " '
“The man whose business is <'
interpret the Bibla is likely ’■
snake a sad mins of interpreting ;
platform “ —[Atlanta Journal, Ki
■DS organ. |
Oat meal is the national flour ot
The Cave Spring Herald is a sigh -
j ng’De mocrat
Those “100 counties,” Genera 1 ,
Ts iere are they ’ ‘ai 1
How much boodle has been
raised by the Evans leaders of
Does General Evans know in
which of the counties his SI,CJO
was used as a corruption fund?
Th» Second Avenue musquitov.
are arranging their bills and prepaii
jag to make a tar—if in musquito
These are the nights when the
small boy washes his feet in Oos
tiuiaula water and thinks —“Dam
the Etowah 1”
The fellow who has his glasF
house-smashed naturaly enquire?
into the source of the power behim
Vie thrown.
PerbapaHal Moore can tell m
“about tlntii hundred counties’
that “Uncle Clem ’ has been claim
ing. Where ase they “at? ’
The Constitution heads a spe
cial: “Truth about Telfair.” Th<
Constitution knows so little abou
*be truth that it can‘t 'Pel-fair.
Evans or Hines, the Constitu
tion cares but little —its Atlant,
and Atlanta man against the field.
She State and State Democracy.
The London papers spoke of Cox
ay as a congressman from Ohio. Hi.,
friends out in die Eigth district must
lave caught the cue, for they have
nominated him.
No Maud, you cannot sharpen ai_
old saw with a newspaper tile, but
many a newspaper file is made dull
fey the old saws that are found in it
Augusta N
Evans, “Boodle ”Spontain,“ Land
Siide ’ E ais clubs, —but when the
wool hats ra'y to tie ballot box
Democracy sets her condemnation
en such undemocratic methods-
Some son of a gnu stole oi r devils
axe aud now hiS ma is raising sand
because he doesn’t offer a reward for
its recovery. \A e have always admit
ted that our devil knew his business
“Do you know how beautiful you
are?” be whispered, as he clasped her
in his arms. Tt is enough if you know,’
she murmured, and dove head fore
most into his whiskers. .Detroit Free
1 x-ees.
A spanking breeze caught wel
astern, often begins a howling blast
when the kid lias been ketched navi-'
gating a fish pond instead of sailing
the sea of knowledge in the school
We had saved three pecks of lump
coal to fire at musical felines— but
have fired it at the present cold snap
instead. And now kold and koalless
we shiver while we listen to the noc
turnal warble i.
“Old Potty, the morning Jo
iiah” wants the County Democratic
Executive Committee called to
gether and do something about
holding Saturday’s primary. We
refer the belated “old sister” to
the news columns of the Hustler
of Rome. The Executive Commit
tee has neglected nothing.
Few indeed are the counties that
General Evans c irries, in wh ch Prank
O’Brien and Peniten liar aGuard
Storms do not acts as MascoteP.Grert
isAtlnnta democracy with its boode
From all sections of Floyd comes
cheering news. 'Hie wool hat boys of
the Banner county say they will not
be controled by the Max Meyerhardt
Evans club Executive committee,aud
its boodle.
Mr. Atkinson carried Meriwether
by a primary held all over the
county, and not a vote was polled
tor Gen. Evans—not one This is
hard for Evans men to believe but
its a tact all the same.
The great Napoleon said: “A state
is lost when a woman manages its
public a Tan a. France perished
through a queen. ’ —Many a dude
sols to capture a matrimonial fetd
because w» .im-ii(have sensetlike folks.
The Tribuns said that Bev.D.B.
Hamilton had the Evans fore"? wel
irganized in Floyd county. Next Sat
uday night Col. Hamilton will fin
t Jit-‘muzzle’ or no ••muzxle,”ho does
not carry Floyd county in his vest
It may not cost everybody boo
die who votes for Gen. Evans, but
here in Rome an Evans man, who
is able is waited on by the leaders
and is asked to “plank down” a
contribution. This is a beautiful
uprising of the masses.”
