The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, July 31, 1894, Image 3

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    Sheriff salei For August
Fl'’)’* 1 rn, l n V-.nir* house door in the
BOR ’11,1., f-rc th.- <" i r " rK ia, between
" 'k..uh : . F -11 ’-"' ”*,n Ate W 'Tuesday in
IbW l 11 " r- “f ili'seriOe’l I'toperty :
the , a ,b«. fob''» "F earneran<l twemy
'‘rere-r-’t 1... oflMt. No
sx in ilh* ‘ s< " liJl ruiHi nd. Section of said
he‘x.’nd. n ltv vir.ue of a mort-
11 v<>' I '".'’ 1 , ex .he Fhnd Superior Court
coUU V fi /Ji IL M. Clayton, as
.rageb | | ,|elHi>on ' s * “•
lU ’tnuerty t^lb “ aiidplace, an undivdi
tl,e'u“e t ll i’n |3 acres in the South-
Jone-Mt'' interest o “> )n the 4th. Dis-
Mstc<'r" er ',’ i', .rion of Floyd county, Georgia
frhtan.l «h' >' ‘ beill J tIIP same convex ed
ihew" l " lir , x n * 1 11 ; 11 ’, Ik\ 1k \-
' of a’ Jus-
b‘\i 'i" f ‘"‘ r | SAS the pr pert.j
j'x. ~n e ( e ihe Defendants. Levy
•Sd A - '• un'e ; ti’me' ahi place, a tract |”1
* lls<.at the -, ~u ;, tv of Floyd, ami
. Gotland lym- , ."i ,j ul t trauto-par-
'‘ll"b ” .r ■ of lhel'b.vof Rmo
>1 land 111 ■ 1 2(l f (!et Ironton 5111.
Georgia-'O' re., h ick on parallel lines 100
Mva i'-a''' lr ''? 71 e xest Side by J. F. W urd-
foL lto “ n 'Jv Lid on ’ll eas side by the prop
"• 1,,L i', w ’s'n'ropeii'y ail'd lot herein
tseen-l- !■'• and homes on said lot.
describ uie of a m- rigige « L>- i**"e*‘
Iw'ied on '•> , s ipermrCour in favor of Mesi,A
i'. inennon. As Hie property of
foe Defe 1 '* a ? t L ine time and place; B'ltrt. P.
Alw* ’haro in the following de-
Fl'*.' ll ,';" ,levoe I to reliant fir lite, viz. I< t
Lcrilie'l l ,n -i! District and 3rd Section
»t land No. , ,' al;lln iiig 160 acres more
F' l "-" 1 ' ol lmdlotNo.24.son east
bide “J '"h..... mill ,m the east sine of Spring 4 ±i» c p’o acres more or less, saui
k«ek. ' 1 described in Deed from J. J. Co.
haiHliii -ndidl.'", iiwe|l ftnd , ecor , M1 in I!l)( , k
bun t*’ Ge “;. mcord of I lends in t lerk’s ol ceof-
E"' ’ tv’c-i Leved on by virtue of a Jus-
Defendant, Levy made by
I \boaUhe' l ?iitni« ' tillie and plae . .hattract
*' °ii„'luid King and being in the 2Jrd.
b'ocfln l rd Section of Floyd county da.
h.istfi<t and .tr , . I) . one located on
fc‘ n!:^mleof 'L‘in St: in the town of Blos-
F e 'm l nor hos the City of Rome. Ga., said
E urfUntl fronting on Main Street dlfeet
E Xss and running back east at right an
poreorless.ano r £ 15n f t r or
r e \ wb ailon tbe nonh by land of Wesey
KSeSlon the south by landjof Sylvra Floyd.
Itx.i on bv virtue of a Justlc Court ti fa is-
ESfmrn the 919th. District G. M. Justice
b' I ’!'. favor of Jno. H. Reece vs. Shad rick
Kl As the property of the Defendant. Deed
Em iii cierks office. . , , .
Fiso at the same time and place, forty acre
LloH.f land so. IA9 in 25111 District and 3rd
K.Xn of Floyd county. Ga. Levied on by vir
Ks uk ti fa issued by John J. Black, tax
Eollertor, m favor of State and County, vs. Bar-
Eh‘v W Dew.col As the property of the Deft,
EvvmadebyJ.'C. Everett. !.• C.
Ijiso at the* same time and place, ot. f land
K jan* “in the 3rd. uistrlCtand 4ui. Section
C f v unty. Ga. I evied on by virtue of a
fcxti I i.'ssustlby John J. Black, tax colhc.or,
Ef ai ,State and County, ys. Avery Hardin.
Is'he property; of the Deft. Levy made by M .
■ Alsu'anhe sone time and place, An nndivid-
LunXirth interest in lot of land No. 26 in
Ee 2nd liA'rictand 3rd. Secti >n ot lloyd Co.
Kia ’ Also an undivided fourth in’erest in lots
Ktiau I .xo's. 7.'4and 753 in the 3;d. District
Cd4‘h Sec ion of Floyd County Ga. Levied
Kn bv virtue of an attachment ti fa issued from
KheC’itv Court in favor . f A. L. Drummond vs.
Kv. A C‘''bvell AS the pro erty of the Dcfen-
■ ’aM at the same time and plac*, 2'. bush As of
Bforn more <>r less, nud 1 bale ot cotton. ie<i
Knbr virtueot -2 ti la s iss, ed from the Floyd
■Jitv Court, one in favor of Hamilton &<'o. the Jones vs. J. R. Morton.
the property ot'the Defendant. Corn may
Ke seen and will be delivered at the barn of C
K. Morton, Livngston Distrie .
■ Aiso..ttlie same time ami pl -ce, all that tract
Krparc-elof land lying ami bai tg in the city ol
■tcnieFloyd county Ga. ami being part of land
Kit ,<o W 2 in Coosa division of said city and
■esi-ribeilrs follows: Fronting on 2nd. Ave
»feet ad n r ing back sane width IS3 feet
Kndhwndedon the north by the Mrs. Brooks
Kt, or. the wes. bv i . N. Featherston’s lot, on
■lie south by .1. W ft ,uns ivihe’s lot .ml on th-
Bast by 2i d, Ave. f emery Howard Street. Lov
■e'l on by virtue of three ti fa’s, issued from the
■’lord Ju ticet uirt ot the'.H'.'tli. Dis’. G. M. all
■niavorofG M. Redman vs J. J. <) Ne.l <Sr Son.
