The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, June 25, 1894, Image 2

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ntered at the R< merest Once as ••nrsvclws
sdconu-\jaa» Mail 'latter.
- (Editor, aud
L (j. B\ KI), | Managei.
< 0 ceuU week or ss.ooper annum
UfFJCE: Corner Broad Street and
w u ltLn Avenue.
Official Organ
Oftheclty <>f Rome, and Foyd, the
•‘Banner county’ of Georgia.
f? O r <>i 1- ioyd.
Major Bob Fouche,
Capt. John Reese,
and plain
“Mister” Moze Wright.
And they will be elected, —1 <<•
■ Mark that prediction?’
Jn 1870 St. Louis had ■ arge rrop
-’rA’ition than Chicago.
This is the season of the scaley
i-giory with a fish tail to it.
Sparrows have so much curiosi
ty that they will gaze in mirros
-. hour if not disturbed. S<
will -women.
It'I? possible to buy a wife in I gan.
/la lor a pair of shoes. On bargain
lays an old plug hat is considered an
.And last of all came the Cuckoo
Kad Sorehead, running hand in hand
*x> catch up with the procession.—
Griffin News.
The oldest chicken in the world is
Wieved to be at Excelsior Springs is 14 yeais of ag\ blind in
- one fyd and very decrepit.
The unselfishness of men is shown
Jby the millions of dollars which aie
represented in life insurance pob
<des. —Wilmington (Del ) News.
and Ramapo have an un
>„ .1 BotNid. But with then
.3 “gait on” they “ge.
•• ; oßt. the same —in the lead.
2?he Line will come when ti e ad
" -rark’.Bing columns of a paper will be
'edited as closely and conscitnt u o
■ the P <8 or editorial coluium.—
Two thirds of the gold njw n>
MfUfte in the world was discovered
i within lue past 50 years. This
- does not include Keely's Gold
Oure, »y other.
Tue 1 i/i^efi-Stateb’ Senate bus i -
- < greased the duty on the higher grade«-
uC yarns—but will -this prove a prc
' taeotioL v. uen a fellow rings the dooi
•bell'ieikiug for the keyhole at 2 a.m.''
'The man who refuses to support
the nominee because of the defeat
' as hie preference is a poor sort of
■ Dmv.’Cixt In fact, he is r.o
Y'•’Democrat at all.-—Sparta Ishmael
( Gold can be beaten 1,200 tiffifs
thinner than printing paper. One
Mince will cover 146 square feet.
■ .-while z #2G gold piece will of:< n
Qcnce&i a whole mountain of in -
TTo say that Floyd will go to
Hines would me»L that the sup
porters of General Evans were not
iemocrats, The Hustler of Rome
kuowc that such a statement is a
slander ou the“winners” in Floyd
In New Hampshire, Massachusetts
Connecticut, Rhode Islam’, Nov
York New Jersey, Maryland, Vi’
ghna. North Carolina and Soutl
Carolina .he male population is les.-
tiiax? onebalf. in nil other Statesit ex
r<eds one-half.
The tongue of tho toad is at
tached to the front of its jaw and
'...IiAHgE backward instead of for
ward. Perhaps that accounts for
the fact that the croaker is etern
ally “out of order.”—Jaw aud
■ tongue a missfit.
Hon. O. A. Bacon will formally
open bis campaign for the Senate
at Gantoti in Cherokee county oi.
sbc first Tuesday ia July, which
'will be on the third of the month.
Mr. Ham will speak with, him
Augusta Terald.
“I tender my services, without
reserve, to the State Executive
Committee and to the future Cam
paign Committee, to be freely used
in support of the party and its
nominees.” —From Gen. Evans’
Letter of Withdrawal.
