Newspaper Page Text
ThIRP year
n r y-Goods, Dress-Goods, White Goods, Notions,
> gn ts Furnishing Goods, Hats, Shoes and Oxford
L in fact everything in our Dry-goods Store
ill be turned out at a Sacrifice, lower than has
ever been sold in Rome before.
[hev Have Got To Go
f you fail to come you have missed the bargains,
and it will be your loss and not our fault.
Spool cotton worth 5c for 2 1 -2 c
lorticelli Spool Silk “ 5 c
Pinsand Needles per paper 1c
Calicoes worth 6c for 3 1-2 c
fchallies “ 7c “ 5c
Binghams “ 6c 4 1-2 c
Bleach domestic 4-4 “ 5c
Pride-of-the-West “ 10 l-2c
Burleigh Long-cloth “10 1-2 c
Bea-lsland Cotton “ 5c
ISea-lsiand Cotton “ 5c
Fine white check lawns worth 35c tor 22c
“ “ “ “ “ 30c “ 2Oc
“ “ “ “ “ 25c “ 18c
“ ’• “ “ “ 20c “ 15c
“ « « a .< 18c “ 13c
“ “ “ “ “ 15c “ 11 c '
“ “ “ “ “12 1-2 “ 9c
“ “ “ “ “ lOc “ 9c
“ w Plain “ 8c “ 5c
•“ “ “ « 7c “ 4c
“ a “ 5c “3 1-2
IBig line of gents Underwear, Balbriggan shirtsand Drawers,
Suspenders, half Hose and Neck-wear.
Come to see us and bring the cash with you
anci take advantage of this slaughtering sale
. 401 Broad St. Norton Corner.
_ - - ——•
« -
I McDonaTd-Spai ks-Stewan Company
■ e ha\c bought 500 of these Cockers
I ail( l sell them at the extremely
I low price of $2.00 each
I nt forget our flatting sale. We have
I just received another large ship
ment and offer this week
9 . nt Matting f v p 8 1-2 cents per yard
, r 11 Matting for 10 cents per yard,
~ u »t Matting for 12 1-2 per yard,
teilt tor 15 cents per yard,
111 Matting for 17 1-2 cents per yard.
r(| batting for 20certs per yard, #
1 Matting far 25 certs per yard.
»2.w> ' ffiS.OCX «’"
flc Co. 1, 3 and 5 Third Ave Roms, G?.
Big bargains in Ladies and Misses
Oxford Ties
Oxford Ties \vorth $2 for $1 43
“ “ “ $1 75 “ $1 38
“ $1 65 “ $1 25
“ “ “ $ ‘ 50 “ $1 15
“ “ “ $1 25 “ 98c
“ “ “ $1 OO“ 68c
Gents Fine Dress Shirts worth
$* 25 for z 98c
Gents Plain Bosom Shirts
worth $ 1 for 68c
Gents Fine Unlaundried Shirts
worth $1 for 75c
Gents F'ne Unlaundried shirts
worth 75c for 6Oc
Gents Fine Unlaundriedshirts
worth 60c for 45c
■ Wil
I "V ■ ' -a
a ' Jv i < j-4 G 4 j
cm FUHS.
.vfect and Transact the City’s
• -
Petitions r« ad and Referred. Bills
Passed Upon. Hook niid Ladder Co.‘
Granted a Lieve ol Abscence.
Council meeting June 251 h. 1894
Present John D. Moore Mayor,
councilmeu’e Walter Harris, W. J.
Satterfield, H. R. Miller, A. B. Mc-
Arver, T. J. McCaffrey, J. F.‘ Mq-
Clure, W. J. Neel, W, A. Wright,
and H. E. Stoffregen.
Minutes of 11th and 12th inst
Pending discussion of petition
of P. A. Cato as to damages
against city councilman Neel was
excused. The petition was refer
red to a special committee com
posed of councilman Harris, Mc>
Clure, and McCaffrey and the city
Petition or W. T. Comer and J,
5 . Loeb as to assessments referred
to a special committee composed of
councilmeu Miller, McArver and
Petition of Lessees of Rolling
Mill for water referred to water
works committee with power to
Ordered that an electric light be
placed at Lytles Park from July
Ist, to October Ist,
Petition, of cifizens Hook and
Ladder company fur absence for
ten days to go to Cumberland Is
land granted, Police committee
authorized to griut, leave to such
of the police force as they saw pro
perto go with the fire company.
