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■Entered at the Rome Post O vice as “hrst-cHaa
tbecon<i<Mu**t Mail Matter.
PHIL G. BYRD, | B £X‘“ d
daily and Sunday.
0 cent 4 week or $5 00 per anuum
"FFICE: Corner Broad Street and
vifth Avenue.
Official Organ
Os the city of Rome, and Foyd, the
•‘Banner county" C- Georgia.
“The man whose business is ’<
interpret, the Bible is. likely 1
make a sad of interpreting »'
platform “ —[Atlanta Journal, Ev
»ns organ- | ~
Will Judge Hiues now sell his law
books? Tom w.itson did yen know - -
Marietta Journal.
Commissioner Bradwell has issued
5 circular fixing Saturday, June the 2
as the day for bolding examinations
>r teachers for the common schools
throughout the gtate.
In the Gordon County Citizen
Messres Taylor and Wilson art
giving the people of Gordon county
one of the best, brightest and clean
est news papers the county has evei
known, that the Citizen will succeed
goes with out saying.
The Tribune says: “It is learn
ed that Mr. Atkiusou will speak
here on Friday night.” Will the
Tribune inform us “who” impar'.
ed the lie to them? Let the Tri
bune break its record by making
j, fair fight, and then by support
ing the nominee.
If General Evans’ mend, L N
Trammell, orothersof his friends,
say the Atlanta Nabobs and cor
ruptiouists, undertake to buy up
a poor mans vote, how on ear: I
does that make “a foul slander
which muse be charged to W,
Atkinson? Let the morning “Jo
nah” explain-
The Marietta Journal rises to r
The Atlanta Constitution, w.
trust, will quit slobbering over tin
Populists now since it sees its so
called “dissatisfied democrats”
don’t come back into the Demo
cratic party worth a cent.
Gen. Evans should be nomiua
ted because he is the standard
bearer of the people, and not the
politicians.—Max Meyerhardt.
In contributing SI,OOO to the
corruption “missionary” fund ol
the Atlanta Evans Club, what
manner of heathen does Max think
*he Rev. C. A. Evans was seeking
to lead? Please answer.
General Evans should be nom
inated for Governor, because he is
thoroughly equipped to fill the
office with credit to himself and
honor to the commonwealth. —
Max Meyerhardt.
We challenge you to the records
of the two men. —If General Ev
aus has any democtatic record,
either before or since the war, it is
‘time for it to be trotted out.
General Evans should be nomi
nated because he is free from all
entangling alliances, having no
political friends to reward and no
political enemies to puunish.
Max Meyerhardt.
And yet there are hundreds oi
the best people in Rome —people
who know Max, who believe that
he is making the Evans fight iu
Floyd that he may again become
Judge of the City Court.
Gen. Evans should be nominated
"because he is a man of stainles ß
charrcter, upright life and unswerv
ing integrity.—Al ax Meyerhardt.
VI e thank God that there are tens
of thousands of such men in old
Georgia today, and that among the
hundreds who are far more able
han Rev. C. A. Evans, is one by the
name of W. Y. Atkinson, a man pool
in this worlds goo Is but rich in
statesmanship, which is an accom
plishment undeveloped in the Atlai.
a Candidate. For further pro< fs
search the records.
A woman s eiug a divorce
through the courts at Detroit,
Mich , announced in her complaint
that her husband once said that
he hoped to live to dance over her
General Evans should be nomina
ted because he is not the candi
date of any ring, clique or combi
nation, but is running solely on
his rm rits. Max Meyerhardt.
How is it then that he found it
necessary to contribute SI,OOO to
’the Atlanta Rings corruption
fund, a portion of which has been
sent into Telfair, Hall. Clinch and
Milton? Does “bis merits” mean
his and Atlanta's money? Please
Max Meyerhardt says;Gen. Evans
should be nominated because he is a
hero of the lost cause, a gallant ex-
soldier a follower of
Lee and Jackson,who bravely fought
be neath the stars and bars.
