Newspaper Page Text
J. H. Adams and wife of Cedar
town.are gusts at the New Central,
A depot turned into an evergreen
bower to welcome the May Queen*
25f door open at 8:15 p. m,
G. G. Leak Vi'ei nd 10 of Ce
dartown are stopingp at the New
Rev. G. W. Duval, will conduct
services under his new tent in the
Fourth Ward, tonight for the first
time, The tent is a bran new one (
with new “Beats and will be well
lighted. A large congregation is
expeated te be present.
A delightfuly programe has been
gotten up for the closing exercises
of Miss Bettie Ledbetters North
Rome school, which will take
place at the North Rome Depot
tomorrow Friday night at eight
Lawn party to night at. McCaf
freys lawn, in the Fifth ward, for
the benefit of the Fifth Ward Sil
ver Cornet Band. The Electric
Cars will ran until a late hour.
Come over and help the Baud and
have a big time.
Judge Fillmore Johnson, of Et
owah was in the city a few hours to
R B.McArver. of Coosa spent th®
day in the city .
Bob Foster is in towr.Bob says I e
will retarn to Rome monday f>s an At
Vnson delegate—he will “have com
pany and meet friends ’’ if * he doe#
Mr. J. R. Lawrence of Cedar Bluii,
Ala., was among the visitors in the
city todav.
• E. A.'Wilson of Paris, Tex., ip
registered at the New Central.
Crcwning the May Queen by Miss
Ledbetter School tomorrw Friday
night May the 25 th admission 25 c
proceeds go to North Rome
Baptist Church.
Professor WJ. Shaw, of Coosa,
was in the city today anpsays tbsf.
the believes that Mr Atl’nson wil|
carry North Carolina district, a'-
though the Evans men claim it.
River Side Lodge, K. of P.
No. 38, will hold its regular week
ly meeting in the Castle Hall to
night at usual hour. Chancellor
Commander Henry Lanedell, re
quests us to extend a cordial invi
tation to all visiting Knights.
Work iu the third degree.
Messrs. W. M. Bridges and W J.
Neel spent the day in Cave Spring,
on yesterday, attend mg a meeting
of the Board ot Trustees of Hearn
Institute. It w as a meeting of the
board called to elect teachers for
the ensuing year, and resulted in
the selection of Professor Polenaan
King as principal and Rev. J. \V.
Pullen assistant,
i' j '!.»i. 'u onnnr
to your system, with the usuiu
pill. And there’s u cakness af
terward, and causeu by it .
. How can you expect any lasting
I benefit from such tilings?
The nearest to Nature’s own
I wav is with Dr. Pierce’s Pleas
ant Pellets. In every derange
ment of luc liver, Koir.ach and
bowels—Sick and Bilious Head
aches, Constipation, Indiges
tion, Bilious Attacks they
promptly relieve and pernia
nei\tly cure. No disturbance,
wz-v nftartirnril
no griping, no reaction afterward, they
regulate the system perfectly one tiny,
sugar-coated Pellet is a gentle laxative or
corrective—three for a cathartic.
They're the pmallent, the easiest to take—
and the cheapest pill you can buy, for they’re
guaranteed to give satisfaction or your
money is returned. You pay only for the
good you get.
Buy of reliable dealers. With tricky ones,
something else that pays them better will
probably be offered as “just as good.” Per
naps it is, for them; but it can’t be, for you.
Too well known to need lengthy advertise
maut" —Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy. 50 cent*.
For seeds of any de
scription, and of the
best varieties, call on
P. L. Turnley & Co.
Central Hotel Block.
Dr L. P. Hammond
has removed his otli?e
to The Medical Build
ing, corner Broad
Street and 3rd Avenue
over J. T. Crouch &
Cos,, drug store.
5 8 2w.
isdc’siw nosami pou posse jo ptiu liivut-aptm
. omoq rad is ‘it iinaii [|V
‘Bwpjos;p qußuioirf pin:
jT. ■
Whitney tex. May 22 1894
Editor of Ihe Hustler of Rome.
Dear Sir. —If you will allow me
I will use your worthy columns
for a change. Ciops are in a fine
condition, corn high as your head
io ton fine, wheat and oats fine
and planters iu good spirits.
