Newspaper Page Text
L°r a Oesoerate legal Straggle
up f'ght and
Igoes to arkansaw.
Hr A.cwer a Most Serious
■ Charge. The Habeas Cor-
I C „®Failed to Release
E P him, Though Ably
■ Fought.
» ”
I morning at two oclock
I the sheriff of Ozark. Aik., left thia
I city With Lee Davidson for his home
■ io the far west.
I Friday afternoon lawyer Mark
| Eubanks asneted by Hon. Seaborn
I Wright, undertook to have jDavid-
I bod rebased by Habeas Corpus
H proceed l figs’—but Ordinary Davis
H could not see it that way and the
[ young man was held for the Ar
il ksnsas officer who arrived later in
H the afternoon and who lost no tune
j i u making a departure from the
I city with his prisoner.
| Davidson is wanted in Ozark,
I his fathers home, on a charge of
f Seduction and an attempt to poi
?! gon. He deneis the charges and
said before he left that he would
make bond upon his arrival at
home and would return to Rome
I , nn a finish his course in
the Rome Telegraphy University.
While in this city young David
son, who is rather nice looking and
of pleasant address has made
many friends. His Habeas Corpus
proceedings were ably made but —
he failed to win freedom through
Robbers Foiled by the Bravery of
the Express Messenger.
St. Louis, August 4.—The Tex
as express on the St. Louis & San
Francisco road left the Union de
pot last night at 8:25. About 9:80
when the train was nearing Eureka,
in St. Louis county, thirty miles
from this city, the Wells-Fargo
express messenger, Ferguson, start
ed to go from the car in which he
was at work to the one immediate
ly in the rear. At the door he was
confronted by a masked man with
drawn revolver who commanded
him to hold up his hands and in
form him where the key to the
safe could be found. Ferguson im
mediately drew his gun and began
using it. The robber returned the
fire and put a bullet through Fer
guson s shoulder and another
through his hand. Hethen jump
ed from the train and escaped.
Ferguson thinks he wounded the
rublipr, but is not certain.
The Assassin of President Carnot
Must Die for it.
byons, August 4,—At 12:37 Ces
ario was sentenced to death for
6 a " aß ßinatiou of President Car-
As the sentence was pro
unced he tottered and with a
a voice said : “Vive social re
udon. Then in a louder voice
he shouted: “Courage, comrades ;
Vive anarchie.”
Ti ep!te of the prisoners defiiaut
U 9 ’ h* s habitual smile dis
“Ppeared from his face when the
of death was pronouno
cotm" Dußrueill > the prisoners
in j ’ Qot icß of appeal, and
? 80 aak9d the presid
fudges charge to the jury on
of th9 SMSlou J b /
' 6rwi the reoord,,
hoM wa P “‘ t . 0 ' Bo™ "Hl
Looses his Beautiful “Yellow Rid
ing Coat.”
From Chinese Deserters- The
Emperor of the Flowery
Kingdom Gets mad and
Swears Vengence
on Japan.
Loudon, August 4.—A dispatch
to The Times from Tien-Tsiu. dat
ed August 2d, 11:40 a. m., says:
The preamble of an imperia'
edict just issued recites China’s
claims in Corea its hundreds oi
years suzerainty of that country
and the constant assistance it has
rendered the vassal king to subdue
China it continues, recently
sent forces to Corea with (this ob
ject in view. Japan wnhuut the
.igLt also seat troops and refused
to withdrew them. She has fur
ther, sunk a transport carrying
Chinese soldiers and her action
has been condemned by other
The emperior places all the
military authorities under Viceroy
Li Hung Chaug who will protect
the rights of the empire. He also
orders the capture and destruction
of Ji* H «nußo snips ’where ever
Shanghai,August. 4, —Dispatches
h<ve been received confirming the
report that the emperor has divest
ed Viceroy Li Hung Chang of the
order of the Yellow Riding Coat,
which is the highest order in Chi
na, allowing the wearer privileges
next to those of royalty.
