Newspaper Page Text
~ (Editor, aud
(ju’BYIvD, Managel.
daily and Sunday.
10 ceut - weak or $5.00 per annum
SFICE Corner Broad Street and
" b| f ltl Avenue.
Os the city of Rome, and Foyd. the
•‘Banner county of Georgia.
... For representatives of Floyd:
JMajor Bob Fouche,
Capt. John Reeee,
and plain
•’Mister” Moza M right.
And they will be elected, lo
snack that prediction.”
Every dog may have his day,
But the oflice cat is in it, to stay
Savanah’s Electric Railway Co. has
Sliced fare te three cents.
•"Practice makes perfect ’ does not
-rft«t&in when a fellow has a hacking
xangh. *
Anarchy is a European xege'a
loa-fiiin mutt not obtain on Ameri
a. soil.
'The Anarchists, in monkeying with
~ B'le Sam. found that the old gentle
•ax.n was loaded.
’ The Journal will do a good day?
»>3rk for the Fifth when it carrier
’•"clton county for Candler.
The total population of th
7-ji<ed Sta'ss, including all pei-
whatever, was m 1890,62,979,-
Strike or no striae, home raised ba
• .fan stock is improving daily thr ugh
jert ihehengtii and breadth of Geor-
The Senate had but just passed the
uzff bill and ( hicago, the oveigrowi
SE»avk of the west, rises up aud asks-
Am* protection.
7- Ton} Antognoli says his doiiket
>Mild no. flourish in Chicago.
Some Striker Tvould burn him up
a sleeper
•On ths 13th. Pendergast wil]
-save Chicago for the other world,
£eu butler and Guiteau are wait
rjag on* that “bright shore ”
Thomas Edison, the inventer,
.iae never carried a watch in hi?
’.fe. He says he does not want to
.know the time.
T lf newspapers did not roast the
talesmen some of them might ntve r
gpt tloke --Agusta News.
And roasting them, as we do, they
are bnt rarOv
‘Gat-don has tendered to the President and
to help quell the Debs riots |
d©oor trip is dead and the army
*’Fith® ; *'»c'ne'belter.
A cross between thb"Boneless Ba
,?ou.’ and 'Deviled Ham ’ hogs would
<aaike a favorite breed. Just think o.
iheß and -.Liblißiis Mein
bog and hominy” campaign’
XJeural Evans’ name has b»ei. t
suggested by the Evans papers for
:■ iho legislature from Ful on. Tin
Atkinson papers would like to ?e>
?iim made mayor of Atlanta
"T.iic.>e wna’ki.-ow tel 1 , us that one
of th most painful sights in li I ',
to the hoarding house keeper, is to
git interestedly by, and watch an
ariistic boarder make the butter —
y- .
Thu flowery resolution of the Chi
cago printers, c filing upon the Pres
i4t»nt not to •‘drink the wine of spe
cial privileges from the golden gob
of the corporations’’, bears inter
.ml evidence that it is not the cup the
printers had —Augusta Chronicle.
A man with a grievance general
ly has the right to quit work, but
no man has a-right to say that an
.’oher freeman shant work. If you
nt liae your boss you have a
right to get another one —and your
‘seat has a right lo get all the help
S he needs. This is a free country.
To niaks hens self sustaining
thereby redu“im' the cost of pro
duction of the egg crop: Put one
pint of Georgia chiggers on each
hen—and watch her ?kratch.
The London correspoud Q nt of a
New York newspaper says that
* { lhe Duke of York has a fine pres
ence.” TJie < New York World says
thaljrtcent events have tended,
however, to give him a baby car
O dinarly Atkinson would carry
the date by 80 000 majority but 11
Gen. Gordon stumps it for him, he
will get at least 60,000 majority—nn
less the Constitution undertakes to
fight for him when he may not receive
over 40,000 majority. Hines will not
be so numerous, he will ju?l|be-Hine,
The Macon News wants the pardo
nii g povyer taken away from the gov
enor and placed in the hands oi a
commission. —Milledgeville Moon.
Hal Moore st ems to be afraid At
kinson would do his duty and Hal
would then have no chance for his
liberty. Poor *‘boomleteer” Hal.
And so young too.