We are having a few grasshop
pers, about equal in number to the
yoting Colonels I see springing
up in and around Rome, they may
do some little damage but none to
hurt. I mean the grasshoppers of
course, I am quite sure there is no
harm in the Colonels.
If Dick and I had stayed there
we would both have been Colonels
long before now.
But while Dick and I are neith
er Colonel, we are both Jim Dan
dies, which is a higher rank than
that of Colonel ever was,
There are worse men than Dick
and I, if we did figure on old An
derson Slack every time he got a
nice pen of hegs during our reign
as J. P and Constable. Its true
our court was a Justice court of
Costs. The criminal costs we gen
erally kept collected nice and
smoothly but the civil work was
Dick and I finally went out of
office, hut we were neither heal
out I’ll have you to understand
neither did we want the office any
longer, for Dick had saved up
money enough for us both.
Neither of us ever got any back
costs when we went out of office
though the boys looked after it
for us. Dick and I were rite shifty
when the range was good.
Sometimes it was thought by
the boys up on the higher seatr
that Dick was a little rigid in our
tills of cost. Ou one occasion
Col. Duberry thought the same
thing, and stated he had one
been Magistrate in York State
himself, though he had never
seen such a bill of cost as I had
then presented to him, before.
But finally Duberry sapped on
rhe wall at midnight and made
things all fight. No more costs
for Duberrv now.
Yours iu F, C. & B.
J. L. P.
Nashville* Tenn,, May 24. —
While George Charist was attempt
ing to walk a steel cable stretched
across the public square at Shel
byville, Tenn, and carrying his
wife, Lizzie Charist, the cable
snapped and both fell to the stony
macadamized ground thirty-five ft
below. Charist’s hip is broken and
he is terribly bruised, but wi’l re
cover. His wife is seriously injured
and will die. He was a profes
s'onal wire-walker and has given
many previous performances iu
various parts of the country with
out injury.
Dallas, Tex., May 23. —The
formal announcement this morn
ing of Judge John H. Reagan, ex
cjufederate postmaster general,
that he is a candidate for gover
nor, although expected for ten
days,created a profound sensation.
A month a ago, he declared
be was against President Cleve
No man has a stronger or more
enthusiastic following in Texa#
than Judge Reagan, and he is look
ed upon as a Venable father of de
mocracy. T’his announcement
at once makes the campaign for
and against C evelsnd.
-.j-uSJJru, " e[Bs a aBU-t . . ju , .
/g asjoq JO »;>> vc 01 ajij a.,
fntA-.if ‘viiuo.n X'uisap pm: sjopjosip A<jup;.
sj.xi.ioo 'uotrßiljjHUoj oxQtpi •ojp.'xitlt: jo sso
<ur..> 'uoijMoitip [to ‘ eqidti anoi A«q,y
aiapMoj uoprpuo,-) #>ol:3 j([ aji ui.'tjq
•uoa Aqqaeq autj v ui asjoq b ?utl)nd acq
■S)<nßßtup Kq ojbs 10 j -xoq aad »qnaa
•pvajj pub uinaqt] i[B4j ‘j.mej,‘biuoziL
■sapj ajog ‘spjq gajj paivpiuaih
k'-ty ajog aHiojqj joj aana uißjaaa tis[
ißatajujC ttftg pun eXa e
* » •« I r » ’► * *
The i4U§tler of romE, Thursday may 24. iss*.
Genuine large red
onion buttons can be
found only at P- L-
Turnleys <t Cj Central
Hotel Block.
Ntce new lot of sail
ors in Milan straws for
Ladies anti children A.
O. Garrard.
Frank Taylor’s Broad street
Barber Shop is the place of placed
when you want your cheek made
clean, your chin curried or your
hairslicked up according to Hoyle.
Frank has only skilled artists,
among them tb-t old reliable
knight of the razor. Lewis Barrett.
A lady at Toolys,La., was very sick
with billious colic when M. C. Tisler
a pominent merchant of the town
gave her a battle of Chamberlain’s
Co'ic.Ch >!era and Diarrhoea Reme
dy. He say.- sie was w • fort,
miutes after taking the first dose.
