The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, July 01, 1894, Image 2

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THE HUSTLE OF ROME. oUrwlat the R.n.tPm* O'ce as “Orrt-clM* Bec<jiKi-cia»» Mail Matter. _ (Editor, and PIIILG. 1H KIA | Mauagel. DAILY AND SUNDAY. terms of subscriptig a cent a week or $5.00 per annum IFFICE: Corner Broad Street and irrivc.. v. bittn Avenue. Official Organ nt the city Os Rome, and Foyd, the ® "Banner county" of Georgia. For representatives of Floyd: Major Bob Fouche, John Reese, and plain “Mister” Moze 5\ right, And they will be elected,—To mark that prediction. , It isn’t the longest faced chris tian who io the hapniest. The water mejon may be seedy, but it gets there just the game . Will Roper, of Murray, certain ly lives a "charmed” life. California’s Midwinter fair is still in full blast. Midwinter, is that fair. June cf ’94, in New York City was the hottest on record. There are no Pendergrasts or •Santo’s in the land of Dixie. Heat and hard times are making it mighty unpleasant tor the peo ple of the North. Wilson’s Cave Spring Herald grows brighter as the days grow warmer. Steve Clay will make a good presiding officer over th' 4 state con vention —Thomasville Advertiser. Jack Majors is writing many very “Shaip” editorials, these sul try Summer days. Some 4 *'ycung” ladies do, others lould hut many of them can t lie young. Poor things’ Japan has landed 19,C00 troops n Corea and taken possession of of the capital, k The innocent Dago should be sparred, but anarchists, like snakes -should be crushed off the face of ”*he earth. When a poetical opponent gets .rou by the tail the best way tn get -iway is to —grease your tail. — 'Hale’s weekly. ffilce e rerun shou d be eaten with & foi K. —Augusta News- ‘ Yes. and soupe with a knitting needle, darn it! Its powerful hot on the Con gressmes up in Washington out. it wil 1 be a cold day’ in August- be fore some of them get back there. An lowa young woman recently von the oratorical prize at Cornell university. Women does not al | •ways use her tongue to a disad 1 ’vantage. * I Atlanta and Augusta seem to be 1 ugfermined to thrust Turner on the peop’.iof Georgia. Turner will do well to remember the fate of 1 Gem , i If tne could sell the sea at one I cent p«- 1.0.000 gallons it would I bring $25,090,000,000. Here’s a t chance tor the third party to nfise i funds t" buy th- railroads and ’ «tart tneir sub'rea-uries. I - ■ I The ; uigie fowl of Austarlia buildt H nest that is about twenty feet iu diameter fifteen feet high. Vv'ouder ; t tins is any larg er limn the iii<>r. ? nest s 1 tus of the politicians are finding these ‘hot’’ times. Al alley that adheres so firmly to glass that i: may he used to] solder piecies together is made by a French chemist. This may not be glear but we can solder see If some people would be a little more careful where they step, those who follow would'nt stumble so much. *‘l Onlv Missed the ' Governorship Seventy-Five Thousand.” would be a good title for Judge Hine's book after the election is over.—Rmgold New South. Sir Donald Stuirt, who recently arrived in this cou »y on a visit, is the first British Field Marshal that ever Aisited America. All the same Colonel Stuart is verv welcome. It- is said that the State is he. coming crowded with people who ‘'would have voted for Atkinson if they had not been pledged to Ev ans” —Griffin News. Many a girl g-es forth with a . f oil i. nable youiig man to gather wait! Howers to press, when she ought to go out with her mother to gather greens for dinner, s iys an exchange. Editor Hale anchors in a haven . of safety when he says: Men whose Democracy is no deeper than their personal feelings, are useless to the party. The soon er they get off wi'h the calamity bowlers, the hotter. The Hustler of Rome is so hap py it can scarcely contain itself. — Thomasville Advertiser. And why not, Colonel Advertis er? Aiut “our side,” the fighting democrats slayin the Phillistiues by the millions?. Representative Stone’s anti-an archist bill ie at least timely. Had a law such as he proposes been in force a year ago, the anarchist who killed Mayor Carter Harrison and is now laughing at the author ities in Chicago would have long ago met his deserved fate ..upon the gallows.