Editor Mclntosh says in his
bright, non-p»rtizan Albany Her
ald :
“There are some half dozen Ev
ans organs m Georgia that are
wonderful adepts m the art ol
“The same considerations of
party unity which prompted my
candidacy at first, now induce me
to withdraw, for 1 would not press
my personal preferment so as to
imperil the success of our party
From Gen. Evans’ Letter of With
Princess Tom of Sitka, is probably
the richest woman in Alaska, She is
an extensive trader and is known all
over that country. She wears thiity
gold bracelets made of S2O gold
pieces. At one time she had three
husbands- b”t when she became a
Christian she gave up two of them
A London writer notes that the
penny in the slot machines were
known in the time of Nero, of Al
exandria. There is no doubt but
that many an American wishes
that Nero had secured an eternal
patent on the machine and kept’t
out of this country . —Albany Her
ald. __
The Emperor Francis Joseph, of
Austria, has one attribute of states
manship that marks him great He
knows how to surrender gracefully.
Obligatory civil marriage is a thing
against his faith and judgement, but
be bends to the bemand of united
Hung ry and strengthens his power]
by concession.
The Atlanta Gazette opposes Hon
A. O. Bacon for the Senate. The Ga
ette opposed Hon. W. Y. Atkiusonfor
Governor but eat its crow while
the D< moeracy of the sta e will elect
the “people’s choic- ’, and in due
rime Mr. Bacon will be overwle’m
ingly elected to the high office of
United States Senator.
On the silver question the Repub
lican party is beginning to whiffle.
The latest serious zigzag is the de
claration of the California Republican*
jn favor of the free coinage of silver
at the ratio of 16 to 1. There is dq
demagogy too bold or brazen for the
acceptance of the Gaand Old Pai,y
when it feels itself short of votes.
Atlanta Gazett: You bet your
sweet life, we are the same “Phill
G,” and now, as in the past, we
are able io weed our own row;
now, as then, we are trusted by
our friends and hated by cur ene
mies—But come out, aud over
your own name give u* your opin
icn of the Gubernatorial campaign
.is she
The Blakely Observer gets right
on top of the truth when it says:
“The man who thinks himself of
great importance—that he is simp
ly running tho whole business—
should get a map of the universe
aud try to find himself in it. If he
succeeds, then he can say that he
would be missed should he be
called hence.
This is the way a New Y'ork pa
per talks about rhe weather in that
city: “Talk about eizziug! Holy
prophet of the seven beards! Sa
h-ra wasn’t in it. The heat fried
the Hou ces <if your face, aud let
a 1 ! of the creases out of your pic
turesqe profanity. Hot? Oh, no,
certainly not. It was hot enough
to melt the tail off a brass mon
Chief Johnson, of the Bureau nf
Engraving and Printing, in Wash
ington,” says the Post, “is now run
ning through the press a new SIOOO
silver certificate. The new note i o
printed from an original plate de
sign under the direction of Mr. John
son, and in artis.ic finish and deli
cate touches is pronouced byexperts
the most perfect example ol the print
er’s and engraver’s art of any Unit
ed States money. The vignette of
William L. Marcy adorns the new
silver certificate.”
The Atlanta Constitution gives
a cojumn and a quarter report of
Mr. Atkinson's speech at Conyers
on Friday and speaks of it as “a
strong and eh quent address,” de
livered to “an audience which term
ed the capacity of the courtroom.’’
It was the kind of speech aud the
same kind of audience which hav-’
been parts of Mr. Atkinson’s whole
campaign, and the Constitution
eh >wb its greatness as a newspaper
having at last found out the facts
—Griffin News,
It’s all very well to poke fun at
my town for its provincialism,” re
marked a Philadelphian to a New
Yorker a few days ago; “but what
do you think of that?” He point
ed to a patch of green in the very
centre of the road in front of No,
15 Broadway. There the astonish
ed New Yorker beheld a square
foot of grass that had managed to
flourish in spite of the ceaseless
traffic that goes up and down ciie
great thoroughfare. He at once in
vited the Philadelphian to join
him in a few glasses of fresh milk.
—New Y r ork World.