For sale by Lowry Bro’s Druggist.
New Arrival of Nab
by Pattern hats just
received at popular
prices. A. O, Garrard.
“Orange Blossom’, is a painless
a ciire for all diseases to women, old
esh by D. W. Curry Druggist
Big bagrains in Ox
ford ties and shoes at
A,B. McArver & Co-
Lanham & Sons are
still at the o d stand
236 Broad St-, selling
first class 1-2 gallon
ice Cream Freezers at
only $ 1.
See our $7.50 all
wool worth <515.0.
W* M. Gammon & Co.
500 mens fine suits
fresh bought at one
half the cost to make
will be closed out re
gardless of value. W.
M, Gammon & Co.
second ward.
At the request of a number of
citizens Mr. D. B. Hamilton Jr.
ha» consented to allow bis name
to be submitted to the voters for
election as councilman from the
Second Ward. Those who know
Blunt, know him to be an earnest
intelligent gentlimeu, active in
his work, but conservative in hie
vi“W« upon public matters.
Black and fancy wors
ted suits, imported
goods, only SIO.OO at
Go to A- B. McArver
& Co., to get your Ox
ford ti-as and shoes, at
Letters of Administration.
•1 E li<ilA,Ft.OV 1> COUNTY
To all whom it may concern :--Wm. J. Gordon
h.viug in propei form applied to me for penna
nent letters of adininislratioHde bonis non with
Will nnexed on the es ate of William T. Gor
don. late of said county. This is to cite
all aim singu r the creditors atm next of kin of
Wm. T. GoT'on to be and a pear at my oilice
within the timeallowed b” law and show cause if
th- y can. why permanent admiuistiatlon de bo
nis non with wil annexed, should not be grant
ed t Win T cnr'ioii <m Wm T Gordon's estate
Witness’ my hand aiui omeiai signature this 17b
"ay ot May ISj4.
John P Davis,
Ordinary Floyd< ounty
1 vou n‘<"l »tu thing in shu-s it
wid be t‘> \our interest io give me a
call bolot'r buying.
1 have icii'jlii the ej.tire stock of
Boots >m I Sines ti' tn R. T Con—
n.iliy and will sell imnu out at about
half of their loriuer pt ie< s. Mens S7OO
patent leather shoes for S4OO, big
line <>f ladies, iiiisies and children
slippuers at a great r duction. Call
and sae hem. •
J. T. Ougger
210 Lrond St. .successor to
R. I'. (’oiinnllv.
g $
y ESC..-o.idi-ia B
b In Postage, we will send £
Z A Sample Envelope, of either
i nozzoNi’s
5 rowo. >
B You have seen it advertised for many B
Z years, but have you eve’- tried it’—lf “
B not ~r ou do not. know •. hat an Ideal sL
Z < oinplexlon Powder xis. /
H pozzomr'spj
ft besides being no acknowledged beautlfler. 2
M baa many refreshing uses. It prevents chaf. ■
Z Ing.sun-burn,wind-tan,lessensperspinttioni \
■ etc.: infactitisaiuostdeUcateanddesinible' ■
Z protection to the face during hotweutiier. z
■ It Is Sold Everywhere, IK
\ For sample, address Z
■J. A. POZZONI CO. st. Louis, Mojß
Having 'pnrcliased. the entire
• • . ** <’ ’• v -
* ' ■ ' ■ ■ ♦ • • •’ *
stock of Tfnrnitnre from Messrs.
1 ” • , » I. -1 ’’ - I
Hanks Roberts, and. consoli
dated it with, my already large
stock I am now
And am ready to supply your
with anything and everything
Business is business, and if you
can seenre furniture now, that
you will b'Gy 1 ater on at regular nri
. J ( - - - : b . t,
ces and save from twenty to fifty
per cent, why
I respectfully direct ycur attention to the great
bargains that you know I must have secured
in the
Tney are crowding my floors and must be moved
and I am going to move them and move them at
once. Tha first who come to lend me a helping
hand will pull in the cash.
Kinkaid Corner Eroad St