Newspaper Page Text
■ a Rsdution of not Less
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I ’ Rucker’s Most
■ .table Article.
■ " r ’
K~l >elk prove
■U »- w1 * out ? ,
5° “
■.v.ei.lrßt for I'is approval.
Air iu the direction of
.. ilesiretl b\ the
a Jicv'eil mipruvedient
|frn>ui ! b, tween 'he
KiUnt paasod the house of rep
■natives and after being
Kieubd by the senatg, relates to
Kecoal, iron and f>ug<r scMii •><.
I li P' ’ hili planed ih --■« i-
Kes on the free is . and the senate
made them all da-
Kab'p. »• d ,|! ” rv WIS f-' l '-'-”
accept Ihe mettsin’Ph iu that
,r s-juni 11 b> <le Hit of
tariff Iftgek'ati'Hi, at this s s
H Tb—l mo._-r.iDc innj >ri*y i
-' i; 11 1 sm il“, ba’
apparent than real.
(i ■>< m ■ -nl »rs th • are
pr./eased tie.n >crats in 'hat
• n but Gorina u»
Smith and till I, who were
<; ;•■;■ !, ■ unglued with the
llHepu.' icair and populists and
the bouse to accept the su
|Kar. iron and coal scedules in thei r
But for this action the bill
have been the end of the
legislation fur a long time to
but th- democratic party
B- not stop until a proper and
revision of the whole
has been made.
|bni'.i"ii ell .y upon the passage
I’ l ' ■ senate atnend-
B' : nt rrpresentat ives
thrcp separate bills pln-
K referred t<» on the
B" ' ! 't. anil as this course breaks
Bl't‘i" ( ‘"inl limit ion between the
K l '- 11 ' 1 * ■ tlm-e items, there is a
V"•- I’I’"' 1 ’"' ability of the passage
,j ach through the senate.
ll "'" l ’Vyr. these recalcitrant
ll|H ')" j i''ist in their opposi-
K '"’in'wishes of their party,
K r "'P”'>i'iibtv wi!l | H
il properly belongs, and
will apply the
’ ’ 11 !n ' 'ly when their ti-rins
present shape the bill
■ !lK "' :i '■•dimtion of $75,()OO,OOO
■T? 1 ™ 1 in tariff taxes, and' its
effects will soon be felt
f P ul>le ’ eß P eciall y i» the
Ki ' " “ ecess aries of life.
r "/ we pi ace , in op-
K lt| , co uinns, the tariff on a few
K " :!nH -"->"rthe McKin
R T , i < 'u\ mckin Senate
CUV' 11 ' "" “
00le ”yam, Free.
sha»|, (I 8,66 »)
K Uhlabri ' s " m 3O 35
in 35
s 35
uni,,;; 1,4 35
W""" inn *>ne...'. 211
'try ' 4 ‘ Free
KrSi" 1 ""'!’ 11 0.50 ;i- 4
!ir '"'in.. J’’ 22
plates... 43 25
Khiiii° nveßsels ij
W aWs 30
cloth 2>
taeles.. 25.05
skills In QK
■ 11,s i Japa nnedi . 39 35
K vd o{ tliehc U Jes Cnly a stcall P° r ’
I e “ m Ji is
givon for the purpose of informing
the people of its character, as a whole.
It can leadi’y be seen that the
consumers of these articles wih save
under the present law, from 15 to 250
per c- nt., and that a grant work has
been accemplisht d by the party for
ihe people of this ooumry.
In ad fitiou to ’he reduction mad.;
in tar ff r..»X‘ s. this ’"ill also includes
un inc oue tux <»f 2 par cen , on all
inc mi s a >I,OOO. which wih add
>it least s<»■>.oo > ''o » ann rally to the
revenues < i tnc ipfVtTifient.
Heretofore oAu-iri of g -ve. irieut
bunds were ex-nipt Irom taxation,
both on tii • prvicip-i and interest of
these securities u 1 *de residt was
that, men w-n-.'h mt 'i mh of dollars
wen, nr t •tied: v, free from ths bur
dens of gove: tun mt, but hereafter
they *"'• hava to be.»r their just share
of this expense.