‘‘There are thousands of brave old
heroes in Georgia who have all these
qualifications and more—For since
the days of reconstuction they hava
been fighting Geoigiu’s Battles in the
democratic party. Where was Atlan
ta’s candidate all those years?
Will some kind Evans manj please
name those hundred counties that
the general is going to carry before
it is too late? —Griffin News.
The people are naming them but
in some instances “those who con
trol” are defeating the will of the
people* Macon News.
You bet your life! Think of S6OO of
AHanfa “Boodle” in Telfair and sl,-
250 of the same kind and the Atlanta
liquor that was and was not captur
ed in Hall county.
Gen, Evans should be nominated
because, when thetosiu of war sound
ed, he left the comforts of home;
bared his bosom to the bullets of the
enemy, and suffered wounds and pri
vations for his peoples’ sake,-Max
And yet this same Max Meyerharct
lias said, over hi s signature, tha
General Evans was not running on
his war record. A war record is good,
but a war record with a since the
war record as a democrat, is a nec
essarv qualification to the standard
in Georgia
Gen. Evans should be nomi
nated because he is a statesman
in the true sense of the word, with
a fhorough knowledge of the wants
and necessities of the people.—
Max Meyerlqirdt.
General Evans was a “Know'
Nothing’ before the war and sam
ples at his efforts at Statesman
ship are recorded in a paralel col
umn on this page. Max Meyer
hardts statement to the contrary.
Gen Evans should be nomina
ed because he has always been the
friend es the people, working for
their interests, looking to their
welfair, and seeking always to aid
them.—Max Meyerhardt.
There are ten thousand minis
ters in Georgia who have served
their flocks as faithfully and ac
complished as much good for
'hem. What does Max say to
drawing a deed for one of these
good men and leaving unerased
the part of the printed form : “In
the year of our Lord. ’
The Tribune may not know it,
but when it published that “Mr.
Atkinson is here,” and in the
same paragraph said: “It is learn
ed that he will speak hear on Fri
day night,” it published a false
hood. Had the political saint, who
edits the Tribune, been seeking af
ter the truth he could have easily
verified such a report, Mr. Atkin
son was at the Armstrong and his
friends were all over the city. Who
did the Tribune “learn” its infor
mation from?
General Evans should be nomi
nated because he is not a politi
cian, and has not formed a “slate”
composed of office holders and of
fice-seeaers. —Max Meyerhardt.
Ye gods and little fishes ! Taking
a peep at Floyd county —at the of
fice holders and office seekers who
formed the Executive Committee
of the Max Meyerhardt Evans
Club of Rome and then say that
Genera! Evans is not a “politician”
and has not formed a “slate.”
Max has struck “slate.” i
The Tribune charges that an
effort will be made by Mr. Atkin
sons friends to vote Republicans
and third partyites in the mass
meeting. We challenge the “Jo
nah” to the proof and knowing
that they can not substantiate
that which does not exist we pro
nounce it a genuine “foul slander.”
At the same t ime should the < e no
crate of Floyd report to such a re
source, they would only imitate
the Evans people of Hall and Tel
fair; For the proof of the charge
letters in The Hustler of Rome
Gen,Evans should be nominated
because he has served his people
faithfully,in peace and in war. and
has never asked any rewa'd for bis
services.—Max Meyerhardt.
He was rewarded with a general
ship in the war,and since the war he
has,like p'l other good preachers, had
good pay for his services.As the
church i ewards her servants and
adds honor unto honor as they are
merited and won,so will thestate,em _
ulating the holier institution, honor
her servants who meiit her favors
and promote such tried and true
statesmen as W.Y. Atkinson,to the
Governor’.* chair,
Atlanta not only has an eie on
capturing and incorporating the
earth but is hungrily reaching out
after all of the offices. She has two
candidates m the field for Governor
and lasr nights edition of the Jour
nal contains the following.
“The announcement that Hon W,
H. Venable would, be elected to the
senate from this district, be a candi
date for the presidenency of the sen
ate, is meeting with favor throughout
the state. Mr. Venable is in receq t
of a number of letters promising sup
port, and several of the state papers
have endorsed bis candidcy.’’
