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SHORTER college
for young ladies
< , , 1 ' ’ ’'3- 1- .~T%,
< Mk * \
♦ '
A’. SB UHL - % wrßlSmlMk;
Whl fe’Or w rtWHiW
1 A Iv/tv H), O h»*»'thtul pii»‘, rue from nndariii.
~ Charming KV' UrrtT and somerv —<n idnal si'ua'ion.
3 Magnifi's'Hit hriCK bitti liliDg*-—“Tli>» bnaui} ut th* colleges.”
4 Every material comfort and
5. A complete f »roe <>t u yfi*>mpli-h“d Tewehere.
6. A -p’e "ii I .r ’ nt Mos c
7 A tHiiownnd Schoo! ot Art.
8. Au uueurpuosed Dv-pm tmoiit of Elocution and P'lV-io’*
9. A strong and thorough curriculum.
10. A superior Einishuig School.
11. A delightful h'>me for tin- pupil away from p’renta.
12. Reasonable charges.
For catalogue* ami special information, app'y to
! Ok a. j. rattle, pre.-ider,
O !*»:• f. Ivy W. Duggan, Rusii eBB Manager.
l ■
oftfil If!? -i
ail ™
,Z ' ~• ' ... _. _ _ — |
Madison - O
\ I
Madison Avem e and K Stb. Street,
per day and up American Plan.
/• . ————— »
Two Blocks from the Third an I >i\th Avenue Elevated
rp L’alroods
Ahe Mad.son and Fourth Avcirie and Belt Line Cars pass
the Door,
N.M. CLARK, pxsp*ia to?
Passenger Elevator runs •::.’ -Teh’.
Mr. N G.Trout, oi Pendergrast.
sends me a message saying that be
had exhumed the body of the
young man murdered and buried
nt Seney, and that hb is satisfied
'hat rhe remains are not those of
hi* absent sou. He says the remains
ir« not tall enough for those of
his bey. It will be remembered
ov 'he readers of the Hustler of
Rome that Mr. Trou*, was in this
•i' last Thursday inquest of his
baby boy who had mysterbußy
disappeared, and as the disenp
’ion of the victum of the Seney
mvstery almost discribed him, be
decided to open the grave and if
possible verify his suspicions or at
least break the terrible suspense
which was wearing him out and
consuming the heart of the anx.
ious mother-
* *
Sine JVIr. Trout lef’, *he identity
of the young unfortunate haslieen
established and ere long, it is be
lieved that the thugs who murder
ed young Solomon Barber of Chat
tooga, will be in the' toils of the
*aw and brought face to face with
justice. 19
* *
Here’s a real good one now go
ing the rounds about my friend
Ham of Snolly goster fame: Short
ly after the city fathers of Colum
bia, S. C ; passed an ordinance pro
hibiting hacknien and hotel port
ers from soliciting trade from the
incoming passengers at the unit n
depot in that city, Col. Ham with
a party of friends, were oblged to
stoj. As they emerged from, the
car shed they found the hackmen
and hotel porters lined on the curb
ing. The law was strict and they
were forbidden to call the names
of their hotels, or in fact to mur
mur an articulate sound.
In order to attract the attention
of the passengers to their presence
they resorted to the
“Ahem.” The “Ahem!” passed
down the dusky line. Col. Ham
heard it and started. He recogniz
ed the familiar sound of his own
little cogomen and although visi.
bly affected (as his friends were,)
he straightened up and with the
dignity of a Webster and the
courtliness of a Chesterfield, lifted
his shining beaver and in sweet
est of dulcet tones said “Citizens
of Columbia, I most heartily thank
you for this cordial welcome to
your lovely city. Bring on the
* *
I was around at Hume and Per
kins shops this morning and
spent a few moments most
pleasantly watching the shingle
mill. I saw great stacks of heart
pine timbers being hauled in, and
men and boys sawing, feeding the
shingler and bundling the shingles.
