The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, August 26, 1894, Image 1

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THIRD year
L Z r ,Y, B, r ± e ( rs ' Du Goods. Hats. Shoos and Notions. c ; P B Wood & Co's,
Best goods! Lowest prices!
Alex Carr Murdered Capt. H. 0.
The Kill ing was over a Misun
derstanding About a Debt
of SSO. King Owed
Carr. Baily Held
as Accessory-
Atlanta, Aug. 25.—Capt. H. 0.
King, a well known mechanical
engineer and inventor, was shot
and killed by Alex Carr, a young
man formerly in his employ, after
3 o’clock yesterday afternoon.
The killing, which from the best
evidence of eye witness and obtain
able from others who were ac
quainted with the circumstances
leading up to the tragedy, was a
deliberate murder, occured .on
Broad street just in front of the
office of the Chattahoochee River
Brick Company, which office King
has made his headquarters re
Carr fired five shots at his vis
tin, four of them taking effect,
After he had emptied his pistol,
shooting three times after King
fell, Carr threw the smoking wea
pon at him and walked off up the
street.He was arrested, how how
ever, before he got a block dis
tant. Carr was laboring under in
tense excitement when take jo
charge by the policeman. He was
trembling like a leaf in the wind,
having grasped a telephone r ole
for support.
The killing was the resu’t of a
quarrel between t. e two men oyer
SSO which Carr claimed King ow
ed him. According to Carr’s state
ment after being taken to the po
lice station he had been employed
b King in the management of a
su’phur mine near Villa Rica. A
couple of weeks ago King left with
out paying him the amount due
being SSO. Carr came on to At
lanta to collect the money. This
morning he met -King and they
bad hot words about the matter.
Later in the day Carr was seen
on Decatur streit with his brother
and a railroad man named Bailey.
He bought a pistol for $1.50 and
put it in his side coat pocket. It
was visible to a friend whom he
met who asked him what he was
going to do with it Carr replied
that he was going to kill a big rat
tlesnake aud put it on exhabition.
Carr and Bailey who has been
arrested as an accessory were to
gether when they came face to
face with King who was emerging
from the Chattahoochee Brick
Company’s office.
Carr made another demand for
his money. He claims that King
had a pistol in his hand and was
about to shoot him win n be began
firing. Bailey also asserts that
King had a pistol, though none
was found upon him when he was
HO ft VP Fl (-‘fl
J. B. Jaques, foreman of S. W.
Postell’s printing office, next to
the Chattahoochee Brick Com
pany’s office, saw' the meeting be
tween the men, but did not see
King with a pistol.
Bailey protests innocence of any
complicity in the affair. He says
that he had loaned Carr SSO and
was along with him urging him
to get his money from King and
repay him.
When Carr fired the first shot the
muzzle of his pistol was close up to
King’s breast. The killingcreated
great excitement. Threats of
lynching Carr were freely made.
Capt. King is an old resident.
He is connected with some of the
best families, He leaves a wife and
several children. He was taken to
the Grady Hospital after the shoot
ing, but died before the hospital
was reached, and was -ater re
moved to his homes 66 Trinity
Master Cornelius Robinson is
suffering intense pain caused by a
spider bite, he was convalescent
last night,
a Jprge delegation of Rome
Masons went down to Kings ten
]• night to witness Cherokee
Lod<’e No. 66 of Rome, initiate a
couple of candidates into the mys-
” c Mucnnit’ ' anecial train
terms of Masomj a P
took the party out over the, old
Reliable, the Riverside route.
...i— ■ ■w.
Was the Name of the Eightteen
Year Old Bov
His Brother came down from
Walker County Yesterday,
Indentlfied his Cloth
ing and gave Officers
Valuable C'ues.
At last the identity of the young
man, murdered at Seney on June
18th last, has been established.
His name is Solomon Barber and
his home was in Walker county.
Yesterday forenoon a young faim r
giving his name as Lester Barber
and claiming to be a citizen of
Walker county, came to the city
following a chew that he thought
would lead him to the grave of his
18 year old brother who disappear
ed in or near Rome on or about
June 18thr.
Mr. Barber says that about that
time he brought his brother in a
buggy to within eleven miles of this
'•ily and that when ho turned his
borses heads homeward his brothers
back was in the same direction, while
with lusty s.rides, brim full of energy
born of youth, hope and early' ambi
tion, the manly bey was shortening
the distance between the parting
p'ace and Rome.
He says bis brother ba I worked on
tbe old farm in ' Walker for a few
months, but left to go to bis own
home or permanent working place
in Pauld’’•g county
Debuty Sheri f, J. P. McConnel ,
car ed the young miu to see Mr.
Schlapback," at t-.e Morris Bottling
Works on Fifth Ave. where he in
s'ant’y identified the 'crush hat
which had been worn by the murd
ered man
Mr. McConnell then carried the
young farmer out to Coroner Dren
non’s residence where be eae-'ly
identified the c’othing, handkerchief
and other artic’.es found c'u the body
of the stranger, as the property of
bis missing brother
Mr' Barber says that his brother
was about 18 years of age, and was
of good habits. His father is long
since dead and his mother has
married again.