Coi'gi ess b.ib been at work on the
measu’m for twelve ruon'hs but this
oi rii)a<‘v </f the senate coupled with
the bad Hith <>t the * <>r four pretended
democia ic i-e miors were responsible
ior this
Bat it must ho ttiken into cotisid *rn
t’ lnwhen i a sing judgment on that
body that all ; niff n-./nd it ion is nec
essߔilv, the result of compromise and
concession as there are so many differ
ent and conflicting interests to be
considered, and that the republi
can party, although controlling
both branobes of congress by large
njfjoritr-s. were two years iu shap
ing up and enacting the McKin
ley law. which we hnV just w p <_]
from tne statute book*.
A Leiner From the Mexican Lion
Written From his Lair.
Howe'lls, Aug ,23 1594 —‘‘Some
times I am abaut the size ot
a year and a half old calf, some
times as big as a dog, someiimea ]
am light brindle, sometimes jet
black and sometimes other colors.
1 can be seen from Silver Creek to
Wax Po all at the same moment.
They chase me with dogs and
guns but I take my refuge in
“Howell’s Colin,’’ Yours Respect
fully,” “M. L.”
A fine large kettle of soup will
be served at Howell’s court ground
Saturday, and Prof. Callahan will
probably entertain the jolly crowd
with a speech on “Ait and Hu
Mr, Ab Jones’ home is made
happy by the arrival ot another 11
pound girl.
The population of Howell‘3 have
increased considerably for the last
two mouths there has been six
new bab.v girls iu our vicinity
within that time.
Mr. J. T. Climer complimented
us with a nice dish of honey this
evening from his own yaid.
Mr. William E, Climer is going
to Rome tomorrow. He will
probably spend a dollar and
a half with Ordinary Davis.
A Political Party to be Orgahized
by a Number of Church Societies.
Chicago, August 22.—Au Indianap
olis special says: A call is being cir
culated for ft state mass meeting to be
held here to organize a good citizen
ship political party. The Christian
Endeavor, withits 45,000 members;
ThelEpworth League, with 30,000
members, and the Baj ist Young
people's Society, with perhaps 10,000
members, have recently gone into
the movement.
The effort of the party wi'l be to
secure persons indipendent in poli
tics, who are willing to fight even
saloon man that may be nominated
on any ticket of the regular parties
That the party will overwhelm and
swallow up the prohibition party re
not doubted.
It is also believed that the Catno
lic church, with all itssocities. will be
bought in un ; on with the Protestants
"ii this question, as it is in dj rfcct C "
cord with the proclamation cf Bisn
op Watterson against Catlohcs in
the saloon traffic.
He was Endorsed by a two to one
Vote Today by the
——— ■
Hon. W H. Lumpkin, of Bar
tow, nominated by the
Democrats to Repre
«. sent the 42nd Sen
atorial District
Hou. A. O Bacon, of Bibb, con
tinues to grow in strength,for the
effice of Uuted Stats Senator from
Ry a two to one vote he carried
the 42ud Senatorial district ccn
vention today.
But here’s the official proceed,
irigs of that August body
Minutes of Senatorial Convention
of 42nd Dist, Aug. 23rd 1894
Convention m< . at 12 o’clock uo. n
T. J. Lyon u’l m.notisly elected chair
man Ttie following were the ,: st of
delegates presen .
Birtow; T -I. Lyon, A Y Shea t,
,C. N. Patter sou, J. E. Field, J. W.
Harris Jr-
> Chattecg: : C,S. Holland.
Floyd: Hugh Montgomery, L A.
Dean W. A. Wrig’it. J, L Jonnsoa,
0. AV Sprouff, J. H. Camp, T’, P
Price, JJ. Black, C, Vv . Underwood,
jno M. Vandiver, M M. Pepper,
J. C. M" re,T N.Lnyd.
J. W. H nri. 3 ! Jr. n:>minate l W. H
Lumpkin of Bartow for Senator from
42nd Dist. seconded by J, L John
son of Ebyd. Mr. Lnpl'nwas
nominated unanimously.
