The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, June 04, 1894, Image 3

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COMMON WYLERS. hOWTHK t am mooming to and tmo ]X THF BAITH. r „ker.barg. W.V.. JuDei.-Tke nr of J- O’Connel with Fry 4« «’»m«.we.l or*, .ni«d here thi, T be eitj 'offioiele supplied rz c wit-p^^"-r ret “” 1 to permit them to la«d. LLAj.r,..«Mlb«‘ th « d™*™* J he eled we. to W the er ,.l Marlette, whir, they would toembark end go erwW to> Pitta „„ The ooel, however, tod-d the X three »ilo. .bov. F.rk.reb.rg Th* en»y ” ,nl • b * cl *° p*rk«r«burg to wk permission to re- . . this was refused. The ramy sttr \“• field » ud t, ' WU - S over th. northwestern- X tor The army num bars 156 men. ON BREAD AND WATER. • Washington, June 3.-The Coxy iteß at Highlands spent a quiet Sunday. Addresses wete made by McGhee, one of the lieutenants ; General Frye and Mrs. Dundeean. org ani«er of the woman’s Coxey contingent. The groceis of Wash ington sent a supply of provisions to the camp. Galvin’s men at Camp George Washington, are in a pitiable con dition, being an the verge-of star vation. For the past two days they have been compelled to subsist upon a half » loaf of bread to each man, washed down by Potomac river water. , ‘ a rNDCSTRIALB CAPTORSD A TRAIN San Francisco June 3.—A south fecund freight train on the Southern Pacific was captured below the town of Pixley, Aulare eounty. last night fev 175 industrials who stopped th e train by placing obstructions on the track. The Pixley authorities were notified and early this morning posae arrived at- the scene. They forced the industrials to leave tbe train. The men cursed the officers and declared that they would yet ride out of the country. KEELY IN MISSOURI. St. Genevieve, Mo, June 3. Commander K®ely and his insdus trial anna put into this post last night and were provided with a day's rations by the mayor, under iustractioDß from the city coun cil, Keely claimed to have 1,200 men in hie boats, but they did not hold out when counted. The flo tilla landed five miles below the city and departed this morning for Cairo. Keely has about per fected arrangements for a two up the Ohio river to Wheeling, W., Va. HOW’S THIS! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F J CHENEY & "CO., Props., Toledo , 0. We the undersigne 1, have known 1 J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all busine s transactions and fi nancially able to carry out any obli - gations made by their firm. Thu ax, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, 0. Balding, Kinnan & Makvun, Whole sale Druggists, Toleds, 0. Halls Catarrh Cure is taken intei liahy, acting directly upon blood ®, ’uucous surfaces of tbe system. rice - 75c. per bottle. Sold by alb Hrtiggixts 'l'estimonia s free. THE DUGGER SHOE STORE. H Jou need anything in sho«8. it "ill be to your interest to give me a call before buying. I have bought the entire stock of aud Shoes from R. T. Con i' 1 1? W ’’ d Peb Hiem out at about ua i ot their former prices. Mens S7OO .* tent leather slices for S4OO, big une of ladies, misses and children ail T'” a great reduction. Call and see them. am J. T. Dugger -ICBrcmdst Suet™,® to _ R. T. Connally. 4 Equal i 2 ’ I ' 1 '" in'i'i '\' 7 1 ' s our of teaching ! ; ia " I'.' T lal to Twelve Weik, by ol '.lnions. He. t . * nt , ee< i Under certain con • rum st : . lze . ll B 'ishiess college in th ■'-« Elev’-n t l C ' 1,1 a-teixlance the past '"’’“l 1 oir, 1 .. rs ‘ Nashville is the eiiu- V: “ Klim, ’ i.-,',’, ’ le South Cheap Board. W" have r,-,.,.,'!. ler all V tinie - Home Study. Shorth'.