—Augusta News, Six dozen quart bottles of apol linaris and a box of lemons are consumed every day for the use of the Senate \Fhile the tariff bill is under consideration, This is ex clusive, of course, of the other liq uids that are uosuaily charged up under the comprehensive head of etceteras. —Boston Herald. The gasoline stove and the hair trigger hired girl are detonating all over this country now. At the present the gasoline stove has taken a few falls the most out of the servant girl and has a good lead.— Macon News. In other words the servant girls are stove-up —eh?. Gen. Evans says: “I tender my services without reserve to the Democratic Executive Commit tee.” Spoken like a man. Some kickers say : "I won't vote for At kinson if he is nominated,” II re we see the difference between do ”ui on to party and principle aud selfish personalism. The report that Hou. John James Ingalls has b en offered $25,000 l year to edit a New York paper is very luiprobab'e. Mr, In galls has no experience in the edi torial conduct of a newspaper, aud only a few of us, even after years of experience, recieve salaries that. —Aguatn Chronicle. A New Orleans man thinks what is sauce for the goose is sauce , for the gander, aud as the girls are making a fight for admission into the male colleges, he will apply for admission into Vassar for bis son. This will be bringing the argument home to the girls in a wav they h id not before apprecia ted. If it is left to the girls, and the applicant is a goodlooking fel low, he will probably be admitted. Editor Revill, of the sparkling Vi idicator, enjoys the destination iff having carried his country by ptimaiy, for Mr. Atkinson, without a dissenting vote. This is remark able in as much as it was the on ly county in the slate that fur nished such returns to either can didate. Editor Revill and the Meriwether Vindicator make a pair tnat, drawn to, will never be de Seated. THE HUSTLES, OF GOME. SUNDAY. JULY . 1 . 1 AQ4- r Large tracts of land in Kansas have I been sinking and leaving lakts in their places, J his is but another way which Kansas nas devised, of water— ng the stock of K msas mortgage as sociations. The Ringold New South says: Billy Everett’s chances for congress in this district are out of sight. A regiment of astronermrs with.a doz en telescopes each could not find | them. C"!| it a “She-tawker” if you wniit to, but if a woman save any thi-.ig, she has to sing it. The men do the talking and the proper ' for the distraction is:“He tawker,” Now if the time to— “dam the Etowah!” Sam Jones says that ’‘Colonel Breckinridge is the only man in congress who has been convicted oi doing anything.” We are betting Sam Jones agrees with the balance of Kentucky, that Breckinridge should be defeated. The anarchist is a poacable an imal until he sees an opportunity ’ to “raise cain” —th«n he throws off 1 all restraint and wades in—often by treachery shedding the inno cent blood of a good man. Why not make war on the serpents and ‘ remove” them. The talk about income tax be ing undermocratric is nonseme It provides that the rich as well as the poor shall bear their share of the burden of government. If this isn’t the essence ot Democracy, so far as this question is concerned, the Telegraph dosn’t know what is.