The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, August 14, 1894, Image 4

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ELECTRIC CAR COLUMN Look Over the Passengers — Many of Them Will Interest Yfu Mm. Pace Roberts after a severe illueis Has recovered. Mr, and Mrs Roberts will remove to Alabama, in a few days. Messrs. Sproull I ® .che and Will Norton came down the Etowah yes terday making the trip from Carters ville in a few hours in their handsome row boat. Mr.JLee Murphey, the handsome and genial driver of Rainbow No. 1 left yesterday for a weeks vacation He will visit Trion, Summerville and perhaps New Jersey and Japan. When traveling, always take a cake of Johnson’s Oriental Soap with you ; diseases are often caught from using he tel soap. For sale by J, T. Crouch & Co. Mr, S.M. Stark, the merchant tail or has bought the Roberts cottage on Cherokee Street in the Fifth Ward and will make his home in that grow ing section of the city. ‘ Orange B'ost-oni” is a painles cure ot a’ldi e»«es peculiar women Sold by D W. Curry. Rev. and Mrs, W. M, Bridges, are at Everett Spring on a visit to the latters father, Mr, Williamson who is seriously ill. Miss Stella Bridges, who was thrown from a horse at Everett Springs a tew d ys ago was not as seriously hurt as was at first sup posed and is rapidly recovering. Dr. R. B Headden will preach this morning at a protracted meet ing in progress at Pleasant, Valley Baptist church, South of Rome. Miss. Minnie Morton, aftei a pleasent visit to the family of Capi John J . Seay left for her father’s home at the Pines via, the Steamer Resaca, this morning. Mr. A. J. King, father of Banker Jack King and Ex-Mayor Sam. King went down on the Resaca this morning, to visit his son Fred King of Livingston. Mis', Maggie. Byrd, left for Alex is,Ala, this forenoon byway of the Steamer Resaca, this forenoon Mies. Maggie will spend a fort night with her grand mother, Mrs. Jane Vai.diver of Abxis. Mr. Jack Davi , Hie hustling m ,ra ger for the Rome Branch of the E, E. Forbes music and bycicle house, re turned yesterday from ai attempt to take a vacation. Mr, Davis was at hr old home in Alabama—but busine s called him back to his post. FISHING PARTY A jolly party of young men con sisting of Mr T. Fall Foster P.obt J. Swain W. L.Swain Mack Young of Cartersville and T. Jeter Garling ton, o’ Beeves Station left this morning for a week hunting and I fishing at Pockett mills in Gordon county they will <atnp out and huntjaid fish during the day and fight Skeeters at night . ■ ♦♦♦ One of the jolliest affairs of which it is possible to conceive, will be a straw ride and lawn par ty given to the young people next Friday evening at Mr. A. B. Mc- Donalds beautiful home several miles from the city. Huge bon fires will light up for the occasion, which will be done just for the fun and novelty, as the moon is now at her prettiest and will doubt for the convenience and happiness of the boys and girls reserve a bright and gracious mood for Fri day night. The parlors of the hospitable mansion will also be thrown open for the pleasure of the guests and everythihg will be done to insure a good time. Ice cream and the festive watermelon will be served at small tables under the shade of the trees and all who will attend have in rare and delightful treat. The benefit is for the fund of the W. A. K. L and goes to pay for the cure of a man who ouce grovelled a wretche I slave to drink, but who now walks aerth free capable of fifing his duties to God, and his fellow ■oat:. / J: ' / '- nscs low. Free car fare to Rome. Circulars free J. G. HARM ISON. President. :n«. KLUSTER OF BULL’S EYE SHOTS. Talk about, your coco-cola,have you ever tried Aiderman Reese Millet’s 1 bottled coco-cola soda? If not, and you want something nice and re i freshing these hot August days, sup -1 pose you t r ier a dozen or two doz en bottle cases, and put them in the refrigeraior or the ice boy. Try it, and my word for it you woA regret it, nor will you be without it again while the heat of summer lasts « * * For the first time in life my daughter,Miss Edna, has gone vis iting and will be absent from home more than one night. Gone, and al ready the