‘7. y i lire l' anj U books on Book tn hoi ;! , a ," d penmanship especially ‘“"•rated wL, .71 dy ’ 3en(l f »r our “Free” il •Aililn'.L J- at »'oKue an'l state “your’ H r J? u ßhon’s p r . ?' praughon Presi.ien , ! J‘’ l| ’’“l of shorthan ? a Business college an N u j, thand and Telegraphy, NAshvill caß \ lor nil vacancies as we'nn ?I aphe rs, etc., ret oted to ****>> you write.) * Bame ' (Mention this papej M 1 The art Display Drawing Large Crowds. WILL CONTINUE TOMORROW MUSICAL TOIIOHT. IXCBLLICNT PRODRYM TOMORROW AMD WXDNIBDAY NIGHT. CLTDB BHBOI’fiHIRR’i AMDRKBS WMD- I MBS DAY MORNING, Th* grand art display at Shor ter drew a large ©rowd today. Th» art halts were crowded throughout the entire day, and many expres sions «f admiration were to be heard on all sides. There has been developed considerable talent among the art pupils of Shorter, as the painting displayed to-day .will testify. They will continue on exhibition tomorrow and those who were unable to attend today will not miss the opportunity to morrow, r To-night a grand Musical will be given at the college promptly at 8 o’clock. The halls will doubt less be crowded as they have been every night. Wednesday at 11 A M, Hon. Clyde Shropshire will deliver an ad dress to the graduating class, the public is also requested to be pros ent. Wednesday night will close the exercise, and the Shorter young la dies will leave Sunday. COLORED SCHOOLS WILL MOLD CLOSING EXERCISER AT NEVINS TONIGHT Rome's colored schools, Prof T. M. Dent, principal, will hold their doling exercises tonight, at Nevin’s Opera House. Many seats have been reserved for white people who wish to attend. The following program has been arranged and will be put on in a man ner that will entertain and please all who attend; Grand March, ,E Martin, Pianist. Music—“ Praise waiteth for Thee.” Invocation, Rev. B. S. Hedges Music—“To God in H°aven.” Essay—“ Courage.” Olive Ralls Recitation “Trials of a Schoel Girl” m Reynolds Dialogue—“From way Down East”— , Rachel Richardson, Gertrude Thomas, Jesse Ray, William Roseborough and Willlie Dent. Chorus—“ Hark, the Distant Hills. Essay—“ Diligence is the Mother of Success” Williei A. Taylor Skipping Drill Led by Zora Lodre Vocal Solo—“ Don’t leave the Farm Boys”— Daisy Ellison Essay—“ Time Changes Things” Louise Payne Recitation—“ Prayer and Potatoes’ A. Hickey Piano Solo m. e. Martin Dialogue—“courtship under Difficulties”— b. c. collier, Dallas calheun, Joseph Mullen Negro Melody—“l’m a Lily of the Valley” Essay—“ Mother” Annie E. Olar’ 4 Recitation—"Ax to Grind” Guilford collier Music—“ Hunting chorus.” Essay and Valedictory—“character is power” Jessie E. Ray. Address Hon. Seaborn Wright Vocal Solo—“whippoorwill” Olive L. Rail Presentation of certificates.. Prof. J. C. Harris iSupt. Presentation of Diplomas— Hon. j. L. Camp, Pres. Board of Trustees. E. T.T&WBDULE TO THE EAST Leave East Rome 5 40 a m 4 40 p m Arrive Cleveland 7 55 a in 7 02 p in “ Knoxville 10 25 am 10 00 p m “ Bristol 2 15 p m 4 30 a m " Washington 4 02 a in 9 40 p ni “ Baltimore 500 am 1100 p m *• Philadelphia 750 a m 3 50am “ New York 10 50 am 6 52am Trains leaving East Rome, 5 40 a in has a Pull man Sleeping car. Mobile to Cleveland, where it connects with the popular Vestibule dining car train for Washington and New York. This train also connects at Cleveland with train for Chattanooga arrives at 9:55 a. in. The 4:40 p.m train connects at Col ewah Junction with Sleep ing Car for Radford, Va, making direct con nection for all points East. To The North and West Leave East Ron e 440 pm 200 am 10 40 am. Arrive Chattanooga, 740 pm. 450 am 1:20 pn . " ciucinaatti 730 am. 120 pm “ Nashville 620 am.. 10 55 am 720 pm. “ Memphis 700 am 610 pm “ St. Louis 645 pm. 705 am “ Kansas city 725 am. 10 45 am Little Rock 230 pm. 215a <’ ‘ Ft. Worth 800 am. 750 pm Train leaving East Rome 4:40 pm is the pop ular “Cincinnati & Florida Limited.” It is full vestibuled and runs solid Jacksonville to Cin cinnati, carrying Pullman’s finest sleeping cars and a magnificent observation car from Macon to Chattanooga (seats tree) where it makes di rect connection with solid train with through 'leeping car attached Chattanooga to Memphis, connecting there for all points west. To South Georgia Carolina and Florida. Leave East Rome 2 o<>7un n 15am 402 pm Arrive Atlanta 610 am 155 pm fi 25 pm “ Augusta 120 pm 925 pm 515 am “ Macom 10 50 am 725 pm 10 45 pm " Savannah 630 pm 700 am " Brunswick 715 pm 15 am “ Jacksonville 900 pm 830 am Train leaving East Rome 2:50 a m runs solid to