The Evansites claimed Gwinetf
aud Butts, and they did not get them
a little bib They claim Floyd, and
'here was a time when they had it
“seven to one,” they said, but Floyd
is now for, Atkinson by a big major!
:y—watch the Saturday returns.
The Beaver’s dam is constructed
in exact accordance with the best
principals of engineering, and is al
ways in width, both at top aud bot
tom, exactly proportioned to the
weight of water it is intended to sup
port. —A kolony of beavers are want
ed on the Etowah,
The “spontaneous movement’
which the Constitution has been
crying to work, is no longer de
ceiving the people as to the great
popularity of General Evans. The
figures are beginning to show up
now, and figures ore facts.—Co
lumbus Ledger,
All the money of tb 3 Atlanta
ring and all the liquor of the Gate
City,even though they be combined
and back the forces of an Atlanta
minister who runs on a war record,
cau't control the Democratic pri
maries of Georgia Why? Why be
cause these forces, great as they
are, are not as great as Georgia
The Max Meyerhardt Evans club
of Rome may be Democratic, but it
has no pedigree, and there are meu
in : ti ring who have contributed
money to the election fund who has
nover been kuown to contribute
money to a Democratic club. Shall
this band of politicians rule Floyd
county Democracy?
And now they claim that Atkinson
is bunching his counties and rushing
them in—These same politicians
stalled a ' land slide with Richmond
but when t l ’ey struck the Georgia
counties they fuuni Democracy in
the real estate business aud Atkinson
its chosen agent, wait till Atkinson’s
counties begin action.
‘ How much boodle did you get,
gentlemen? Did every Evans man
you assessed dance up with his
stuff? Os course you will not seek
to corrupt any one with this fund
Why of course not, jsut going to
send it away to pay seme mission
aries for converting the heathens,
aint you? Democracy!
The soreness of the morning
anti-administration organ is no
longer confined to its head, —At-
lanta Journal.
No, for the fungus growth that
has sprung up and grown out of
its decomposed and decayed heart
is very, very touchuy. and Mr. At
kinson keeps on karryiug koan- I
.ties. I
It takes the combined efforts of
Rev. D. B. Hamilton, Max Meyer
hardt and all the other Evans pol
ticians aud local campaign cor*
ruption fund to keep the spontaiu
a spontaining.
From the rate at which ‘Did P tty
the morning Jonah,” claims to be se
curing new subscribers the average
advertiser begins to wouder if the
•‘Jonah’’ had any reader at a ll , to
begin with . The Hustler of Rome is
the only Rome Daily in the city.
Hence it is and has been for a long
fine the people’s paper.
Never in the history of Floyd
county has there been such ft war
made on a Democrat, such as the
organized fight of the so called
Democratic Evans Club ismakii g
on Hon. W. Y. Atkinson. Shall
such methods succeed in Floyd
Democracy. Watch the polls next
Saturday and hear the voice us the
“wool hat boy's” thunder its con
Watson’s daily Populist paper
is to appear June the Ist. It is
not stated when it will disappear.
—Albany Herald.
It will be but a quesuon of time
for no inexperienced third party
editor can hope to cope f or more
than one campaign with such ex
perienced “sore heads” as the At
lanta Constitution,
The Covington Enterprise has the
“It shows that the advocates of Col
Atkinson are hard pressed for record
material when they have to go back
over a third of a century in order to
get something upon which to attack
Gen. Evans ’’
What political record has Gen Ev
ans since a third of a century ago? If
he has one it is about time his friend s
were bring ng it out. —Macon Tele -
In a few days we shall hear from
most of the Atkinson counties, and
then the processoin of Evans coui -
ties will begin its march with
hardly an interruption.—Constitu
Thus does the Constitution pre
pare for the defeat that it sees
looming down on its candidate.