The emperor has freely express
ed his auger at the viceroy's hav
ing allowed Japan to get ahead of
China in preparing for war. The
act of the emperor in divesting the
viceroy of this order does not nec
essarily imply his deposition from
office,but it has fallen like a thun
derbolt here, as it is feared that
the incident will lead to Li Hungs
complete overthrow.
He is regarded here as the only
leader capable of coping with Ja
pan in the inevitably long war. A
crisis is regarded as iminent.
The emperor has been influenced
in his action by members of his
Limily hostile to the viceroy's pro
European policy,
It is expected that Sir Robert
Hart, the British representative, will
assert his authority and support Li
Hung Chang.
The soldiers beheaded at Tien-Tsin
for desertion pleaded in extenuation
of their offense hunger and exhaus
tion. Before they were executed they
were stripped of their uniforms and
their pigtails were cut off. The exam
pie has terrified the army.
An edict has gone forth that the
army will recieve double pay hence
forth, during the war with Japan
and a large bonus has been offered to
officers competent to navigate the
Chinese vessels and transports.
At 3a. m., on the 29th. of July
the Japanese advanced on the Chi
nese entrenchments at Shen \eng
and after several hours of severe
fighting won a decisive victory,
The Chinese entrenchments were
captured and the whole force of
about 3,000 men put to rout, with
a loss of about 500 killed and
wounded. The total Japanese loss
is five officers and seventy men
killed and wonued,
The entire camp equipage of the
Chinese and a good quantity of
arms and munitions of war, in
cluding four cannons and many
flags were captured
The Chneee troops fired in com
plete disorder with the intention,
General Oshima thought of en
deavoring toescape by of
Korean boats at Gansan. The
Japanese were in pursuit when the
bull item was forwarded. Gener
al Oshima took possession of the
Chinese headvuarters at Gansan.
Detectives Pull Five Gay Young
Society Men
In the old Capitol Building. It
was at High Noon, Says
the Constitution, but
the Fire Escape was
At high iMwm yesteiday a squad
from the detective force under the
leadership of Chief Wiight. raided
one of the rooms in the old |capitol
building and interrupted a quiet but
long continued game of poker.
Five young men, well known and
prominant, were pulled from their
lofty retreat and summerily marched
to police headquarters. Here charged
of gaming were entered against them
and in addition two will have to an
swer to the charge of keeping a gam
nig house.
For some days the officers have
had the game spotted and have made
several attempts to make their way
in. Tiie men cmght on to the move
menus ol the detectives and Paoved
fronqthe usual uauuts. From a com
sortable position on tho fourth flco*
of the old capital one of the officers
watched the game in pr ogress Tiiurs
day night and saw u ne shekels cuaag
ing hands in a Lurry, tie was sitisde t
that, gambling of au expensive nature
was . jOing on there and reported
‘■tit he bad located the men.
At 11:30 o’clock yesterday De
tectives Wright, Cason, Loony and
Ivey left the station house aud
made their way to the building.
While the other three detectives
started up the stairs Decteiive Ivy
went to the fire escape m order to
prevent any of the men getting
away in that direction. It was
delicate work but they came pre
Between the jackpots and the
officers, three doors securely lock
ed mtervented In order to get
to th« meu it was necessary either
to buret these doors dowu or un
lock them. Chief Wright had a
bunch of keys aud was lucky
enought to fiind oue to tit the front
door. The players were on the
alert aud as soon as this door was
openeu broke for the fire escape.
But Detective Ivy was there. At
least he was at the bottom tor a
plank had been spread across the
escape at the third story making
it impossible to aeseud. Five of
the young men were captured and
the appliances tor gaming confis
cated, They were brought to the
station house where all succeeded
iu giving boud.
Attempt Made to Disturb the Re.
mains WePnesd ß y Night.