Bold subject to a former bid of u rs. J. J. O’Neil.
■ Also at the same time and place, all .that tiacr
Br parcel ot laud King amt being in said State
■nd Conn y and Known as lots 63 ar.d 70 in J. XV.
Blix survey of Butler. Addition to South R me
Bow the Fif'.n Ward of the City of Rome Floyd
Bounty, Ga. said lots fronting on Harper Street,
■d feet each, and rims back 150 feet more or less
■o Graves al ex. levied on by virtue of a tax
■ tais-aied by Jno. J. Black tax c-lleotor, in
■wor of state and Co. vs. Wm. A. Jackson, as
■ie property of the Deft. Ixivy made by w.
■■McLeod. 1..-.
■ Also at the same time and place lots of land
Kos. 58and 59 in the 16th. District and 4th Sec-
Konof Floyd county Ga. known as the Higbtleld
Khw an( l whereon the defendant formerly re
■ided. each of said lots containing 40 acres
■lore or less. Levied on by virtue of an attach
Blent fi fa. issued from the Floyd Superior court
favor of jno. M, Vandiver vs. Elizabeth j.
■ightield. as the property of the defedant.
K Also at the same time and place. That part
K land lor No. 979 in the 3rd. District and 4th.
■ectiou of Floyd county Ga. known as lot No.
■"Jh n o' ac . e Cave Spring it being the lot
■u wfikh the defendant now resides. Levied on
• virtue of 2 justice Court ti fa’s issued , from
•e 829th. District G. M. in favorof E, 11. ,'Jtn-
K!,‘? e A V8 ’ Julia p e«ny and H. M. Peunv. a
•e property ol julia p el)llv
atthei ' l a ' ne time and place. All that
Bdot N'' a^ ,1 r la ‘;‘ J situat ei'., Ijiugamt being
Lytl, ~ & Tatums addition t„
■«ne m and county, the same frout
seventy feeton Main Street and running
■k-konehitnered and tlfty-f our feet and being a
Kr“ n? rOf Bixt -'*- 01 ‘e being the
EX; ,y r - L - Vtle,<> M * s - ie c
Em h‘' MI ’ Vir '”“ ofa « fa i
E X'"’ *' a iLdg ur ; in fa \r ,| ’ I ‘ e *
■ ik Ilm . f . nd
■i<l, nanpd R, .v . . • ,
■r,.,i i, }. Jiieni use co
E? bhout t-n vi nr
I ( a Vr D r- L —' - '>■■
Blovd C / ‘ BS,H ' d 1,, ,n tb(
E ’ Ct»uri m f avoj |;
■asbDv ] d Co ' V9 * rh "
donMv i & Rl,1 K’ Co. A? th-
■ P • y Ol the Sash Dour & Bldg
Bthth/th BamPtin ‘ Pand p,UCI
KGa r h Clty of i: ° ,ne F| oy<‘
t-olXeoV'S 'lT's' ,h
■ ai! foad Co ' . Iv ’ mp S'reo
E' prov *mt tß . ' ,g -' l "' r Wltb the
■ situated Ol h ere ° U ’ th * s ” ,m
■venue p the of 8 b
B) and /n • “ lUuberß ( 2 )
B ec losp d^r rPß P*ctiVH|y „ l: o
B id Cl ‘ r « equi F(/) a:1
ai “ hd g,H,d
E ad - b y the Ball i? "° eu «' nfib
B lJ gof Ohu l E "g |ne Co. Hud
i'’K'-“" d . r 1 d a “ d nft -'
Eldred hor«o h ’ a9O ,br -'e one
fc. sam e Comna P L? v Wer b .°‘ lerß ma d
E le d with all y Bu d fully sup-
I- o,» S'"? *Ppli.»S
--E“ hundred a l Way .Generator
E Wer with n ece ’’ f bsrty horse
■ re « M,."*;’°“, e >« of o« re-
B all lands * n° f track to °l ß
Q9 ’ Oep otßi D
grounds, Station houses, all Raila
roads, Tracks, Side tracks ant,
switches. Levied on by virtue of
fi fa issued from the Floyd City
Court m favor of W»ters& Garland
vs. Rome Street Rul Road Co.
As tliH property of the Ruujh Street
Rail Road Co.
Also at the same titn 'and place
• one Butchers refrigiator, one En
gine and Boiler one pair of trucks
one griini-stone, two sausage mills
mid stutters, three pairs of counter
sMilos, O'u show cases, one large
oil tank, one (kek, t*o counters,
hr < empty barn Is, two keg ß . one
ce box, Lot of canned lobsters.
Lot of piiiht, two empty tubs, lot
of Condi ion powders 1 t of corn
starch, lot of Limp wicks and
burners, lor ot oyster buckets, lot
of ball twine, package aoda, lot
of mustard, lot of shoe brushes
I-t ot butter trays, two sacks of
corks, two large swinging Limps,
two sacks of sage, three oil cans,
one lot of plasters, two M. T, tin
cracker Loxes, two cans of sausag<
seasoning, one lot of grocers sun
dries one lot of Druggist sundries,
two lar e iron kettles, tallow press
vagou cover, horse cart, tobacco
cutter, two double butcher's h'oeks
two butcher's saws, four butchers
knives two cleavers, steels, three
pins aid one needle, two pair
butcher* scales, two racks, two and
one-third butchers hooks, one pair
steelyard two bung borers, one
b iteherj brush, two wire chick
j n coops, one chop axe,
sprinkler and cash drawer. The
above properly will be sold at
Tew & Ellisons market in East,
Rome under a fi fa in favor of the
United Glass Co. vs. A. W. & H
Ballew & Co. As property of A.