Mr. Walter Perkins, the junior
member of the firin, informs me
that they have only had the mill
in operation for a month and are
now sawing on a stack of orders
amounting to 100,000 shingles.
Think of that ye barbers, barba'
rians and civilized natives. Here’ s
a new home industry that gives
employment to several operatives,
and keeps all of Rome’s shingle
money an home. Suppose you pat
ronize it when you need anything
in its line. Hume & Perkins are
* *
County Clerk, Will Beyßcigle,
remarked to me this morning, that
there were only twenty eight cases
docketed for this term of the City
Court, and that at least two of
those had since been settled. This
he says is the lightest return made
he has been C'erk. Or course,
while it is hard on the bar, ar the
same time it shows that good times
are in the air and men are looking
to the future more and wrangling
less over the missunderstaudiugs
of the past.
Misses Florence Fouche, Maryland
Eliza Sproull aie the guest of Mrs. J.
I W. Harris, Jr.—Cartersville Signal.
Barnum and Bailey Make no* Dis
tinctions in Sections.
Clarence H. Dean, press agent
of the Barnum and Baily greatest
show on earth, is in the city today.
Mr. Dean says that the prospects
of the big show’s Southern tour
are very bright indeed. “The
South,” said Mr. Dean to the
Hustler this morning, “feels ’the
financial depression less than [any
other portion of the country, and
is recovering faster. The Barnum
and Bailey show will not be here
until October, and by that time the
corn and cotton crops will be made.
All over the South, where I have
been, I hear people talking about
the l»ig show, and commenting
favorably on the action taken by
our Mr. Bailey in giving the south
ern people fair deal in the matter
of prices. The big Barnum show
is the first that has ever charged
the people of the South the same
price and no more, as those of the
North. But North and South, ours
is a half dollar show. I see that a
little 25 cent show is coming South
and trying to steal honor by ad
vertising 50 cent prices. They will
gain nothing by such dishonest
announcements, for the people
will understand that there is a
great deal of difference between
paying half a dollar for a 25 cent
show, and paying the same prree
for the big Barnum and Bailey
show, which is a half dollar show
North as well as South. The great
est on earth is the first and only
circus to charge the same price in
both sections.
Good Board with lodging at $3
par w»ek or sl2 per mouth, at
William's Restauran, 202 Fifth
J A. WlLLß—Dentist—2oß 1-2 Broad stree
over Cantrell and Owens store.
J. H. Spu lock, Attorney tat Law, Masonic
Temple Buildidg
Rome Georgia.
JAMES B NEVlN—Attorney at Law Otlie
Poverty H.ui postomce coruor 3rd Avenue
CHAS. W. UNDERWOOD- Attorney at
Masonic Temple.
Rome, Ga.
R - aECE 24 DENNY—Attorneys at law. Ottic
in Masonic Teiuole. Rome, Ga.
WW. VANDIVER—Attorney and Com
f selloratLaw—Rome, oa.
24 Starling, Attorneys at Law, Masonit
Temple, Rome, Ca. feb23.
WH. SMITH, Attorney-at-Law. Office i>
Masonic Temule Rome. Georgia.
* feb32tf
J. NEAL—M’Hentj. Nunnallv 24 Nual-
Attomeys-at-atLaw, office over Hah
Davtdson Hardware Co., Broad street, Rome, <D
DH. RAMSUR—Physician and Surgeor
_ Office »t residence 614 avenue A, Fourt'
■ ward. _
LP. HAMMOND—Physician and Surgeon-
B Offers his j rofessional services to the peo
pie of Rot co and surrounding country
Ittice at Crouch and Watson’s drug store, 2G
Broad street.
DR. W. D. HOYT-itice a-C. A. Trevi it
drugstore. Xo. 331 Broad street. Telepnon
110. residon is. No. 21
DR.C. F. G1 FFIN-Physician and Surgeoi
—Office n, f Masonic building. Residence
300 4th at sue.