Further down the same column we
get this on‘
The frieuds of Judge Richard
Clark will present his name to Gov
ernor Northern for appointment as
secretary of state.
Jndge Clarke needs no introduce
tion to the people of Georgia. He
has a wider personal acquaintance
than any man in the state, and is
qualiliod to fill any office in the gift
of the people.
In the meantime the Atlanta poli
tician continues to raise corruption
money with which to manipulate
the out of Atlanta counties” in the
interest of the Rev. C A Evans.
Hon W. Y. Atkinson was a mem
her of the legislatuje from Coweta
county from 1886 to 1894. Hon.
C.A. Evans was State senator
from Stewart eounty in 1859 60.
He re are the records the twomen
made, by which we impartially
judge their character as statesmen.
1 Introduced a 1 Voted to allow
bnl which was bankßto , u d
passed, to make specik £ eut
the office of com- wheu waß
missionerof agri no pauic
culture elective
2 Introduced the
bill establishing o - T
the Georgia Nor . 2 v otedto a bol
mal and Indus- 1 . laws
trial school for a S aiUßt ’ usury .-
3 elp?d draw q .
hei 11 by which a e ° P ar "
the state road! > ,
betterment ques Wo ° d -
tion was settled- ±““^ erer 01 «
with a saving .0.““ " h ,° M
the State of $750 “ eaw
4 Introduced a
bill which was . T . , .
passed, by which 4 introduced a
the state is annu Polish
ally saved sls, tna ' W
-000 for the in
spection of oils.
0 Atded to in- 5 Voted
crease the com .
mon school food all , lawß a P
r om $400,000 to a d’“hJ“rh
1 250,000 per s ” te a d Xca
nnuni. |
.., , tioual purposes
b Aided to in
crease the Con
federate soldiers
and soldiers wid 6 Voted against
owe pensions allowingConfed
from $19,000 an-erate privates to
Dually to $460, choose their own
000 annually. officers,
ur CUUV.-i’i.
I c /' >ndiße«:vm.
**VW UcyUPlHa-lW ttful
Judge Maddox won his fight for
a navai cadet from his district. H«
had an amendment inserted iu ti e
naval appropriation bill allowing
a cadet from every congressional
district not represented in the
acadamy at peresnt. It did not pro
vide for turning those out who
were illegally appointed, but pro
vides that in the future when a
congressman fails to make an ap
pointment that the secretary of the
navy shall fill his vacancy from
his congressional district. Judge
Maddox made a splendid fight and
won a victory which many mem
bers of the house have been fight
ing for years . —Marietta Journal.
For the benefit of the Tribui e,
we will say that while Mr, Atkin
son was at the Armstrong yestei
day afternoon we heard a gentle
man ask him if he would speak
in Rome again before the primary,
and we heard Mr. Atkinson an
swer “No. ” Then he said : ‘No, this
is one of the joint debate counties
and I hardly think it would be
fair for me to do so, eyen if I
thought it necessary. ’ Continuing
be said: “My friends in Cave
Spring wanted me to speak there
and I would like to have done so
but Cave Sprang being in this
county I felt bound to decline.”
Mr. Atkinson infighting this cam
paign like a democrat, and Flovd
county will rally under his stand
ard with a big majority. “Mark
that prediction .” And watch the
w . M . Bridges County School
Commisioner of Floyd County, who
has gall enough to aspire to the po
sition of the State School Commis
sioner. has issued a circuler to the
teachers of Floyd county instracting
tmm to vote for Atkinson.
houn Times.
The Hustleb of Rome Challenges
the above as an infamous lie,and de
fies any paper or any person to pro
duce a letter from any school teach
er in Floyd county,or any other coun
.ty, writen by Floyd County s able
school Commissioner, containing any
such instuctions.