He returned, to his home in
Walker county, but will come to
Rome next week and perhaps re
move the body to the little ceme
tery so familiar to Solomen Bi r
ber’s boyhood.
Mr. Barber gave Deputy Mc-
Connell some valuable clews which
will materialy aid in trailing down
the things who spared not the life
of th ■ youthful stranger.
Robt. Gaylor io Soort McCallic
ter of “400” Fame.
The quaintest of all Irish come
dians, Robert Gaylor, will appear
at the opera house in his entirely
reconstructed version of sport Mc-
Allister one of the 400, on Sept.
Jeremiah or sport McA'lister is
an Irishman of leisure with sport
ing fever and an ambition for pol
itical honors. He receives the
nomination for the office of shriff
of the City of New York from the
democratic party aud at ouce pro
ceeds to canvass f or votes in op
position to Dennis McGinty, the
republicah candidate for the same
The latte- is game, however, and
shows fight, the electioneering
*■ icks resorted to dy both sides call
a meeting of Ins followers snd his
rival who lives opposite to him calls
an opposite rally. Spcit, son writes
up a speech for his, to be delivered
from the 1 Icofiy on the night of
the meeting, and while promptug
his father on that occasion, he * ans
fers the manuscript to his dudish
step -brother, Percy, who g the
old nr i a protection speech instead
Oikhe proper biude. A volley of bricks
and other missiles is the r< s fit of
tie mistake, aud Percy is sent off
sin disgrace. SpcrL is not daunted
by the accide-t however and invites
the bosses of the foreign vcte to a
grand banquet where by his clever
diplomacy, he becomes nas r
The Board of Jun Commission
ers Have.
And Drawn tne Juries That are
to Serve for the September
Term of the Suoerior
Court. IWho They
After a week’s work, the Floyc
county board of Jury Commission
ers, on yesterday finished the task
of revising the jury box of the
Clerk Beysiegle states that the
revised lists will foot up about 800
names for the Grand Jury Box anc
about 1000 names for Jhe Pettit
Jury box.
The board of Revisors are Capt.
M. A. Nevin, W. F. Montgomery,
T. N. Lloyd, J. P. Earl, J. L.
Hardin and M. W. Brett. After
the work of revision was completed
the board on yesterday forenoon
drew the two grand juries and five
pectit juries that are to serve at
the Sept term of the Superior Court
which convenes on the fourth Mon
day in September. Three of the
juries drawn are:
W. A.Ca ~ W. r. Trout.
G J. Dvkes. D. B. Hammond Jr
A" D, Hard’r. W.L. Gordon.
J. W- Sanford. John F, Dod '
Geo. A. Grey. J ff Miller.
J. P Awtry, J F. Hortor,
W. / Shores. H’ •am Haar ton. I
0. M. Fouche. J M. Fincher.
J J Miller HSbelton
R. B, Simms. J. F. Bass.
T O Hard, M. J. Curr,
J,Y. / gle W.F. Montgomery
W L. Jones. Z F Caiv r
C R Cnde”
G A Slaton J F Taylor
W C Peuuy W J Satterfield
John Montgomery E C Wood
John C Martiu J B Pattou
E H Colclough Green Duke Sr.
J A Ray D O Byars
John Kiukaid W N Moore
E B Marshal M G Selman
J W Weathers B S Lester
W A Cato GGBuckhalter
R H West Henry Harvey
T S Burney C W Kush
John T Erwin W S Cothran
J M Edie J T Sharp
J F McGhee J F Austin.
D. W. McLeod W. F. Miller
C. M. Lewellen E. J. Jackson
W. J. Giles W. S. Evans
J, H. Camp E. M. Calloway
A. L. Fuller T. R. Cox
A. S. White J. M. Murdock
John Helm H. L. Huffman
M. L. Cherry J. F. Touchston
J. A. Hays B J. Miller, F. S
W. J. Weaver C. E. Rakestraw
N. H. Bass M.L. Troutman Jr.
C. W. Shelton W. B. Teat
J. W. Evans S. C. Hawkins
Alex Smith J. F, McGibany
G. N, Jackson R. G. Cross
Rob Jones C. 8 T. R, Floyd
W. L Scott R D Van Dyke
John S May C D Wood
Ofiicer Hor./ Wimpee Captured a
Officer Horry Wimpee, run down
aud captured a pair of young coon
corn stealers on yesterday.
The negroes seamed to have fal
len ia love with Bill Daniels’ roas
tineer patch and had eloped with
and married some of Bills young
Officer Wimpee picked up tl e
juvenile thieves and on a warrant
sworn out by Daniels before Judge
Harris, they were committed to
Through their prison bars this
Holy Sabath they gaze and ponder
how Daniels has brought them to
judgement. J
Mr. Pauld D. Reese of Trevitt_&
Johnson s Leads.
