The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, August 08, 1894, Image 4

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ELECTRIC CAB GOLffl look Over The Passengers Many of Them Will Interest You C. C, Cleghorn, of SuiumerviHe is i i the city today. Miss Manns Littelle of Valley Vs. is visiting the Misses Haynes on 3rd Ave. John R Clemmons, a prominent merchant of Summerville, is in the city. Misses Minnie and Allie Cleghorn’ of Summervdie, are visiting Mrs. «1. JF. Wardlaw, Airs. Turner, wife of conductor L'-'wis Turner of the W. <fc A. is quite ill. Mr. M. F. Govan "is the Rome representative of Menlo. For data, call on him. Miss Louis Headden leaves tvday for Adairsville, where she will spend several weeks visiting friends, i “Col.,Ellis Wiliams ot Munroe N . C. a prominent lawyer of that place passed through the city yes terday. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Neel, will be gratified to learn that Mrs., Neel is again convalescent. Mrs Hawkins of Hermatage Ga is visiting the family of J. K Haynes at 403 third Ave. FOR RENT: I have * nice rooms to rent cheap. Well situated. Good surround inns. Apply to. C. A. TrivetL 331 Broad Street Capt. Will Elliott, the long leal pine of ihe Atlanta insurance 1 . . ! Cedars of Lebanon, is in the city today renewing his circulation. ‘‘Orai)f.e Blossom’’ is side and harmless as a flax seed poultice: Any ladv can use it he»self. Sold by D. W. Curry. Johnson’s Magnetic Oil cures cramps and colic ana internal neu ralgia and headache and backache : nstautly. 25 and 50 cts. For sale by J. T. Cryucli & Co. In the afternoon i ession of the County commissioner! ’yesterday, the New Court House wa> .accepted from | the Architect and Contractor Mr. J Batton, the contractor has in the er ection of this building I est a mon - meni io his handicraft, When traveling, always take a cake of Johns »r.’s Oriental Soap with you ; I diseases are often caught from using hctel snap, For sale by J, T. Crouch & Co. Mr. John L. Brannon, the pop ular book-keeper for Bass Bros lower store leaves for New York. I and the east on Moday. Mr. Bra n Nou, will join Mr. J. L. Bass, in market and will assist him in the purchase of an immense stock I of goods for ths Bass, stores of Georgia. “Orange Blossom’’ is a painless cure of all diseases peculiar women. I Sold by D W. Curry. Mis* Jordie Talliafero, one of I Sandersvil e 8 Tiost’charm'.ng maid I ens is the guest of Mrs. J. F. I Wardlaw on Avenue A. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John Henson died at their I residence this miming at about 3 o’clock. It was only a few hours * old, when plucked from earth and planted in the beautiful beyond. Every pair of low cut shoes and oxford ties in my house at New York cost for cash. A. B. McArver& Co. “Warter’s Hand made,” thats the brand of the latest and best production from the Warters Cigar Facto ry. Ask yourdealer for one. My boy was taken with a disease resembling bloody flux. The first thing I thought of was Chamberlain’* , Colic, Cholera and Dial rh ea Remedy. Two doses of it settled the mattet and cured him sound and well. 1 heartily recommend this remedy to ■ all persons suffering from a Jcom ! plaint. I will answer any inquiries re garding it when stamp is inclosed. I refei to any county official as to my reliability. Wm Roach. J. P., Prim bh roy, Campbell Co., Tenr. For sale Lowry Bros. w 4 v , ■k. CALDWELL-MARTIN. A Young Married Couple Remar ried Monday Night. On Monday Night Mr and Mrs- Will M. Martin appeared at the s residence of Rev. W M. Bridges, of North Rome, and requsted the , man of God to reunite them in the i bonds of matrimony. About eight m -ntsago Mr Mar l tiu and Miss Etta Caldwell of North Rome were secretly married. 