On motino the following com
mittee w T as appointed to escort Mr,
Lumpkin, the senatorial nominee,
to the st ind Hou. J. W. Harris
ion. J. J. Black, and Hon. Gilbert
Mr. Lumpkin addressed the con
The following resolution was of
fered by L A. Dean and seconded
by W A. Wright in an eloquent
“Resolved that it is the sense of
this convention that the Hon. A,
O. Bacon is the choice of this
senatorial district for Lnited
States Senator.”
Carried by the following vote:
Floyd 6 Chattooga 2. making a
total of 8, Bartow casting her four
votes against the resolution.
Convention adjourned,
C. W. Underwood
Secretary. T. J. Lyon
Nevin Opera House With a very
Strong Company of select Artist.
Robert Gaylor is co appear at the
opera House Tuesday Aug. 28 in a
renovated edi ion of his comic play
“Sport McAllister.” Mr. Gaylor is
known as an eccentric Irish comdian
possessed of mannerirm that are
strikingly unusual and a voice that
is used with a rapiculous’y friny ef
fect in the telling of stoiies and dia
lect eenversations.
The specialties which are qr ; te nu
merous in this piece,are presented by
Mr. Gaylor. Joseh Kelly. Mi
Maggie Fielding Miss Ermg a sou
brette long popular ‘ i Hoyt aud
Thomas forces, plays leading female
role the Griffith Sisters present a
dancing specifies Gilbert Gri in
□ ive ballads n id sidewalk witdeisms
the enseml la executes what is
described as The Babies Minute
One of the special featuers ?ie the
oripnal living pictures from the Em
pire Theatre London.
At. 2:30 th’s afternoon Judge
Lvulmscffioe was invaded by Mr.
W L. Uauson and Miss Bsss’e B
Hamilton who wanted to be
and m ried right now.
The accommodating disposition
of Jud Lumpkin prevailed and
they were pronounded man and
wife inside a brace of seconds.
The young people are from East
Rome and near Rome. The gr oom
is aboulj 19, while his girl bride
l to be 14 or 15 years of age.
The Romans Knights of Pythias 1
and Lady friends
A|\levin’s Opera House To
Night With a Most Delight
ful Program. Every '
body Cordially invi
ted to attend
The Hustler of Rome’s word
for <t. those wh€,a<tend the Knight
of Pythias performace at the
Opera House tonight are going to
enjoy a most delightful evening’s
The program found b«low is a
sufficient guarantee of that fact,
The K. of P, of Rome are a
whole team and a yaller dog un
der the wagon on any occasion/but
when they have their lady frmnds
enlisted, why they head the pro
cession and furnishing the mar
shal music by which other organi
zation march.
Opening Prayerßev. G. A. Nunnally
Awake the night is beaming (song and cho.
ras)EUsire D’Amoe
Mrs. Charles D. Wood and chorus,
Addressby Hon. Hamilton Douglass
Grand Chancellor, Subject: Damon and Py chias.
Nocturne—Violin with piano accompani.
ment.. Chopin
Prof, P. J. Fortin and Mrs. P. J. Fortin.
Address by Hon. W. T. Turnbull
Subj st; Objects and aims of Pythianism.
Greeting to SpringC. I>, Wilson
Octette for ladies voices—Misses Lula Warren,
Pet Nevin, May Patton, Bertie Cross, Miriam
Reynolds, Rosa Woodruff, May Bell Black, Viola
Address by W. W. Vandiver
Our Pythian Sister-in-law
Patti w a lt z Song Pattison
Vocal Solo—Mrs. C. D. Wood
Annip Laurie—Malefluartett.... Dudlie Buck
Messrs. Ch s. Warner, C' ia s. Patton, Roy
West, W. Bar j.
