Newspaper Page Text
Boodle and Liquor Poured
Into Hall County.
Endorse the Methods being pincdctd
by the Atlanta Boodle Agents an<.
Corruptionists? It not let him say
Gainesville, May 22,-The Geor
ria CracKer will say editorial!}
Ul -Nmv"or the facts in Hall. Mr
Frank O’Brien arrived here on
Tuesday night and put up at the
Arhugten hotel, from which he
radiated over the county.
••On Wednesday afternoon W.
\ Starnes, the notorious peniten
tiaiv'guard and Telfair boodler,
ernved here and at once closeted
with tivo prominent Evans men.
He was heard to say in that con.
ference that he was here to carry
this county ; that he must do it at
any cost; that it cost §6OO to car
ry Telfair county, and he was
heard to ask whether there was
not some way, and what it would
cost, to stop the mouth of a cer
tain prominent Atkinson man, and
when told that it could not be
done, he asked bow another
prominent citizen, who was known
to be his friend, could be put to
■work to counteract his influence.
“Starns did not stop at any hotel,
but secreted himself in private houses
at whichcaucusses were held and ar
rangements made with workers for
the'polls On the day of the election
said Starnes stood at the polls and
overlooked the work of his men.
“A further fact that is known ot all
ittn is that aLrge amount of whis
kev was seized in the house of an
Evaus|worker early on the morning
of the election and deposited in the
council chamber. The open and
shameless use of money and whiskey
at the polls, the presence and action
of these men, together xvitli many
other facts here suppressed, buj
which can be exposed and proven
by affidavit of good men in this
county, fully explains how Hall
county was carrk d for Zvans by a
vote of a little over 100 in a poll of
1,500 votes. And the half has not
been told.’’
o’clock LAST NIGHT.
Mrs. Copeland, wife of Policeman
fl. H, Copeland, died at her home in
Ihe Fourth Ward at 7:30 o’clock
last night.
Ihe remains were taken to Cave
Spring, this morning where they
will be buried today. She had
been unwell for some time, and a
lew days ago taken a turn for the
wore? and lingered until yester
dayevening, when death relieved
her suffering and her soul taken
its flight for that beautiful land
where suffering and pain is un
Mrs. Copeland was a kind christain
a Oman a good wife and a loving
mother she leaves a husband two
small children and a large nnmber
of sympathizing friends to mourn
her death.
There was a pretty game of ball
in Fas' Romeyesterday afternoon,
lhe game was between the “Long
J ritches” a n d “Short Britches” of
I p little suburban city and was
Kam; themore interesting by the
. T r * tc hes retaining the lead
to the finish.
the game consumed nearly two
9- l ! rß o a ? d reßulted in a score of
p' against the Long Britches.
> Charby Pituer won fresh
r ’ * by his prompt and scientif
c decision and ruling.
lapping to act june.s
23.—The Democratic
committee of Appling conn
bis cai.ed a mass meeting to elect
n ‘tes to the gubernatorial con-
Hiiti m ou Tuesday June 5.
y people are almost unanimous
o/bJhi' 1 ' U aniouu t °f speaking
h a ?R eC ° Uld change then', Atkinson
■ . ''' 'nm personal and political
his electioi e Wh ° haVe UO doubt Os
8 ' ■ '' ; 'd IRON BITTER 3
Citric t-
* yspepsja, In-
• -on & Debility.
I He Carried The Alabama
Convention by 40 Majority
Montgomery, May 22.—The sta e
convention of the Democrats oi
Alabama assembled here today to
nominate a candidate for governor
' and other offices for the state.
The long contest between the
two wings of the Democracy has
ended and the people will rally
unamiously >o the support of
William C. Oates, the nominee of
the convention,
The rules addopted forbid any
speech or eulogy of a candidate in
placing his name before the con
vention. ’The chairman then an
nounced nominations for governor
to be in order.
The name of Colonel William
C. Oates was first presented. The
name of Captain Joseph F. John
son followed. His followers at once
sent up a shout, which lasted for
a brief spell. When it subsided
the Oates men concluded to test was a scene
o' extraoidinary enthusiasm ou
the floor and in the gallery, the
applause and chef ring continuing
until it looked as if order could
not be restored. When the shout
ing died out it was taken up again,
only to increase in volume. Final
ly quiet was restored and the roll
call began.