house begins to feel lone some like, although she left but this forenoon. She has gone on a vitit of two wetku to her great grandmother, Mrs. Jane Vandiver of Alexis Ala. She ie *the oldes< livimi great grand child on both sides and is a purty tolerble smart little girl of nine years if I, bei daddy do say it. I’m going to mist her a lot —and her mama and Glenn between them will miss her about three lots. * * * Capt. J,L, Neel, chairman of the Democratic executive committee of Bartow county desires ma to call attention to the fact that a senatorial committee composed of delegates from Floyd, Chattooga, and Bartow, will be held in Rome on August 23 to ratify the nomina tion of Bartow’a choice tor senatoi Mr. W. H. Lumpkin who on last Saturday’s primary in Rtrfow counry defeated Col. Watt. Harrie by eight votes. * * * Frank Taylor, tne Broad Street transorial artist has been in his new shop for only a few mouths, and by soberness, industry and be ing an expert with the scissors, comb and razor, he has built up a splendid trade. Frank Taylor de serves much credit for being whai he is after what he has been through. In his humble way he stands an honor to his race and gives the lie to the oft made state ment that a negro, without the aid of the Koely treatment,can’t,break away from the tempting cup,Frank has, and I for one believe he has quit permanently. * * * I have ofteu heard passengers on board the Fifth Ward car ask “Why have the steam boat people na ; led cotton bagging along the guards of the r Clifford B. Seay?’’ and yesterday while aboard the Resaca I asked Capt, George Ma gruder. His reply was ‘co protect the outer hull above the water line from the rays of the sun”—and then 1 felt lin.e looking up Col Smith and asking him at what hour the 10:40 train will leave. EVANS FOR GOVERNOR. Not Gen. C. A. But John Gary of South Carolina. Columbia, S C.. August 14. Coun ty convention of the reform, or 1 illmau fact on, to which delegates were elected in reform club primar rien last Saturday in accordance with what is known as the Colleton plan, were held in all counties or the state today, and delegates were elected to the reform state convei ■ tion which will meet here August 16th. to nominate reform candi dates for governor and lieutenant governor and probably an entire state ticket. Reports from the conventions are meager, but tne election of sufficient delegates to nominate John Gary Evans by an overwhem ing majority was a foregone con clusion. The reports generally indicate that between 80 and 50 per cent of the 55,000 reform votes east in 1892 participated in Saturday’s club election. CESERIO MUST DIE. 1 aris August 13, —The board of pardons it was announced today mantaiua the sentence of death imposed upon Ceserio Santon Geaonimo the assassin of Presi dent Carnot condemened to die on Friday next. FOR WOMEN FOLKS MAUD MULLER—UP TO DA’IE. Maud Muller on a summer day, Calmly fanned the flies away. The judge came riding down the road And checked his hone near Maud’s abode. ••How is it Maud,” he slowly spake, “That you are out without your rake?” “Why don’t you do as in the lay, And rake the meadow sweet with hay?” ••The meadow,hay and even the rake,” She sighed "are but a poets fake.” •• We fln de siecle maids, 1 wot, Rake nothing but our Psyche knot.” The judge with idol smashed in twain Proceeded ou the road again. SO HE WOULDN’T FORGET IT. Pei haps it might be better for Mr Smith if he were more observant or possibly more something elec, says the Detroit Free Press. The other morning when he started down town his wife gave him an important letter io mail, and when he retuaned in the evening it was in his pocket. ‘ Henry,’’ enquired hie wife, jiut as hi had settled comfortably, “did you mul that letter I gave you this morning?’’ “You don't suppose, love, that 1 would carry it around with me, do you?’’ he replied as palavering as he knew how. ’ I don’t suppose anything else,” hi said, suspiciously; “where did you mail it?” “Right around the corner in that ox, love; I did it at once, dear, so 1 would be sure not to f orget i'. ” She jumped up suddenly, “Henry Smith,” she exclaimed ‘‘give me that letter. They moveu that box around on the far side of the square a month ag< ,” and Mr. Smith swore softly at the.postoliice authori ty. . A DISTINCTION. ‘‘Yes, I suppose you may call Eben a successful man. He does a good business, but in my mind lie isn't prosperous.” So said Mrs. Tracy to her sister, who had con gratulated her on the purchase by her husband of a mill which he was thought to have bought at a bargain, says the Cincinnati Tri bune. “Well,” returned her sister, “it seems to me everything he touches comes out just right. He’s the busiest man in town.” “That's just it,” retorted Mrs. Tracey.“ He’s busy and he succeeds in his doings, but that isn’t pros pering—not as I understand it. You see,’’she continued, “when we were first married he leased the little wooden mill down on the stream, and got along first-rate. He wasn’t over busy, and we used to ride round together every after noon and have lots of company and good times. “But he began to make money and buy more wool, and more mills to take care of it and more storehouses to put it in, until it takes about all his time to get it from one mill to the other. Some times I see him on Sunday, but he is generally busy resting up to start fresh again. He’s about as much a slave as if he were chained ju a galley. ” “Yes,” but he does make mon ey,” said one. “Well, perhaps so, but it all g >es to buv more wool. If anybody hankers for lots of wool in this world that’s one thing. Eben has any amount of wool, but when it comes to getting the real solid goodness out of life and enjoying it, he’s forgotten how to do it. Really, as I look at it, Eben is the most unprosperous man in town.” ENGLISH LADIES WEAR PANTS Considerable commotion was crea ted in the neighborhood of Totten ham Court road la«t night by the ap pearance of many ladies, arrayed in tunic., knickerbockers, gaiters, and —the words must be written —stock l ngs of various hues, seated on bicy cles, who dashed up in vigorous style to the doors of the Ideal Club and entered therein. The occasion was a reception to in augurate the formation of a lady cyc lists’ federation, which is intended to promote cycling among women and to them from tHe tyranny of long skirts, By its aid, also, they hope to make themse vee in iependent of the staid, old fashioned innkeepers who refuse them admission to dining rooms be cause they have discarded petticoats for if will provide them with bouses of all of their own, where they will, to all intents and purposes, be their own mistress. The federation will also help lh( in (<>|buy machines ou the hire system, and generally to make members as good as if ii-1 better than men. The reoeption was well attended and very successful. DEVICE OF A CLEVER WO MAN The Leghorn hat is conspicuous at the summer resorts just now The summer girl wears one with almost all of her afternoon frocks. A novelty about, the Leghorn hats this season is that they are trimmed in entirely one color. An ingenious summer girl now at Rich fled Springs has already appeared in seven different Leghorn hats. Her friends have been specula ting on the number of trunks nec essary to contain her wardrobe and they have decided that it took at least one trunk simply to bring h'<i Leghorn hats to the springs. In this they have been mistaken for this gayly attired .summer girl brought with her out one Leghorn hat and seven different sets of trimmings. One day she appears in u Leg horn hat trimmed with lo ps of baby blue chiffon and two Prince of Wales t'ps in the same color. The next day the hat will be overgrown with pink rosebuds, which will wind themselves in and out a band of pink chiffon ro settee. On other occosions the bat is trim med with bachelor buttons and tulle to match. With a white gowu it appears laden with white lilacs and loops of white moire ribbon. Some days it is adorned with black violetsand black fact, it is made to harmonize with almost every gowu in her wardrobe. It takes but a few mintes to re trim the hat, and it enables the young woman to have seven hats for a comparatively small expendi tuie of mouey.The Richfield guest 8 are busy holding consultations over the extravagant amouLts of her millinery bill. PIM a m We have a very large and most exceptionally well as sorted stock of musical in struments now on hand and arriving daily. We have been m the busi ness many years and know how to buy and where to buy and best of all, know what to buy.