Frank A-Wvnn, Physician and Surgon
otllce at Tie iit & Johnsmdrug store
Telephone 13 Residence 406 Second Ave,
Prompt aitention given all profession <1 call
My boy was taken with a disease
resembling bloody flux. The first
thing I thought of was Chamberlain’s
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
T’iu duoco of it butt.c<i the matt* •
and cure him sound rnd well. I
heartily ecommend this re edy to
all persons suffering fiom a com
plaint. I will answer any in juiries re
garding it when stamp is inclosed. I
refer to any county offic al as to my
reliability. Wji Roach. J. P., Pnrn
roy. Campbell Co., Tern . For sale
by Lowry Bros.
Fen / &***■ Bi \CosrrvcNrss
dyspepsia / w Sick on
Biuous/fEisX /
diliouoNess\ Jaundice
Stomach Appet/te
None Genuine Without The Likeness ..nd
£ach Wrapper. M.A.Thedford Meo.©
Rome. GA.
ber 1894. •
O EOKGIA, Floyd County:
Will be Hold | efore the Court Hotine door in
the City of Rome, Floyd County Ga., between
the legal hours of sale on the Hrst luesday in
September, 18tM. the fidlowing dercribad prop
er.ytowit: All that tractor parcel of lanu
-ituated, lying and lieing in the town of E»-t
Rome, Floyd county, Ga., said lot commencing
at the Northeast corner oiJElla.lane Payne, and
Evaline Hudson's lot, on South Walnut Avenue
miming thence non' ly along said south
Walnut A vpnue seventy-tive leet: thence at
right angles easterly o:.e hundred and liny feel:
tlieeen at right, angles southerly seveuty-tlve
tee.: thence westerly one hundred ami titty leet
to beginning Corner,’ being a lot 75x100 fe :t ad
joining the lot owned by Ella Jane Payne and
Evaline Hudson on South Walnut Avenue. Lev
ied on by virtue o. a Justice Court tl la issued
from the 9111th. District <), M. in lavor of
O’Neil Mt’g. Co. vs. Olive Brown, as the prop
erty of the defendant. Levy made by W.SJ
ihars, L. C.
Also at tlie same time and place, one undivid
ed one-hail iiileicst m the west half of lot oi
land No. 158 in the 4th District and 4th Section of
Floydcouuty, Ga. and being a strip ol land run
ning across the cniifu lot on the west side of
original lot and saidpart of lot being one contain
ng 40 acres. Levied Ou by virtue of a Justice Court
ti ta issued from the 1120th District G. M. in fa
or of J. J. Conn vs. Win. Allen Sr. s the prop
erty ot the defendant. Levy made by A.S. While
L. C.
Also at the same time ami place, that part of
land lot No. 929 in the 3rd, District and 4th. Sec
tion of Floyd County, Ga., Known as lot So. 8.
in the villiage of Cave Spring, it being the lot
whereon the defendant now resides • l.evied on
by virtue of a Justice Court ti fa issued from
Hie 829th. District G. m in favor of J. W Coker
24 Co. vs. M .M. Penny as the property of the
Also at the same time and place, Lots of land
No's 58 (dfty-eigbt) and 59(tif.y-niiie) in the 16th
District and 4th. (fourth) Section of Floyd coun
ty Ga., known as the Higlitleld place and where
on the defendant lornierly resided, each ot said
lots containing tony (40) acres more or less. Le
vied on by virtue of a Justice Court ft fa issu d
trom the 82911 r District G. M. in favor of Cave
Spring Mercantile Co. vs.' Etizabeih Higlitleld,
as the property of the uefenuant.