Not a change from tie reports al
ready published was made. The fig
ures of Col Oates made last Thurs
day morning after the conventions
were held were veiified to the ful
lest extent. The result was 272 for
Oates and 232 for Johnston.
Before the secretary announced
the vote Il.N.Rhoclea of the Birming
ham delegation moved to make the
nomination of Oates unanimous.
There was another wild demonstra
tion of cheering and shouting.
A committee was appointed to es
cort Col, Oates to the h ill He was
not in the capitol building, but at
his headquarters down town. Where
the committee found him- During
het absence of the com aittee Capt
Johnston was brought into the hall
and made a brief speech, in which
he pledged a hearty support of the
tickets and urged harmony in the
Oates’entrance started the en
thusiasm afresh and it continued
for some moments, while he was
waiting for it to subside. He made
a brief speech of acceptance,
thanking the convention lor the
great honor conferred upon him,
of leading the Democratic hosts oi
his native state in the contest be
fore them.
His remarks were well pitched on
the key of harmony and made a pro
found impression.
The convention adjourned until 10
o’clodk tomorrow morning.
Georgia‘s next Governor, Hon. M .
Y, Atkinson came in at 3:30 this
afternoon and is at the Armstrong.
Mr Atkinson stopped off for an
hour, lie looks as tresh as a dais}
and will leave for Summerville at
4 o'clock tomorrow morning, where
he is dated for a speech. Mr. At
kinson was not expected in the
city until five minutes before his
arrival, nevertheless quite a good
sized crowd met him at the depot.
, . , . , c , CHAP, iv
Continued btory
about Bon Am’
Do you wish to clean naint,
mirrors, windows, marble
or slate mantels, brass
chandeliers, brie a brae ?
Bon ami
Mr. Childs owner of the
restaurant 285 B’way and
33 Park Bow, N. ¥., says:
“I And Bon Ami gives ave-7
brilliant polish to my mirrors
and that the brilliant effect
1 veriaius a long t'uie.”
TIP Wil l\T, IM
Iflu oi LLiliill vIL,
It is Voted a Grnn I Success
by all.
The Spelling Bee, at the new
Court house last night was one ol
the most enjoyable affairs of the
cold snap, or Indian Winter.
At about 8:30, Sheriff Jake
Moore, Ordinary John P. Davis
and Misses Laura Moore and Fan
uie Trammell opened the exercis
es by a Jubilee song, which com
pletely captured the house to begin
After this, came little Misses-
Lucy and Mary Wright who ren
dered a violin solo moat beauti
fully. These little ladies are des
tined to become social favorites
and most accomplished young la
After this came the member on
the programe which wes the spel
ling match, Colonel Halsted Smith
ring master of the circus, appoint
ed Mayor John D, Moore as Cap
tain for the city and St. Juallis
Turner, one of the best deputy
Sheriffs in Georgia, for the ccm
mander of the county forces.
A stick was tossed in the old sash
ioned town ball sides an I Mayor
Moore won choice and“gotthe laugh’
on St Dallas.“ Sides were“choosen’
and Dr. A J Battle,President of Shor
ter College opened the lesson with
some of the toughest words in the
English launguage.
Good men went dowji like grass
before the scythe and in a short
time, the Hull county delegation
with the exception of Col. Hull
were comfortably seated,
Mr. Hull stood the ordeal well
but was finally erased with an
‘‘erasable*’. He took his seat leav
ing Mayor John D. Moore, Mr.
John N. Harris and the Hustler
of Rome between them.
Dr. Battle wore himself out on
these three and turned them over
to professor J. C. Harris who wor
ried along tim», however he de
tected the Hustler man telling
the others and had marshal Pink
Shropshire and Deputy Guice to
intimidate and otherwise removu
the Hustler from the Hall, when
in a few minutes he succeeded in
spalling down Mayor Moore and
Mr. Harris.
When the the Hus
tler down he lost his “dots’’ and
h nee our inability to furn sh the
names of the sides
County School Commissioner
Bridges acted as referee, and even
body had a big time except the
Hustler but we will “get ourn nex
trip.*’ See?
Miss Hattie Garliugton is in tie
city, stopping at Matty Freemans
boarding house on second
having Dr. Garliugton treat her
throat ’
CJ. Roser Thomas of Adairsville
is Registered at the New Central.