Question of deed to water works
property referred to the city at
City attorney instructed to look
up contact as to Branham addition
to cemetery.
An election being held S, M.
Lowery and J. K. Williamson
were elected school trustees.
Clerk instructed to investigate
bills of J. C. Brown and W. L.
Collier for services on April Ist.
and 2nd. 1894 and if they had not
bneu paid for two full years servi
ces to draw drafts to make up the
Petition of Frank C. Wright for
referring taxes unpaid referred to
finance committee with power to
The mayor and clerk were au
thorized to execute and receive
proper deeds in straightening
street upon premises of Lucy
The following accounts were
passed and ordered paid.
C. M. Alexander St. Dpt sl7 70
“ “ Police “ 2,30
Alice Roberston Contgt “ 270 20
J. S, Veal “ “ 550
L G. Todd Relief “ 7 00
1 8. Allen Pub Buld “ 440
M. W. Brett Street “ 31 71
W. A. Rhudv W. W. “ 2175
J. H, & T. M. Jefferies Pub
Buld Dept 1 20
E, L. Bosworth W W “ 43 70
Terhune Berry Co Cem“ 4 55
W M. Moss ' “ “ 150
Co “ 4 80
Rome Tribune Centgtl 85
Hume & Perkins W W“ 12 28 :
’V. T. Drennon Street “ 20 10
R. J, Rrgan “ “ 2188
W, H. Steel W W “ 5 15
W. H, Ebling Police “ 286 25
Council adjourned,
Halsted Smith
Clerk of Council,
Read A, B. McArver
6 Cos. advertisement
go Buy your goods
from them while the
big sale goes on-
Os School Trustees Now The
Best For Years.
Night The! 1 B< an l low Composed
ot W. H‘Steele, Sam .fi. Lowry J 1.
Camp J K Williamson and M M
Pepper. Honorable Men and True.
At the regular meeting of the
City Council last night, Mr. J. K.
Williamson of the Fourth Ward
was elected a member of the Board
of Trustees of the Public Schools
to fill the vacancy caused by the
resignation cf Mayor John D,
Mr. Williamson is one of the
best known young busineso men
in the c’ty. He has been tried by
our city, before, and has always
served faithfully and ably—And
in the present position, which is
new to him, he will make a record
of which he and hie fellow citizens
will be proud. Klip Williamson
is made of pure metal.
The other vacancy was in the
Second Ward, caused by the ex
piration of Max Meyerhardts term
Mr. Meyerhardt was a candidate
for re-election bui was not “in it“
with Dr. Sam Lowry, The vote
stood six to.three in favor of Mr.
Lowry and he was declaired elect
S. M. Lowry is well known and
very popular. He is the head of
the big drug house of Lowry Bros
and proprietor of the Surprise
tore. His victory over one of the
shrewdest politicians in the state
proves a Surprise-iu-store fur his
opouent and a source of satisfac
tion to the masses of the city,
The old board of Trustees will
hold its last meeting some day
this week and the New Board will
meet aud organize on July 3rd.
They will, on that day, elect a
Superintendant, Principals and
teachers for tne Rome Public
Scheols for the ensuing year.
Tne New Board will be composed
of Cape W. H. Steele, First Ward ;
Dr. S. M. Lowry, Second Ward.
President Jot Camp, Third W tt rd ;
Mr, JK. Williamson, Fourth
Ward and Capt. M. M. Pepper of
the Fifth War I. And the pros
pects are that Capt. Stede will be
elected Secretary of the board —
if he is elected —then Rome will
have the best Secretary aud the
best all round Board of Trustees
that her public School system
has ever enjoyed.
Joe B.Maddox,the bogus revenue
agent, who worked E, R. Minhin
ett, the Cave Spring distillery man
for $42 30 and was arrested ir
Cleveland, Fenn. Sunday afte r .
noon, is again at large .
Upon information from Mr .Alin
hiuett that Maddox was afugutive
from justice and was wanted in
Rome. The Cleveland police ar
rested Maddox Sunday afternoon
and telegraphed Minhinett of the
arrest. They were wired to hold
Maddox and Minhinett would be
there od the first train from Rome.