» ' -
Lower California, which somebody
periodically threatens to pt rchase
and bring under the territor’al do
minion of the United States, is the
longest of the North American penin
sulas. It is of about the same area as
Florida. Its greatest length is about
800 miles and its greatest width is
about 145 miles
The unanimity with whi- h the Ev
ins newspapers throughout the Side
ire rally i ig to the supporuof Mr. At
kinson, is one of the surest and mosi
gratifying evidences of a united and
harmonious Democracy in Georgia-
and where these conditions obtain
there is nothing to be feared from the
Third party.— Penny Press.
Down to the Gate City they claim
that General Sherman and private
Bill Atkinson are the only two
men of this century who could
best Atlanta. Bill and the “Wool
hat boys” are going to make their
headquarters in that southern me
tropolis and make her blossom like
the rose.
Professor Hugo, of Fort Worth
I'ex., is walking a distance of 1,-
000 miles on the steel rails of rail
road tracks on a wager. He is re
quired to walk not less than 20
miles a day, The strikers are not
attempting to interfere, as he car
ries no sleeping car arrangement
—Augusta Chronicle.
Jean Ingelow is fond of the sight
of the sea, and upends the greater
part of the year in her cottage in
the south of France, w here she sits
on the shore nearly all day look
ing out over the waters. Jean and
McUskor couid sit by the hour
holding each others hands and
shedding sympathetic tears as
they listen to the Ocean’s sob.
Mr, W. H. Wynne presented
The Progress office with a radish
lest Saturday which weighed seven
pounds and a half when taken
from the ground. It fifteen
inches long, thirteen inches m
ciicuinference, and five inches in
diameter. It was raised by Dr,
Alex Avera, of A vera, Ga. The rad
ish was viewed with considerable
curiosity by ail who saw it.—Sat
dersville Progress.
An eminent portrait painter tells'
the Cincinnati Times Star that there
is no time in a girl’s history when the.
celestial expr< s .ion is more manifest
when dreamy eyes have wo much sou!
in them, whin delicate dimples loot. so tedder,w ien in tact the beau
tification is till there, as when s ala
water, tha nectar of the gods, is float
ing down past the palate portals. loi
this reisoa the artist on hut days vis
its the palatial soda louutain far ar
tistic study of dimples and beautiful
A fond parent living in the south
ern put of Missouri,who hushis <>wi
ideas about the marriage ques ion
sent ti.e record r Ris consent tu th
marriage of his daughter.
It being a little out of the ordina
r y(says the Bolivar Free Press), we
copy it verbatim:* Mr. Cieark—hear
is a young man that wants to g?i ,
maried to my daughter i giv her to (
h.m as nothing els »vifl do him let
thim fight.” 1
Whatever else may be said of
Sam Jones, nobody says he’s a
fool. And nobody ?ays lies a
pigmy. We judge he keeps up his
old lick, hitting somebody. For
some fellow is always yelping—
afer he strikes. Sam has been on
a visit t<> Atlanta lately and there
are a lot oi folks howling around
up there. Bv the way Sam has
uot bt-eu to Macon of late,years.
—Mai on D e.raph .
The Suggestion that Moscogee’s
diet mguifeht d y oung son, Hod. £•
P. Gilbert be n ade temporary
chairman ot the State Democratic
Coi veuiiou is meeting with very
general and hearty approval.
A more earnest aud able ivorker
upon whom to bestow this honor
could not bo found, within the
confines of the Stale. During the
campaign ot two years ago, Capt.
Glib rl did good work for the par
ty. lie made speeches through
out the southern counties, and his
voice was heard, in D> mocracy’s
cause, upon in the hills of Rabun.
This year be will spend the
time taken as a vacation by tha
Courts, aud when be will not
be eugagid with his duties as So
licitor of the Chattahoochee Circut
in doing work tor the party, and
wi 1 be among the first to oiler his
services to the State Campaign
[Io is a brilliant young cam
paigner, and is among ihepromio
ent Democratic leaders of the
J he bestowal of the honor of the
temporary chairmanship of tin
convention upon Capt. Gi’herL
would be greatly appreciated b\
the Democrat of Muscogee.
how’s this:
We offer One Ilumlietl D Jlar-
Reward for n ny case oi Catarrh that
cannot l»e cured ly Ha is Cdunl
F. J CHENEY & Props.,
Toledo , O.