8 nee then Mr. Martin has gruwu douotful of the legality of the knot tied on the former occasion aud on Monday night accompani ed by his wife —sweetheart, he re paired to Mr. Bridges, aud had the kuot tied over again Mr, ami Mrs. Martin bega i life under romantic ekies aud The Hubtiek wishes for them peace prosperity and hapiness. THIS FROM HOWELLS. And all the News From That Democratic Section. Howells Ga. August 8. —Will Rich met with considerable mis fortune on last Tuesday while in Rome; he lost 20 cents in money through a mistake in changing and on his way from town lost a charm with the Masonic inscription on it worth $2.50 and a small grip con taining $12.50 worth of articles. We are hopeful that the squire may recover his lost goods. Mr. W. M. Climer of Gordon Co. is visiting relativesand friends in this section. He reports fine crops in his country. The intended reunion of Elder Thomas Hollis’ famijy yesterday, was a failure on account of the illutss of some of the relatives Wilbam E. Climer has joined the Jerry Simpson Party and laid a wav his socks. Mr, John D. Yarbrough boarded the train last Tuesday evening for Stone Mountain to spend a few days with his aged father and mother. Prof. Dobbs reports 49 pupils in bis school at Drummond’s Academy Josh. DEATH OF AN INFANT The many friends of Mr and Mrs, Hal Wricht will be pained to learr of h • death of their only child, a bright baby of a few months. The h tie one breathed its last and the baby spirit was wafted above at an early hour this morning. The fun. r Iservicts will occur from the residence in the suburbs this af ternoon at 5 o’clock after which the remains will be carried to Ca'e Spring for burial. I FOR CTS. f J amwoMifw " 4 In Postage, we will nen«t ’ A Soniple Kn' clope, of cither 7 WHiTF., Fil l.Slf nr BRCNETTE & —OF— [ nOZZONI'S • • rOWBER. ; ’1 Yon have seen it advertised lor many £ I, but hav- you aver tried it?— If Z not-—von do not know what an Ideal K. Complexion Powder In. H J ■ —.1.1 f. besides being nn acknowledged betmtifler, Z J has tuanv refreshing uses. It prevents chof- k f ing.sun-burn, wind-tan.b'ssensperHpinttion, \ etc.; it. fact it is a most delicate and deairablo * protection Lo the face during hot weather. » ,4 It i* Sold Everywhere. v For sample, address / J. A. POZZON! CO. St. Louis, Nlo,e ftvA MENTION THIS PAPER. Lis© C URB Be •* *wid Comr etv Treatment, oonxlatlnc fc*P'>hlT<>RlEH, apeulee of Ointsxent kml Map RPipa of Ointniont. A never fal’tna Cure for FMp ►r ovwy nature Had dagrve. It make, an .penfVtb wWj the knlfo or Injection. Nt carbolic add. t<v natnfrx' an ) mdon a permanent .me, anu oflwa ■Mating fa death, m>n«war). Why epdura mis terrible dieeesr.? Ws auarnrA®. • to euro anypase. only pay Mr sweflte received, fl a oox. C for IS. 1 joi by xae*. Aoarantoee tawed by oar ageate. CONSTIPATION br la pane,. Liver *e gysat LTVEK uod BTOM ACB RKGULATOBAS PUHIFIEa. LmalDmlld and rUeaewfUß adaptod'fcr cUXjee’e we. t hSW e<e<r * MAGNETIC NERVINE guaranteed to *ur» - NervousProstra- £ I BhETL .u tiori. Fits, Dizzi ness, Headache, wl zwJ Neuralgia and in somnia. Greater - A J censes in the use of to -v opium, alcohol -y-Xv Hn< l * n °th® r direc xxz //f l 4 “vs tlons, bringing on De •BEFORE; - AFT ER- bHity, Sleepless ness, mental Do pressicn, Softening of the Brain, Insanit) und at laat a miserable death. MAGNETIC NER VINE arrests ali losses in either sex, renews vitalit) I und strength to both the muscular and nervous system roues up the brain, builds up the flesh, brings rwroah ing sleep, and restores health and happiness to tht ’unerer. A month's treatment in plain package bj mail to any address, fl.oo per box; € for $5.00. With every ss.ooorder we give a Written Cuarantteo t< cure or refund the money. Circulars free. Guarantee <&&ued only by our agents. KLOSTER OF ■ BULL'S EYE SHOTS. Many a Romans heartis sad today i because of •he untimely death of . Rome’s favorite little actress, the » spark I ing, vivacious Pattie Rosa, i Mrs. John W. Durme, nee Puttie Rosa died very suddenly in New ■ York oo Sunday aud on yesterday the