— Macon Tekuraph. On another page, will be found the Temperance column, edited by the W. C T. U. ladi is of this city. This column will appear regularly in the Sunday morning edition of the Hustler of Rome. At present it is edited by that gifted'-writer. Mis. Bruce Harris, and, read once, it will be regularly sought for ev?r afterward. ' That much ridiculed human species, “the dude,” sometimes d-'velops into something after all tor it ia related (hat the famous Berry Wall, the acknowleged king of dudedom. has taken charge oi a brokers office in New York and exhibits considerable business abilities. SUBSCRIPTIONS MUST BE PAID. A newspaper in Illinois recently brought suit against forty-three men who would not pay their sub scriptions, and obtained judgment in each case for the amount of each claim. Os these, twenty eight made affidavit that they owned no more than the law allowed them thus preventing attachments. Then, under the decision of the Supreme Court, they were arrested for petit larcenv and bound over in the sum of S3OO each. All bu s six gave tie bonds. The postal laws ume it petit larceny to take a paper and refus« to pay for it. SA fl IS NO PURITAN. A northern exchange thinks there are as many Puritans in the south as in the north aud gives Sam Jones as an example of the Puritan. But Sam Jones is not the typical Puritan. He ig not the long-faced whining creature that stands for the Puritan. He is so full of humor aud good nature that it bubolen over in spite of himself right in the midst of his sermons. He is full of the fire of the Cava lier, and he ai tacks s n in its most powerful shape with all the aban don displayed by the Cavaliers as they fell upon the Roundheads. True, he condemns many worldly amusements, but he does it because he honestly believes they lead to sinful pleasures. Lord Macaulay says the Puritans forbade bear baiting not because of the pain it caused the bears, but because of the pleasure it affords the specta tors. Sam Jones has not a particle of that spirit. Still, there is one respect in which he is very much like the Puritans —he insists on preaching politics and is not at all particular about his facts, —Birmingham Age-H raid Col. Atkinson is quoted as saying that the Populist party is weaker in Georgia this year than it was two years ago. Then, if platform Democ racy is allowed to express itself in the State Convention, we may look for anything in the neighborhood of a hundred thousand majority. Col. Atkinson is a close calculator in poll, tics.—Brunswick Times. That bright and sparkling Hust ler of Rome made a reputation in the Atkinson campaign as one of the most sparkling paragraphists in the state. May its sli <dow nev er grow less and all its hopes be realized even i’s bj’d designs up ou th.e laughing and /wiftly roll iiigE-owah. Though one of the smaller dailies it did the work ol a mamm ith m ilropolimn. Our bast bow to you P.iill.— Meriweth er Vindicator, • YE MI ST BE BORN AGAIN” A populist tells a very good one on himself. He said lie was making n good speech, as he thought; urging nig auditors to leave ILo old partie 8 and join the one that promised if lit,' —one that would do to trust witp tie affairs of stale, when one of iffg listeners asked him Low did he ex pect to accomplish so much, as the material would he the same as that which formerly composed the demo cratic and the republican parties. He said he was completely trumped, but after scratching his head and study a few moments he replied: “verily, verily I say unto you, you must be born again.”—Paulding New Era. If Gen. Evans should be callee upon to write a letter of advice to JuJjje Hines it would not be f.-u wrong if it ran about thus: "My Dear Judge—l would sug gest that yon fallow mv example This does not appear to be a goo< 'ear for Atlanta candidates, and tin indorsement give n the Constitution by the convention which nominated you would be a Jonah. I know how it is myself.’—Savannah Dispatch- The Bos to i Herald writes a lon> editorial on: "Has Gold appreci ateu?'