—Come see and buy and you will never regret it. We handle only the best, and will take great pleasure in showing you thiough our stock- Our Pianos are beauties and our organs have no su periors on the market. — And Then It you want a first-class bicycle or a good type writ ing machine, why you ought to come direct to head quar ters and get what you want and get it guaranteed. E e E. FORBES, Jack Davis, Manager At J. K. Williamson’s Jewelry House Rome Ga?” “Warter’s Hand made,” thats the brand of the latest and best production from the Warters Cigar Facto ly. Ask yurdealerfor ne. miraiM I have moved Blacksmith and re pair shops from Fifth Ave. opposite New Court house to my Old stand on Fifth Avenue in The Fourth Ward. t.drennon, -A_t old stand- sth AVENUE FOURTH WARD. 8-12 ts SHOPS REMOVED. To my patrons and the public I wish to state that I have removed ms Carriage Waggons and Blacksmith Shops. From the old stand in the Fourth Ward to the buildin opposite the New Court house where I am always ready to do guaranteed Carriage, buggy, wagon and Blacksmith work Repairing and Horse Shoeing a specialty jk. WIMPEE, .JR. _2k_ W- HART 3 Leather and Shoe Findings, Hand made Shoes built to order, Repairing a speciality, at Masonic Temple Store. MILL* W e Atean Business Call and Gret Our Brices Before Buying, VV e are Selling SA SH, DOORS AM) ULI M IS Flooring, Ceiling, Moulding, Balins ter s and Brackets Mt Bottom Brices HUME & PERKINS BEST OF ALL. $ 1.50! Rome to Atlan ta and Return Via the “Old Reliable** Rome R. R. of Ga. Wednes day, Aug 22nd, Tick ets good to return un til Aug 24th Train leav es Rome R.R. Depot 9:15. A ,M. 8--24 TWO DOLLARS The Southern Rail way Co will sellround trip tickets to Lookout mountain every Satur day afternoon and Sun day morning for $2.00, good to return Mon day morning. See schedule of trains in this paper, only line running, four trains daily from Rome to Chattanooga. J. J. Fansworth, D. P. A. Atlanta, Ga., T.C. Smith P. and T. A. Rome Ga. Johnson’s Magnetic Oil cures cramps and colic and internal neu ra gia and beadache and backache nsla'itly. 25 and 50 cts. For sale by J. T. Crouch & Road Citation, GEORGIA, FloydCoukty: . , ..a Whereas W. E. Smith, eta!., have petition®® the Board of Comriissioners of Roads and Ker enue of said County, asking that tlieseMletneni road now leading and running direct from s®" ney, Georgia, and running directly by wy»t» known as Budgets old Barn Place and Jientj Drutrmond’s dwelling house and intersectms with the public road known as the Ilea ~ ls Hope church road, at or near Drummed® school house, be made a second class pw road, and the Road Commissioners of lojnv trict G . M • of said C onnty having proposed road to be of public utility. Now, is to cite all persons having objections tner® or claims for damages arising therefroni. make the same known to the Board of Com .s. sinners at the next meeting to lie held on first Monday m August 1894. „ k .s™, a nof Witness the Hon. John C. Foster Chairman® the Board, This July sth. 1894, . k d-30-d. Max Meyerhardt, ClerK- Notice. GEORGIA, Floyd County, Notice is hereby given that a petition sig® by fifteen or more Freeholders of the l sl ®’ District G. M. of said County has been filed ’ my office asking that the benefits for the pt® sions of Sections 1249, 1450, 1451,1452, ■ and 1454, of the Code of Georgia of 188- ® the amendments thereto shall apply to sal' trict, 1 further give notice that said matter* be heard on the of A ngiist be valid objection are shown an Elect!on ordered to occur on the 13tb. day of B®P l ® to( , next to decide the question of “r ente Law” according to the Statutes in sum made and provided. , qi , rua ture Given under niv hand and Official s l this Augu>t9th. 1894. John 1 FOR RENT: I have 4 nice rooni J to rent cheap. Well situated, J surroundings. Apply t°- C A. Trivett 1 Broad Street A capable woman wishes a tion as assistant housekeeper in tel or boarding hons® 1 , Address - Bean. . „ 8-8-6 t. Care this Oft