Wetlie undersione 1, have kiov.n
F. J. Cheney for tfie last 15 year?
aud believe huu perfectly honerable
in allbuained transactions and fi
nancially able to carry out any obli
gations made by tueirfirm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggist,
Tok do, 0.
Waldinu, Kinnan & Marvin, W hole
sale Druggists, Toleds, O.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by al;
Druggi«ts Test imonia s free.
Trustees Sale,
Will be sold on the first Tuesday ire August
1894 during the legal hours of sale, .lie proper y
hereinafter described. Whereason i,.e until
d.yof December 1892, Lizzie A. Andrews of
Floyd county,Ga. did execute and deliver io the
Atlas Saving and Loan Association of Hamilton
county, fentiessee, par y of second part her deed
of conveyance to the following described lands
and tenements situated io Floyd county Georgia
)in which deed lhe Citizens Bank & Trust Co. 01
Chattanooga Tennessee iwas named as trustee
and title to said property vested uy said deed in
said trustee) to wit:
“Lot No; thirty-five (35-) in Block “B” fronting
mi Avenue “A” rorcy- hsee(43) feet and running
back,oi uniiovtuwid h. two hundred (2UO) Ifee.
in tiie City of. Louie Gewgia, being a part of ori
ginal laud lo< No, two hn udred and ttiir,y-seveii
(237) in 23rd. District and 3r.f. Steetiou of siudi
•ounty and state." Said Trust deed being exe
cuted to secure th v- pay men. of a note for 8700
dated December isth. 1892„and given or Lizzie
A. Andrews to the Atlas Saving anti Loan Asso
Amt said Lizzie A. Andrews having sub-scribed
for three tuul one-hadit sha res of the,Capital S ock
of sail. Association of the value of sevt u h in
dred dollars and the said Assu i tiou having ad
vaitei d o Lizzie A. uulrews the sum ol g7OO
ou saiu snares and the said Lizzie A. Andrews
in said note and dead of trust having agreed to
pay said Allas Saving and Loan Association,
eight y-seven anda halt cents weekly installment
ol dues on said shares, amt twenty-two a da
hail cents weekly installments of premiums on
said shares as provider by ami By-iaws
of said Association: mid eighty and 40-Al. em-s
per w-es as interest a., six per cent on said sum
o fciOi.
ai... m wh chmote and Trust deedit was ex
irisslv s.ipulaved vu lailuse of Lizzie a.
uh rew ... pay said interest ones and prruuums
as s.ipulatei. .n said stole amt r.yu t deed at op
tion oi said assoc .a iiai said note liecoiives iiius
and payable: and said trustee might, seil sai-A
proper.y after having aiiv.rn.-eu same Iw tour
weeks in a newspaper published in Runt Geor-
Now, therefore, said lizzi < a. i.ndrews l aving
tailed io pay either interests, diws-or premiums
as contracted to be paid by her. lor more than
lour Weeks a- tl in lait been in default i-- i mk
ing sa d pay nieuts lev more lhau tweiv* imm'.hs
, and said Association having declared su.d . on
d it’: the Wizens H&uk and 'irusi C<*nr»««iiy as
me trustee atore.- u<l by virtue of tlw power
ind aiuiiori y \ e<ied in if as trustee, \. »11 . cii io
the hi_;h. st bidder, ax the Court house dour ii.
R •im* Ga., h.r cash, on the first, Tuesday in au
&ust 18h4, the be>ore described lanu and teiit
uienis, after <miy adver.ising: same in tin-
Ki stler of Rome. 3 lu* proc* oi said sale
will be applied to ilae, payments m ilk?ir ore er.
said irus -teed r. <piired, which trust, deed
is recorded in Bm k“I . I <>< deeus
u iice of i rk <>r the Superior i urc ui
I* ,o »! < unty Georgia. Ibis .July loth. IHH4.
liU’i iiizeuH Bank x’C Co. Trustee.
.t. ii. Harris, att rm.y lor The tnizeus
Bank A. Trasi Company.