* The Hustler's creditors havt appreciated all we have had. AriEii - IHli: GRIP,'' or in convalescence from pneumonia, fevers, or other rlob litating diseases, your quickest way to get flesh ami strength is with Doctor Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. That gives purity to yo-tr Wood, plumpness to your body, and puts every function into perfect working order. It makes thoroughly effective every natural means of repairing and nourishing your system. For pale, puny, scrofulous children, especially, nothing approaches it. it builds up completely their flesh, their strength, and their health. The “ Discovery ” is tho oniy guaranteed blood medicine. In the most stubborn Scrofulous, Skin or Scalp Diseases, Eczema, Salt - rheum, and every kindred ailment, if it doesn’t benefit or cure, you have your rsoney back. No matter how bad your case, Dr. Sige’s Remedy will n Au/r- --. vourUaiarrn. dxAS&tiiu Ncrii/INE. ,o ' f ’ 7 7 / A-LT"*'-' guarantee to curs A Hfcfrt, d V 'V .'L I/ tion, Fits, Dizzi- v l ' -*2.1 rees,Headache anc ;a A r iuralaiaaudWake- '--•tU’- filings,eaws-d bvez- A ■ <—Hsiveuse'fOpium. X-’z -s? I '' »xs- Tor seco and Alco- .•V-.t-jxLs. hoi; Meatal Depre. - Avb-CRu A. Ti-H- Sion, Sorteninßo •a C.-»in, causing Mleery, Insanity and Death ; - ronsss, Impoter.ey, to. > Power in eitl-.-rHex ainature. Old A-z*. luvohmiary Losses, caused iy o. I’.r-indulgeuoe, over-exeruon «f the Brain and ttrfi-.i aof Youth. It gives to Weak Organs their Natural Vigor and doubles tne joys of life; cures Lueci rheen and Fems’e Weakness. A month’s treat r-ii.r, lu plain package, by mall, to tiny address, fl ter box, 6 boxes 56. With Wvery 55 order we give e. ■' 'riv «..i Ouuruntoe to • uro or refund the money. '!;■< ulars free. Guarantee issued only by our ex ageuu TWW Ris . Z * | | jk, ‘ J ii j -J),. ■ (Sts Scr-ATeH. 1 1 < 1 1 I' Bon Ami does not— It Cleans. ■ if A LADY’S TOILET Is not complete ‘O without an ideal ~-n£XiO||F pozzoitrs j Combines every element of L beauty and puritv. It is beauti- •■■ lying, soothing, healing, health- [ ‘ nil, and harmless, and when [ rightly used >s »-visible. A most J I' delicate and desirable protection K < ■ to the face in this climate. b ----- , ■ Insist upon having the genuine. I ,S * Sa SALE EVCRYWHE3E. | 4 EQUAL 12 • I. e. Four Weeks by our method of teaching book-keeping is equal to Twelve Weeks hy the old plan. Pos tions under cer ium conditions, Best patronized Business College in the Soutu 500 Students in attendance the pas •■oar. Eleven Teachers. Nashville is the educational center of the South. Cheap Board . No vacation Enter at aby time. Heme study. We have recently prepared books on Rook.keeping, Shorthand and Penmanship especially adapted to homestudy. Send for our Free illustrated 80-page catalogue and -•fate your wants. Address J, E Draughon, President DraugLon’e Practical Business college ano Schoo, of Shorthand aud Telegra phy. Nashville Tenn. N. B’—We pay $5 cash for all vacancies of Stenographers Book keepers, etc.reported to us provid 'd we fill same .J (mention thi paper when you write.) Patronze Burney’s Transfer new prompt and reliable. Present office Armstrong biocK Jeff Burney vOiiTiriUed true "- v u btory about fi-’TSSa fa on Ami k/hat is it? The Best Friend a Woman ever had, A new material for clean ing and polishing all sur faces, contains no grit or acid and doesnot scratch. It does the work of ak< other cleaners combined. Use Bon Ami and no oili er cleaner is needed. What Nerve have f, one for others I kSyMr thev will '‘o - Iw IO 'WW S / ■ IST HAY. • VIGOR \ OF 15TH DAY. j’JI £ F<3 Easily, Quick!/ . I and Permanently Hastened. no riiY 1 !;-T. ■ A positive cure for all Wes a esses, Nervousnee. : Debility, and all their train of evils result):'. 1 from early errors and later excesses; the resuL of overwork, Mick icwm. worry, u T ,« • Pevelnr and gives tone and mi reng, ti* to the -<*xc>ul ot% 4 4 i». Mlopm unnaturoß / »ji:;h a r .v FiniMionM caused by youtl'.