beautiful remains were laid to . rest in Chicago. Pattie Rosa nev er failed to draw the house of the I easou at Nevin’s. She had en i gaged her troupe and had been booked for her southern tour— ■ when 10, the angel of death can > cels every date and dims the star of the company. * * * Charley Bass gets the rabbit— i He was after me to go with him to Livingston tomorrow to chew barbecue, and offered as an extra inducement to show me his famed pumpkin orchard. He says for 11 days that orchard has yielded him a rabbit a day—says the rabbits undertake to run through the pumpkin orchard at night, and but their brains out against the “fruit of the vine.” * * * Where there’s business life there’s-soap. At least such is the case at the Bass store, Parks old stand, where Mr. Bass’clerks have built a Brooklyn bridge in the window. The bridge contains 11,- 520 cakes of choice toilet soap “two for a ntek. ” The Bridge is well worth seeing for if the soap was worth a dollar and a half a cake it would be valued at $17,280 Ge whizz! At the cents in the suds —when the stock is watered. * * « Mayor John D. Moore and Col. J. H. Rhodes tell me that the Rome Mutual Loan is lumbering along at an increased speed on the ‘‘same old boom.” The Rome Mu tuol Loan is one of the very best companies in the state and with its big force of clever agents cover ing the Territory from the moun tains to the seaboard it is not sur prising to find it rapidly forging to the front. * * * I was talking to Mr, E. D. Wood this morning about the old Odd Fel low’s building now being torn away Mr. Wood is perhaps the oldest gro ceryman Rome now has. He came to th's city in 1851 and opened up business in the Kinkaid store next to W, A, Rhudy’s corner. Mr. Wood says that Wiley Denson did build the Odd Fellow’s Hall building, but be is of the opinion that Denson bin . self opened the first stock of goods in the corner store, * * * Col. T, W. Alexander, who came to Rome in the 8] rigof 53 was present aud rg eed with Mr. Woi d thhat Denson was the firsv busi ne-s man to.occupy the corner in the new building and that after Denson moved out the store was occupied by John Harkius ami Tom Berry. * * 4 But they were a little in doubt about some of this and refuted me to Mr. J . E. Veal, the veter n jeweler, I saw Mr. Veal aud he in informed me that he came to Rome in September 1853 and that during that month the old Odd Fellows Hall was dedicated. * * * Mr. Veal, came to Rome from Madison Ga, and bought au inter est in the Jewelry business of Mr, T. 8. Wood, who a few days ago removed to Atlanta. Veal,& Wood did a jewelry business in the store next to the corner, until ’SB wheu he sold out to the firm of Scott, Jones & Omburg.who tore out the petition and added Tailoring to their dry goods business. Mr. Veal, moved to Atlanta and he and Mr Wood carried on the Jewelry bus iness there t ntil ’6O when he re turned to R< me, ♦ * * The remin’pcei t remarks of the first settlers of he Hill City, beine published in th} ‘ Bulls e; e Kolumn ’ are widely ead und aie piovokiim many favorable comments— 'ec use relating as they do incidents in Ro man history, they are more than in teresting to our people. And then it is often resting tv pause, rest a men 1 , aud—lo k baekwardf"; Announcement i TO THE PEOPLE of GEOIRGHA AND OF THE SOUTH EAS I THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION make* «n announcement of mor* than ordinary Inter est. By special aTangement with the publishers of that greatest of all reference libraries, The Ency clopedia Britannica, ninth (latest) edition, we are enabled for a short time to place this King of Books Within easy reach of every reader. This edition Is bound In 28 ROYAL OCTAVO VOLUMES And Is the only complete and unabridged edition of this great work In existence revised Ito date. That some sort of an E tcyclopa dia is a necessity, all must acknowledge. That the Great Britannica