Road Citation,
LORGIA, Fitivii ‘ oixiv:
, „ „ *- am- ..ova., lave netitioueu
the Board ■> ■ >sioimrsof m a-B and Kev-
mw- . I County, asking that these tleifu lit
1 ‘m" ■ 1 e- m i.i i. di ec from Se-
ney, i.eorgia, and lunuing directly by wh-tis
".i* n .'ace ai.d Henry
Im..i c.i ii » nw< I mg house and jm ’•seciiug
uKii <lie pul.i;c u an i.ui.wu ,i- ihe Pleasant
:. ;,e ciiurcli roa.:, at or near Drummond beinai.e see >ml e ass public
io ■<!. .uni the Ito il i mi Hiissioiic s ..f 1.504 uis-
11 * '''4 said Counts having icpur ed the
proposed mad to Im ol public u iljrv. x, w. this
I . .o n . al. persons having olCi- uioi.s thereto
or claims-c.r damages ar.sing tliercfroiu, to
make the same ki., v. u io tließoiruofComniis
s oners at tn« next meeting to o<> held on ihe
first 'io .day m Auyust 1894.
" iim-s-. ;i.e Hur. John < . t-'uste • Ch .iriuan of
the b ird. This July srh. H 94,
d-3.-J. yi„x Meyerha dt, Clerk. I
Council met July 9tb. 1894.
Present John D, Moore, Mayor
Councilman, Messrs. Neel, Harris’
Stolleragau, Hamilton, McCaffrey,
McClure. McArver. and Wright.
Minutes of the last meeting read
aud accepted,
Report of Committee as to as
sessmeut of J J. Leob and W* F.
Comer accepted.
Action of Clerk as to pavement
salaries of Cheif aud assistant
Chief of fire department confirm
Petition of C. VV. Wright to
build a wooden porch in fire limit
laid on the table.
petition ot J. IS. Beasley to low
er bis assessment, laid on the ta
ble on the ground that it was too
late to make objections.
The quarterly reports of the re
spective officers were read an.l ihe
finance committee ordered to in
vestigate. The following account
were properly approved and order
e 1 paid.
The following list of account ware
order paid.
Name, Department Amount
Lanbarn & Sons, Relief, $3 00
S.S. King & Co. Street, 32.22
-J . A. Bale Pub.B. . 85
“ Street, 1 OC
H. M Tanner, W. W, .85
51. W. Brett St. Dept. .45
S.t King A Co. Pub. B. 2 90
VV.E Beyseigle. Contingent. 7 00
W.J. Gordon, Relief. 4. 50
i.(J. Morris, Pub.B. 2. 62
Morris. Bros. Relief. 2. 00
E.E. Lanham. Pub B 4. ‘25
Cuudell Lumber Co,Street.
N. M. Goirez. I’ub.B. 40. 00
G. C Wyatt, *‘ ” 95, 25
Rome Elct Light Co.G <fc S. 481 22
Brown & Collier, Relief 50
Fletcher Smith. 21, 50
“ 1. 50
\V. T.Drennon Pub B. 1. 50
“ Street 3 50
G.W Trammell. ** 9. oo
W.T Drennou 2 65
G W Trammell o 00
W. J Huffaker 2 35
ETA & G R R 25
” “ 25
“ ““ “ “ ” ” I 05
“ ” “ “‘‘ “ “ 12 50
‘ “ “ ” 1 72
Roma Cotton Factory 1 30
* “ “ 65
G.MBatrey 1 65
The Milliners & Kettiug Co. 27 92
Terhune Berry Hwd. Co. 2 70
Cantrell & Owens, 3 (>o
J. G. McClure & Co. 10 00
J. Sain Veal, y io
D. W, Curry. 2 80
“ u 2 25
Chas, I. Graves 53 75
i 53 75
53 75
“ “ 22 45
Petition South Rgehp Methodist
church refered to street com
xndttee with power to act.
The question as 'to whether
transfer waggons can have freight
and drays baggage refered to or
diau-ce committee to report at the
next meeting,
Council adjourned.
Halsted Smith. C, C.
Prof. J. H. Chappel and his
charming wife arrived in the citv
last night and are visiting Mrs.
Chappel’s parents Dr. and Mrs ’
Kincaid, on Fourth Ave. Prof. '
Chappei is the able president of ’
the Girl’s Industrial College at
Miliedgeville Ga. <
“Wartsr’s Hand
made is the latest
production from the
Rome Cigar Factory.
For sale by a|| dealers.