Also at the same time and place, all tnat tract
oi parcel ol land situated lying ami being in
formerly South Rome now the FUth V 5 aid of
the city of i.ome, Floyd county, Ga. known as
lot No. 4in tlie map ot the Sproull & Pepper
property, lying and on the west slue of
Blull St., fronting one hundred (190) feet on
Bluff Street, running back same witdlh two
hun<lreu(2()o) feet known as the Beek or Vandiver
bouse, and bounded on Hie southward by Bai
ley’s, formerly Urs. Jones’ property and on 'he
northwest by Harry Donkle's vacant >ot, on the
westward by Whitehead’s, now Berry's pr<»i>er
ty and on the eastward by Bluff Street' Lev lid
ou by virtue of afl ta issued from the Floyd Su
perior Court, in favor ot Emily D. Knapp vs.
Jeanie Watkins, as the property of the defen
Also at the seme time and place, one farm ly
ing in a body iu the (23d)t wenty-third Dist. and
(3u) section of Floyd County Ga.consisting of
the west half of land, lot No. 353, adjoining
lauds of the East Rome Laid Company, said
tarm containing (R'>; eighty acres more or less.
Levied on by virtue ol a Ufa issued from the
Floyd Superioi Court in favor of S. R. Knapp vs
Detinis H Hunt as the propsrty of tho defend
Also at the same time and place the west half
of lot number (289) two hundred and sixty-nine
in the (23d) twenty third district, (3d) third sec
tion of Floyd County Ga. levied on by virtue Jof
a tifa issued from Floyd County City Court in fa
vorof J. B,Tippin Administrator of lt.V.Mitch
ell, deceased, against Andie Watters, unpaid
purchase money for said land. A deed has been
executed andtiled in conformity to the statute
iu such eases, and the purchaser will be enti
tled to the rentsfor the present year, as the
property of the defendant.
Also at the same time and place, lots of land
N >s. 70,71 and 108 in the 4th District and 4th
Section of Floyd County Ga. Levied on by vir
tue of a fl fa issued from the Floyd City Court
in favor of R. D. Van Dyke, vs. J. A. McArver,
as the property of the defenuaut and in his
possession. Property pointed out by t’lantiff’s
Attorneys. Written notice of Levy given to
defendant and also to R. B. McArver.
JAKE C. MOORE, Sheriff
Application for Letters of Dis
GEGRGIA, Floyd County:
Whereas Mrs. L. U. G. Presley, Guardian of
Fannv G. Presley, represents t< the eourt in her
petition duly tiled, that she Ims administered
Fanny G. Presley’s estate. This is to cite all per
sons lyncerned. kiro’rp nd creditors, to snow
cause, if any they c n, why >aid administrator
should not be diseh... ,: . com his administra
tion and receive le.ters of dismis-ion on the
First Monday in September 1894. This August
Oth. 1894,
John P. Davis.
Aug 7-300. Ordinary Floyd county Geoigia.
Libil for Divorce.
Ja meg McCool 1.
vs. ! Libel for Divorce
Mary Davis McCool)
Floyd Superior Court, March Tenn, 1894.
To the defendant, Mary Davis McCool, you are
hereby notified to be an i apu-ar at the next
Superior < <> trt to be held in and for said Coun
anon the 4th Monday in next September then
had there to mat e your defense, it any you
h ive to plantiff’s libel for divorce. Witness the
hand of W. M. Henrv, Judge of said t’ouit, this
April Uth. 1894.
W m,. Beyseigel, Clk.
Supr, Court-
GEORGI A, Floyd County.
Notice is hereby given that a petition signed
by fifteen or more Freeholders of the 9ii2*id
District G M. of said County ha* le n filedin
my office a-kihg that the benefit for the provi
sions of Sections 1449,14511, 1451, 1452, 1453 and
14’4 of the Code of Georgia, of 1882 and the
amendments thereto, shall apply to said 962nd.
District* G M. of said County. I further give
nstice that said matter will be heard on the
13th day of August “next ’ and if no valid ob
jections are shown an Election will be ordered
to occur on the 29th. divot August “next”
“1994” o decide the question of “Fence” or
“Stock Law” according to the Statues In such
case, made and provided.