But it seems they have a queer
kind of law up there as, notwith
standing it was Sunday, Maddox
demanded an immediate hearing
and it was given him, was
released ou SSOO bond until today
at 10 o’clock, two prominent citi
zens ol Cleveland going on* his
bond. But Sunday night iMad
I dux skipped out leaving his bonds
Lmen in the lurch. ami wJjen Mro
hiuett arrived he could not be pro
duced, but Afiuhinett says ha. will
yet get him and make him suffer
the penalty of the law. He de
scribes him as a man of prepos- '
sessing appearance, about 6 feet
tall, brown eyes, auburn mustache *
and hair and wearing a new black i
trersh’d sack .-vih
And Among he Officers anus
the Criminals.
John Weeds a N< gro Harber Arre Med
Joe Maddux Caught, Gives Bond and
Skips. B< i k the Texas Murder
Coining Horne.
The criminal element muzis I? ;
be restless and the officers anß
courts- are kept hustling.
This morning, Mr. J. A. Jones
a bailiff from Chulio, carne co th-i
city and ar his request Officer J
A. Collier arrested and carried to
jail, John Woods, col’d.
At noon the bailiff left the city
with his prisoner heavily hand*
cuffed, and carried him to Be*sey,
where he, will have a commitme its
trial this afternoon.
The negroes were charged with
the murder of the stranger young
man whose finding has already
been recorded in the Hustler o **-
Rome .
The bailiff rays that strong evi
dence has been secured and Jthe
negro will be convicted beyond a
doubt Some of the negroes connect
ed with the murder have beea in
duced to talk and has given the
whole thing away is about the
sense of what the bailiff had. U
say. •
John Wood, is a stocky built
mulatto. He wears a heavy mus
tach and while he lives at Seney
he spends the week in the city and
follows the barber busmess in the
Central harder shop .
He protested his inuoceuee-’ on ’
all sides and when he left many
of his race felt that he was *.goner
—fearing night aud m.>b vkileuce
It is claimed that certain colo;
ed people at Seney saw Wood a*
others aud the young white r jar *
drinking together aud MF
young white man remove h : < B boe *
and take out two ten doll:
on Sunday the 17th. It i j aleo n
fact that when the bo
murdered man was that
his shoe was off his ‘
Wood returned to f -
day, and after the m fler l3ake< }
a nay or so later, h< j . pretty
freelj by Jeff 80l a feft>w bar .
bee. who takes t c a joke as naturally
as an English 4 . fflrjuw dees p a cor-
The joking annoyed ' ordaud caiiec.
for repeate 4 protests from hifo. uLast
Sunday 1h i >rnke th< record lad faild
to go ho tQ j un j joJay }>is arrest- z
Mirdiinnett, the Cave Spring
Li ev er vetQ-n.jfj from Cleveland,Tenn
1 !1IS morning.. His teiegftuns had-'
Ch used the arrest oi Joe B. MaJUax,
1 nf before the swindled Brever ar»n
rived;.Joe ■ had demanded a tri?!-- <
x had bis bbuad fixed at SSOO and skip- >
ped out.Ali.ddox is prominently cor *,
nected in W bitfield but if be is re
captured he will suffer the ruialtv of
'■ the law. "
e warrant/ X’SMISSED •>
1 Judge Lumpkin ' Abe
- warrants against ’Messrs. j Byars,
i and James McCaffrey tins m
'll he warrants were sworn out l * %
I young farmer named Calven McGin- "
’ ms, and grew cat of a ]i tt .l e racket
; over at the Mobley Springs barbecue
Ar r Harper Hamilton sad
~u k Eubank <? prosecuted, while
Messrs. George and Walter Ha-rh
and IV. AV. Vandiver defended.
he Hustler suggested to tn,
court that anybody was liable to fierh
over barbecued meat, and this 3 L
g^tion >t u U p Je d with the circumstance
that tlm evidence was i
the dismissal of the warrants .
Judge w. M, Henry h Mbaelll)
nil day today, heating and waSehw
motions m th d Superior Court.
Deputy Sheriff J. p •
expected to leave McKinnie, Tex to
day and bring with him murderer
B-ok the man who pF w farm-r S-.
Jr*. -■&