Mr. B. H. Ewalt is in tne city a
guest of the Central.
W. &. A. R. R.
Safest and most desirable line betwren
Rome and
Chattanooga and
LN ashville
No waiting on connections or delayed trains
All trains leave on schedule time from Rome
Railroad depot, foot of Broad street,
one block from Armstrong Hot si •
four blocks from the New C 2.1
No change of cars, through
coaches on all trains be
tween Rome and Atlanta.
1 ose connection in Union depots at Atlanta
aud Chattanoga with all trains diverging.
Leave Rome, daily at 8:15 am 8:01 pin
Arrive Atlanta “ 12:55 am 6:25 pm
Leave Atlanta, daily at .... 8.05 am 3.oipm
Arrive Rome “ 1.30 am 6.00 pm
For maps folders and any desired
information, call on or write
C K. AYER. G. P. A. J A Hume,
Tic’ et kgt. W F Ayer S ipertedant
W.T Siles Fo • Jure
Will be sold before the h , |w „ ()oor b|
cayof Ronw lloyd <, u . | (tween
era hours of sale on the Is:.Tuesday in June
IM4 thefolb.wing discribed , roperty to wit-
One undiVi- etl half hit-rstest In part of l<>
NoC-% .mthib- ri . anti 3nl Sec!l’m EhS-dc"
Ga. Adjoining lauds oi Mark Tin lor, n.ia'r Shan’
non Station on the E. T. \ A (; K j’ * ha "
seven miles no, th of Rome, containing 40 ac-r l
more or less, an I o.t west si It- . t J,
and ol eq a' width across Also o ne undivided
Ini! interest in city lot. in the citv oi Ron > o
u hat is known Sevier heir lot, being | ot
fronting mi be> i»i St.of snruv bv lli ni .‘s
-V fronting ?; i-j je. tb\
towards righ of way <,i Ro,. rhe
<- lOaerts. rata above referred to ts' n ■
oct tlpied by Mark -tn lor as tenant. Livetl on
imoragaoe ,lta ts.-uvl -on \ !
rloytt superior court t . l.n-orot jj„. s,
BaiiKitig and Trust Co., Transfer, . s ‘
< 1 t letup as the property ol the di-fe'ittlant
Also at the same ti.oe ami place, E. ISI Irl |.-',
‘t’ l r,"' ‘ ami tlrd, See to-
ol F'oyd tamnty Ga. I i -t| <>n bv viittre of tit
la issued f tom the Hoyd City < t’.uri m tavor J
Ihom.s, 1 hilpot is, M. .1. Bobo ami Mint.,
kict.aidsou, As the i-orperty of the Defeud.tnt
Also at the same ami place all that n o t
parcel of laud situated, lying ami ;) District ami 3rd Section Os Flovd
' •mtatnine one fourth ot ~n acre off ~t tk>
land No. 253 in said district ami sect.on l» '
cd on North by property . 1 c e ia Young | ..
lim Raw s ami Ellin Rawls as’tlie tii-oi.'
L ' 7
Also at tne same time anti place, all tli-ir-t, .
or parcel ot land lying ami being in the 'n. ..
aaulr division of the city of Rottrn Ga. km?w on
he plan oi said cay as iot.s Numbers a., amt .
of sail tityision being the place on which th.
sam w \\ Seay re idea on 31st. tlav of D-eem
tier 1889 and lormerly known as the’ Viiet nr.
erty, Levted on l.y virtue of a tl la issued It '!,,
he Hoytt superior Com c in favor ot Home r ir,
- -eprJU";
allow n as-New Rome ' eing part of tarn! lot'
von.,, in the 3rd, Uistrie amt 3rd Section oil
said outity, ami described as follows: Be-in- •
mug at the intersection ami Southwest co"u<-
>t iemiessee Avem.e ami Seventh street a,id '
tunning along said Tennessee Avenue Sonin 1
deg, 4,> mm, we st a distance of 226 feet
thence title west lA2 feet, thence South 5 de - '
Wts.2U2leet, thence South sltleg,3omm West
ob teet, thence .sou it 3 tieg West 237 feet I
lhenee Nortti 82 deg, 30 mtn, West 70 f v et 1
l ,X l l t r e i b | OU ’ I" 3 W eSt lvet ’ th< ! "’ e
West 1 deg, boutli t>6o teet thence North 26 tl.-ir
•>’nun, East, 17.82 feet, with the line ot Ute Fur-’
aace Companies property, to a white oak tree
thence Sou-11 o deg,4o min East, 340 feet along
7n'»imJ l i- treet tO llle corner con
caiiiing L acres more or less. Also that part 01
.a id in lot No. 367 described as follows: Be
ginning at a point 950 feet due South from the
O. 11,1 5u - • v,; ’ running
; .'if- bouth along the land line between Jot. No
'm,?\v T’ ?-’ 6 ' '* llilla, 'ce 01 1,100 feet, thence
due W st a distance ol 1,000 feet to Tennessee I.