Try one.
TO RENT:—A five room cottage
with clothes presses, wash room and
all conveniences. Most central and de
eireable location. Will take board in
par t for rent if satisfactory. Address
/• 8 6t F. E. A., Rome Ga.‘
Read A. B. McArver
& Co.s new advertise
ment. Everything will
be sold at New York
v>ost for Cash.
Sheriff sales For August
GEORGIA. Floyd County:
\\ ill I* Hold before the Court houHe floor in the
City of Boine, Floyd County Georgia, between
ihe legal h-ms oi sale, on the lnt. Tuesday in
AugtiHl I>l4 ilte following deserih"e<l proj erty:
S.xty acres in the South-east comer and twenty
acres in t he Sou h-west corner of lot of lam. No.
261 in the 22nd. District uno 3rd. Section of said
county ot Floyd, lai vied on by virtue of a mort
gage n fa. issued fn-in the Floyd Superior Court
tn tnvorof .1. L. Johnson vs. ii. Al. Clayion, as
ihe progeny of the Defendant.
Airo at Ute same nine ami place, an uudivdi
e<l oiio-ilflli loieiest in 13 actes in the South
east comerof lot ot laud no. ISO tn the 4th. Dis
trict ami 4th. Section of Ftoyil county, Georgia
ihe Haiti tbirleen .o res being the same conveyed
by Deed from M. N, Wood u> t'liillp Tripp. Re
corded in the Cictks oftiee in Book “u.” of
iice Court li. ta, issued Irom the tl2t)tb. District
G. Al. tn tai or .ot Conn A Reiosliunidth vs.
.1, n. Lewis and Suckey Lewis, as Ute property
oi SucKcy Lewis, one ol tlie Defendaats, Levy
matte by A..S. Uhlie, L. C.
Also at the same i m t, atd place, a tract (or
kt; ol land dying in e County of iloyd, and
State of Getogia ami be ogjail t tar, tract o (tar
eel ol land in ihe4ch. ,aru ot the City ot Rome
Georgia, .he xanie being 20 feet fronton sth.
Avenue ana run ing back on parallel lines 100
feet: Bounded on die wes» side by J F. «ard
law’s pioperty, ami on the eas: side by the prop
erty of.!. W. Reese. Also O te-half of (alley be
.ueenJ.F. Wardlaw's property anti lot herein
de.crib- <l, all 'miiliiings anti houses on said Joi.
Levie i on by virtue of a m- rtg .ge ti. issued
from the Superior Court, in favor of West &
Griffin vs. W. T. Drennon, As the property o(
the Defendant.
Also at the same time ami place) P.
J owalt s tbs nimtive share in the following de
scribed lanes, derised io tenant f>r lite,.viz. lot
of laud No. 257 tn 22nd. District and 3rd Section
ol 1-loyill ounty Ga- containing 100 acres more
or less, and that part of land lot No. 24x on east
slue L'l S(n ing creek excepting thar part below
the an ’ Saw mill on the east side of Spring
creek, containing 120 more or less, said
land more fiiily t.escrioeu in Deed from J. .1. Co.
hen to Gee ‘,V. pow-li ami reeor.'etl in Book
“W. ’ page GJ, record of Deeds in|Clerk’s oticeof-
Floydco.iuiy Ga. Levien on by drtue of a.l us
tice court ft. fa. issued irom the 91!»tb. District
G. Al. in faverof J. A. Bale vs. R, p. Powell. As
the prop, rty of the Defendant. Levy made by
W. P. AlcLeod* L. C.
Also at the sumo time andplacA 'lhattract
or parcel of land lying and being in the 23rd.
Disiiict and 3rd. Section of Floyd county Ga.
being that part of laud lot No. 20# located on
the east side of Main St: in the town of Blos
som Hill, north of the City of Rome. Ga., said
parcel oi laud fronting pm Main Street Tiift-et
mo;c or less, amt running back east ar right an
gles inland of J. li. Reese, 150 fe it more or
I- ss, bounded on the north by land of Wes'ev
Under w ,o- , on the south by ldnd|ot Sylvra Floyd.
Levied on t,_, virtue of a Justic Court ti fa is
sued from the yl'.'tb. District G. M. Justice
Court in favor of Reece vs. Shadrick
Floyd. As the property of the Defendant. Deed
tiled in Clerks office.