The present Fire Island light on
the south shore of Long Island is
shortly to be replaced by a great
electric light, said to be the larg.
est ever made, It is claimed that
it will have a brilliancy equal to
twenty-five millions of caudles.
The lighthouse is 168 feet high
and it is expected the light can be
seen at a distance of 25 miles.
“To make a long story short,”
observed the blue pencil, “the way
to succeed”
| “Is to do the work you a’-e cut
I out for,” suggested the scissors.
“And stick to it addedjhe paste
pot. —New Y’ork World.
Showman —To be a trainer of
of wild animals, my friend, re
quires absolute fearlessness —in-
difference to peril —iron nerve, I
am afraid you won’t do.
Applicant—l was a book agent
five years and tor the past teu an
advertising solicitor.
Showman —Would $250 a week
be uuy temptation?
The constant drop of water
Wears away the hardest stone;
The constant gnaw of Towser
Masticates the toughest bone.
The constant cooing lover
Carries off the blushing maid ;
And the constant advertiser
Is the one who gets the trade.j
Firat Sailor—There ain’t a sign
of a breeze anywhere, and we are
right in the course of the trade
winds, too.
Second Sailor —My, my ! I won
der if the trade winds have stop
ped on account of hard times.—
New York Weekly,
Wife (in a fashionable store)
I wonder why all the salesladies
ire uiecsed in blnci.
Husband—-I supposv because
business is dead. —Judge'.
Commencing Sunday May 13th
the Chattanooga Rome and Colum
ns R- 11. will rm a Sunday sched
ule : 1 rain leaving Cedartown early in
the morning and returning that eve
ing. Also commencing .at noon
Saturday May 12th round trip tick
ets good to return until noon Mon
day following will be sold between all
local staticm-? j._o r> t> ..
v. xi. u. . X». XI. til
one tare. 1 his will enable everyone
who desires to do so to visit the
mountains near Chattanooga and to
attend church exercises at various
Yours Truly,
C. Wilbur,
May 7 htf Traffic Mgr.
-| tn sealed glaM vials, is enough *n
8 itself to recommend Dr. Pierce s
j Pleasant Pollute. It keeps them al- ,
4 ways fresh and reliable. You can’t
I be sure of tho big, old-fashioned pills
in wooden or pasteboard boxes.
But these little Pellete are better
at c-ery point. By their tonic or
effect on the lining
membnuaw us the intestinee, they
increase the Ttciitral action of the
bowels, and pM-mancntly cure Jaun
d.ce, Biiiousnc**, Duziness, Sour
Stomach, Indigestion, and conse
quent stupor or drowsiness.
There’s no disturbance, no reac
tion afterward, and t'nelr help
Oiie tiny granule is n gentle laxa
tive; three are cathartic.
They’re the scnallest in size, the
easiest to take, and the easiest in
the way they act. They’re the
cheapest, too, for they’re gruaran
\ teed to give satisfaction, or your
I money is returned.
Nothiiar else can be “ Just as
I good." Tricky dea' vrs always have
' things to urge upo„ von wlifch are
better for them to see , but bad t<n
you to buy.
We do not boast bat we
say with confidence and fore
thought that never yas there
rought to Rome a more su
i perb summer line of good?
• than the goods s-ow on salt
i atour emporium, We mack
. an extra trip to New York in
order to get ihe newest, the
. ’atest and the best at the lo w
, est figures.
The ladies are raving 'wer
our lovely dress goods, and
well they way. for they ar?
i indeed the prettiest eve
i shown in this market. We
have just receive d a large
line of Tafieta Moires. They
; are something unique new
> and very r-tylish? All are de
. lighted with these goods,
i They come in lovely figures
i and the price so cheap that
they go at fisrt sigat,
2000 yards of Bengal Blue
bwns going at 7 l-2c. They
regular 10c goods. They
are fresh, new and the designs
fwely. Let eveiy lady sec
Figured dotted swisses. Here
is where every lady stands
entranced. Never was there
put in material more beautv
ihan these goods contain.