Address-Charity and Benevolence,by
Rev. R. B. Ileadden,
Good Night, Gentle Folks—chorus.... Thomp
son, Mrs. C. D. wood, Misses Patton, Warner,
Cross, Nevin, Reynolds, Smith,woodruff, Black;
Messrs. Cnas, Warner, Chas. I‘atto t, Roy West,
Harry Patton, W. Berry.
This entertainment will be free
to all. The citizens of Rome, aud
the ladies especially, are invited to
be present,
The Ladies Were at the Polls and
won Many Votes.
Social Circle, Ge, August 23.
(Special.)—Walton county voted on
the prohibition question yesterday.
The prohibitionists can led the
county by 525 mujoiity. Avery
heavy vote wa ’polled Prohibition
wi’l go into effect as soon as the
present licenses expire, which i«
sometime in November.
The ladies took a deep interest in
the election. At Momoe they were
about rhe polls and by their appeals
made many votes for prohibition.
DARK i OWN’S 400
Hold the Fort at the Fall of Nine
vdh This Morning
Al ice Canada, col. D. C. $5
Mat Collins, nee Mat Stacy,col,
D. C. $5
Willie McGar, col, D, C . $7,50
George Gains, col D. aud D Css
Charley Richersou col D. C. $3
Peter Mathis nee alias Grave
yard drunk $2,50
James Williams, colored, con
cealed weapons, bond $75.
The above shows who were kawt
iu the krash.
D. C. means disorderly conduct
D. A. D, means aud drunk be- |
I. 0. 0. F. ATTENTION.
The members of Rome Lodge No
40 I. O O F. are requested to attend
the meeting ot the Lodge tomorrow
r’ght at 8 o'clock.
Business of importance demands
their attention,
J.T. Tracj, N. G.
J. B. Trawick, Sec*/,
Mr. W. C. Sturdivant, of Rome,
was in the city last Saturday.—
Chattooga News'
Base-Ball and Barbecue Speeches
the Older.
Annie Delle, Ga., Aug. 21.—Rev.
Mr. Smith has been holding a se
ries of meetings at Sanford’s school
house witn good results. Seven
converts have behn baptized.
Mr. C. A, Crane, of Atlanta, is
visiting his sister, Mrs. C. P. Mor
ton, at the Pines.
Mr. V. T. Sanford started on a
fox hunt this morning. He will be
back tomorrow.
Our Sunday School had a barbe
cue at Mr. Webb’s last week. We
enjoyed a fine speech from _Capt.
A. B. S. Mose.j very much.
The game of base ball played by
the Livingston and Annie Delle
boys was enjoyed very much. The
Livingston boys came out 2 ahead.
___ Z.
Attention is elsewhere called to
the iuterestine fact that Judge J
K. Hines has discarded the fash
ionable steel blue suit in which he
deported himself just prior to the
populist nomination and adopted
« very fetching costume consistii g
of an abbreviated alapaca coat ot
the vintage of 1876, a brown mt
nilla-paper vest, a pair of overalls
aud a shoe-string neck tie. if he
can only be pursuaded to add a
straw hat witn a hole in the top
for his hair to stick through, and
a pair of cow-hide boots with
splotches of coagulated milk on
the uppers, there is no doubt but
that he will run in the rural dis
tricts like a sacred wolf. The re
po, t that the Judge, during his re
cent campaigning tour carried his
osggage in a hollowed pumpkin
carved on the outside into a simu
lacrum of Col. Watson, is untrue
—Atlanta Looking Glass.
You are hereby ordered to be and
appear in your Armory on Friday
night, Aug. 24th at 7:30 o’clock*
Business of importance, vital to the
command and oi great moment to in
dividual members wi'l be discussed
and disposed of.
Will you have some of the Sarutoj a
chips? saul the hostess.
Well, sadthe young man from Ali
zona I dont know ei y hing about
Saratoga but 111 play it. u few dol'ars
The grand jury of Shelby coun
v, Tenn., is still at work seeking
out parties who have been doing
business and paying no taxes in
Memphis. It is estimated that the
state, county and city are out
about $1,500,000 on this account.