Also at the same time and place, forty acres
ofiOtoflamiNO.lß Dij.iict and 3rd.
Section of Floyd county, Ga. Levied on by vir
tue of a tax fl fa issued .by John J. Black, tax
collector, in favor of State and County, vs. Bar
ney W. Di-w, col. As the property ol the Deft.
Levy made by J. C. Everett. L' C.
Also at the same time and place Lots of land
No. 39 ano 40 in the 3rd. District and 4th. Section
of Floyd county , Ga. Levied on by virtue et a
tax fl la, issued by John J. Black, tax collector,
in favor of State and County, vs. Avery Hardin.
as the property of the Deft. Levy made by W.
J. Walker. L C.
J. C. MOORE, Sheriff.
j Public Sale of Valuable Lands
GEORGIA .--Floyd County:
i , Whereas on the first day of September 1891,
j James S. Howell executed and to Ihe
Georgia Loan A Trust Company his deed under
-1 sections, No. 19G9, 1971', 1971 of the Code of Geor
j gia 1892, to the lands hereinaf'er described, for
die pui jose of securing a debt,referred lo in said
> deed, which deed is r. aoraed in the Clerk’s of-
I flee of Floyd Superior l ourt in book "S. S.” of
ueeds, | age 90.
> Aud whereas, the said The Georgia Loan A
j Trust Company did ou said September Ist. 1891
or directly thereafter transfer and assign to ihe
’ undersigned for a valuab.e consideration, the
, note to secure the payment of which said deed
was executed, aud at the same time transferred
an I assigned to the undersigned all of its rights
] under said deed, and on the 25th. day of May
1894 executed and delivered to the undersigned
a deed conveying ths title of said lands into the
i undersigned together withall thepovvers, rights
and title of The Georgia L an & Trust Company
1 under ihp deed of the said Janies S. Howell in
eludingtthe power to sell said land in case ot
default in the prompt pay incut at maturity of
interest or principal of said notes.
Now, therefore, by virtue of the power so vest
ed in the undersigned, which ui more accurately
shown by reference ito said deed of James t.
Howell. I will sell at public outcry to the high
est bidder, for cash, <m the first Tuesday in July
1894, during the kgal hours of sale, before the
Floyd Counfy courthouse door at Rome Georgia
the land; described in the aforesaid deed of
James b. Howell to wil:
That cei" ain re-ideuce lot with improvements
thereon in ihe Fifth (5) Ward of the City t.f
Rome Floyd Com.ty Georgia, fronting eighty
(80) feet on Main Street and running back one
hundred and fifty (150) leet to an alley. Bo tnd
e 1 on the North by the Allen properly: East l y
ley South by lot >t J. \). Alexander and West
by .Gain Street.
The said deeu first above men. toned was exe
cuted and delivered to secure the paymei; .it
a certain prommissory ncte for the sum o. tyjoo
and ten interest coupons for 33-75 each at’ached
thereto and ten interest coupons for 2-25 tie
latched therefrom all »t said notes uaied Sep
tember Ist. 1891 and the principal ; note bearing
interest at the rate of sever, aud a half per cent
per annum, and obligating tee Jaime S.
Howell to pay ten per cent as attorneys tees
shoulajpaid notes be placed in attorney’s bar.ds
for collect! ou.
Said principal no.els now ] ast due by the
terms thereof, and so declared to be due lor de
fault in payment oi interest coupons annexed
theretw due September Ist 1893 anil Marc'i Ist.
1894. The total amount of (.rincipal, Interest
and attorney fees that will be one t n said notes
on llie first Tuesday in August 18J4 is .>1107.29.
Bee simple titles will be madetothe purchaser
at said sale and the proceeds of such said sale
will be applietl first, to the payment of said
debt with, interest amt attorney fees aud expens
es ol this proceeding, and the remainder, ifanv.
wtll he paid over to said James 8. Mowed or hi»
legal representative.
Dated this first day of June 1894,
Hoskinson & Harris. Atty. E. Grove Yale.