Given under my hand aud Official Signature
This 3uly 23rd. 1H94. 20d.
John P Davis
Ordinary F'oyd Co, Ga
————♦ ————
Application for Letters ot
Georgia—Floyd County:
Whereas E L Bosworth, administrator of
Jas T Vandiver dec’ll, represents o the court in
his petition duly filed, that he has administered
Jam* s T Vandiver’s estate This is to cite all
persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to
show catisle, if any thev c ui, why said adminis
trator should not l>e discharged from his admin
istration and receive letters of dismission on
the first Monday in Aug. 1894 This May 1894.
John P. Davis
Ordinary Floyd County Geo Xii
Administrators Sale.
GFCRGIA, Floyd County:—
Pursuant to an order of the Court of Ordinarj
will be sold before the Court house door in th *
Citv of Rome, said County between the leg ,
hours of Sale, on the fl*st Tuesday in Align*
1894. the following property to wit: Qu** lot In
DeSoto, (now Fourth Ward)City of Rome, Floyd
County, Ga., known as the former residence of
J. P.M. Hvrd, fronting on the Alabama Road
or Bridge Street in the said Ci v 90 feet and ex
tending back, same wi ith 149 feet, aud being the
property, conveyed bv deed of Mrs. .Mary T.
Freeman, to Mrs. M. 11. Knox. Dated Febuary
Ist., 1889. Recorded in Clerks Office Superioa
Court said County in Book “Y.” of deeds, Page
498, Vo. 448 on June *}Bth. 1879, and alsidascrib
e l in deed ol Martha E Kn >x, to raid R. B. Me
Arver, Dated April 20th. 1881 ami Recorded in
Bork“C. K.” of deeds, Page 282 No. 187.
G>o *1 lot sold as tt<e property of William T.
Sa on deceased. This July trd. 1.194.
W. J. Gordon.
Administrate! De Bonis Non
with will annexed of Wm. T. Gordon
deceased, Estates
GEORGIA, Floyd County:
Whereas Mrs. Dora Cohen.Gmwdian, of Mamfa
Cohen, rej resents to the court in her petition
duly tiled, hat she had anministered Mamin CSy
hen's estate. ’I his is to cite all |>ersons concern
ed, kindred ami creditors, to show cause, if ;«i<l
they can, why said Guardian should not be THs
cliarged from her administation and receive let
ters of dismission on tlie tirst Mondav in August
1894. This July 4th. 1894. 7-4-3(><l.
Ordinary Floyd County, Georffia
Application for Letters o
Dis u'ssion.
GEORGIA Floyd Countv
Whereas Johu C, Pnnlup Executive, Henry
I’rintup, represents to the court in his iietltii
duly tiled, that be has ado inistered Henry 3.
I’rintup’s estate. 'Jh sis to cite all persons
concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause
if any they can, why said Executor should not
be di charged from hi< Executorship and re
move letters ofdismisslon on the lirst Mondi y
in Septemb-r 1894, This June 4tli 1594
John P. Davis,
Ordinary Floyd County,Georgia.
Application for Letters of
GEt >RG 1 A, Fi.oy t> County:
Where:is W. It. Reese, Administrator of Reese
M. Braden, represents to the court in his peti,
tion duly filed, that he has administered Reese
M. Braden's estate. This is to cite all persons
concerned, kindred and creditors, toahQw cause,
if any they can, why saifl administrator should
not be discharged from his administration and
receive letters of dismission on the first Monday
in October 18:>4. This July 4th. lx:M. 7-4-3ino.
Ordinary Floyd County Georgia.
