Newspaper Page Text
irivfi President T. J. SIMPSON, Acting Castile’’
JACK*' 1 - • w . P.SIMPSON, Vice Fremdent - .
Merchants National. Bank
* :hl C -i
\ll Accommodations Consistent with Safe Banking Ex
tended our Customers,
Feather Dusters
Trevitt & Johnsons,
We make them and sell
>< I J . „ . ‘ ' . , , « ,
them at bottom prices,
1 have moved Black smith and re
pair shops from Fifth Ave, opposite
New Court house to my Old stand
on Fifth Avenue in The Fourth
A_t old stand-
8-12 ts
To my patrons and the public I wish to state
that I have removed ms
Carriage Waggons and
Blacksmith Shops
From the old stand in the Fourth Ward to the
buildin opposite the New Cc urt house where
I am always ready to do guaranteed Carriage,
buggy, wagon and Blacksmith work
Repairing and Horse Shoeing a specialty
Will open on September
10th, Boys pi- epared for Jun
ior class at college. For circu
lar giving full information,
. Address
J. D. Gwaltney
Rome Ga,
Johnson’s Magnetic Oil cures
cramps and colic and internal neu
ralgia and headache and backache
nstantly. 25 and 50 cts. For sale bj
J T. Crouch & Co
Including Books
Call at office for particulars
Oxford Ties
Worth 125 for
75cts A. B. Me-
Arver & Co.
-I - O’. -l.— » ■*■■■■!■
lam pleased to note tjint a
movement is on foot t« get up a
county fair for September and see
ing such men as Dr. Corput and
Tom Berry at the helm I ain free
to predict that the horse depart
ment is bound to be a success
♦ ♦
Why cant we have a good coun
ty Fair? Will some man who has
a good reason stand up and give it
herein the presence of the fust klas
in algyber? Lets have the fair, and
lets make it a success. From this
good moment let every body talk
“fair” and hustle for the “fair”
and above all “tote fair.’'’
* *
General Passenger Agent Ayer
oflice Rome R. R. has secured ji
very low rate of 1/ per mile for
the round trip to Dalton for the
Democratic Congressional Conven
tion to be held there tomorrw train
leave at 915 a. in.
* *
Mr. Joe Davis, of Texas Valley,
brought in five b des. the last of
his old cotton crop today. Mr.
Davi - is one of the most success
ful planters and best citizens of
Floyd. The mules that drew the
cott<>it to the city were in fine
work order and indexed the thrift
of the hustling planter,
« *
T< morrow, at Dalton, will wit
ness the nomination of Judge
Maddox, for a second term in
Congress. While everybody is
singing the praises of “Our John”
why, 1 feel like “letting them talk
mere while I listen”.—lt does me
good but is only what I predicted
two yeais ago when the people of
the bloody Seventh nominated
him .
Many Kinds of Magnificent, Novel
• and Varied Entertainment.
The death of Adam Forepaugh
and P. T. Barnum places Sells
Brothers in first magnitude. Sells
Brothers is now the oldest
and largest m every respect
as regards genuine merit and en
terprise; they are to be assigned
first place, while in features of
originality and genuine excellence
they lead.
This is the twenty-third contin
nous years of their experience in
the show business ; a longer period
than any other can boast of, and
in all that time they have proved
able, honorable, progrssive, sue-1
cessful and popular caterers to the!
millions of amusement lovers.
Their enlarged and varied con- i
federation this season include the
Grand Spectacular Pilgrimage to
Mecca, Regal Roman Hyppodrome I
Races, Triple Circuses, Elevated
Stages, Performing Animals, of all
descriptions. l*ropical Aquarium,
Australia Ayairy, Fifty Cage Me
nagerie, Arabian Caraven and The
Gorgeous Street Parade.
Among the many rare and at- ■
tractive features exclusively pres
ented by them will be found th u |
only pair of living giant Hippot I
ami ; the remarkable Hairless '
horse Educated Seals
And See Lions, Rooster Orch-,
estra, Pig Circus, Giant Kangaroos
and a whole flock of Ostriches and j
hundreds of novel features.
There are also scores of the most
eminent charioteers, male and
female jocKeys, bare-baca riders,
and JErial and other performers,
and altogether a program not on
ly stupenduoue, but most exciting j
select and refined in character j
ail of which will be faithfully
presented in Rome on Tuesday
Sept 18:h,
All to be seen at the reduced I
price of admissisn Fifty cents to j
all combiud shows
Seating capacity 12 060. Every I
body provided with a seat.
Excursion rates on all Railroads
Will not be recogslred as an ordinary English I
•ord. A word is the expression of an idea. I
The above combination of loiters express an ;
Idea, for no one will look at it without having
Impressed upon his mind the fact that a new
apla of type has been designed which Is at
Ob«e the most modest, the most handsome,
a*4 the most esthetic. that has ever been
osed In the "art preservative of all arts." I
Expressing as it does this idea of
Superlative Refinement
to printing, Jtmigbt well become a recognliad ,
English word except for the fact that any I
at her combination of letters set in this style I
< Sype would gtva the observer ths same
S’essloa of modest beauty, while this same
btoaflo* of voxels and consonants would
Ml to express any such idea at all If it were
set to any other style of type.
