Newspaper Page Text
Instated at the Rome Post OTice as "Urstclass
second-class Mall Matter.
3 cent a week or $5.00 per annum
JTFICE: Corner Broad Street and
. ci f(_u Avenue.
Official Organ
Ofjthe city <f Rome, and Foyd, the
"Banner county of Georgia.
*‘The man whose business is to
interpret the Bible is likely to
SKt&ke a sad mif’s of interpreting a
platform “—[Atlanta Journal, Ev
at?B organ. ]
In ancient Egypt vegtables were
aa';en raw. broiled or roasted in hot
A long palm, combined with
'«ng soft fingers, is a hand ol a
natural thief.
The works of Aristotle compris
•.ad more than 400 treaties on vai
ioßis subjects.
Cogan trills of a Romish cardinal
whose dinner began daily at 11 and
nentinued till 4,
The Romans had saucepans,
gridirons, colanders, dipping pans
amd toasting forks.
Boots which reached almost to
lie knee were made in Athens in
the time of Socr ' 3.
The fourth < dsional district
xriil hold its cuuvvution at Warm
Springs on August Bih.
New York annually grows 5,000
.<*o tone of hay and 30,000,000
hirsbels of potatoes.
Augusta is now sending larg
supplies of poultry and game t
the English markets.
in jealous people the heart lin
f the palm is long and runs up on
he Mount of Saturn.
Charlemange bad an ulcer on
,iiz leg that gave him much annoy-
Alice for many years.
The clerk of Queen Victoria’,
kitchen, who always carves, receives
«. salary of $3500 a year.
It ys proposed to found a new uni
varsity at London which will surpass
Oxford and Coinbridge.
Recently a couple were married
on horseback at Wilkesboro, N. C ,
meter the American Hag.
It is estimated that 13,000,000
persons ha\e been killed by earth
quake- since 1006 I>. C
Fifteen dollars a day represents
ilie average amount paid into every
saloon in the United States.
No fewer than 1760 ancient manu
script copies of the New Testament
in whole or in part exists.
Pious Russians do not eat pigeons
because of the sanctity conferered
on doves in toe Scriptures.
France is the only European coun
try that has fewer able -bodied men
today than it had thirty years ago.
A German statistician figures that
m 3,000 years there will be one man
to every 220 women AV owan suffrage
is bound to come.
A Dutch paper publishes the fol
lowing ad from a disconsolate wife;
Adolphus—return to your Matilda
The piano has been sold.”
'< The third party ain’t in it in
old Gwinnett. Twelve hundred
votes in the primary last Satur
- day was an eye-opener!
A year or 30 ago in Hanover, I’a.
£ Ur Smith and Miss Hoke were
carried, and recently their first ba
iy was christened Hoke Smith.
Octavius Augustus “had a mortal
irea? of thunder, and wbemvera
came on he retired to an un
der graund vault built for piotec-
Wi ki acted F iday and fell to
the Atkinson column. Wilkes had its
future date called in, like DeKalb,
and acted earlier so as to give the
‘‘Boomers’’ a little more ~spontanei
ty .”
Notwithstanding the numerous
speeches made in Gwinnett county
by the Atlanta lawyers, that county
sent Atkinson delegates to the gu
bernatorial convent’on. "Who’d a
thunk it?’’—Dublin Post,
The Constitution says the popu
list at the state conventions—ne.
groes, and republicans and all the
‘•dissatisfied democrats.’’ If bo,
wiiat is the difference beteewn
them and the Constitution?
Though Gen. Gordon was a gal
lant Confederate soldier, Judge
Longley in the LaGrange Graphic
is reviling Atkinson for voting for
Gordon as senator. A Daniel
come to judgement at rather a late
John W. Maddox, is a dead sure
winner in the next congressional
race in this district' There is only
one paper in the district against him
that is Everett’s Organ, and we
know of no other voter who is clam
oring for “Billy.Riugold New
South. ___________
Since her marriage Miss Olive
Schreiner that was, calls herself Mrs.
Olive Schreiner. Her husband, how
ever, has changed his maiden name
by making his wife’s family name
his surname, so that his visiting
cards now read, “Mr. Conwright
Uncle Evan Howell’s friends in
this part of Georgia were very
much disappointed that he did
not receive the populist nomina
tion for governor. They claim
that he was the logical candidat
—the man who has made the pa -
ty in Georgia.