The Atkinson procession has just
started and before its last county
wheels past, the Constitution will
be using the Alabama Jonah tac
tics ‘ Mark that prediction.”
Brecsiuridge’s to serve
his constituents faithfully and
glouriously, says the Cleveland
Plain Dealer, recalles a story of
Gen. Jim Stedman During the
thickest of the awful battle shocit
at Chickamauga he dashed up to
the recreating brigade and shouted.
‘Face about, boys. We must bold
this point!” But, General,” said
a brave officer, “we have done ev
erything that brave and patriotic
meu can do for their country —.’
•‘What! everything? Blank blank
it, you haven’t died yeti”
The following affidavits have
been sent to the Telegraph for
State of Georgia, County of
Clinch. —Personally appeared be
fore me, R. L. Rochels, a minister
of the Gospel, who resides in the
county of Clinch, R. G, Dickerson,
chairman of the Democratic Ex
ecutive Committee for the county
of Clinch, aud R. M. Crum, a mem
ber of the executive committee for
the count}’ cf Clinch, who on oath
say that they heard Capt. Roan B.
Johnson, who is an Evans man,
and present Representative of
Clinch county in the Georgia Leg
islature, remarked in their pres
ence that he was offered money by
F. M. O’Brien of the city of At
lanta to defray the expense of Ev
ans men to the Democratic mass
meeting held at Homerville on
Saturday, May the 12, 1894,
Rev. R. L. Rochels,
R. G. Dickerson,
Chm’n Dem. Ex. Com. Clinch Co.
aud County Treasurer.
R. M. Chum,
Member Ex. Com,Clinch county
Sworn to and subscribed before
me this 16th. day of May, 1894.
S. M. Register,
Clerk Superior Court Clinch
The Augusta Chronicle, one of
“the'’ Evans partisan sheets of
Georgia, is a daisy. Under the
heading of “yesterday’s Prima
ries” it says:
“At first glance it may appear
that the result of yesterday’s pri
maries was a crushing defeat foi
Gen Evans. As a matter of fact it
was a victory. Six votes for Gen.
I Evans and fourteen for Mr Atkin
son may appear ominous, but
when the facts are known there is
no occasion for alarm.”
“Every county which went for
Mr. Atkinson yesterday was con
ceded to him. Murray county was
confidently, placed in the Evans
column, and the Evans men would
have been surprised and disap
pointed if the result had been
otherwise. There was great anxie
ty as to Hall Having four votes,
it is an important county, and it
was greatly feared that Mr. Atkin
son would capture it. On the con
trary, however, it gave a good ma
jority for Gen. Evans, and thus
the only county in which there
was a close contest repudiated the
egotism and arrogance of the Cow
eta statesman.
If every county that went to Mr.
Atkinson was conceded to him,
why was General Evans and the
Atlanta lawyers, tearing -up the
face of the earth all over those
same counties al) last week? Why
were a majority of those counties
claimed so persistently by the
Evans press?
Murray, by a majority of five,
aud Mr. Atkinson had never made
a speech within her borders, while
on the night previous to action
Mr. W. R. Rankin, a member ot
the legislature, made an Evans
speech at Spring Place for Atlan
ta’s candidate.
And then m Hall. How does
the Chronicle account for the pres
ence in Hall of O'Brien, Starns <t
Co., with Atlanta boodle and li
quor —Yes fourteen for Atkinson
and six for Evans is “a victory.”
But a few more “victorys” of
that sort and General Evans will
ba like the red-headed Alabamian
who undertook to harvest Oats.
Editor Hal Moore grows more
desperate as the campaign pro
gresses and the more despearte he.
grows, the more scarce becomes
campaign r odder.
Hon W Y. Atkimon was a mem
ber of the legislature from Cow-eta
county from 1886 to Hou
C.A. Evans was State senator
from Stewart eounty in 1859—60.
He re are the records the twomen
made, by which we impartially
judge their character as statesmen.