VV & H . Ballew, two of the d ’fen
A’so at the same time and
place, Fifty shares of the Capi
tal Stock of the O'Neill Manufac
rureiug C impauy ot the denomi
nation of twenty-five Dollars each
levied on to satisfy a fi fa in favor
of Tripod Paint Co. against J. J
O'Neil & Son. As the property of
.1. J. O Nail', J. H. O'Neill a! d J
j 0 Neil] <fc Sod.
Also at the same ‘ime and place,
I'he South half of city lot No. 45,
i.i Etowah Division of city of
R <ine, fronting on Fifth Avenue
6o (eet and running back 132 feet
to the North-west, where L. J.
Wagner now resides, known as
property bought by him from Ma
ry 11. Armstrong, levied on as
property of L. J. Wagner one of 1
the defendants in the firm of Speu
cer & Co. under a fi fa in favor of
-Montgue & Co, vs. Spencer & Co.
J. C. MOORE, Sheriff.
Con.missioners Sale,
Ge rgia, Floyd County:
Willbe sold on the first Tues
day in August next, 1894, at the
Court house door in said county
with in the legal hours of sale, to
the highest bidder upon the terms,
as heieiuafter mentioned, the fol
lowingproperty to wit: Partsof iots
of laud Nos. (182) one hundred
and eighty-two and (183) one
hundred and eighty three in the
24th District aud 3rd. Section of
said county, uine (9) acres more
or less in the north-west corner of
jaid lot (182) one hundred and
eighty-two and all that part of
said lot Dumber (182) one hun
dred and eighty-two that lies on
l.e east side of the road running
through said lot; also that part ot
1c t number (12) one hundred aud
eighty-two that is described as be
g-.Lbiiig at a certain walnut bush
oc stake, running north forty-four
r ds (44) to Ellis’ line, thence east
o theEiMt Tr-ni.esf-ee Virginia &
.j<. irgia Railroad twenty-two rode
(22) rods, thence south down said
Railroad forty-four rods, thence
.vjot to the beginning: also thir
een and two-thirds (13f) acres ol
and more or lees, bounded as fol
< ws: beginning at the south-east
corm-r of lot No. one hundred and
st v- nij—nine (179) in the 24th
Distract and 3rd. Section of said
county, thence west 24 30-100
chains to a stake, thence n. rth
19J E 6 25-100 chains to a stake,
iheuce east 21 85 100 chains to the
original east line aud tb“uce south
o the beginning, the said pioperty
known as the Giles place and
wbereon W. C. Giles, the Deft,
tormerly resided,
Said land levied on as the
property of W. C. Giles to satisfy
in execution issued from the Su
perior Court of said County in fa
vor of Jno. M. Vandiver against
said VV. C. Giles. The terms of
sale are one-fourth cash, bal
once iu three equal installments
payable respectively on the first
days of November 1894. 1895 aud
1896 all bearing interest at seven
per cent per annum. Thia 12th.
day of July 1894
Jake C. Moore, Sheriff and Com
missioner of the Superior Court
said County.
Trustees Sale.
Will bi-.o', I o-.i th.; first Tue*<l:iy in August IS-J 4
during the legal hours of sale, tlie property here'
inafter <leserilH*<l.
Whereas on January sth. 1808. W. M. Messen
ger, of the county of Dallas, StaUi of Alabania'
did execute and deliver to the Atlas Savings A
Loan Association of Hamilton cimnty,Tennessee,
party of the second part, his deed of convex ance
to the folloxving described lands anil tenenients,
siluated in Floyd county,Georgia, (in xvhielxieeil
thel’itizens Bank & Trust Co. 01 Chattanooga Ten.
newee was named as trustee and titles to said
property vested by said deed in said Trustee) to
wit: “Lot in South Rome, now Fifth Ward of
city of Rome, being a part of lot number fifty
eight(Ml) Commencing at a stake in center of
alley and running front one hundred and eigh
teen (118) feet to the corner facing Main Street
from the bridge, from thence up the aide street
one hund red ami seventy-nine (1711) feat, from
thence down the alley one humlrod and twenty
three (123) fe-t to the beginning at th- stake.'
Said Trust deed being exee.’lted to s.m-ui-- the
payment of a note tor .»3iM> dated January 5 h
ls-,13, and given by W. M. Messenger io th -Atlas
Savings A. Loan Assse ation.
And said W. M. .Messenger having subscribed
for one ami one half shares of the Capital S oek
of said Association of the value of three hundred
dollars and the said Association hax lug advanced
toW.M. Messanger the sum of.“ 300 on said
shares, and the said Messenger, in said note and
deed of trust li.r. ing agreed to pay sail! Atlas
Saving & Loan Association, thirtv-sex i'll anil
half cents weekly installments of dues and tlftx
two and a halfcents weekly ns premiums on said
shares as provided bx charier and Bylaws of
said Association; and thiriv-l'our and 32-32 cents
weekly as interest at six per cent on said sum of
§3OO. which not ami trust deedit was ex!
pressly stipulate.! on the failm-e of W. M. Mes- |
senger to pay said interest, dues and premiums
as stipulated in said note and trust deed at the
option of said Association said net.- becomes I
due and payable and said Trustee might sell I
said property after having advertised seme for
four weeks in a newspaper published in Rome Ga
Novy therefore said Messenger having failed to
pay either interest, ilueft or premiums as contract
ed to be paid by him, for more than four weeks
and in fact been in default in making said pav.
ments for more than six months and said Associa
tion having declared said note due; the Citizens
Bank X Trust Co. as the trustee aforesaid, by
virtue of the power and authority vesteil in it
as trustee, will sell to the highest bidder, at the
Courthouse door hi Rome Ga. for cash, on the
First Tuesday in August 1894 after dulv adver
tising same in the Hi stleh oe Itoxif., die before
describee lands and tenements. The proceeds of
said sale will be applied to the payments, in their
order, as by said irist deed required, which
trust deed is recorded in bo.ik “U. V.” of Deeds,
Page 474 in the ottieeaxf Clerk of Superior Court
of Floyd county, Georgia. This July 3*1.1904.
The Citizen Bank & Trustee Co.