~ C— —
I have two little grand children
who are teething ah this hot turn
uier weather and are iroublt-d with
bowel complaint 1 give themCratu
berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Hemedy and it acts like a
cuarm. 1 earnestly recoin end it lor
children with bowel troubles. I was!
myeelf taken with a severe attack ot
bloody flux, w th cramp and pains in
my stomach, one-third or a bottle ol
this remedy cured me. Within twen
ty "four hours 1 was out of bed and
doing my house work.—Airs. W. B.
Dunagan, Bon-aqua, Hickman Co
lent. l*or sale by Dower v and Bros
For Sale— Piano worth $250 for
7-8-6 t P. j. Foltilu
And it will Keep You Cool i
ever you feel that a health rfvine n?m^ hen - s
drink will do you good, drink K “’P'mmce *
g A 35c. pkg. makes 5 gallons. Sold everywhere
g Bet>4 to .u mp for besaUfolpiotar.
| The Chua. E. Hirea Co., Phil n <| ( .| phi
What Nerve Berrie,
” a ly- One for otil ers
W? wi| l do
-xT iF for y° u *
w a 4
O F 15TH DAT ‘ IN.
E Easily, Quick!,
and Permanently
A positive cure tor all We» r.a-,se ß
Debility, and all their train'of l 003 ??* 1 '
from early errors and later excesses■ th? u llDf
of overwork, aick ae... worry & ‘fej?ol
- gives tone ami strength ,J T’Fi
gnna. Ktoj>« unnatural |„ Ha .» .**’’J’l “h
emiaaiona caused bv voutbrui’er k "
cessive it -of tobai*co. opittm 7/ r ’’
which lead to eonnunipti,,,, "',,1 Ll 1 '""" -
1 heir Ore shows immediate
reerve Berries, en
pocket. Price, ?l.<» per box, six boxe"on for
treatment,»s.«). guaranteed toeuiii..
ff not kept by your druggist we will send'tKm
by mail, upon receipt of price in uh „
per. Pamphlet free. ‘ Address all ai " "™P-
For sale by Crouch &
I —. t _
-/tv?.'• eays: “I appreciate the fact
.. there are many thou-
fcajJLJ itOASi eantlsofladlesintheUnlted
8 Statesthatwouldliket nry
. tj ’ myWorld-Benowned F.acs
tkTi Bleach: bat have been
- kept from doing bo on ac-
rJan w AFJ countofprl<»hlfhis!2.oo
P«rtx>ttleor Sbottlestakeß
A'JS'-wTa. -z together, fe.OO. .In order
that allofthesemayhare
*)>i;jggjt ar. opportunity, I will give
to every caller, absolutely
« free, a eampG bottle, and
A sS^ZZ^_v lnor<l « rt osupplythoßeout
city.or In any partof tha
World.lwill send ttsafely packedin plain wrapper
id I changes prepaid, for 25 cents, silver or stamp."
In every casoaf treeklen, pimples.moth, sal.
lowness,blackheads.aene,eczema.o'linens. rough.
ness, or any discoloration or diseaseof the skin,
mid wrinkles (not caused by facial expression)
F.tCH Bleach removes absolutely. It deft not ■
coverup,as cosmetics do, but is a cure. Aitresa ■
No. © East i4th St., NEW YORK CITt ■
Western &
G. & ST. L. BiILM
—TO— j
Chicairo I
-Louisville I
Ciiicinnatti |
.st. -Lousl
Kiasos Ci tv I
Ai cmpliis I
The West!
Qnlck t|mc aniTVestibuleil twins
l ullmau Sleeping Cars. For any tufiriD
call on or wri’e to ■
• General Agent, Rome Ga. I
Traveling Pass. Agt. Chattanooga Ten«. ■
Traffic Manage Atlanta ■
cehakman I
Genera pass AgtAtlantu ■
———■ “
: un« nna | co •.> y. i 'i/• i” n
-n -r tion Choi-UKH ■
.»w i w ■Jir !' ' ’ c tl ■’ t *
H MT SON- I’re-Ment.
As we are "oing V
move soon. ■
We offer our en-®
stock ar cost. you, c M
buy anything- Vve naw
at wholesale prices J|
mean to sell you it zw
wantto bu y. Wet n* ■
that we
gooes as cheap a
same kind £>•
can be bought by
one. So come ■
and save y° ur W
money. „ . K
Very Respt B
Morris & V|
Opposite Central lb ie W