Atkinson rec orievan’s record.
1 Introduced a 1 Voted to allow
biil which was ba n k s to suspend
p ssed to make gpecik paymeut
the office of com- wheu there was?
missio ierof agr no panic,
culture elective
2 Introduced the
bill establishing o , r ,
the Georgia Nor . 2 J «ted ab ol
mal aud Indus- Isb . all Jawe
trial school for a S aiusl usury
3 elpid draw .
, , o Voted to par
be etale road a , ld eol . bJ
betterment qoe. e d murderer of a
t,O “ w “ e 6ettle , d mao who wae w
wrlbaeavmg to cuti |h ;
the State ot $/50
4 Introduced a
bill which was . T . , ,
passed, by which u
the state is annu 111 , to . boJlßb
ally saved sls, tna ’ W’
000 for the in
spection of oils.
0 Aided to in- 5 Voted to re
crease the com- al aJJ Jawg
mC)U l C ?™°™ Uud Wnating mon
to Gyor a id by th
1 200,000 per to educa
UUUUK tional purposes
6 Aided to in
crease the Con-,
federate soldiers
and soldiers wid 6 Voted against
owe pensions allowiu b Confed
from $19,000 an-erate privates to
nually to $460, choose their own
000 annually. (officers,
For seeds of any de
scription, and of the
best varieties, call on
P. L. Turnley & Co.
Central Hotel Block,
Tis of thee, Spr: <g,
We Hit and sing,
Our songs awing—
A swing.
Sweet month of May
With balmy day,
Whither away
You stray?
We sit, we freeze;
We walk, and sneeze;
We shiver aud wheeze—
Aye, Freeze!
We freeze, we melt—
Since here we’ve dwelt,
We ne'er have felt—
Kold—Smelt I
I Coquettish Spring,
With frosty sting,
Un 00-e your string
And wing.
O’er S imtner seas
O’er tropic trees —
Take days like these
Where era yo” please.
Let Byrds and bees
Enjoy some ease,
Instead of wheeze
And freeze.
I’hili. Glenn byrd.
When they remember its course
of suppression and misrepresenta
tion in the Hill-Cleveland cam
paign of 92, the people are not
surprised at the absurd antics of
the Atlanta Constitution in the
matter of the Alabama nomina
tion. —Atlanta Journal.
“Nyther” are they surprised at
its summersaults, antics, gyrations
and koutortious in the present
Gubernatorial campaign in Geor
gia. For months the “Sore head”
has been wilfully misrepresent
ing Mr. Atkinson and knowingly
lying about various incidents in
his campaign.
To such an exient is this true,
here in Rome, we know many of
its readers who, while they read
it through habit, still look for
the news elsewhere and in smaller
aud more reliable papers.
The present campaign for the
governorship is remarkable for the
fact that there has been a sponta
neous uprising in favor of the At
lanta candidate. To begin with, he
waa actually called into the race
by one hundred counties that fell
all over each other in order to as
sure the Atlanta man that they
would be only too glad to vote for
him. It has not been necessary for
the Atlanta manipulators to raise
a fund, and scatter agents and or
ators throughout the State.
He met his opponent on the
stump four times, but he has con
sidered it unnecessary to take an
other such dose.
Oh, the gorgeous wonder of that
spontaneous spontaniety.
It wr" 1 hardly necessary for any
thing like the following letter to be
writen but somehow it was penned.
As we know s now, however, it was
Atlanta,May 9th 1894
Col G.H. Golucke, Crawfordville
Ga.—Dear Sir: lam glad you have
put off the nomination in Ta’iaferro
and I desire that we shall aid you as
much as possible from here to cany
that county. Please have three men
appointed in each militia district at
once to work for our side on the day
of the nomination. Our friends in Au
gusta will help you in whatever way
they can, if you will confer with
them immediately.
Write here at once, although [
will be gone, your letter and request
will receive due attention. Please see
Beazley and other friends. Hastily
and gratefully your friend.