Is a very close second with
Miss Delia McLain and Mr
Max Kuttner of Kutt
ners and Mr. Chas
Green Bunched
The c mte-t deepens, on ye brave.
Who rush to gio . torough the wave.
Klip out your bailors, klip and save!
Wave 1 O'rcan wuve 1 and charge.—
Everything to The Hustler of
Rome, for The Hustler of Rome
ix pay ng the fright—for-the mott
popular saleman or saleslady. You
get the most votes and we will do
ho rest. Sea?
The Hustler of Rome’s popular
ly contest,wich is to bedetermiued
>y ballots klipped from the Daily
Hustler of Rome and the Weekly
Rome Courier, who is the mos;
popular, salesman or saleslady Las
>eeu the talk of the town aud the
iccasion of a lot of tall hustling
he past week.
Besides the honor of winning
the race, the Hustler of Rome
will furnish the winner of the
contest a round trip ticket over
the great Southern Railway to St.
Simons Island and will also pay a
week,< board for sai 1 winner at the
best seaside hotel in America,
the Royal Hotel St Simon.
The contest closes next Satur
day afternoon at 6 o’clock sharp,
city of Rome time, when the votes
will be counted in the presence of
the canidates and ‘heir friends and
the prize awarded the party having
the higest number of ballots.
The contest stands this morning
with the twelve higest candidates as
Mr Paul Reese'
Mr. Pope Wooten.
Miss Delia McLain,
Max Kuttner,
Miss Mabel Kk n
Mr. Charley Green
Mr. B ank Kan*
Mr. H. J. Stewait.
Mi is Nettie King
Mins Emmie Jackson
Spenser Brewer.
Miss Della Portis.
The next highest on the ‘ists
are Mr. A. W. Boulton of Fahy’s
Mr.Swatsey Rosenberg of Rosen
berg’s Miss Bena Wood of B iss’
Miss Jennie Neel of the Singer Of
fice, Miss Maud Morris of Kings
Konfectionery, and Mr. Charlie
Tolbert of The Thomson Hiles Co.
Any one whose name has al
ready figured in the contest is el
igible,Honory mention will be
made of all complimentary ballots
cast, though in “dark horse”
jockeying will ba permitted in
other words no “unknown'* will be
elligible to the prize,
Vote early and often and then
vote again but be sure you get all
your ballots i n before the polls
Cl« B ’.
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Application for Letters of
GEORGIA, Floyt> County:
V. iereas W. K. Reese, Administrator of Reese
M. B aden, represents to the court in his peti,
tion duly filed, that ha has administered Reese
M. Braden’s esta.e. This is to cite :<’l pedons
concerned, kindred and creditors, to show c ise.
If any they can, why saftl administrator shoe'a
not bed charged from his admir.istr tion and
receive letters of d'smission on tae first Monday
in October 1894. Th s July 4th. 1894. 7-4-otno.
Ordinary Floyd County Georgia.
’ Carpet
i Sale
L ' •
) I
For the next ten days we
will offer ihe trade the moot
r enormouu bargains known to
. the civilized world in Car§
i pets, Rugs and Art Squares.
’ We will give you “closing
’ out prices.” For years we
. have carried one of the moti
. popular lines of these goods
to be found in iN orth Geor-<
( gia, and we now place before
, you a stock not to be surpass
ed in point of’ beauty, quality,
quantity, variety or price.
5 Wc intend to make this and
next w.ek a big barging
boom in Casimers at Fahy's
Blazing beacons beckon to
you from the second floor
The Carpet Room is in the'
throes of agony. The work
was quick and direful. New
penci'ings have given especi
ally attractive tints to tags,
low price, cost price, less
than cost price tints are on
them. The din and tumult of
re-arranging and re-adjusting
this department to accommo
date the aeedkbS, rushing
multitudes have been pro
gressing for days. We are
now ready to astonish th<
world by the brave policy
adopted to raise cash. The
genius a idgu-to of origina
t’n o» planning and carrying
to a successful and resultant
issue this stupendous task
was given fervor and force
by urgent and present needs.
Cotton Ingrains from 19c
All wool Ingrains 2 ply.
Super Two Ply Ingrain?.
3 Ply all wool Ingrains.
Tapestry Brussels.
Velvet Brussells.
Body Brussells.
Smyrna Rugs,
Lined Rugs
Goat Rug ,
Rocky Mountain Sheep-
Rug ,
9X9 fc. All wool Ait,
Squares, •
All that one can demand.
The; American eagle on yonr
dollar laughs fa see the power it
wields. Rugs, Window Shades .
and Oil Cloth sacrificed corres
pondingly These consumate bar— j
gains wont last long enough to W j
heraled again. Come while tins- I
fire is hot. Our blood is up;' w I
re prepared to Sell
MThos Faiiy?*