A woman in Kansas sued her em
ployer for twelve years' service upon
which she placed a valuatian of
SI,OOO. He was a pretty shrewd farm
er and he imme liadely paid the
debt by marring the plaintiff, she
is now wondering whether she got
the best or the worst of the deal.
Sixty four escapes from the Geor
gia penitentiary [the lessees] in three
years and a half are too many. When
criminals are sent to the penitentiary
for their crimes the opportunity to
escape should be refuted to a mini
mum. We need a governor ,with the
firmness to look after such matter*.
A much bigger wheel than the
great Ferris Wheel, which revolved
in the Midway, and is to be set up
in New York, is building at Earl’s
Court, is a 400-foot wheel
and will carry 2 000, people in fifty
cars. Three restaurants will be built
on platforms at varying heights on
the supporting towers, and a big ball
room will crown the towers at the
“The people of Telfair county sajs”
the Georgia Cracker is getting up a
monster petition, to be sent to Gov
ernor Northern, praying that the
Penitentiary employe who handled
the Evans boodle in that county, be
investigated, good. It is true that
any employe of any of the State
departments is engaged in any such
business, it will be a blot upon
Governor Northern’s administration
if he is not exposed and removed
Let Governor Northern do hie duty.
We believe he will.
The New York Sun says: Jump
ing Tom Watson, the Cracker
Cade, had some glourious moments
as Chairman of the Georgia Popu
list Convention on Wednesday.
Tom strangled the octopus of cor
ruption, broke the hydrahead of
monoply, pronunced the doom of
privilege, sounded to the trembling
ears of wealth hi# terrible ap
proach, punched s.the mony-devil
in the midrib, vindicated every
thing he didn’t defy, patted the
head of agriculture, took labor by
the hand, and finally jumped three
hundred and five feet stright up in
the air, wrote the Omaha platform
on a white c.oud, and came down
in scintillating show er of red-edged
adjectives, Tom is to be Populis
candidate for Congress in his dis
rict again, and the welkin had
1 ts door bells off
Many a poor devil who has the
whole world before him never
catches up. —(Plain Dealer.
Doctor —Did you apply a mus
tard plaster to your spine? Patient
—Yes. Doctor —Didn’t you find it
a great help? Patient —No. I felt
that it was a great draw-back,
(Medical News.
Judge (to prisoner)—We are go
ing to read the list of your former
convictions. Prisoner—ln that
case, perhaps your worship will
allow me to sit down.—(Leßail
“But this is rhyme, sir,” said
the long haired caller, in aston
ishment, “and not blank verse.’’
“I spoke of it as ‘blank’ verse, sir”
replied the editor, handing the
manuscript back, “to save your
feelings. It wasn’t the word I
really had in my mind.”—Chicago
Starnes, the penitentiary minis
ter plenipotentiary for‘he Atlanta
Evans management, was in Hall
county last week plying his voca
tion . He said it cost S6OO to carry
Tel fair for Evans. He was sup
plied with the needful to use in
Gainesville and Hall county.—
Meriwether Vindicator.
One of General Evans’ big hur
rah plays, which be has been
making to the grand stand, is that
the Judges and Solicitors of the
State are all in a ring to fight him ;
in each county where he goes,
though, he is careful to exonerate
the Judge of that circuit. This has
resulted in his making the charge
against ihe Judiciary as a whole
and eating his words piecemeal.
In this connection we wish to call
attention to the Judge of this cir
Towns county had a widely ad
v<Tti°ed mass meeting for la--t
Saturday, and when tho folks got
together it was found that the
crowd was largely for Atkinson.
When they were about to elect
delegates, Judge C. J. Wellborn
an Evans man who does uot live
iu that county, proceeded to argue
that it would be better to postpone
action to some future day, and
succeeded iu having the selection
of delegates deferred.
And yet all the Judges and So
licitors ‘are in a corrupt ring to
defeat” General Evans—Georgia
Hon W Y. Atkinson was a mem
ber of the legislature from Coweta
county from 1886 to 1894. Hon
C.A. Evans was State senator
from Stewart eounty in 1859—60.
Here are the records the twomen
made, by which ye impartially
judge their character as statesmen.