Lovely does not describe
them, and t?ey are so coo’
and delightful. J ust the thing
for this hot June weather.
Anything from a 4c check
or plain nainsook to a lovely
silk mull, or all over embroid
ery cun be found iu our white
goods department. No one
needs stand back on pnees
We carry a of
laces in all style® imagina
able, and can meet th* most I
exacting demands. Be -’urei
to see our new Hue just in.
And parasols. Just arriv
ed the biggest birgains ever
offered in these goods. Any
style, any size, any quality,
any price, all at a genuine
Call this wet k and be one
of the bargain winners.
Thos. Fahy
M Is not complete ‘
without an ideal *
I; rowDER. El
j pozzom s i
■q Combines element of n
beauty and purit v It is beauti-
, fying, soothing, healing, health
ful, and harmless, and when
" I rightly used s A most *
1 delicate and desirable protection aA
to the face in this climate.
a 1
i Insict upiz having the gensins. J,
■ ’--won’ (
4 EQUAL 12
I. e. Four Wnt-ks by our method
of teachiug book-keeping is equal
> Twelve Weeks by the old plan.
Bositious'guaranteed wnd*-r cer
tain conditions. Best patronized
Business College in the Soucn. 500
Students in attendance the past
vear. Eleven Te'chers. Nashville
s the educational center of the
South. Che.q) Board . No vacation
Enter at any time. Home study.
We have recently prepared books
on Look.keeping, shorthand and
Penmanship especially adapted
to homestudy. Send for our Free
illustrated 80-page catalogue and
J tate your wants. Address J, E.
Draughon, President Draughon’e
Practical Business col'oge and
Schoo, of 'Shorthand aud Telegra
phy, Nashville Tenn.
N. B # —We pay $5 cash for all
vacancies of Stenographers Book
keeper-!, etc.reported to ns provid
ed we fill same J (mention thi
paper wtien you write.)
Western &
—TO —
St. L-o us
Kasas City
Nl omphis
The West.
Qnick time and Vestibuled trains carrying
Pullman Sleeping cars. For any information
call on or write to
General Agent, Rome Ga.
Traveling Pass. Airt. Chattanooga Tenn.
J( 8 FI ( Wtv
Traffic Manage Atlan a
penera rass Agt Atlanta
Those using hose and sprinklers
are hereby notified that the water,
ordinance requires that sprinklers
should only be used while being
held ia the persons hand, and not
fastened up and allowed to run in
definitely. Violaters of this ordi
nance will have their water turner]
Jas. McGuire,
_ Patronze Burney's’;
Transfer new prompt
,and reliable. Present
i office ArmstrongbiocK
Jeff Burney
n €or tii»u_c! crut a
Story about
Bon Ami
What is it? I
The Best Friend
‘ a Woman ever had.
A new material for clean
ing and polishing all sur
faces, contains no grit or
acid and doesnot scratch,
xc does tile work of aB
other cleaners combined.
Use Bon Ami and no oth
er cleaner is needed.
Malar '.a, Li ’er Trou
oJ s,crlndigention/da.’
i Reward for an^case^f'ca^r^ 011^9
cannot b* cured by Hall's that
I Cure. J alB Catarrh
i F. J CHENEY &co n
i Toledo ,0. p r°P ? ,
We the undersigns I i
P A P l ™*/ ter th « l«‘ 15 k ““” 1
and behevn him perfect!, c
in allbusine’s tknS m ”? ll «
nancially able to tarty out an ” J'
I gatioDH made by their firm ‘ V
! & Truax, Wholesale ru
Toledo, O. • Drt W,
Wamjing, Kinnan & Marv™ Wk .