Geo. A. H. Harris,
Atty, for The Citizen Bank & Trust Co
Whereas, on the 15th. day ot May 1893, Wil
liam Bradford, of Floyd county, Ga., borrowed
from the Southern Building and Loan Associa
tion of Knoxville, Tennessee, the sum of $1,20U
on twenty-four shares of the 52d. series of stock
in said Association, and on tbe same da.e exe
cuted and delivered to said Association his cer
tain promissory note or obligation in writing.
Whereby he underU-ok and promised to pay on
or before nine years after date lie sum of $2,400
with interest on the sum of $1,200 at t he rate of
six per cent per annum, payable monthly on or
befote the last Saturday in eaeh and every mouth,
cou mencing on the last Saturday in May 1893;
which said note was secured by a deed of even
date therewith to certain Real Esare in the
cLy of Rome, Floyd county, Georgia, hereinaf
ter more particularly described: Said deed re
corded in the Cler. ’s Office of Floyd County in
book‘-V V of dee 'S page 321, on May 30, 18-i3.
to which reference is here made for greater cer
tain-y as to i's terms and conditions.
Aud whereas by tne terms of said note and
deeu the saHLWilliam Bra iford stipulated ami
agreed that ujwm ills failure to pay promptly
when due the i.utes’Sft I insurance prom.urns oh
said property, or up<s®this failure to pay the
monthly interest on x.J» loan, or the fines and
monthly payments on sud stock, orany part
thereof, for of iiix months afie, the
sameorasya st%Hpient JJje eof may become
due, then at the op'ion of suiid Associati ■ ■ tin .
whole indebtedness evidegfced by sai 1 obliga- !
tionsg, dsiicarrd incladiiig any
raxerbr insurance anew nai l by said as •> ia
tiiur'on s iid proper y, sbaTt at once become and
be due and col lettable; and said Association is
by the terms of s.iid deed speciiicady vested
with full power and 7 authority to advertise
said proper y one • a week for font weeks, and
sell the same to the highest bidder at public
auction before he Court house door ot Floyd
County, for cash in h .nd, iu, bar of the equity
of i- demption, anil to make to the purchaser or
purchasecs of said property good ami sufficie t
lee simple titles thereto.
Ami whereas said William Br.»df, r.l lias
made default for more than six months in the
payment of said interest, tines, and monthly
payments. Said Association, under tl-.e options
aforesaid, now declares said principal sum of
51.200. togetner with the accumulated interests,
tines and preniiumus, aggregating on the 3lth. I
day of June 18'34, the sum of $1406 2>, due and
payable immediately.
And now in execution of the authority ve. ted
n said Ais..ciation by said William Bradford,
byvirmofthe deed hen inafora referred to,
there will be sold on the first Tuesday in Au
gust 1894, between the hours of Ila in. and 12
- o’clock m. in front nf the Court house door ot
Floyd t. ounty, at public auction to the highest
bidders, foi cash in hand, audio barer the
equity of redemption which is expressly waived
and released, in said deed, the following Real
Estate, descrilied in said deed, towit: That cer
tain lot or parcel of land situated in the city
of Roma. County of Floyd, State ot eorgia,
and particularly described as lots numbers one
(1) and two t 2) in the Rome Real Estate Compa
ny's subdivision of the Fifth Ward of tlie city ot
Rome, said lots fronting fifty-one(51) feet each
on Fort Avenue ana running back same width
one hundred and fifty-eight feet to an alley,
being the same propertv conveyed to William
Bradford by J. H. Allen and others oil the 11th.
day of October 1890, by deed of record in the
Clerk’s office of Floyd county, in the t ook P. P.
page 656. And the proceeds of said sale will be
applied as follows: First, to the expenses of
sale; second, to discharge and pay off tlie
amont due the said Southern Building <Sr Loan
Association, including principal interests. At
torneys fees, tines, and unpaid i. stalliuents;
and one-third,the residue if any, will be paid to the
said William Bradlord, or his order. And this
is to give notice ot said Sale as by said deed
provided. This June 22, 1894.
Southern Building & Loan A=sociation
by McHenry Nunnally & Neel,
Attorney s.
■ ♦- ■
Flovd Superior Court,
March term 1834.
in S’. ) Application to ad-
C. A Allen, !■ dopt an unknown
S. V.'Allen, ) child
To any and all persons co erned. You or
either of yon are hereby commanded to be and
appear at the next term of Superr Court to lie
qeldon the 4th Monday in September 18114 to
show ca se if any you can. Why tlie application
in the above staled case should not be granted
and in default there of the same will lie allow
ed witness the llomrale ». m. Henry judge of
said court this 13th day of April :891.
Wm, E, Beysiegle,
Clerk of Superior Court
Flovd count Ga.
Application for Letters of Dis
GEORGIA, Fi.ovn Cot ntv:
Where** Mrs. IJora (’ohen.Guardian, of Mamie
Cohen, represent* to the court in her j>etition
duly filed, that she had anministered Mamin Coy
hen’s estate. This is to cite all jiersons concern
ed, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if and
thev can, whv said Guardian should not be dis
charged from her administation and re< eive let
ters of dismission on the first Monday in August
1894. This July 4th. 1894. J()HN p
Ordinary Floyd County, Georlfia
1 Application for Letters o
Dis u'ssion.
GEORGIA Floyd Countv
l Whereas Johu C. Frintup Executive, Henry i
Printup, represents to the court in his petitiw
dul* tiled, that he has adn inistered Henry S.
Printup’s estate. This is to cite al) persons
concerned, kind red ami creditors, to show cause
if any they can, why said Executor sliouiil not
’ be di charged f-om lit* Fxecutorsliip and re
cieve letters ofdismission on the first Monday
in Beptemb-r 18‘34 This June 4th 1894
1 John P. Davis,
Ordinary Floyd County .Georgia-
Trustees Sale.