1 Introduced a 1 Voted to allow
bid which was bftnkß t 0 8U d
passed, to make Bpecik pa t
the office of com- wheu there waH
missionerof agri uo pauic
culture elective
2 Introduced the
bill establishing o „ ,
the Georgia Nor- . ~ V otec * 0 a , bo *
malaud Indus- 19b . all laws
trial school for a S aiusl> usury,
3 elped draw o
, n u l. i. voted to par
V d »“ » worthlw,
the elate road alld cold b|
betterment quee ed murd
tion was settled- lvh „ »
with a saving to, • (he ]a _.
the State of $750 g e Javv
4 Introduced a
bill which was a T . , . .
passed, by which ~ 11 , r 0 a
the elatekannu,'/’ boll “>
ally saved b >’Dry.
000 for the in
spection of oils.
0 Aided to in- 5 Vo ted to re
crease the com peal all lawß
mOU P ro Pnating mon
nrnni??' 000 to < j yor aid by th
1200,90 J pe*” State to educa
QUUm " tional purposes
6.Aided to in
crease the Con
federate soldiers
and soldiers wid 6 Voted against
owe pensions allowingCoufed
from $19,000 an-erate privates to
nually to $460, choose their own
000 annually. officers,
A *
■le'idiuh*. M.-&1C, or ' ’■
ing uo, shcu’.d i.-.kd
W?O’.¥2- tiiWU
Y« * bieasant; ceres Mttbtr.a, indigeC or.
uotwnwc. Uvsr turn
whai”a;day brought forth
Atkinson corned Wilks county
on Friday, andon yesterday cap
tured Dodge, McDuffy, Troupe,
Carroll. Glasscock and Muscog e
with a total of 22 votes while
Floyd, Whitfield and DeKalb drop
ped into the Evans column with
12 votes. By counties .“the Pm -
pie’s Choice, W : Y. Atkinson gets
seven to three on the Atlanta can
didate. By vote he gets about two
io one. This ratio will be iuoJeas
ed in behalf of Mr. Atkinson it
Atlanta undertakes to inject on<
John B. Gordon into the cam
paign, What dues the Constitu
tion think of ‘‘ it) ’ P.m,
any how?
I sometimes think when the morning
Deeps forth from its crystal bars,
Os days that my heart re— ■ >ers
When earth like afa bird thone,
In her hula of mist and o ut;
Sweet days ! that are dead and gone:
Oh! such were the robes of summer,
And royal is autumn’s crown;
But soft it sighed through the zephyrs,
And it W’akes the forest’s moan,
That longing cry of the spirit,
For the days that are dead and gone.
■Tis well to be up and doing;
’Tie brave to be marching on;
Oh! the heart keeps time to the music
That lightly falls from the tongue
lu the days of our dreams heroic,
When we and our hearts were young.
Oh, laddie! with the brown hair waving.
From the pure, unwrinkled brow:
You may laugh your rippling laughter,
Aad sing as ye list today,
For there’s never a day before you.
That shall wear such bright array •
Yet to our clinging natures
Come-pleasures ami I the pain;
With regret that is not a sorrow,
With the shadow of a shade,V
We look through the mist of evening,
On the morning where we played.
Break, purple pomp of tho morning,
Out from the crys al bars,
I am gla 1 in yo n glowing ba tuty.
Though the heart man under one
Like a child half tired of pleasure’s,
Cries out for the dead and gone,
Minnie Lee Arnold.
With the big tin trumpet and lit.le red
.Marching _ like soldiers, the ; t ltildrei.
It’s this way thd that way they circle and
My! but that music of theirs is ,fine!
Tais way and that way, and after a
They march straight into this heart of
a sturdy old heart, but it has to suc
To the blare of that trumpet and the beat of
that drum
Come on, li.tle people, from cot and from
This heart hath welcome aud room ;for you
It will sing you its songs, and warm you
with its love, |
As your dear little arms with my arms
intertwine ;
It will rock you away to the dreamland
( a jolly old heart is this heart of
mi >e,
And jollier still is its bound to become
W ien you blow that big trumpet snd beat
that red drum.
So, come! Though I see not this dear little
And hear not his voice in this jubilent
I know he . were happy to bid me en
His memory deep in my heart with your
Ah, me! but a love that is sweeter than
Holdeth |my boy in its keeping today.
And my heart is lonely; so little folks
March in and make merry with trumpet and
—Eugene Field.
We're out drifting in an open boat,
Just you and 1; Mi,
On the ocean of life we must now float
And live or die.