Oxford Ties
Worth 125 for
75cts A. B. Mc-
Arver & Co.
Soi’tlmrii Gowvatory of
Established in
This isi the only Conserva
tory of Music in this part of
the Southern S.ates.
Branches taught:
Piano, Violin, Viola, Vio
lincello, Theory, Harmony,
Counterpoint, Ensemble and
Orchestra Classes. Terms for
1894—5, opens Monday Sept.
Paul J. Fortin,
Miss McLain, ofKuttners, Heafc
The List
A few vo'es in the Rear- Paul
Reese Runs w*ll. MisslM*'
b' l Klein has many
Friends so has
Charley G t- een.
The Hustter’sJof Rome St le
mons trip, with a week of match
less fun and pleasure grows raocci
exciting as the days go gliding fef-
The c udidates stand:
Miss Delia McLain,
Mr. Pope Wooteu.
Mr. Paul Reese'
Mr. Frank Kaue
Miss Mabel Klein
Mr. H. J. Stewart.
Mr. Charley Green
Miss Nettie King
Miss Bena/Wood
Max Kuttne r ,
Miss Emmie Jackson
Miss Jennie Neel
Mr. Swatsy Rosenberg
Miss Maude Morris.
Miss Della Portis.
Mr. Charlev Tolbert
Mr. John Hargis’ name was en
tered today, but as we would h&ve
to put him under Mr. Peter Antog
noli we knew he would never gefr
any whe»e beneith such a burdett
and therefore we rule then boU»
out of order.
One ot the new entries today wis
the name of Mr. Max Kuttner, the
son and clerk of Mr. Jacob Kutt
ner the Broad Street merchiat
who polled a good solid vote, for *
Another feature of the contest is
the steady, persistent but eraff
growing fight made by the friend*
of Miss Mabie Kline aud Mr.Ch&r
- l ;e Green, each of whom started
near the “foot of »he class’ 'oat
who are steadily marching head.
Mr. Swatsey Rosenburge 'wil
leave tomorrow for New York but
.id has instructed the contest edi
tor, should he win, to telegraph
him in care of Delmomco’s ssj4
sth Ave.
Among the scattering ballot*
today, Mr. John Jones, of Pence'*
store and Mr. John Goddard
Knttners each get a vote.
The contest is on and tmw
;he time to subscribe and
for your favorite.
. . © tn
* : : -2 2
■g 4 i : ** 1
w 2 : : d?. <5
w 5: • ; ®
c w • • s 77 'Z>
° y : ' * o £
z a « ■ sr
« § g : JJ -
££) • -*-< ** >
* ? g : ’
">i 5 o
* m ■ OS i
n tn sealed glass vials, is enough is
■* jJ M itself to recommend Dr. Piera»Y
X (C-J J Pleasant Pellets. It. keeps them &■
' <> ways fresh nnd reliable. You can’s
be sure of the big. old-faiudonedyeEh
in wooden or pasteboard boras.
But these little Pellets are better
tat every point. By their tonic «ar
strengthening effect on the UnJc®
membranes of the rnteitinaa. they
increase tha natural action of At*
bowels,'and permanently onr»?»£►
dice, Biliousness, Dizziness, Sour
Stomach, Indigestion, and cons*
quent stupor or drowsiness. -
There’s no disturbance, no iwr
tion afterward, arid their help ladOL.
One tiny granule is a gentle laxa
tive; three are cathartic.
* They're the smallest in sine., th*
I easiest to take, and the easiest is
the way they act. They’re tfas
cheapest, too, for they’re pu«r«*-
teed to give satisfaction, or ynsr
jH ] money is returned.
Nothing else can be •• lust *
good.” Tricky dealers always b®r»
‘i things to urge upon von which «»
M I better for them io sell, but bad far
you to buy.
Deputy Sheriff J. P. McCc®ueU
has retured from Everett Springs
where he had been to visit hoe sister,
Mrs. John A. Wynne, who was
ill. He reports the death »SJit STraeJes
Hiram Everett onejof Fioyd*6 oldeet
and best citizens.