<ut or ex •essiye use of tobacco, opiricn and Jfrguor which lead to coniiuiiiptioti and iniui&U;: J noir use shows Immediate improvement. AeceiL no mitation. Insist upon having the genr ne swerve Berries, ?eVfcr^> : . pocket. Price, SI.OO per box, six boxes, on iu/. L eat men i, $5. on. CJuaranteed toriirea>iy i not kept by your druggist we will send them b> mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wra;* P*' P'tmnhlet free. Address all mail osdere to JIJEIftKJASa CO.. Cincinnati j Fcrsaie by Crouch & Co. I , IN !■— —> ! - • . ! . 1311 \ -a*. BWWV- -. CURS 1 * T.’o’.v and Complete Treatment, ron.-i.- * •)<wosot Ointment. Anever-falErg Cato ) 1 t i.vjry nature tind degree. It maket-an'.p. ••• l ilh the knife or Ini Actions of carbolic io. - . rn painful and .- O'u m a », .rnp’.n'.wik '•uic, ur ■ • ■ -.tiling in death, unnecessary. Why »h. ch h torfblo ciiaanso? su.H'ar, - < 1 TO*i’b to cure any cage.. i , <”* only •» •iiofitd received. 71 a box, 6 for Sent Ly i’< t maranteu; Issued by out* ngents. Cured - P:!es Preve-’?n <Ui.O i .1 h 1 IJU by Japanese Liv'- rev - • the .erent J.IVER nnd STOM AOH REGULATOR • JLOvD rl'KSmall, mild nnd UK<-. pKpociull; .ditplad for children's uso. Wlioiir > cents. •I TABA2’' I’’’' 1 ’’’' ■ nlyby . i-'X CRYSTAL LEKSES i TRAOI f.'JRK. \ Cuiltty rirrt m. i -?■-< • ' ; iW>' i; n- HOW’S THIS! Mo offer Gue Huudjed n Rew. rd for any case oi Cat w -r Dr » ot cu red by Hall’s at Cure. '-warrfj F J CHENEYS CO u Tol<do, O. r >., We the undersigns i, have k bOto> F. .1. Cheney for the last ] - OWa and believe him perfectly L yea ” in all businer-s transactions nancially able to carry out gutiom, made by tneir Jhiu. WhBT& Tis VAX, Wholesale D Tohdo, O. Waldino, Kinxan & M.mviN- M’Li 9i»le Dnijrgists, Toledo o ’"W 11 all i Catarrh Cure is "ally, acting directly upon Ji ami mucous surfaces of the 8V ‘ r co, 75c. p . r | )Ottle y ll](1 Drucgi-ts Testimcnb^p.^ 1 * TAX RE .EIVi-.RS NOTICE I will be a< f o Court now iintii J U ;e !L e 30... .? “ nm pOAA O s receiving your Ji returns ‘he earliest daU 'i rim; at the DelimitersujJili retuim-d tro lu e V(l . v )lw( «■ li tneir tsv-s. M. D • lilcOsker, H —— as Receive ■ InOTIuE, iH GEORGIA, Flovp County, B Nocice is heieby givej th- fl I c:Pion Signed by , L ~r t _ M Fr< f‘h(.i<]eri»of lhe 150-lHj. (H w fl elks) DieirictG.M.of r-aidcouJ has ne,. u Plied n, rriv , JI that the benefit for the p r , JV j b j ofl of goctioi’B 1440.1450. IGjA 1452. 1453an’d 1454 of tliefiedeflj Geo. gin of a ?l j n-.i'i'.s thereto shall apply to saifl 15i?4’,h. Distr.ct (.! M.offifl- Ciiiuh .I t u’Th r -r givp nc.'ic 4 ’hflM 8. id limiter wj'l ] ... 25ih. oay of June, hutaiit end ’ t no valid reasiL an 11 action will be ordered toofl .’I. '■ «u> nit- 11 li. dav (■' , (lb‘94) tn Gt-cide th” .y, :"T f’.e< " or gB e.ofdini.’ ’n th° Sbittitps m fqM G .v- e i.a.d ■cn.i Siv .Lis Lu. dajfl ■ J i:n Paws, . -j a - • ■ "f ■ ■■ "' r - ' fli ■ ' . / Z‘J t'.par: ' ; '/ I ' l Tro.-kl.lvi.uen i .. HR i.’. ••Lun. •* ,'f' i ,r ■ BI.KA' !' • " ".MM v... ■ - • ’ JUA A . IXI - O feast I St I- ;>t.. Fast 1| jBJB TO T ■ WF E.d FAVORITE ROUTE TO fi E. Tennessee and Virginia® Lv Mobile ' ’. ■ Lv Mt. Vernon ■ Lv Jackson • . ® Lv Thomasville • ® Lv Gaston . H Ar Selma __2 2—' ;"B Lv Meridian • '. ® LvYork - • ■ Lv Demopolis • .■ Lv Selma ' ' . ■ Ar Calera Ar Talledega \* M Ar Anniston Ar Rome . ■ Ar Cleveland • Ar Knoxville . Ar Morristown • ■ |T , ! « Ar Bristol - • gn^ Tj M Ar Roanoke tai . Ar Washington Ar Baltimore . M Ar Philadelphia Ar New Y"il< Ar Lynchburg ■ . 1 Ar Norfolk • Pullmans’.-) -pern MoH connecting with •'Washir. Pu.lnuw Bleepers to V- - For further I^™“^ 6L .® tho East Tenneese and v in. M W. L. A. BELL, pis3 B Div. Pass. Atrt. SELMA. ALA. ■ B. W. WRENN, G-i’ A ’ ‘ H $251 gg: : I Xncli;i ’»*’■ ' r ‘ I CH I