Newspaper Page Text
skP - *
Herold Sweetheart Dr Free
man. Sequel to a bean
die That.has Caused
Murder and
grace Ga |o re.
T™».. Aw»tl7.
, eprcuil to th" Tin,m frora
.k r. Ala. »a* 9 th,lt the
Scottpbor \ ,
tnwu H all torn up «w a rumor
lh ,l Miss Aooi" Se»i'ou.° f
b .d marrird !«>■ bumrd.y.
Miss Skelton left for a vtait to
be i sister. Mrs. K.rby at Little
Rock A rk., on last Thursday. Dr.
Freeman left on the train f 1 ov -
iu g and it ie said that the pa>r
m et and were married in Mem-
Dr. Freeman is still absent
from Scotsooro and his where
bouts are not known. Miss Skel
ton is with her sister It will be
remembered that Miss Skelton
and Dr. Freeman were old sweet
hearts before the trouble with
Koss and he was all broken up
over it as he was said to be madly
in love with her.
The rumor seems to be well
founded and the people of Scotts
boro are very much exetcised
over it.
Forced to Ride a Horse in her
Parlor and Show her Ankles.
Wilkesbarre, Pa., Aug. 17. —A
furious woman, who had been held
upon a horse’s back against her will
at a social gathering last night,
shot two young men .for revenge,
one of whom may die. The vic
tims are Constable John Hart and
an unknown man, and Mrs. John
Barry did the shooting.
The ehte of Archibald turned
out last night to attend a party
given by Mrs. Barry. The guests
were lively and on the lookout for
As a climax to the evening’s
enjoyment a number of men went
out, procured a horse and returned 1
leading the animal into the parlor.
There was a scattering of girls
and women, accompanied by
shrieks of terror. But several
-tiong arms siezed Mrs. Barry, the
hosti'ss, and she was vaulted upon
the steeds broad back.
A shout of laughter greeted her
elevation. As she was not arrayed in
a riding habit ankles and hose be
tame unuxpestedly tfonspictious.aud
the fair rider was mortified.
JJ* hoise waa ltd about the room
while the audience laughed loudly
°fi their hostess’ dis
n lure Mrs. Barrys entreaties to
t iM r e e eaßed * ere UUUe eded for a long
was^ 11R ■ 6 gl ' eW 80 furious that she
h annH U,tted t 0 dlSmoUnt - RußhiQ g
J v O a o^ r room, she seized a ruvoL
festivh re T UrnGd t 0 the Bcene of the
W Itlßß - Le ’ her revolver at
fired. 0 " I<?lghtened tormentors she
Hart in Bfcrucli Constable
avX u d
whose name h &
T Ukn ° W “ « ot a
the hou-a -r ne ® uests fled from
AX?r tab,eHstft^d-
arr eHt 3 BWOm ° ut for
T 1 **’—' —— —
■»<« «lc™
tw> with the"" T' 1 C °“’
c *«An',' ro , rt, i‘='’ “populist
rity, J1 d jubt it, ask McGar-
Tenpted a Chattanooga Negro Ex-'
At Cohutta, Ga. Three Coons
Worked a Countryman
Bnt Only two of Them
Managed to Board
the Train.
Yesterday afternoon’s Chatta
nooga News contains the following:
A fatal accident happened to
one of the colored excursionists
who left the city yesterday morn
tug for A'lnieton, Ala.
The accident happened just as
the train was pulling out of the
station at Cohutta, Ga.
At that point the tiaiti was halt
ed fora few minutes to take water-
An old countryman "was near the
deppt with a large load of water
melons. Several of the negroes
jumped off the train and asked
the rural gentleman the price of
the melons.
They kept talking with him un
til the train started off,when three
of them grabbed a melon each
and made a*quick jump for the
trun, which had theu started.
Two of the negroes got aboard,
but one a Jim L-’Wia failed to do
so. His melon was such a large
Qiie that when he made an attempt
to get on the train it.
And he was thrown underneath
th whei Is of the car and his head
was mashed into a pulp, being
mangled beyond recognition and
presenting a horrible sight as
the corpse lay under the coache«,
He was about 21 years old and be
louged in this city He wiH be’
brought here for burial Several col
ored women who were present when
the corpse was taken from under the
cars fainteddead away.
After the killing an old darkey ex
claimed : I done told you niggers
about stealing dem millions.
Bi-ennial Encampment of the
Uniform Rank Knight Pythias.
At Washington, D. C., beginmg
Monday August, 1894.
Tickets will be sold to Washing
ton and return by Agents of the
Southern Railway Company, West
ern System, at one fair for the
Jr rand trip acount of Knights of
Pythias Conclave.