Is the very best Encyclopedia, none will deny. Only its great cost—sl2s for the Scribner Edition. $»oo for the Edinburgh Edition—has prevented its purchase heretofore. At these prices none but the rich could afford to own it. We offer for a limited time to the readers of The CONSTITUTION an edition superior even to the costly Edinburgh Edition at the unheard of Introductory rate of TEN CENTS A DAY For this small outlay you can secure these aS Royal octavo volumes, complete and unabridged, revised to date. The Britannica itself needs no endorsement For ny years It has stood the crowning work of our English language, the noblest work In all literature, the one only adequate representative of the advanced thought and scholarship of the world. It Is the only Encyclopedia In which each principal subject is treated by an acknowledged authority upon that subject. No other Encyclopedia has given Ten Thousand Dollars tor a single article, nor Six Hundred Dollars a page for written matter. TB> fact that $J 9 000 9 000 Was expended In Its preparation. requiring tha labor of 1.000 of the greatest scholars, tells the story of its exalted superiority Over 600 American authors were employed on American subjects and American lnstitu‘ions. THE EDITION WE OFFER i To our readers comprises many features worthy of special mention. 1. A thorough equipment of new maps up to date, costing $30,000 to produce. 2. The American Copyrighted Articles, rewritten to date, by eminent American writers. In other respects this Edition is word for word, line for line, page for page. Identical with the expensive Edin burgh Edition, costing SB.OO per volume. 3. But the crowning feature of this Edition Is Its American Additions and Revisions, prepared under the supervision of that widely known Encyclopaedic Edito.'. W. H. DEPUY, D.D., LL. D., assisted by a corps of Trained writers, thoroughly revising the entire \*ork to date. Not only are all Scientific and Historical Subjects brought absolutely up to crate, but a vast fund of new information is added, relating to the material, social, industrial and educational progress of the world, together with many thousand New Biographies not in the original Edition nor In any other Ency clopedia. FOR A SHORT TOHE This elegant Reference Library will be offered to subscribers of THE ATLANTA CONSTITU TION at remarkably low introductory prices, and terms so easy as to seem almost ludicrous. There are four styles of binding, and all styles have double-hinged, flexible backs, sewed precisely like an Oxford Teacher’s Bible, so that they are durable and convenient. It is an actual fact that this book is more strongly bound than the Edition which is sold for SB.OO per volume. Upon application we will send you description and prices of the various styles, and you may select any style of binding you choose and have the privilege of paying for it at the rate of to cents a day, half the set being delivered to you at once: or. we will deliver the entire set of 28 volumes on payment of $5.00 per month. All chargbs paid by us to any railroad station in the United States. THE CONSTITUTOON, Atlanta, Georgia. MILL* We Alea.n Ca 11 and CTet Onr ußrices Hnying, W e are Seiling SASH, DOORS JVND BLINDS Flooring, Ceiling, Idallusters and Brackets Bottom Drices HUME & PERKINS SH OUTER COLXEGE FOR YOUNG LADIES ROME, GEORGIA. -T-. ■" ■ ( -'A Wt ftwSMbiS < JL.™sFIPO to i? fiHiii nnii iju; Wink 1 1 9111,1894. ADVANTAGES: I. A lofty and healthful site, free from malaria, - Charming grounds and scenery—an ideal situation. 3. Magnificent brick buildings—“ The beauty of the cjlleges,” 4. Every material comfort aud convenience, 5. A complete force of accomplished Teachers. 6. A splendid Conservatory of Music. 7. A renowned School of Art. 8. Au unsurpassed Department of Elocution and Physics Culture. 9. A strong and thorough curriculum. 10. A superior Finishing School. 