Brunswick. Sleeping cars Chattanooga to At lanta. The 11 15 a m solid through vesti buled train to Jacksonville, stops in Atlanta 1:55 until 7:3upm takes on sleeping car to Brunswick and the connection from 4:02 train. The 11:15 am train connects with H&D,S AL. A & W P and Ga. railroad trains in the U nion Depot, Atlanta. If also has an elegant observa tion elinlr car (eeats free) to mic mJ To Alabama, Texas’ & the West. Leave East Rome 9 40 pm. Arrive Anniston 12 05 night “ Selma 030 am " Montgomery 700 am “ Mobile 12 30 noon “ New Orleans 445 pm “ Houston 700 am Leave East Rome 4 10 pm. Alpine Accommoda *’Leave East Rome 200 pm . Gadsden and At talla Accomrodation Train leaving East Rome 940 pm. has I nil man Sleeping car to Mobile connecting with Pullman car to New Orleans. For t irther particulars, tickets or sleeping car : Be rations, call on or write to £. c. Smith, F & T A . Rome Ga. L A Bell DPa Selma Ala. J J Farnswoith, Dp A. Atlanta ca. B W Wrenn Pa W .Knoxville THE HUSTLER OF ROME. MONDAY JUNE 4. 1894 ON Afe-AISEA. ; PABSENGEBB REBCUBD FIOM A BURN ING SHIP —ONI MAN DIES. Philadelphia, Pa. ? lune 4. —A ■tory of fire at neaoo ai overladen sailing vessel with loss of life and the rescue of passenger! and crew, Was reported today by Captain Seigle, of the North AtHntio Tri dent line steamship Donau, at this port from Hamburg. April 6th. tbe Douau, while od the cu‘« ward passage from Philadelphia, sighted a sailing vessel with smoke issuing from the main hatch and her distress flags iu flames. The burning vessel proved to be the French schooner. Jacmel from Oreenville, for St. Pierre Miquelon island, with eight pas seagers and a crew of twenty six men, all told. A boat was lowered from the Donau and manned by the chief officer, Carpenter, and three seamen. The Jacmel was discovered by the rescuing crew to be not only on fire, but leaking badly, her pumps being insufficient to keep her free. Heavy weather had opened her seams and partially water-logged the frail craft. De spite tbe water in the hold, the fire was gaining and the crew was help less to stay it. The fire had been discovered three nights before and the men were exhausted through their ef forts to save the craft. One man, Wilban Patenburg, the second mate, had succumbed to •asphyx iation. The Jacmel went down in lati tude 44.03. longitude 41.27. AN INQUEST UNNECESSARY A NORTH CAROLINA LAWYER BUICIDEB IN BALTIMORE YESTERDAY. Baltimore, Md„ June 4, —Wal- ton M. Busbee, a lawyer of North Carolina, and more recently a clerk in the interior department at- W ashington was found unconcious •n the streets at an early hour thia morning, and died a few hours later at the city hospital. He was about thirty-three years of age, and belonged in Raleigh N. C. He practiced his profession there and in Durham, aud was ap pointed clerk in the interior de partment last January. His broth er, Fabius H. Bushbee, is United States district attorney for eastern districts of North Carolina. Another brother'Charles M. Bus bee, is a prominent member of tl e Knights of Pythias at Raleigh. Coroner Hill said that it vas undoubtedly a case of suicide from opium poisoning and deemed an inquest unnecessary. Remember tomorrow is regular sale day and the chiefest among the bargains will be the house and lot opposite the old Kainkaid place on Roas Street, which will be sold to the highest bidder at the ad ministrators sale, In the examination of teachers, he'd at the Court house ou Satur day, by County School Commis sioner Bridges there were only about 25 white applicants out of a total of 75. Several of the city public school teachers were among the number. Hon. W. 0. Bryan, of* North Carolina district, was circulating on our streets today, Sl’KtlAl7 NOTICE, The friends and patrons oi the late firm of Crouch & Watson are respectfully in formed that any prescription or special formula filled by the old firm can be refilled by the undersigned. We invite our friends and the public generally to bear this in mind as our high standard ol merit both as to drugs used anti the prescriptionists conipond