Tickets on sale August 23rd to
28th inclusive, good to return S-*pt
6th. Tickets may be extended to
Sept. 15th 1894.
A Through Special train will
leave Sunday August 26 at 1:15 p
m. aud will arrive at Washington,
D. C., Monday August 27th at 9 :30
a. m.
For sleeping car reservations
and further information, apply lt»
J. J. Farnsworth, Dist, Pass. Agt,
Atlanta. Ga.
J. M. Sutton, Trav. Pass. Agt..
Chattanooga, Tenn.
W. A. Turk, Genl. Pass. Agent,
Washington, D. C.
The piles of old London bridge,
driven 800 years before, were found
to be in good condition when the new
bridge was eredted in 1859.
Great care should be taken lest the
annouecement that Mr. Breckinridge
has become a minister should occas
ion confesion. It isn’t the Colonel
and it isn’t the minister of the gos- (
pel,—Augusta Chronicle,
Mrs. Debs says of her husband,the 1
ex-strike agitator, that“he doesn’t go 1
to any church at all, He’s an infidel. 1
We are a family of infidels, every one
of us, Col. Robert Ingersoll, whom
we all know aud admire, is our only
Pope *
THE PlCTAjlWftll.
I latest News FiOin the Land of
The war is being watched with
a Greatl deal of Interest in
Nova! Circles First
Battle Between
Armoured Ship
Victoria. B. C., August 17. —
The ormural papers which were re
ceived bv the Tacoma yesterday
differ as to th° relative strength
of Japan and China but the opin
ions prevail that all things con
sidered t b-y are on tolerably equal
The war will b« watched with
intrast as it will be the first occa
sion when st j el armored vessels
will be in cm tlict. English pa
pers in Japan ridicule the claims
of Japan to a great naval victory
iu the first engag-ment as the ves
sels engaged were in no way
The k ng of Slum was reported
to be dead when the Tacoma left
apd her maj-»sty’s steamship Rat
tler hid gone into the Siamese
waters. Since the navel fight at
Gasan the running of Japanese
steamers between J msou and Fu
son has been susp ended. General
travel on smaller Oriental line® is
much broken and news of an au
thentic nature is difficult to ob
tain, •
That the western world knows
more about the Corean situation
than can be 'earned either in
Hong Kong or Yokohama was the
verdict of-passengers on the Taco
ma after looking over the late
dispa’ches in local papers.
Livery man Fields Apprehended
him in Cartersville.
A telegram from Cartelville re
ceived at the Sheriffs office stated
that J. R, Harper,the Atlanta picture
man who departed these coasts with
Mr, Ed Colciougbs horse and buggy
bad been arrested by Liveryman
Fields and the turnant lecaptured.
Mr, E H.Colclough in the absence
of his son Mr.Ed Colclough who had
gone to Atlanta in quest of the thief
and stolen turnout wired tie Car
tersville offices to hold Harper until
officers from Floyd could come.
Pony For Sale: —Will take lum
ber for payment Apply at No 1 En
gine house. 8-16-3 t
Go by the Southern Railway to At
lanta, on August 22nd. $1.50 round
trip. Three trains each way daily.
Tickets good, returning on any train
until August 24. Fiue observation
chair cars free. T- C. Smith. P. & T,
A., Rome Ga. J, J. Farnsworth, D,
P. A. Atlanta Ga,
The man of whiskers seldom * gets
into scrapes with thi members of the
brotherhood of barbers.
London police authorities are wor
ried over the arrival of a large numtier
of anarchists from the continent, —No
mercy should show n these in human
fiends. The sooner they are outlaw
ed and hunted down like wolves, the
better for civilization,
Meichant —Do you think adver
tising pays?
Book Agent—No, I don’t.
Merchant—Why not?
Book Agent—Why? not? Be
cause it takes all the people to
your store to buy goods, and I can
not find anybody at home to sell
a book to; that is why not. —De-
troit Free Press.
’ . » •
■ ■ r i. ' r.'Cfj
; ccru-.s.
.. .. ... ■ <••,. ■ •■<.. .»;■
. . { iJun'.x*bu..‘Vr reunhl’
Jess Jones and Mack Madison’s
Colored Razor.
Ordered Closed in two Days
or its Occuoants Arrest
ed. The Seamy side
of Darktown In
' specte d .
Tne “Fall of Ninevah” wap a
very good sized circus, at record
ers court this morning.
The first number on the program,
after Deputy Guice rang up the
curtains and opened the book ot
tribulations was a duet by Joe
Walker and Ike Shropshire of
Recorder Spullock fined these
cullud dudes $4 each for cussiu
round er Darktown ball—See?