11. A delightful’home for the pupil away from parents. 12, Reasonable charges. C or catalogues and special informatioi', apply to Dr. A. BATTLE, President, Or Prof. Tvy W, I l ggan, Busin ?s Manager. Is as safe and harmless as a flaj seed poultice. U acts iue a po’ff tice, drawing out fever and pain and curing al! diseases peculiar to ladies. “Orange Blosf i 3 a pas , tile, easily used at any time- it is applied right to the parts. Every lady can treat herseli with it. Mailed to any address upon re. ceiptofsi. Dr. J. A. McGill & Co. 4 Panorama Place. Chicago, HI, Sold by D, W. Curry Druggist. Take M. a. THEDFORD'S LIVER MEDICINE. * * / FT BL dyspepsia \ Sick on Indigestion I XNcßvaus- BIUOUSN£Ss\ gsgtyStfSpk j c \ Jsa&wKSg kJ Jaundice Sourness of /? <r<r of Stomach ' Appetite None Genuine Without The Likeness ..nd Signature ofM.A.Thedford on FrontOf Each Wrapper. M.A.Thedford Med, W. L. Douglas CMAF ISTHEBEST. VW W NO SQUEAKING. CORDOVAN. INCH & ENAMELLED CALF ■. 5 3. 5 - o FINECALF&KMRO!I 3.5 P POLICE, 3 sole?. jsp.>2. WORKINGMEN ' EXTRA FINE. I ’S 2Jl. 7 JßoysSchoolShoes, •LADIES’ ; - $2? 'Be S TDONGOL 4 SEND FOR CATALOGUE * W’L’DOUGLAS, 3 ROCKTON. MASS. lon can nave mnney by purchasing VV. L. Douglas Shoes, Because, we are the largest manufacturers of advertised shoes in the world, and guarantee he value by stamping the name and price on he bottom, which protects you against high, ■rrices and the middleman’s profits. Our shoes qua! custom work in style, easy fitting and rearing qualities. We have them sold every. a here at lower prices for the value given than ny other make. Take no substitute. If yuut dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by Cantrell & Owens, ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■>■■■*'' HirWW • ■ The Great Health brink Safe, sure and reliable. Always on time. A pleasure r t Com fortable, enjoyable. HIRES’ Root hem? A 25c. pkg. makes 5 gallons. Pold everywhere. ' Send 2c. stamp fur beautiful picture cards and book. , j The Ciius. E. Hires Co., Philadelphia* ' MAGNETIC NERVINE? ' s so| d w wr ' ! * en AJfcdp. ’ guarantee to euro t- g raiF F ’ < .1 NarvousProstra rV •Stiffs tion, Fits, Dim* Vt zm' I ness,Hcadneli'’i‘n <1 ‘u>ar** Neuralgia and Wake t . A. ft J fulness,caused by er cesidveuseofOpiuu Tobacco and Al« <{7 //*■ f, yiental Depra •BEFORE ” AFTER’ sion, Softening < he Brain, causing Misery, Insanity aiull DeatH liirrouess, Imnotency, Lost Power in eitnei - •ernature Old Age, Involuntary U>sses, csa« >y over-indulgence, over-eiertiou of the Brain nu irrors of Youth. It gives to Weak Organs tnei. ■ aturnl Vigor and doubles the joys of life. cur . -ucorrhoua and Fema’e Weakness. A month stre tent, in plain packege, by mail, to any address,» er box, 6 boxes »ft. With every 15 order we gtve “ Vritten Guarantee to cure or refund the money, irculare free. Gua’ itee issued only by our ex insive agent. What Nerve Berries have done for others ■Hp, w d° • 71* for you. IST DAY. T, /J’ VIGOR W®S> 1 '*♦? OF 15TH DAY. MEN Easily, Quick!/ $ and Permanently Restored. 30TH DA \ A positive cure for all Wei Debility, and all their train of evils result”*’ from early errors and later excesses; the r,BJ _ of overwork, ■kk'aeM. worry, etc De'Ji j and gives tone and atrenKth to thj ..exua* *’ * iraiiM. Stop* iinnaftiral lom.< or miiMgiona caused by youthful error* or cessive use of tobacco, opium and i |, |U which lead to conNiniiptioii and ln*a»i Their use shows immediate improvement, a- p no Imitation. Insist upon having the gent u Nerve Berries, "entw <irry'’;’ pocket. Price, si.fiO per box, six boxes. on treatment, SS.oU. Guaranteed to cure any• ff not kept by your druggist we will send t by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain "> t par. Pamphlet free. Address all mail orders AMERICAN MEDICAL CO., Cincinnati For sale by Crouch & Co. c- cLilofr . r-*. :' •« L'iit up. niuzuld <; m :xe,“uuf; r.res Mn.-.r.*. >1- .'ae* * w*' “