The waters are dancing in wild delight,
The ripples gleam;
The shimmering sea. in beauty blight,
Seems like a dream.
Where are we drifting oh, tell me, pray,
To harbor clear,
Or into the shadow’s, grim and gray,
■\V liere death is near?
Loose not the clasp of your hand, my dear,
Keep close to .te;
The darkness deepens, the rocks are near,
I cannot see.
But I feel your kiss, and I hear your voice,
I trust you. dear;
Though the storm king rages, I still rejoice
For you are near.
—Boston Globe.
Continued Story tUAP - x
about Bon Ami.
Do you wish to clean the
tubs, and faucets. To
cleanse badly soiled lin
en, etc. ?
Bon Ami
A lady in Brooklyn says ■
“I have used Bon Ami so:
cleaning badly soiled linei
and cloths when all othe
things failed and found it h
work perfectly.
Is as safe and harmless as a fla>
seed poultice. It ictslikeapo”!-
tice, drawins out fever az-d pain
md curing al! diseases peculiar
.o la lies.
“Orange Bios- >n” is a pas
die, easily a-sed at any time;
3 applied right to the parts
Svery lady can treat hersel
vsth it,
’bailed to any address upon
•cßptofSi. Dr. J.A« McGill&Cc
Panorama Place, Chicago, 11l
Sold by
D. W. C urry, d ruggis
3 hisis p ] olicy ccmbiiiii g s 20
year endowment policy with a2l
payment life policy, for half the
amount ot the endowment, and is
case of death wiihen the first year
from any pulmonary disease bu'
one half the insurance (i. e., one
quarter of the endowment) will be
For insurance: a combination
policy may be taken cut for $250
endowment, maturing in 20 yeart
and its trims will provide that if
death occur while the policy is in
force within the 20 years $125 will
be paid; if the insured survive 20
years, he will receive $250 iu casL
aud still hold his policy as a .
dinary paid up life polic J
$125, payable at death wi
any futher payment ol premium
The premium is the same for ail
iges; but applications will pot b
rceived upon lives less than 13 o
more than 50 next birthday, ts.
■ -
V/e are sole agents for
Celebrated Candies,
Have you
Tried our
Cherry Phosphate,
Pine Apple Cream,
Orange Phosphate,
Concord Grape,
Blood Orange,
or Strawberry Gem,
These are onlv a few
of the many delicious
drinks and refresh
ments that we serve.
We use only pure fruit
juices in our syrups—
The prettiest fount in
J. T< Crnuch & Go.
Druggists, Medical
Buildir • Rome Ga,
The laiencls and patrons of
the late firn; of Crouch &
Watson are respectfully in
formed that any prescription
or special formula filled by
the old firm can be refilled by
the undersigned, We invite
our fricu'is and the public
generally to bear this in mind
as oar high standard of merit
both as to drills used and
the prescriptioni-its uopond
ing them wi I always be main
tained, Thanking the pub
lic for the liberate patronage
so generously bestowed upon
us we hold ourselves at all
tmes in readiness to continue
to serve our friends,
J T, Crouch & Co
If you need anything in it
will be to your interest to give me a
call before buying.
I have bought the entire stock oi
Boots aud Shoes from R. T. Con
nally and will sell tnem out at about
half of their former prices. Mens S7OO
patent leather shoes for S4OO, big
line of ladies, misses and children
slipppers at a great reduction. Call
and see them.
J. T. Dugger
216 Broad St. Successor to
R. T. Connally.
Lanham & Sone ,
still at the old
ta-c™,,, F ,„
See our $7.5 0 .
wool worth $15.0
W. M. Gammon & 'c o
. 500 mens fine suits
fresh bought at one
h^n t l ? e ? ost to make
will be closed out re
gardless of value, w'
M, Gammon & Co.
I>ra°ns who sympathize with lh ,
ifficted will rejoice with D. ,p q.
of 1235 Harrison street Kansas Cit 111 "
He is en old sufferer from inll anj 2’
tory rheumatism, but has not hereto
fore been troubled in this climate'
Last winter he went up into Wiscon
sin, and in coim-queuce has had an.'
other attack. ‘lt came upon me a 'ain
very acute and sev» re,” fi e Ba j ( j ,?b
joints swelled and bee tme inflamed’
sore to touch, or almost to look at’
Upon the urgent request of nr mitb
er- in law I tried Chainberlak’s Pain
Balm to reduce the swelling i,nd ease
the pain, and to my agreeabl Sllr
prise, it did both . I have ust d three
fifty-cent bottles and believe it to be
the finest thing for rneumatism, pains
and swellings extant. For sale by
Dowery Bro’s Druggist.