Clement A. Evans
There it is At'anta and Augusia
the head centers of the Evans mon
ey will help in “wha*-
ever way they can.”
Three men in each militia district!
Was any such spontaniety ever
seen before?
“A week after Oats has defeated
Johnson the Constitution still |
claims Alabama for the sore heads
and in the same paper says editor
ialy of the campaign in Georgia:
“It is possible that some of our
readers who are not thoroughly
familiar with the situation may
be under the impression that Col.
Atkinson gained a signal advan
tage in the primaries of Saturday,
aud is decidedly in the lead. This
is a mistake.’’
And yet according to the Au
gusta Chronicle, anoter partisan
paper, Mr. Atkinson carriedffiev e
out of seven counties andf n
out of twenty votes. d ftt 'l
Os the two counties care ,
General Evan., Mu rrv i ?
th iUl Afk b: himandcoD AJ
the Atkinson people, an d
withstanding the fact than '
kinson did uot speak i nho r
General Evans earried it I
ed w.lh liquor n„d A ,, «
lers were present ip their
and General Evans la
jtroud of his spindid vict On
I o,
% re.' L f
Root beer i
makes the home circle cnrnr.u, *
gr a al Temperance Drink^R’ te ' T ‘H
ure and health to every
family A 25c. package
°“sold e e ve?ywhere g
The Chas. E. Hires Co., Phu
Bead to <Ump for bwutlfol Pletor. cL,
To the voters of Floyd CollQt
I hereby announce myself a ca j
didate for the office of represents
tive of Floyd county in the ne
Leg’slatare. My candidacy
ject to the action of the democrat!
primary to be held on May 26th.
Moses R. Wright.
To the voters of Floyd county,
hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the office of Represents
tive in the next Legislature, ni
candidacy subject to the actionc
the Floyd county Demociatic pri
tnary to be held May 26th,
C, W, UNDimoD,
Hustler of Rome:—Please an,
nounce my name as a candidate so;
the next Legislature, subject ti
the action of the Democratic part]
at the primaiy election to be bell
on May 26th. Respectfully,
K. T. Fouche
Hustler of Rome;—Please
nounce my name as a candidate
for the next Legislature, subjecttd
action of the Democratic party si
the primary election to be fields
May 26th. Respectfully, |
John H. Reese.
To the voters of Floyd county,l
hereby announce myself as a cau
c’idate for re-election to the offied
of representative of the county ofl
Floyd, subject to the action of the
coming democratic primary.
W. C. Brvan
Notice is hereby given that :
Saturday May 26tn. 1894therewi
be held at the City Hall in Romj
Georgia an elect ion for counci'nilj
from the Second Ward of saidcitl
to fill the vacancy caused by ill
resignation of councilman M
McDonald. By order of counll
this May 15th. 1895.
Halstead Smith JohnD.Mool
Clerk of Council, W J ]
16 to. 29.
Recommend Johnson’s Magnsl
Oil for rheumatism, neural?!
sprains, bruises, lame back,!
quickly relieves pain
“Orange Blossom.' th p Ceninni
Sense Female Remedy, drawe 011
pain and soreness. Sold by
sold by D. W. Curry,
Clothing of all kinds,
order. Splendid line of a 9 ®!"
ready for inspection.
W. M, Gammon & Co.
The faiends and patrons J
the late firm of Crouch
Watson are
formed that any preso'y 1
or special formula hl •
the old firm can be rehlly 1
I the undersigned, 111 J
our friends and the P
generally to bear this i*" 1
as our high standard of ’ *
both as to drugs u.’-’C
the prescriptionists < O P‘ <
ing them Avill always be 1 *
tained, Thanking tlic ! j
lie for the liberate patio ,
so generously bestow *
us we hold ourseh-es a
tmis in readiness tocMitm
to serve our frierds.
J T. Crouch & Co,