Mrs. Nellie Dood, also of Dark
town and a resident of Gas house
boulevard paid $4 f r being too
free in the art of “laying on hands ’
with another sisters kids also for
kussin too much with her mouth.
Julius Green, a strapping over
grown son of darktown, of the Roun
saville strain was fined $7.50 for,
maulin a little bilsy kooii about
some tobaccy.
Then came the kase of the konrt:
Jess Jones the one legged veteran on
police court performances was put
on trial for kussiu Mack Madison col.
Mack swore he had in the presence
of witnesses on last Sunday loaned
the white man a razor and a skil'et.
A night or two afterwards he went
to the Jones domicile for the razor
aud Jess not only swore he had not
borrowed the razor but kussed Mr
madison scandus?
Recorder Spullock continues the
case and promises when he gets
at the bottom of it, to send one of
the principles to jail on a charge
of perjury. Tne end is not yet.
but wil be. Mack recovered his
Mrs. White, her daughter Maha
ly White and Mattie Pledger,three
notorious white women were de
clared to be keeping a house of ill
fame and under the new city code
was given two days in which to
move out, failing to do this, they
will be arrested.
Anna Johnson, of Darktown on
a case of fighting and disorderly,
dating back to last April, was fined
$5 or 10 days. She plead the baby
act claiming that her child was
only a month old and ahould not
go to the city cooler. Kourt Ad
Our FREE 120-page catalogue
will explain why we san afford it .
Send for it now. Address
Draugbton’s Practical Business
College, Nashville,
Book-keeping, Shorthand, P n •
mauship and Telegraphy. We
spend more money iu the interest
of our employment department
than half the Business Coclegee
take in as tuition, 4 weeks by our
method teaching book-keeping is
equal to 12 weeks by the old plan.
11 teachers, 600 students past year
no vacation, enter any time. Cheap
Board. We have recently prepared
books especially adapted to
Sent on trial . Write us and ex
plain “your wants.” N, B, — We
pay $5 cash for all vacancies as
book-keepers, b t e nog r sphere
teachers, clerks, etc., reported to
us, provided we fill same,
Yesterday we looked over several
of the 28 volumes of the new edi
tion of the Encyclopedia Brittani
ca now being introduced in Geor
gia by the Atlanta Constitution.
Our inspection of the articles es
pecially concerning the south, was
thorough, and we find thia edition
to be entirely free frora errors
which appear in books of this class.
We can conscientiously recom
mend it to the people of Savannah
and the entire state. —Savannah
* * -»
N T- L ' -<u 1. !>■ i;>« v
w V* **-* U.i.FV.i*.
Lieutenant Henrv Stewart of A. B-
MgmiiJF& Cos
Paul Reece a Close Second
and Misses Delia,McClain
and Emma Jackson
Third and Fourth
Voting Fast
The Hustler of Rome contest,
uot yet a week old has begun to
assume most, interesting propor
tions and by Sunday Morning
there is no telling how tht» score
will stand.
The feature of the contest today
has been the entry of >1 new Rich
mond into the field. JLieutenant
H. J Stewart of the hi* dr« good*
house ot A. B. McArver & Co. not
only has been entered the contest
by his friends but by voting early
aud often, principally often,he
nas been pmced at the head ot the
Mr. Paul Reese, of Trevitt A
Johnson’s drug store is a close sec
ond, while Miss Delia McLain ot
Kuttner’s and Miss Emmie Jckson
of Fahy\ are but few votes ahead
of Mr. Pope Wooten of Lowry Bros.
Druggists. The lists stancl today :
Mr. .II J. Stewart.
Mr. Puul Reese,
Miss Delia McLai 1,
Miss Eiuina Jiwksou.
Mr. Pope Wooten.
Miss Bena
Mis-Mabel Klein.
Miss Je'.nie N'>" .
Mr Frank Kun .
■ Miss Net!ie Kin; .
i Mr. Charley Tuibei'.
Mr. Charley M. Green.
That’s how they stand now, but
‘ who can guess what a day may
” bring fourth —or first?
; coupon.
1 o
□ c : : 72 «
J? =
" o
1- —<
cn ; ; c- ’
' 11 T i 1J
2 : J
' - ? ? ; J J i
[3 ths Ouly lire’ j iinlii >g tine v»»Mi
bnle trains wr.n »i er I' -.iree observa
tion chair car s, betwe-u lir <ne and
Atb .nta an I w.'l a-l round nip tick
ets to Atlanta on Auais £2, $1 50
good to ’orarn Ancr-r 2L
T C Sruitb P. &T. A .