The Calhoun Times is most respect
fully requested to publish the highest
evidence in this case,and that is one
of said etter’s of instructions. When
it do es, then it will clean its own
skirts of the charge of slandering
one of Fl®j d’s best officials, untill it
does, why every one who knows W
M.Bridges knows the charge to be
false in every feature. Bi’ 1 Bridge
has as many Confederate wounds in
his body as General Evans and has
a right to support Mr Atkinson with
out being slannered by an Evans
Let every democrat in Floyd
keep an eye open for the Atlanta
boodlers. The wool hat boys of
Floyd are not ready to sell the
“Banner County” to the Atlanta
The people want primaries be
cause pnmries are democratic.
The Constitution wants the people
to have primaries because in pri
maries the people can’t pass reso
lutions condeming the Constitu
tion .
Should Evans be nominated the
Atkinson men will not “make it
convenient to go fishing on election
day to keep from voting for him.’
Atkinson men are Democrats and
only democrats will be permitted
to vote in Saturdays primary.
“My friends in Atlanta and Au
gusta will help you in any way
they can,” wrote General Evans to
Mr. Golucke, of Taliaferro. And
yet they say Gem Evans does not
know of the dirty work being done
in this campaign. We have found
out in Hill what “any way they
can” means.— Georgia Cracker.
The Constitution is complaining
that the Evans people do not turn
out and go to the polls J Has that
“spontaneous uprising of the masses'
busted? Or are the Evansites wait
ing for the Atlanta boodle to hire
Substitutes for them, so that they,
can vote for the General without loss
to themselves?
The Augusta Herald says;
“Gen. Evans’ ehancea are better by
being thrown in the rear. He and his
friends will now realize‘he necessity
of getting down to hard work*',
Queer talk for a “spontaneous up
rising.”—Macon Telegraph,
Look out for lying dodgers sent
out by Evans Boomers from bis
headquarters in Atlanta. These
dodgers are a feature of the Evans
campaign and the hour for theii
arrival and destribution is after
♦he polls open and it is too late to
be met by Mr. Atkinson’s friends
At least this has been the habit of
the animal, to date .
To the voters of Floyd county,
[ hereby announce myself a can
didate for the office of representa
tive of Floyd county in the next
Leg ; slatare. My candidacy sub
ject to the action of the democratic
primary to be held on May 26th.
Moses R. Weight.
To the voters of Floyd county, I
hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the office of Representa
tive in the next Legislature, my
candidacy subject to the action of
the Floyd county Democratic pri
mary to be held May 26th,
Hustler of Rome:—Please an
nounce my name as a candidate for
the next Legislature, subject to
the action of the Democratic party
at the primaiy election to be held
on May 26th. Respectfully,
R. T. Fouche
Hustler of Rome; —Please an
nounce my name as a candidate
for the next Legislature, subject co
action of the Democratic party at
the primary election to be held on
May 26th. Respectfully,
John H. Reese.
T > the voters of Floyd county. I
hereby announce myself as a can
didate for re-election to the office
of representative of the county of
Floyd, subject to the action of the
coming democratic primary.
W. C. Brvan
industrial department.
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J. T. Crouch k Co 1
The faiends and patrons of
the late firm of Crouch &
Watson are respectf>illy in
formed that any prescription
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the old firm can be refilled by
the undersigned, We invite
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generally to bear this inmiiw
as our high standard ol meiit
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the prescriptionists copoiw*
ing them will always be main
tained, Thanking the p» b '
lie for the liberate patronage I
so generously bestowed upon
us we hold ourselves at 1
tmes in readiness to continue
to serve our friends.
J T. Crouch & Co,
There will be a mass meeting»
the peoples party at the court nou
in Borne on Saturday June - 111
11 o’clcck for the purpose of j
ting candidates to represent '
county in the next Ifgr ■ 11
persons white and colored
desirious f reform in national, ■
and county plitics are invite 1 1
present and participate in tire
tection of candidates.
By order of Executive commits
peoples party.
Clothing of all kinds, made
order. Splendid line of
ready for inspection. .
W. M. Gammon & Co. ’