Avenue, thence along said Avenue North 6 deg 1
4.)tniu, East a distance ot 810 feet to Holders
corner, thence South 83 deg la min East 159 1 '
- all X,’ tl “ence along said ally
. orth bdeg, 4u mm, East. A distance of 250 teet
mi reet ’ thence along said street North
distance 01 270 feet, thence deg, hast, a dest.ance of 570 leet to tne
beginning corner containing 22 l-2a cres more or
less 1 eserved 111 tins parcel of tami is the ri-ht
oi way ot the C. R. &c. h. R. siding co fur
iiace ami tlie right of way to the Rome St. R. k
< unnmg across one corner, Levied on by virtue
or a mortgage h-fa issued from the Floyd Su
perior Court in favor of J. King vs. New' Rome
Land Lo., as the property of the defendant,
1 mm-’ at S;,l “ e t "" e aud l ,iace > the depo 1
building ami ground upon which it is located,
the same being knovzn at the Rome li k <le
pot, property in the city of Rome, Ga., anil )v
--mg amt being between Ist Avenue in said ci v
and the Etowah River and near the foot of
Bioat street, the building ou Said land being a
tvvostory l-riek building ami ware house ad
t?»m l r%’«^ e i Vled a° n ' *. rt Ue of a issued
Hom rhe Moyu Superior Court in tAvorof Mrs
.iatlie Barnett vs Th Rome Rail Road Co
as principal, and John H. Reynolds and W. w’.
Brooks as Securities on Supersedeas Bond, as
the property oi the Rome It. R, Co., property
pointed out by W. W. Brooks. J
Also at the s tine time ami place. No. 39 Doc
tor s phaeton, having one ii'di st el axels, pat
ent wheels, No. 7 tilings, shafts, full leather top
lea. her dash Imard with silver platetfrein rail,
lamps on dash, fender trimmed in gr. en leather
ami geat paiuted dark green, same as described
in rhe within ti-fa. Levied on by virtue of a
mortgage li-fa issued from Ute Floyd City
court in favor of tlie Milburn ivlgf. Company
vs. C, Hamilton, As the property of the defend
Also a* the same time aud place, ore house
and lot adjoining the town of East Rome said
lot fronting 55 feet on Spring Creek road ami
running back- 155 teet to pronerfy of Crockett
t ati’pbell, bounded on the East by property of
Eliza I timer,am I<m the itest bv Sarah Horton,
deed uitdeivided one half interert. Levied on by
viri ue of ati fa issued by John J Black, Tax
Collector in ia.or of State and Co vs. Mahala
aud Lucy McCain as the property of the defend
Also at the same time and pi: ee, Robert I’.
Powell’ - 'll- ribm ive share in the following de
scribed lam.s.ilevised' -i .etiant for life, viz’lot
ol tan 1 No. 257 in J2ud Dian i<-.t ami 3rd Section
1:1 E'.oyd f . • 1a.,. ontaiui lilll acres more
or less and vhat part of lot of land No. 248 on
the East side of spring Creek, excelling that
paj-t below the gr. ami saw mill on the East
side of Spring Creek, containing J2U acre
more or less. Said lands nt .re fully described in
deed from J. J . Oohen to George W. I’owell
and recorded in Book W. Page 69 record of
deed in Cler ts olliee Superior Court oi Floyd
County, Ga , Levied on bv virtnre ot an at
tachment issued from the Floyd Justice Court
of the 919th District G. '! in favor of J. A.