Road Citation,
GEORGIA, Floyd County t
Whereas W. K. smith, etal., have cetittoned
the Board of Commissioners of Roads and Rev
enue of said Count., asking that tbese'tlement
road now leading and running direct from 6e
ney, Georgia, and running uirectlv bv what is
known as Rodgets old Barn Place and Henry
Drn.'tmond’s dwelling house and intersectbig
with the public road known as the Pleasant
Hope church road, at or near Drummonds
school house, be made a second class public
road, and the Rosil Commissioners of 1504 Dis
trict G. M■ C ounty having reported tlie
proposed rr.aj to lie of public utility. Now, this
is to cite al* (lenons having objections thereto
or claims for damages arising therefrom, to
make the same known to the Board of Comiris
sumers at the next meeting to lie held on th*
first Monday m August 1894. >
Witness the Hon John C. Foster Chairnumot
the Board, This July sth. 1894,
d-30-d. Max Meyerhardt, Clerk.
Election Notice ‘‘For Fence’*
or “btock Law.”
Georgia Floyd County:
Notice is hereby given that an Election will
lie held at the Court house g ouud in the 962nd
District (Chulio) G. M of said oonntv on the
211th. day of August lust, in which the queettoa
will be submitted to the qualified voters of said
District ‘ ‘For Fence” or “Stock I-aw ”
Given under my hand and Official signature
this 13th. of August 18:4.
John P. Davis,
IM. ' Ordina<
Application for Guardianship
GEORGIA, Floyd County—
To all whom it may concern : Hamilton Yan
cy having applied for Guardianship of the per
son and prrparty of Frank Holland, minor child
of Sarah Bazelle, late of said County, deceased,
notice is given that said application will be
heard at my ottice. at 19 o’clock A. M., on the
first Monday in September »ext. This August
Bth. 1894. John P. Davis,
g-8-30d. Ot Unary and ex officio Clerk C. O.
What Nerve Berries
have done for others
will do
7\ j
fVI E IV! Easily, Quick!/
and Permanently Re3b\ad. ’sotJ u~f.
A positive dive for nil Wt*i Npfvou'mipus
Debility. and ail their train of evi’s n-sr.ltin *
from early errors and later excesses; the lesq!
of overwork, nick,im- worry, Develop \
mill gives toue and to eti or
Slop* uuna* urnl lo*-r nirhtl*
eattiMMioiiN caus'd by youH<<d errors or pj
use oi tobacco. opiuiri and N'fquor
9“ leA(l to caption and infinity
1 ie’r use shows Immediate improvement. Ai-.’ep.
oo notation. Insist upon having the ijenj n€*
Nerve Berries, " , . , I t u to , ;.ar.v'?i
pocket. Price. *I.OO per box. six boxes, i n lul menu *5.00. Guarantee'! toeure any , ase.
t not kept by your druggist we win send them
t» mail, upon receipt of price. .-- plain wrap-
Pamphlet fr.-e. Address all man orders €“
For sale by Crouch &
Kenneth Bazemore had the good
fortune to receive a sma’l bottle of
Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Bemedy when three mem
bers of his family were sick with dys
entery. This one small bottle curtd
them all and he had some left which
he gave to Goe. W. Baker, a promi
nent merchant of the place, Lewiston,
N. C. and it cured him of the same
complaint, When troubled with dys.
entt ry, diarrhoea, colic or cholera
morbus, give this remedy a trial and
you will be more than pleased with
the result. The praise that naturally
follows! its introduction and use has
made it very popular. 25 end 50 cent
bottles for sale by. Lowry Bros,
W. L. Douglas
Minis’ ISTHtBtST.
JiiWE. nosquiakino.
■.^. 5 - O FINECAIf&KANGAim
3. W POLICE, 3 Sous,
, so .12. WORKINGMEN
You cun save money by purchasing W. Im
Dougina Shoca,
Because, we are tne largest manufacturers of
advertised shoes in the world, and guarantee
t e value by stamping the name ana price on
. e bottom, which protects you against high
ices and the middleman’s profits. Our shoes
•tai custom work in style, easy fitting and
aring dualities. We have them sold every
:ere at lower prices for the value given than
•/other make. Take no substitute. If you!
.iter cannot supply you, we can. Sold by
Cantrell & Owens,