Nashville, Tenn , Aug. 4. —lnfor
mation was received here today from
the Hermitage where Gen. Andrew
Jackson’s remains are buried, that
his grave was disturbed last night by
an unknown person or persons. A hole
eighteen inches in depth and three
feet in length was dug at the head of
the grave, but the parties were fright
ened away before they accomplished
their object. The Hermitage is
twelve miles from this city.
The desecration of Gen Jackson’s
grave was discovered at an early hour
and the fact immediately reported to
the Ladies’ Hermitage Association. A
long plankjwas left lying beside the
grave. Suspicion rests upon a welt
dressed negro for whom the authori
ties are now looking. He went to
the residence of a white man living
half a mile from the Hermitage yes
terday afternoon and borrowed a
shovel, which he returned this morn
ing. While near the Hermitage he
made inquiries about Gen. Jackson’s
St, Marys Church, Mass this morn
ing at 10 30 and tomorrow at 7.
Bey. A, A. McCarthy Pastor,
Doctor Wm. H. Felton Spoken of
as an independent.
Are Mentioned in Conection
With the Opposition to
Congressman John W.
Maddox. Other
Who will oppose Hon. John W .
Maddox for re-election to congress?
The above question is oftener
asked and more unsatisfactorily
answered than anv other half doz
en asked of Romans,
Until Hon. Seaborn Wright de
nied most emphatically to the
Hustler of Rome that he oot was
in the race and stated most positive
ly that he would not be, his name
was often suggested as an answer
to the said question—and even yet
a few of his admirers insist that
Scab will receive the endorsement
of the third party convention on
the 15th aud that he will yet make
the race against “Our John,’’
On the other hand, are men
who are honest believers in Popu
lism who say that cheir party will
not endorse an. “independent” now
any more than it did two years ago
when Mr. Wright declined a nomi
nation. and offered to dictate a
platform to them.
And then there is a rumor afloat
that proposes the name of Dr. Wm
H. Felton, better known as “Eto-
wah Bill,” of “Hallelujah Lick”
Jeffersonian Democracy fame.
This rumor after floating around
the seventh for some weeks has got
ten into the cold type of the Atlan
ta Journal as follows:
“The rumor is current in the
seventh district that Dr. Felton
has about consented to make the
race for congress as an independ
ent candidate. In that event he
will have the support of the popu
lists. The doctor has lost but lit
tle of his old time fire, and, when
he takes the stump, will revive the
“hallelujah licks” that made him
so famous in former campaigns,
“But,” said one of his neighbors
this morning, “the doctor is not
as popular as he was a few years
ago, while John Maddox has in
creased his strength and popular
ity’’ since he has been in congress,
A race between the doctor and
Colonel Maddox would be highly*
interesting, but the result would
be that Colonel Maddox would con
tinue to serve the people in the
district in congress.”
Outside of the above rumors the
Hustler of Rome finds many pop
ulists who say that they have good
and strong men in their own party
ranks and from them they will
choose a leader who will bear their
standard to victory—or defeat,
They say that the report that
Rankin, of Gordon, will support
Seab Wright and stump the dis
trict for him if Seab will run as an
independent is but a covert blow at
populism and will prove abortive,
Os course Judge Maddox will be
nominated by the democrats to
succeed himself and of course he
will defeat all comers be they pop
ulists, independent or flopperistic,
Maddox is the stuff and the wool
hat boys know it, Mark the pre
diction and watch the results,
She Threw Herself Under a Geor
gia Pacific Train in Alabama.
Oxford, Ala, August 4.—As the
westbound Georgia Pacific was
nearing Bynums, a little station
nine miles west of here, the seven
teenyear-old daughter of Lee Wern
ran and threw herself on the track
and was killed.
She was thrown nearly a hun
dred feet, but the body was not
very badly cut up. She had made
an attempt to kill herself a few
days before in the same manner
but was prevention.