XX id bv s<«bl on the first Tuesday in August
'.M during tlit* legal hours of sale, »hv proper, v
hereinafter describ'd. Whereas on the icntb
vot Dcrcmmr IK.rj, Lizzie A. Andrews of
r loyd countVfGa. did execute and deliver to the
Arms Saying ami L«n»n Association of Hamikon
county, rennessee, party of second p rt her deed
ot conveyance to <he tollowing deMU ibed lands
ami eneinents situa en in Floyd county Georgia
n which deed the ( iri/x ns Hank X Trust Co. ol
’ hattano' ga T< iinessve was named as trustee
and title losaid pr.iperty vested hy said deed in
>a'd trustee) towit:
“ixit No. thirrv-dvv (35) in Block • B” fronting
on Avvnu-. “A” forty-throe(43) he’ and running
ha<‘k, or uniform wid h, two .hundnul (200) feet
in Hie < iiy of Rotise Georgia, being a part of ori-I
jinal land lot No, two hundred ami Iliirty-seven
(2.37) in 2.3 rd. District and .3r •. Sect i<-Hi es said
’•omits an I slate.” Said Trust deed heingexv
cuied .o secure the payment of a note f..r S7OO
dated December Lsth. tstrj, and given by Lizzie
A. Andrews t<» the a:las Saving and Loan Asso
Au l rai l 1. zii.' A. Andrews havingsulmeribed
I <»|- i in- <- and on ha. I shai <-a of the ( apitai S oek
Ol sail- Aa-la I ion i>l the value of seven hun
'lieil doll iis and ihe said Asso i tion having a'-
vanned o L v. Andrews the sum ot >'7oo
on said Shares aud the said Lizzie A. Andraws
in said note ami deed of trust having ngried to
pax-said Atla’ Saxing- and Loan Assix-iatton,
vigil-y-seven a da half cents weekly installment
ot tines mt san I shares, ami twenty-two ami a
hall cents weekly installments of premiums on
s .id shan s as provided by Charter and By-laws
ot said Association: and eighty and 4P-52 cents
per xveck us interest a' six per eent on said sum
ol .'■7 o.
Ami m wit ch note and Trust de-d it was ex
jiresslv stipuhned on failure of Lizzie a.
Anorexx ... pay said inteiest Ums ai.d premiums
is silpula'i’o Hi said note ami tru t deed at op
iou ot said assoc la io.i sai l note becomes due
and payable: and said trustee might sell su.d
pr ’per y after having advertised same for four
weeks in a Newspaper published in Rome Geor
Now, therefore, said tizzi v A. Andrews l aving
faded to pay either interests, dues or premiums
• s eonti".!(ted to be paid by her, for more than
four weeks amt in fact been in default in mak
ing sa d payments lor more than twelve months
and said Association having declared said note
due: the Ci: izens Bank and Trust Company as
the trustee aforesaid, by virtue of the power
and authority vested in ir, as trus ee, will sell to
the highest bidder, at tlie Court house door in
Rome (la., for cash, on t lie first Tuesday in Au
gust 1894, the before described laud and tene
ments, after duly advertising same in the
lli sTi.KK or Rome;. The proceads of said sale
will Ire applied tn the payments in their order,
as by said trust deed required, which trust deed
is recorded in Book “U. V.” of deeds page 506,
i- theoffieeof Clerk of the Superior C urt of
Flovd county Georgia. This July 10th. 1894.
The I itizens Bank & Trust Co. Trustee.
Geo. A, H, Harris, Attorney for The Citizens
Bank & Trust Coinirany.
Public Sale of Valuable
GEORGIA, Floyd County :
Whereas on the second day of Avril, 1890, Ja
per Reynolds executed and delivered t
H, H. Royce, Trustee, his deed, tinder Se
tions 1969,1970 and 1971 of the Code of Gjecrg
of 1882, to the lands hereinafter d-scribed, f
the purpose of securing a debt referred to
said deed, which deed Is recorded in the Cler
office of Floyd Superior Court, in Book “O,
of Deeds, page 542.
And wliereas the debt secured by said deed
was one note for the sum of Eight Hundred
Dollars (8800) and its certain interests coupon
notes thereto attached, to wit; live interest -
coupon notes for the sum of Fitly Six Doilais
(856.) each, lue and payable on tlie firs; day ol
each December after the said second day of
V pril, 1890, from December Ist., 1890 to Decem
ber Ist. 1894, inclusive: aud five Interests cou
pon notes lor tlie sum of Eight Dollars :B,oo)eacli
due and payable on the first day of each Decem
ber after the second day of April, 18'30, from
December Ist. to December Ist. 18a4 Inclusive.
And whereas it was provided by the said Jar
per Reynolds in said deed that if default be
made in tlie payment oi said note or any part
hereof or any of tlie interest thereon when
due, or in the faithful fierformancj of any or
ci her of the agreements in said c iitraet con
’ainetl. 'hen ti e whole amount of said note
-to il a hi option ot the l ol'l’T of said note,
b’Ci: e in i ’bately due and payable without
notice to said Jasper Reyn. Ids. Ami ta the
event sai I note should l.e collected through an
t ornev at-law, or by legal proceedings, or by
sale of said property, as provided for iu said
deed, said Jaspir Reynolds agreed to pay all
cos’s of coilectim, including ten per cent, at
torney’s f cs on the same.
And whereas, by the terms of said d. ed, the
said jasper Rej n il s provided that should de
fault lie madein the payment ol sai I note orany
part thereof, or anv ol tlie interests thereon
when due, the S lid H H Royce. I rustee should
have right, power ami authority to sell the
prof erty hereinafter d- scribed, and all right aud
equity of redemption of tin. said Jasper Rei
uolds or the heirs, executors or assigns of said
jasper Revnol ls therein,a: public vendue, to the
Highest biduer, at the door of ilie court house in
F.oyd eo.inty; first giving pudlic notice iff the
time, place anu terms of saf-t ados tiie pruper
ytobasoldby advertisement once a week in
some new-paper printed and publisher! iu the
county of Floyd.
Ami whereas oh tne first day of Dacember, 1893
the said Jaspor Reynolds made default iu the
payment of the two interest coition notes that
day due, and tlie s une are now past due and un
paid, <ll 1 the said H. 11. R >yce, Trustee, has oxj
ercised his option as holder of said note and de
clared the whole amount to be now due.