hale vs B. I’, Powell. Levy made by H. Beard
Also at the same tune and place, part of land
lot number two hutidre and eight(2t-8), the
same being a portion of the thirty three acres
sold by J. A- Stansberry to Ledbetter, Kagan
and o'hers ami k ow • by them as Fairview
roperty, a map of which is of rec rd iu the of
fice of the Clerk of the Superior court, Floyd
county Georgia, Book “K. K” of deeds, page
186, the property here adverti: ed being ace ril
ing to said map. Lots N". seven sight ami nine
(.7.8 & !>,) each .routing fifty feet on Rhudy St.
and running back same width iu Northeaster y
direction, one humbetl and fit
ly feet* to an ally and lots numbers fifty
four (54> fifty five (55) fiftv six (56)tifty seven
(57) and fifty eight (58) eaJi fronting titty feet
on Stanberry Street and running back satt.e
width in a South wes ernlv direction-one hun
dred and fifty feet, to an alley, ami lots number
one hundred and twenty two (122) and one hun
dred ami twenty three (123) each fronting fifty
feet on Stansberry Street, and running back in
a Northwesterly direction, same widih one
hundred and fifty feet »o an alley all of said par
cels of land being in the 2ird. District and 3rd
Sect, of Fl- yd county Georgia, andLevid on by
virtue of a justice court h fa in favor of cash
er merchants National Bank. vs. J F Dupree as
the property of the Defendant.
J - ke C. Moore, Fmuiii-
Mrs. Ida Va idiver having applied for Guar
dlanship of the persons and property of Linton
Mi chell Vandiv.-r and James Thomas Vandiver,
minoi children of James T. Vandiver late of
said County, decease 1, notice is given that sain
application will he heard at my office at 10
o’clock am., on first M onda y Lt M a Y next.
This April sth. 1894.
John P Davis
Ordinary and ex o lieio Clerk C O
Cit tion-Leave To Sell.
Gnon. >ia, Floyd County-
To all whom it may concern :- W. H- Ennis
Administrator of Wm y Timms deceased has in
due form appli"' to the under signed for
leave to sell the lands ami pers -nal Property
belonging to the estate of said deceased, ami said
application will be heard on the first Monday in
June next. Ti ls 7th day of May- 1 894.
John I'. D .is Ordinary
Citation—Leave to Sell,
To all whom it may concern : Anderson Thom
son Guardian of Samuel Thompson ami
Lucretia Thompson, imnors has in due
form applied to the undersigned for
leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate ol
said minors, aud said application will be
heard ou the first. Monday in June next. This
7th. day of May 1894.
John P Dav.s Ordinary.
L. M. GOMEZ Proprietor.
O’Neill Manufacturing Company,
The Oostanaula Steamboat and
Trading Company
That we will run our Steamer Tony, on regula trips to
Carters, every week,
Ship what you can by us, Give
us your orders for all Kinds of
Country produce
Chickens. Eggs. Corn. Hay. Peas Butter. Bacon, Fruits.
Dried, Wheat, and all Products of the Country.
Geo W Trammell,
F. B. Holbrook,
We Mean Business Call and Glet Our Brices
Before Buying, W e are Selling
sash, noons
Flooring, Ceiling, Aloulding,
Ballusters and Brackets
AM Bottom Brices
V ' ■ - 1 -o. • '‘.such „• l.assof '.lain
nff* -ii £.:* 'ST' ■* ’ 1 • ana' U< .V..1el u. ue ?•. 1, .t.ManI.MJ-i.. • ... • i<. . > ■ ervou ■
fVr o' i •< i'll ilial.uaudle^'. f p.iwe.ln GenerativeOrg.i, ■lim.- -«xcmh(l
XJ, =s J 1 I'V orerexcrtli a,yemhiiil . rrora, excessiveui-e o; di o.oi.ium or s’lm.
JT ~ i xJ-l'Fd, ' dints, vlilch lend to Inlinnlty, Consumption or Ins nlty i >-i .... er.rr' -d i >
i 'ix-ve' z - • i. po. ket. SI p< r box, o for »5, by mnll prepaid. v.'ltl tSAordirwe
,/ --ve :> written (tnarnnteeto eure or reCund the n-on. v. Sold l>v all
.-■Y.'dSWv’ ■... Ask for it. tn ko no other. Write lor free Medical . >ok sent S'lih-d
WVU Aab AMbii in p .on wrapper. A ln-i<s N EKVEBE£D CO., Musuuk I'emplc.CulcAuo
1 rinrid iin n 1,1 h iptq
iii'ji'tiniijLVi 'jjb'i’d ■
f A. WlLLS—Dentist—2oßl-2 Broad stree
j B over Cantrell and Owens store.