Mr. T. Fitzpatrick Hook and Lad
dec Driver is spending a weeks vaca
tion out on his pretty little farm
near South R >me. Mr. Fitzp itrick
is ote of Rome’s best and most
popular drivers. We wish him a
pleasant time.
The Vigilant Slipped a Cog and
Defeated the Britania and
The Time Over the Hundred
Mile Course Was 4 Hours
Six Minutes and Fifteen
Seconds. Britisher Five
Minutes Later.
Cowes, August 4.—The ocean
yacht race between the Vigilant
and the Britiannia. for the bun
dred guinea cup was started this
morning. The weather was clear,
aud fair, with a west wind blow
Both yachts crossed the line to
gether at 10:30, with the Britan
ma to windward,
The course over which todays
race was sailed is from the Royal
Yacht Squadron Clubhouse to and
around tne Warner light; thence
to aroundthe east Lepe buoy finish
ing at the clubhouje twice around
the distance bjing forty-eight miles
The Boat rounded the Warner light
the vigilant at 11.48, 20 and the
Britannia at 11, 50, 05. Both
yachts were close hauled on the
run for the oast Lepe which was in
a misty rain. The first round was
finished by the Viglilant in 100,30,
the Britannia in 104:40.
■ The Vigilant won the race. She
fimished time at the Uommu
dor’s boat was:
Vigilant 1,36:15; Britannia,
a drinking man stands on a bar
rel and hangs himself.
Anderson Aug. 4 —Mr Charles
M Sherrad hanged himself today
iu an outburst at his home. It is
supposed he had beeu hanging
twenty minutes when found by
his wife shortly after 12 o’clock,
He had stood ou a barrell tied
tbo rope around his ueck and se
curely tied his hands and jumped
from the barrel. The fali broke
his neck, He had beep, drinking
for a day or two, and of course, he
was not iu his right mind when he
committed the deed.
He run a dairy farm and seem
ed to be doing a good business,
selling milk in the city. He leav
es a widow aud nine small chil
dren. He was aboat 38 years of
age and related to some of Ander
son’s best people aud there is
much regret at his untimely end.
It is Charged That he Threaten
ed Mr. O’Keefe, Editor.
Birmiugtiana, Ala, August 4. —
A sensation was raised iu political
circles here today by the arrest of
P. E. Bowman, Kolb’s right-hand
The warrant Was sworn out by
Andrew Jackson O’Keefe, editor of
The Independent, a labor paper.
The warrant avers that Bowman
threatened to do violence to the
person of O’Keefe if he continued
publishing denunciations of the
Kolb leaders.
Bowman was put under a bond
to keep the peace.
Ol ftß
needs. It lessens the pains and burdens or
child-bearing, ensure® healthy, vigorous off
spring and promotes an abundant secretion
of nourishment on the part of the mother.
It’s an invigorating, restorative tome, a
soothing and strengthening nervine, and
the only guaranteed remedy for womans
chronic ills and ailrnente. If it doesn’t bene
fit or cure, in the case of every tired or af
flicted woman, she’ll have her money back.
On these terms, can anything else be “just
m good " for you to buy f
You’re offered 1500,0 r a cure of Catarrh,
by the proprietors of Dr. Sage’s Remedy.
for exhausted, nervous,
overworked women,
nothing can do as much
as Dr. Pierce’s Favorite
Prescription. It regu
lates and assists all the
natural functions, never
conflicts with them, and
it strengthens and builds
_ up the female system in
£ away of its own.
1 Nursing mothers and
women approaching con
finement, will find it
exactly fitted to their |
•this weed
Unequalled inducements
will be offered this week in
the Dress Goods department.
We want every lady to in
spect our lovely line of goods
before she contents herself,
for we feel assured that we
can delight all.
B eautif u.l
a t Cost-
We are now’ offering a
new lot of summer goods, on
ly in the house thirty days,
and they are beauties too.
We can save the trade money
in these goods. They are
fresh and new and beautiful.
House Full
Os Bargains
Be Sure To