ing them will always be main tained, Thanking the pub lic for the liberal patronage so generously bestowed upon us we hold ourselves at all times in readiness to continue to serve our friends. Respectfully- J T. Crouch & Co, emu DENTISTS. J A. WlLLS—Dentist—2oßl-2 Bro»d a tree B over Cantrell and Owens store. ATTORNEYS. JAMES H NEVIN- Attorney at Law Offic Poverty Hail postoffici ooraor 3rd Avenue CHAS. W. UNDERWOOD- Attorney at law Masonic Temple, Rome. Ga. REECE & DENNY—Attorneys at law. Offio» in Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga. r~f WW. VANDIVER—Attorney and Conn a sei lor at Law—Rome, Ga. WH. ENNIS—Ino. W. STARLING—Enui- A Starling, Attorneys at Law, Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga. feb23. WH. SMITH, Attoruey-at-Law. Office u _ Masonic Temole Rome Georgia. feb32tf W 8. M HENRY, W. J. NUNNaLLY, W B J. NEAL—M’Henr,. Nunnallv & Neal Attorneys-at-at Law, office over H.ii< I Davidson Hardware Co., Broad street, Rome, G PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, ~~ If. RjAmSUR— Physician and Surge > _ Office at residence 614 avenue A, Four ward. LP. HAMMOND—Physician and Surgeon B Offers his professional services to the pe. pie of Rome and surrounding couuti, Office at Crouch and Watson’s drug store, « Broad street. DR. W. D. HOYT—Office at C. A. Tre vilt drug store. *o. 331 Broad street. Telephon 110. reßiden m. No. 21 DR. C. F. Gl IVFIN-Physician and Surge —Office nr, v Masonic building. Residener 300 4th av aue. HOWARD E. FELTON—Phvstcian and si u geon—Office No. 6 Thirc Avenue, At office dav and night. Telephone 62. Frank A. Wynn, Physician and Surgon office at Tre: itt & Johns m drug store Telephone 13 Residence 406 Second Ave, Prompt attention given all professional call BARENTS MAKE FIVE DOLLARS A DAY? Greatest Kitchen utencil ever invtt tad. Retails 35 cts. 2to 6 sold m evary house: sample Postage paid five cents. McMAKIN & Co. A lady at Toolys.La., was very sick with billions colic when M. C. Tisler a poniinent merchant of the town gave her a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme dy. He says she was w el fort, miutes after taking the first dose. For sale by Lowry Bro’s Druggist. go to T F Foster for apple vinegar only 2 Oc. gal. Nice apple vinegar only 2Oc gal at T. F. Fosters. Recommend Johnson’s Magnetic Oil for rheumatism, neuralgia sprains, bruises, lame hack, if quickly relieves pain “Orange Blossom.” the Common Sense Female Remedy, draws out pain and soreness. Sold by Ham sold by D. W. Curry, EAST ROME MARKET. I have opened up a first-class meat, vegetable and fruit market, I next to the Arlington hotel, where 11 will keep at all times, a full and complete line of the best of mftats. including beef, pork, mutton, sau sage ptc. Knowing that East Rome in cludes the best class of citizens, has prompted me to open up in their midst, and I ask for a share of their patronage. Prompt deliv ery at all hours. J. W. Thompson. I have two little grand children who are teething all this hot slim mer weather and are troubled with bowel complaint. I give them Cham berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy and it acts like a charm. I earnestly recomend it for children with bowel troubles. I was myeelf taken with a severe attack of bloody flux, with cramp and pains in my stomach, one-third of a bottle of this remedy cured me. Within twen ty-four hours I was out of bed and doing my house work. —Mrs. W. L. Danagan, Bon-aqua, Hickman Co. Tmt. For sale by Lowery and Bros. D.uggist. 4 FOR 5 In Pontnue. we. will Hend A Namplc Envelope, of either 7 WHITE, FAESII or 88.1 N ETTE ■I — op ? nozzoNis ; $ I OWDER. I Yon havo seen it advert'aed for many r Z years, but have you ever tried it? —if 1 not,—you do not know what an Ideal ; " < oiuplcxicii _ jwilrt is. H pozzom’s k I ■ .1 l besides being an acknowledged benutlfier, • •a has many refreshing uses. It prevents chaf- KJ f ing, suu-burn. wind-tan.lessensperepirntion, C etc.: in fact it is a mostdelkate and desirable £J , A / protection to the face during hot weather. 