Attorney at Law.
Office up stairs iu new Court House
i 1 rear of Superior Court Room,
JAMES B NEVlN—Attorney at Law Offic
Poverty liAll poscollica coruor 3rd Avenue
CHAS. W. UNDERWOOD— Attorney at law
Masonic Temple,
Rome, Ga.
REECE & DENNY—Attorneys at law. Office
in Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga.
WW. VANDIVER—Attorney and Coun
sellor at Law—Rome, Ga.
& Starling, Attorneys at Law, Masonic
Temple, Rome, Ga. feb23.
WH. SMITH, Attoraey-at-Law. Officeiu
Masonic Temiile- Rome Georgia.
■ feb32ti
J. NEAL—M’Henry, Nunnally & Neal-
Attorneys-at-at Law, o/Hce over Hale
Davidson Hardware Co., Broad street. Rome, Ga
Dm. KAMSbK —Physician and Surgeor •
Office at reeldeuce 614 avenue A, Fount
LP. HAMMOND—Physician and Bargeon-
Offers his j rofessional services to the peo
" pie of Route and surrounding country
Office at Crouch and Watson’s drug store, 20
Broad street.
DR. W. D. HOYT—Office at C. A. Trevitt
drug store. *O. 331 Broad street, Telephon
110. residen jb. No. 21
DR. C. F. GI.IFFIN-Physician and Surge
—Office n< r Masonic building. Residence
300 4th av ,>ue.
HOWARD E. FELTON—Physician and stu
geon—Office No. 6 Thlrc Avenue, •
; At office dav ami night. Telephone 62.
Frank A- Wynn, Physician and Surgon
office at Tro-utt .Johns m drug store
Telephone 13 Residence 406 Second Ave,
Prompt attention given all professional call
AGENTS make five dollars a day.
Greatest Kitchen utencil ever invcitsd.
Retails 35 cts. 2to 6 Bold in every house: san plv
Postage paid five cents. McMAKIN & Co.
••• •xj'AJ litasA'it
' " WILU
..wo r r;f.
i rail !i need try * xlh
•i in ‘.i--: world.
>2. no
■ oh 2, OQ
. > %’FOn BUYS
v,..... r . > Dn'ESS SHOE, mad) in the irw
■ J ; in sii, try my 53, $3.50, S>4,OC
>' '• a ( tn custom made and iccK jr
d •slsh tr.fcconomizelnyouffonwira* I
■ . . D.hijms Shoes, 51 -<r ■«'„
i S'k for it rfhenyo.’nny
-T -g W
For salo by Cantrell &
tWhat Nerve Berries
have done for others
w d •
f° r y° u )'
M E ISO Easily, Quickly
and Permanently Restored, whdai
A positive cdre lor all Wes Nervousnes
Debility, and all their train of evils nsultfr ’
from early errors and later excesses; the rest:
of overwork. nida’jieM. w vorry et • I vein- .
andgives toneand Mrengihlo th.’seunil o ’
Kan*. Ntoiw unnatural tsp uiz?vi.’ 1
eniiMMioDM caused by youtboil error* i
cessivp use of tobacco. opium and .-'Dju.-
which lead to conMiniption and ln>--hkO
1 heir use shows immediate improvement. \<\ ff
no imitation. Insist upon having the genuri '
Nerve Berries, 1
pocket. Price, si.Of) per box, six boxes, «vm :u ■
treatment. $5.00. Guaranteed to cure hi »; s- w
f f not kept by your druggist we will s‘> d ' |
bj mail, upon receipt of price, in plain v ra
pei. Pamphlet free. .Address all mail o d 1
A^EBK*iHEDit AIL < <>., Ciucftmub \ j
For sale by Crouch << j
Dtfers unequaled advantages to young men desiring a b ■
t mI. Course t>)« rough k
%xocnscs low. Free car fare to Rome Circulars .re
J. G- HAFMIiON. President. nc.