Now, therefore, in compliance with the terms
of said co tract, the said H. 11. Boyce, Trustee
on the first Tuesday of August, 1894, will sell at
public x endue to the highe-t bidder, at tlie door
of the court house of the county of Floyd, the
ollowing property to xvit: Land lotss 1024
1065, 1064, south half <f No 1066. east half on
No 1023. ten acres off the east side of No. 10*37.
ten a ires off of tlie west -ide of lot No. 11*38, all
lying in a body ami conu.ining one hundred
and e ghty (’80) acres more or less, located ’n
the Third (3rd.) District and Fourth (4th) Bee
tion of Floyd county. State of Georgia. The
tei ms of said sale will be so Cash.
The money arising irom ihe sale of said lands
will be distributed in accordance wi li the pro
visions of Mid deed of said Jasper Keyuolds to
H. H. Royce, Trususe, as the same will be found
recorded in Book “O O” of Deeds, page 542,
Clerk’s office of Floyd Superior Court.
11. H. Royce, Trustee.
By bis Attorneys, Hoskinson & Harris.
AVhereas on the 15th. day of June 1893 William
A. Jackson, of Floyd < iniuly .Ga.,borrowed from
ilie Southern Building ami Isian Association, of
Knoxville fen.lessee, tlie sum of 54>0,011,0.i nine
share of tlie 5! id. series of stock in said As.socia
lio ’ and Oil the s irne dace executed and deliver
ed io said association his certain promissory
nine or imligatio.i in writing whereby Im under
took ami promise.! to pay on or before nine yei'rs
after date the sum of s-.i’i iji 1, with interest of
tlie sum of 84 S),Oil at til • ra'e of six j>er cent nor
annum pavable monthly o.i or before tlie last
Saturday tn <"i<'h 'ml *• tv month, commencing
on tlie last f atnrdav in J me 1893; which said note
was secured OS a ii.'e.i ”1 even date therewith to
certain real estate in tlie city of Rome, Floyd
county Georgia, hereinafter more particularly
described, said deed recorded in tlie clerks office
of Floyd countv in book*‘VV’ of deeds, page
tfi, oil June 2otli 18.13 to which reference is here
made for greater certainty as to its terms and
And whereas bv the terms of said note and
deed tlie said William A. Jackson stipulated and
agreed upon his failure to pay promptly
wiien due tin* taxes and ,:isnr.mce prem urns on
said proper; v, or upon his failure to pay the
monthly interest on said loan, ortho tines and
monthly payments on said stock, or any part
thereof, for a period of six months after the
same or any installment thereof may become due,
then at the’option of said association the whole
indebtedness evidenced by said obligation and
secured by said deed, including any taxes or in
surance due or paid by said Association on said
property, shall at once become and lie due and
collectable, and said association is by the terms
of said deed s|HMiiti<*ally vested with full lower
and authority to advertif.e said projwrty once a
week for four weeks and sell the same to the
highest bidder at public auction liefore the court
house door of Floyd county, for cash in hand, in
bar of the equitv of redemnt'on, and to make to
the purchaser or purchasers of 8 lid property good
and sufficient lee simple lines thereto.
And whereas said William A. Jackson has
made default for more than six months in the
payment of said interest, fines and monthly pay
ments, said association under the option afore
said now declares said principal sum of 84311J16
together with the acerueil interest, fines and pre
miums aggregating on the 39th. <lay of June t*»'»
the sum of and payable immediately.
An<l now in execution of the authority vested
in said Association, bv said William A. Jackson
bv virtue of the deed hereiiialmve referred to
I there will 1»* sold on the first Tuesday in August
Is'.M. between the hours of 11 a. m. and 12 o'clock
m.,.in front of the door of the court house of
Floyd county, at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash iu band and in liar of the eqitiiy
o fredeinption, which i« expriMsly waived and
tn wntd ilnpil, the follownim; ni’.H eet.ste
deM-vibeii in said deed towit: i’lras certain lot or
parcvl i < land, situated in the citv «< Rome and
county *4 Floyd, in the State of Sfoorgia,- :uwl
|>artii >4«rly described as lots numlwWi-sixtv-iiine
i (I*9) and seventy (TO) in J. W. Hicks sauvev of Ibit
ler's adiUti«m to South Romo (now the Fifth
. Ward o« lisnei, said lots fronting m Hatuier
Street 3t*feet each,and running back VS) feet to
Grove al l’y, lieing the same prppertv sonveved
to William- A. Jacksim by Sheriff J. M> on
Ihe day <<f Mmy 1893 by 'deed of record in the
Clerk’s ofijee irf Floyd county. And Ihe proceeds
of said sale- will be applied as follows : first to’tlie
expenses ixf sale; Hecond, to discharge amL pax
off the ameunt due tin- said southern budding
and laui AMoviatiosi including principal, inter
est, altoriievs fee, tines and unpaid iu.stalluii nts
and third, tfte residue, if any, w ill lie paid to
I said William A- Jackson or liis order. An < I -iis
I is to give notice of said sale as bv said deed
l|-vov£ned. Th* June 22ml 1894.
Southern Building A l.oan Association
By Ik-Henry Nunnally A Neel,
Attorney’s, i
Public Sale of \ aluabfc Lands
GEORG lA,--Ffov«l County:
Wli.T-as on i day of September 1891 i
James s Iloweli executed and delivered io he I
Georgia Loan A Ti-ist < ompaio his deed under -
sections, No. l’.'6'.i-; I’jfti, 1971 ~f tile < ode ”1 Geor
gia 1882, to tlie lands hereinafier described, for
tlie pnr -ose of securing adebt referred io n
deed, which deed is rccor led in tlie Clerk’s oi
lice of Floyd Superior Court In liouk “8. S.” of
deads, i age 90..