■ it'>uie Ga.
J. J. Fanisworib D L Atlanta,
Speedily Cured by
Ayer's Cherry pectoral
_ -W3. “My wife was o=
suffering from a O:
* Cgr fearful cough,
(t which the best o:
IT medical skill pro- o:
curable was una
ffi n We relieve. We O :
Ct V'J i!’ ) iIW not expect o:
J that she could long
/ survive; but Mr. o:
R - v Royal, <lep ‘ o!
’ ub survey° r . bap- o j
pened to be stop- o:
ping with us over night, and having a o:
bottle of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral with o j
.him, induced my wife to try this remedy, o:
The result was so beneficial, that shoo,
kept on taking it, till she was cured. o j
She is now enjoying excellent health, oj
I 1
and weighs 160 pounds.”—R. S. Humph- ®:
kies, Saussy, Ga. oj
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral
Received Highest Awards gi
S* »?• •o 5?»»?» I
. .■
tf'.-- r ' u h I. Course thnr 'Ugh int. mt» *«
■.a. j.. .w ati • to Rnme Circulars free
... KAhMISON. President.
A CompetatiVe Exammeation to be
Held in Rome for a Naval
Congressman Maddox Whip
ped the fight and now Some
Seventh Ccngressinal
Young man Will
a get Plumb
When Judge Maddox, wat elec
ted to Congress from this dis
trict it did not take him long ta
find that his predecessor had been
sleeping over tLe rights of ths
bloody Seventh, so far as the ca
detship in the United States Naval
academy was concerned.
He found a District of Columbia
man enjoying the benefit of a place
which the law said belonged to
some sturdy, bright boy from
North-Vvest Georgia. The fight
which Judge Maddox made against
the evils growing out of a custom
of usurpation and missrepresenta
tion in the Naval Acad amy depart
ment, is yet fresh in the minds of
the people- both in this and the
adjoining states,
Now as a result of that fight
there is a vacancy in favor of the
Seventh Congressional of Georgia
and to fill that vacancy and to lot
the best man win. Congressman
Maddox forwards the following fur
By virtue of an act just passed
by Congress, the 7ih District is
entitled to a. Cadet at the Navel
\cademy, aud I hereby suggest a
competitive examination to be
t held in Rame Georgia,on the3oth
instant, at Die Court house; the
examinatij u to begin at 1 o’cclck,
p. m.
This examiuatin to be opento all
tht young men of the District whs
are between the ages of fifteen and
twenty, who are physically sound
well formed, of robust, constitu
tion and who have bona fide
residents of the District for two
years immediately preceding the
Candidates will he examined in
Reading, Writing. Spelling Arith
metic, Geography, English Gram
mar United States History, ants
A Igebra.
1 he following gentlemen will b<
requested to act as an Examininj
. Board to pass up.m and to deter
mine who snail ue entitled to the
Proff, J.C. Harns Rome Georgia,
J. D Taylor, Summerville “
Capt. Jacks n Lafayette 4 -
MA .Acke Cedartown
Prtitf Duncan Bretnan “
Proff. ‘Stewart Marietta
J. W. Harris, Jr Cartersville “
J. C. Case Trenton ‘
General Thomas. Dalton
Louis 'Washington Dallas ‘
W. E. Maun Ringgold “
J. A. McCamy Spring Place*
F. A. Cantrell Calhoun * 4
—pimples, blotches, sores,
humors, and eruptions, ty
T > ITr. 'Pier >e’s Golden Med-
Vi*. "1 ical Discovery. For a poor
A? A ’ complexion, and for the
«M&J , , , Mood that causes it,
I'' . • ' this i* the best of all know®
i remedies.
In every disease or disnp
der of tba skin or scalp. tB
tfa every trouble that <?ome»
from impure blood, the
R - *• Discovery ” is the onlv
f | medicine that’s sold with
—l a guarantee that it shall
do what it promises. If it doesn’t l«nefli
or cure, you ha ve your money bock.
Scrofula in all its various forms. Eczema,
Tetter, Salt-rheum. Erysipelas, Boils, Car
buncles, Enlarged Glands, Tumors and Swell
ings. and every kindred ailment, ore per
fectly and permanently cured by it
Buy of reliable dealers. With any others,
something else that pays them better wiij
probably be urged as “’just as good.”
Get Dr. Rage's Catarrh Remedy at any
druggist's, for 50 cents, and you get a com
plete and lasting cure for thi woxst <3aae» of
Chronic Catarrh in the Head.
iSJipn ■>
fix r. - - :| .
JBO JOJ tof.l
. i’ S