4 EQUAL 12
1. e. Four Weeks by our method of teachin?
book-keeping is equal to Twelve Wejks by ol
plan. Positions guaranteed under certain con
ditions. Best patronized Business college in th-
Soutb. 500 Student- in attendance the nagt
year. Eleven Teachers. Nashville is the edn
national center of the South Ch ap i. ir <l
No vacation. Enter any time. Home Sludy
W p have recently prepared books on >ok
keeping, Shorthand and Penmanship especially
adapted to home study. Send for our ' I r. • ’ ij
lustrated 80-page catalogue and state ■■ ms
wants. Address .1 E. Draughon Pre
Draughon’s Practical Business eolleg an
S hool of Shorthand and Telegraphy, N?-; rill
N. B.—w* 1 pay $5 cash for all vacancies ts
book-keepers, stenographers, etc., itp. i i o
us, provided we fill same. (Mention this paper
when you write.)
I ’difiiiFACESS. ~;i
xS> J *T*>s MJB: ••!■,;. i r<c. :
'u- that there r.r-
S' *' 7 y.'i.'®!'; 't/i Bandsofladiesinr •■ued
WlU* SjZ?? Bt'lt<'Sth:'t »■■■■' ■
my World-Renown, i Race
V*? ife, %l>*i Bleach: hut here been
kept from doirp. on ac
f L, CountofprltJ ■.’»•■ |,i< ■_.«
'&?% per bottleer both
/Jm.tSjV' j r I together, S&.00. In order
-4v>;Ltthnt nil of these rr y hey?
, an opportuniti-,1 will give
? • to every ca)i , c - . ; Ui ,y
* ’4? free, a sample. bottle, and
Jiz sy S> yy .In order to supply l ' -eont
rz tyiSfr'— o f city, or in any partof the
•world,l will send It, safely nackedin plai n w rapper
all charges prepaid, for 25 cents, silver or stamp.”
In every case at freckle*, pimples .moth, sal-
I ov.-nes, black beads, acne,ecrema,oiliness. rough
ness, or any discoloration or dlseaseof the skin,
and wrinkles (not caused by facia expression)
Facts Bleach removes absolutely. It does not
cover up, as cosmetics do, but is a cure. Address
MADAME A, BtJl’PEltT.tbcpt-O.)
No. 6 East 14th St., NEW YORK CIT*
<JAPAME ' '3
W I-T ; x
-V'j ;..'i .tia?;'
I .FVk 11
A New and Complete Treatment, con- of
■SUPPOSITORIES, Capsules of ? ntn •
Boxes of Ointment. A never-faking rues
yi th the ■ is oi a r boil
<tre peinfu’and sekl )• a;'. , ”nIn> 1 n> it "•_ ■
resulting in deaUt, nnnv<. y. W.«)
this terrible -v» ? We s’?-**’ ■"**
boxes to cu«*o c-o'iy c?:S6« -2 U v '' .
benefits received. a box, 6 for 15. Sen bymau.
. Iby < ' ; 1 •
•Ks'i•?-s!' ,
take, e- pe , -fed for children’s use. i-i
25 cents.
GUARA' nly’oy
J. T Crouch & Co\__
m fiEiii.mirs wia
For the purpose of receiv
ing the Tax returns of F'oyd
County for the year 1894, I
will attend at the Militia Dis*
trict Court Giounds at the
following dates:
Last Round
Everett Spring Fri "25
Wattrs Mon
Etowah Tu 29
Howels Thu “ J1
June .
Barkers Fri !
vans Valley Mon u
CaveSdringTu g
Foster’s Mill Wed <(
Livingston Thu ‘
Rome Fri i f
Will be at Roms dates
‘tioned, and on every Satur
day, and during the montn o
une except dates as a>o* t.
t the Court House
AH urgently requested t
make their returns at
earliest date, saving a ru^ 1 ‘
the close. Defaulters n >
returned, for Double lax
every District where thej |IL r
lect to give in their laxts.
Very respectfully,