And whereas, the said The Georgia Loan A
Trust Company (ltd on said September Ist. 1891
or directly tlicruHfier transfer anil assign to the
undersigned for a valnab e consideration, the
note to secure the payment of which said deed
xvas i xecuted, and at tlie same time tran-ier ed
and assigned to the undersigned all of <ts righ.g
under said deed, ami on tlie 25th. day of May
1894 executed and delivered to tlie undersigned
a deed conveying ths title of said audi into the
undersigned together withall thep wers,rights
an I title of fhaGeorgia-L- an]A- Trns Company
under ihe deed of tlie said James s. lioweil in
cluding the pow.r to sell said laud in ease ot
default in the prompt payment at maturity of
interest or principal of said notes.
Now, therefore, by virtue of the power so vest
ed in the undersigned, whi- li is more accurately
shown by reference to said deed of James S.
Howell. I will sell at public outcry to the highest
bidder, for cash, »n the first Tuesday in Augusr
1894. during the legal hours of sale, before the
Floyd County -tour.t house doorat Rome Georgia
he lands described in the aforesaid deed of
antes S. Howell to wit:
Thatcer'aJn re idence lot with improvements
thereon in the Fifth (5) Ward of the City of
Rome Floyd ■ ounty Georgia, fronting eight)
(80) feet on Main Street and running back one -
hundred and fifty (150) leet to an alley. Bo aid
ed on the N.arth by the Allen property: Rast ivy
alley South by lot of J. W. Alexander ami West I
by .Main Street.
The aidsaleed first aliove men toned wm exe
cuted and delivered to secure the payment ot
a certain prommissory note for the sum 0f,8900
and ten interest coupons for 33-75 each at-auhed
there to and ten interest coupons for 2-25 eaeh ul
latched therefrom all of said notes dated Sep
tenibqr Ist. 1891 and; the principal; note bearing
interest at the rate of sever and a half per cant
per annum, and obligating toe a*id Jame S.
Howell to pay ten pier eent as attorneys fees
shouldSraid notes be placed in attorney’s hards
for i*olleetiou.
Said principal note is now past due bv the
tents thereof, and so declared to be du® tor de
fault in pav men tof interest coupons annexed
thereto cue September Ist 1893 and March Ist.
1834. The total amount of principal, interest
and attorney fees that will be due on said notes
on the first Tuesday in August 1894 is 81107.29.
Fee simple titles w ill lie made to Use purcliaser
>at said sale and the proceeds of such said sale
will be applied first, to the payment of said
debt, with interest and attorney fees and expens
es of this proceeding, and the remainder, if any,
will be paid over to said James Si Howeil or his
legal representative,
Dated this first day of July iB9t l
Hoskiusou A - Harris. Atty. E. Grove Yale.
Administrators Sale.
GFCRGIA, Floyd C.wxrv
Pursuant to an order of theCeurt. of Ordinarx
will be i .’d before the Court house dour in tilt
< ity of Rome, said County between tlie lega
Ibiiirs of S. le, on the fl-st Tuesday in August
1*94. the following property to wi' : Onu lot is
DeSoto, (now < ourth Ward) City of Rome,. Floyc
County, Ga., known as the former residence of
J. I*. M. Byrd, fronting on the Alabama Road
or Bridge Street in the said City 96 feet and ex :
tending back,same wi-ith 140 feet, and being the ]
property, conveyed by deed ol Mrs Mary T. I
Freeman, to Mrs!! .E. Knox. Dared Febuary
Ist , 1889. Recorded in Clerks Office Superioa
Court said County in Hook “Y.” of deeds, Page
498, No. 448 on June 28th. 1879, and als > d-xscnli
ed in deed of Martha E K'i“X, to said R. B, Me
Arver, Dated April 20th. 18*1 aim Recorded iu
Bul k “C. E.” or deed’’, Page 282 No. 187.
G o d lot sold as the property of William T.
Salon deceased. This July ird. L'94.
W. J. Gordon,
Administratoi De Btvnis Non
with will auuexed of Wm. T. Gordon
deceased, Estates
GEORG! Floy l County.
Notice is hereby given that a petition signed
by fifteen or m are Freeholders of the 962nd ■
District G M. of said County has been filed in
my office asßihg that the benefit for the provi
sions of Sections 1449,1451,1451, 1452, 1453 and
1454 of the Code of Georgia, of 1882 and the
amendments thereto, shall apply to said 962nd.
District* G M. of said County. 1 further give
ustice that, said matter wdl be heard on the
13th day of August “next’and if uo valid ob
jections are shown an Election will be ordered
to occur on the 29th, day of August “next"
*1994” -odoolde the question of ‘•Fence" or
“Stock Ltw” aocordi“g to tlie Statues in such
case, made and provided.
Given under my hand and'ial Signature
This July 23rd. I<?'34. 20d.
John P Davis
Ordinary F>oyd Co, Ga
Application for Letters ot
Georgia—Floyd County:
Whereas E L Bosworth, admiMstratcr ot
Jas T Vandiver doc’d, representsto the court iu
his petition duly tiled, that he has administered
Jamvs T Vandiver’s estate, fills is to cite ail
persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to
show cause, if any they c in, why said adminis
trator should not be discharged from his admin
istration and receive letters of dismission on
the firs’Monday in Aug. 1894 This May 1894.
John P. Davis
Ordinary Floyd County Georg i
Application for Letters of
GEORGIA, Flovd Countv:
Whereas W. R. Reese, Administrator of Reese
M Braden, represents to the court in his i«*tij
tion dulv tiled, that he has administered Reese
M Braden s estate. This is to cite all jiersons
concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause,
if anv th v can, whv said administrator should
not be discharged from his administration and
receive I.*; u*rs of dismission on the first Monday
; in Octolier 18'94. This July 4tto 1894.
Ordinary Floyd County Georgia.
1.. . -
r Road Citation,
t GEORGIA, Flovd Coi ntv:
, Whereas WE. Ntnilh.etal., have letitioned
, the Beard of CommissioiKTS of Roa is and Rerv
i enue of said County, asking that these tlement
road now leading ami rumnrg direct Irom Se
, ney. Georgia, anti running directly by what is
. known (S R”dgcis old Barn Place and Henry
? Drun mond’s dwelling hou-e and hit rsectlng
with tne public road known as the 1 leasant
. Hoi>e church road, at or near Drummonds
. school house, be h-vle a second c 1 pub ic
road and H e Ito d ( on mi-smue sos I*4 IMs
rri-t'c <t •of- .id Countv having repor edthe
i prop. s.-d rod mb- of public utility. Now, this
is *o cite all |H r . ns hax ing < bje .lions thereto
..ret dun LT damages ar si ig therefrom, to
make tl“* known io the Board.ifComiuis
s oners at the next iheeiing to be held on the
r first Monday tn tug’tst 1894.