sale Druggists, Toieds Q ’
Hall’s Catarrh Cure’ i 8 [ n i. on
nally, acting directly U p on et '
and mucous surfaces of the Rv ,
i Price. 75c. per bottle. Sold
, Dr “2gi'’tß__TesHmonia_Rj £ ee l ' a l
I will beat ti le Court Hou ße fr n J
| now until J uue the 30th
purpose of receiving your taxes isl
are urgently requested to inatethlM
returns at the earliest date, Bav j‘W
rush at the close. Defaulters SB
1 returned from every district
I double tax, where they ne<He cf fl
. givem their taxes, ■
■ M. D- McOsle/B
’ 4AV‘ eCf
notice. • ■
• GEORGIA, Floyd County,
1 „ No:ice J. B hf>reb y given that■
i I etitiou Signed by fifteen
. Freeholders of the 1504th. (HoiH
i ell s) District G.M. of said counS
1 has been Filed in my office aakuß
1 that the benefits for the
t of Sections 1440,1450, lln'.ljjM
I 1452, 1453,and 1454 of the <
. Georgia of 1882 and the arne Jg
> ments thereto shall apply to ea®|
I 1504th. District G M, of
- County. 1 further give n<‘ice
mid matter will be heard on
I 25th. dav oi'June. lintant (l>ftfl|
■ a.iiil if no v ; .lid noi,-oi? ;i re showMl
- an Electiuu will he ordered to oH
cur ou ifie 14th. day of
(1894) to d<ci<|e the ..D.-stojn
to “Fence“ or “Stock Law,"
cording to th- StafuDs m fuM|
case made ami provided.
Given under iny hand and
cial Signature, this 4rh. day
June 1894.
John P Davis,
I '
rhK£ face bleacM
I I MME. A. Rl'PpflH
r *T*Vx Fay F; •■I a; prt-cia te I
X efrjZ/. that there are many
f6qljh Ftmdsot
Statestliat w < -uld
iny Wot Id-Renowned
W S V~ <X-~ Bleach: but have
kept fmm d'-intr so
vk r con ntof pr $ win h
phZ perN<ik’C
.•‘yo’RV • together, S.M. In
>V\7*iufefef th a t a > i oi un A may
V/yl ar. opportunity,!
SJgfr y *C> to every ca 1 ler, ate*
™ & tree, a RHm? lfl
z> Z? yy _z in order m supply
r/ t ~[,- art
wrld.l willsend Itsafely p; , keh.
all charges prepaid, fors ' : it- ■" ' • -r■ < fl
In every ca*e of freckle*, i ' '- * >
lowneas.blackliends.acriv" -'Ugg
nes»,<>r any discidornth er diweei l
and wrinkles (not causes!
Each Hi. each remove- H
cover up, as cosmetics do. but 1 ®v.
No. 6 East 14th St..
What Nerve Ber®g|g|
have done for
.r«? they w iflßß
v Ml
IST DAY. ' A. X "f®F/' Y» ■■
ViiuOn I »
M E iV - cs// /’ £/zc(,/
and Permanently Rash *""BSE
A positive cure for all W b .'■•
Debility, ami all tin-ir tram ■’. <•' he
from varly errors and later e i.- '’, ; .
of ow rr work, nirk m-**- » t <■
andi'!Vt< tone:iii'i*t r - J ’ l -'J'' • '
;r;« -w. uiinafM l .*’. «<'••* •’
<?’•!»•» »ii>n*4 eausi-i uy yotiU.<m
ce>-o vc use of tobi»r<-<». opnirn ■
which lead to <«<»»iion ■_■ jw™
Their use shows immediate mipi ' yy.,
v . f rvvtation. Insist upon »*..'■ r
n no. kept ;':
hj mail, upon receipt •>■ r r
For sale by Crouc«
~' cTHW
A Xow
nl-l ; osl IV.Kii '-', <'■'"
oioi'ii' id.
r ~v
U lil.'t |U ■'.’•• dio ■ •
vhin ,err Ido * ..-.
tu."f9 to a.-.> * '
•W.eaui received.
Uiiurantec* lrsiv'l’’Y "’ ' pn r . s
CO NS T! PA> :o
.. 3-fl
take, e- pcmad; -
I a cent*. niy by
Including Bo°®
Call at office
J, G. HAR^te 1 ■