7 It Is Sold Everywhere. k For sample, address / SJ.A. POZZONI CO. St. Louis, gfcA ___ mention THIS PAPER. »a| NEW CENTRAL HOTEL. NEff MANAGEMENT , ' NEW FURNISHINGS N. M. GOMEZ Proprietor. RENOVATED THROUGHOUT ALL MODERN IM PRO VKMENI b ELECTRIC BELLS ELECTRIC LICHTS. I COAL O’Neill Manufacturing Company, TELEPHONE. 76. The Oostanaula Steamboat and Trading Company -- > CALLS THE ATTENTION OF MERCHAATS, That we will run our Steamer Tony, on regula trips to Carters, every week. Ship what you can by us, Give us your orders for all Kinds of Country produce Chickens. Eggs. Corn. Hay. Peas Batter, Bacon, Fruits, Huiaj Dried, Wheat, and all Products of the Country. Geo W. Trammell, F. B. Holbrook, MILL* We Mean Business Call and Get Our Brices before Buying, W e are Selling SA.SH, DOORS AN D BLINDS Flooring, Ceiling, Ballusters and Brackets &_t Bottom Brices HUME & PERKINS iviSSTORED! This wo rick! nul remedy ft a A X 1 • hu..u •< <i to'cuny i*.Tii<»rvouid diseases,such as Weak Memory. Loss of Bruin pEr jfcT-fr L•’ **’*> a•• 4 *’• ,kV er, Eeanucr*-, Wa/efulncss, 1>o»l Manhood, Nightly ktnh'jlcns, Nervcu* R* ‘“’t*) rt xi.ildrai.isuugh Jf power in Generative Organs of either sex caused v* > i ; \ v; r< zeriioh. youthful rrorw, excessive use of tobaceb,owlum or stlm* V Lanta, which lead to inlirnilfy. Consumption or Insanity. Can be carried I a . «*x-- . ( t pocket. S’. for S3* by mail prepaid. With aBS order we X s e:a wrlt*’»r niaraflieelo tore or refund the nuftney. Sold by all druggists. Ask fur it. take no other. Write for free Medical Book sent sealed hEtoßk axd At a£u AoLmT* in plain wrapper. Address Tk F.LC V E KEEJLI CO., Masonic Temple. CHICAGO* For «.<le 'n Romo- by BRADFORD DRUG CO.. Druggists. New Arrival of Nab by Pattern hats just received at popular prices. A. O, Ganard. “Orange Blossom’, is a painless ,cure for all diseases to women, old esh by D. W. Curry Druggist. Big bagrains in Ox ford ties and shoes at A.B. McArver & Co. Black and fancy wors ted suits, imported goods, only SIO.OO at Gammon’s. One $ 1 0 -00 worsted suit is equal to any SIB,OO suit in Rome. See them at Gammon's Fine Virginia Natur-| al leaf tobacco 15cts. ner pound, at P. L. Turnleys & Co’,Central Hotel Block. Genuine large red onion buttons can be found only at P. L. Turnleys & Co Central Hotel Block. Nice new lot of sail ors in Milan straws for f ladies and children A. 0, Garrard. Try Turnley’s In falable Liniment for Rheumatism Neural gia, Sprains, Cuts, Bruises, and Pains in any part of the body or limbs, for sale by P. L. Turnley, druggist. y ?• A Yi •) £* * 5? **x O hw 'id? i- * 33 SHOE hoWi». Or you wea.' them? Whan next In need try 4 path Best In 'he world. 14.004£- X*2.50 43.50® ¥*2.00 . \ FOR UDIE * §2.00 yj "•**<; u*Js 2.00 42.25 &J41.7S •f you want a fine DRESS SHOE, mada In ihc < "' ’styles, don’t pay $5 to SB, try my $3, $3.50, $4 ft 35 Shoe. Tl.ey r e'juai to custom made and lo'.* l * ■ •’s w.o If vtj wish to »?' r •■■mb’ yo'irvx""/ * (<’.»(• wain by Can rell]&’’o« *Q tVVhat Nerve Berries have done for others they will d • f° r y° i IM IST DAY. VIGOR OF 15THDAY. MEN Easily, Quickly and Permanently Restored. s° TH * A positive cure for all Wei .cesses, Nervousr.p Debility, and all their train of evils regular from early errors and later excesses; the rest of overwork, ■iek.iews. irorry.eD D.-ve.o and gives tone and strength to t‘i exua! ' Kans. Klops unna/ural low *s -sr Milgbt emissions caused by youthful eri*or* or c cessive use of tobacco, opium and iicjue which lead to eonsuuiptton anti tmuund Their use shows immediate improvement. ?.cc no imitation. Insist upon having the g'■ •«’ : Nerve Berries, Ml'cLy h ! pocket. Price, *!.<)•» per box. six boxes. <»n r. {guaranteed to cure airy I not kept by your druggist we will send l by upon receipt of price, in plain wn 1 Pamphlet free. Address all mail orders A’XEIIiC'AX < <>., tinelnowl. For sale by Crouch & Hale. Offers unequaled advantages to young men desiring a less education or Shorthand. Course thorough anG n., i. « low. Free fare to Rome Circulars .r •« J. G- HARMISON. PraaidanL a* .