! V I nr»s the Hon John C. Foster Ch drmanof
, rhe Board This Julv sth. 1894,
; diM. >UxMeyerhMdt,Ctork.
RIDS Wanted
14 iffirti ia,, f r.».»; »• Count v :
The Board .-< <(m inis.,jo., rs „ r Hoads »
- Revenue of hTDritrounty ask n.r sealed bi .< r ,
?,cnipo. paint an* adjust the threj iron bn.' e.
beio gitig to theuniuty. Io wit, tire brre
(the fob'of Seconal Avenue, the lirnl- ea li.
•foot ot Broad t»tr«Bt, a„d th . bridge ove. J
, Oostaiiaula river ”ii Filth Avenue, lemh ■■ r ,
I the Fourth ward. Snl.l l.ids to be in the '
I office not later than nine o cli ck a in ,7, * ,
.gnat 6th, 1894. a bond will be required
ihe successful bidderfi.r tlie faithful per.
anoe ot the work, ilw Board reserves th. .i - i .
to ieject any and all bids.
Witness tlie HonoraMe John C. Foster ( ■ ...
man ot the Board, Hits sth, day of June, 1 tn
. . Kw Meyerhnrdt, < I : a.
June 7-30-d ’
J A. WILLS Dentist—2o81-2 Bread * -
w over Cantrell aud Owens stere.
JAMES iJ NEVlN—Attorney at Laxv u~
Poverty Hul ,1 iscrfic , c.rr.ior 3rd ...
—in .iu emiML -Wui-l—
--/-% II4S. W. UNDERWOOD- Attorney at * “
Masonic temple.
Rome, Ga.
RivkCE Ar DEN NY—Attorneys at lav (‘fficr
in Masonic Temffie. Rome, (sa.
WW. VANDIVER -Attomey am .. t,
B sellor at Law—Rome, Ga.
Wl H v KN’NIS-Jno. W. STARLING Ennis
W■- Starling, Attorneys at Law, Masonic
Temple, Rome, Ga. fel>23.
W H M SMIr . H ’.r Att,,rn '-y-at-Law. Office u
B Masonic remule Borne <»eortia
■ a.f' RA£ — w Henry. Nunnally & Neal
r» Aftorneys-aLatLaw, office over Hale
Davidson Hardware Co., Broad street, Rome, Ga
physicians ano smiGtoivi.
D“ ’ {A * MS,J Physician and
■ ward re * ,d9Dce M < avenue A, Founa
L,^;, HA ' ,MON t > -I , hyMcian and Burgeon-
B Offers his j rofessional services to the peo
ffjxse and surrounding country.
Broad str.m an, ‘ Watson’s drug store, 208
DR. W. D. ItOV T—Office at C. A. Trevitt
drug a to- B . /o. 331 Broad street. Tolophon
110. »». No. 21
D R ’ ’ OMTFIN- Physician and Burgeon
“• * Masonic building. ResitSncs
300 4th ay ate.
geou -Office. No. 6 Thirc Avenue,
Ai office da« and night. Telephon <
Frank A■ Wynn, Physician and Bur ,
office at Tie itt A: Johns in dn. r., le
Telephone. 13 Residence 406 Seco we
Prompt arteuinon given all profession il
Only $6 00 by the E. I'. V \ ti
to CiunberLind oi SU Siinoi. ,i >.|
return. Tickets will be sold Ji. x 21,k
good to return July tbe :,0t: ;• r
sleeping car reservations, tickt « qnd
etc. call on or write to
j J Farnsworth T. C S*.
Atlanta Ga, Ron’
7-12 9’t
= —
Non. ’E WATER SCON' U ; s
Tiie fi'st quarter ends Si rd z
June 30th, I am Compelled > e
city Ordiance to shut off al!
rears see Stoxtion 25 Water <h i o
Jas kcGtiii
We offer One Hund ed 0 .i.qrs
I Reward for any case ol Catanh 11Sl
cannot be cured by Hall’s C < rrh
F. J CHENEY & CO ’ p
Toledo , O.
We the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years
and believe h’’m perfectly ho pr.ibk
in all business transact ions an I fi
nancially able to carry out an'- jbfi
gatioDS made bv their firm.
West & Tbvax, Wholesale L> "
Toledo, 0. ' ° ’
Walding, Kinnan & Maumn ’ . le
sale Druggists, Toledo, O
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is tak( t : er
nally, acting directly upo’ .ol
and mucous surfaces of the «•.• e u
Pnco, 75c. per bottle. Sold i y ii
Druggists. Testimonia s free.
- •*-
Soin etime ago I was troubled w h
an attack of iheumutism. I n d
Chamberlain’s Pain Bahn aul w s
completely cured. I Lave since .
vised many of my friends and cu -
tners to tn the remedy and all “ . k
liighiiy of it. Simon Goldbaum, .S n
Luis Rey, Cal. For sale by Lowny
Bros. Druggist.
I have two little grand children
who are teething all this hot sum
mer weather and are troubled with
bowel complaint. I give them Cham
berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy and it acts like a
charm. I earnestly recomend it for
children with bowel troubles. I was
myeelf taken with a severe attack of
bloody flux, cramp and pains in
my stomach, one-third of a bottle of
this remedy cured me. Within twen
ty-four hours I was out of bed and
doing my house work.—Mrs. W. L.
Dunagan, Bon-aqua, Hickman Co.
Tent. For sale by Lowerv and Bros,
All persons indebted io 1 r 0
r Griffin are requested i i cal
at their earliest convenience and
make a settlement, as he expects
to be absent for tbe greater part of
ibe Bumm°r recupera‘ing his
hea’th. 7-3 d. w. ts.