Opening Night at Nevin’s
At the Opera House Tuesday
August 28. Robert Gaylor will
presaiit bis third edition of. Spjrt
j McAllister to the public.
ihuse who want to It* ugh should
take advantage of this opportunity
to see a performance s > meritori
ous. The chief charm about Gay
tor’s work is his naturalness and
the absence of noisy and meritri
cious devices to cause laughter.
The style is clean.wholesome and
His humor is unctuous and re
tiud and does not depend upon
vulgarity in the least sense. He
has successfully eatertaiued large
and critical audiences in every
city ot importance in the United
States and Canada and comes
Again with a brilliant record of
fifty consecutive nights at the
Broadwa.” Bijou Theatre. Naw
York, where he was the laughing
success of the season. The p ay
fulfills the elastic requirements
of an amusing farce comedy and
nothing to offend the critical ;it
ample opportunity fcr the
it trodnetion of specialties among
them’Gilbort and Goiden Magyie
Fielding figure very prominently-
That excellent soubrette Mabel
Craig, is also with the company
and is winning new laurels for
her excellent acting. A distinct
novelty is promised in shape of a
reproduction of Loi Fuller’s fa
mous shadow skirt dance.
The piece abounds with pleas
ing specialties one of the special
features are the original living
picture from the Empire Theater
The Burney
Tailoring Co.
220 Broadway.
The Tariff is
off and so are
cur prices. Big
reduction in
prices. “Finest
work, best trim
mings, best
goods and best
fit,” is our motto
Cali and see us
for a fine Tailor
made suit or
pair of pants.
Lowest possible
prices always
given our custo
The Burney
Tailoring Co.
220 Broadway.
For Rent a nice Com
fortable house Cen
trally located No 205
East 3rd St.
G. H- Rawlins
The Novelty Store
8-19-6 t.
Burney’s Baggage
Transfer, office, Arm
office, Phone
126. Day and Night.
anr bx.xxax .a, jbi '■er 1 rou
oJ s,crlndigestion,us?
Sheriff Sales For
her 1894.
GEO RGIA, Floyd < ounty :
Will tie Mold before the Court House door in
the City of Home, Floyd County Ga., lietween
the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in
September, 18:4, the following described prop
erty to wit: All that tractor parcel of land
■ ituated. lying and being in the town of East
Home, Floyd eotlnty, Ga., said lot commencing
at the Northeast corner ot’Ella Jane Payne, ami
Evaline Hudson’s lot, on South Walnut Avenue
running thence northerly along said South
Walnut Avenue soventy-tl’ve feet: thence at
right angles easterly one hundred and fifty feet:
theeen at right angles southerly seventy-five
teei: thence westerly one hundred and titty feet
to beginning comer,'lieing a lot 76x160 feet ad
joining the lot owned by Elk. Jane Payne and
Evaline Hudson on South Walnut Avenue. Lev
ied on by virtue ot a Justice Court ti fa Issued
from the 910th. District G, M. in lavor of
O’Neil Mf’g. Co. vs. Olive Brown, as the prop
erty of the defendant. Levy made by w. g
Byars, L. Q
Also at the same time and plat e, oneundivid
ed one-half interest in the west half of lot of
land No. 58 in the 4th Dis net and 4tli Section of
1 loyd county, Ga. and lieiug a strip ol land run
ning across the entire lot. on the west side of
original lot and saidpart of lot being one contain
ng 4o acres Levied on by virtue of a Justice Court
fi la issued from the 1120th District G. M. in fa
or of J. J. Conn vs. Wm. Allen Sr. s die prop
erty of the defendant. Levy made by A.t>, White
I/. t
Also at the same time and place, that part of
land lot No. twin the 3rd, District and 4th. Sec
tion of Floyd County, Ga., known as lot No. 8.
in the villiage of Cave Spring, it being the 10l
whereon the defendant now resides ■ Levied on
by virtue of a Justice Court ti fa issued from
Hie 829th. District G. M in favor of J. W Coker
& Co. vs. HM. Penny as the property of the
Also at ihe same time and place, Lots of land
No's 58 (fifty-eight) and 59 (tit'.y-nine) in the 16th
District aijdftli. (fourth) Section of Floyd coun
ty Ga., known as cue Hlghtieldplaee and where
on tlie defendant formerly resided, each ot said
lots containing forty (40) acres more or less. Le
vied on by virtue ofa Justice Court ti fa issu d
from the 8291 lr District G. M. in lavor of Cave
Spring Mercantile Co. vs. ‘ Elizabeth Hlghfielil,
as the property of the uefendant.
Also at the same time and place, all tnat tract
oi parcel ol land situated lying and being in
formerly South Rome now 'the Fifth M ard of
the city of Home, Floyd county, Ga. known as
lot No. 4in the map of Hie B]iroull & Pepper
pi'4i»erty, lying and being on the west slue of
Bluff St., fronting one hundred (loo; feet on
Bluff Street, running bacK same wicdth two
liundreofJOO) feet known as the Beck or Vandiver
house, and bounded on Hie southward by Bai
ley’s, formerly Mrs. Jones’ property and on the
northwest by Harry Dunkle's vacant mt, on the
westward by Whitehead’s, now Berry's proper
ty and on the east ward by Bluff Street’ Levied
on by virtue ot a ti fa issued from the Floyd Su
perior Court, in favor of Emily D. Knapip vs.
Jennie Watkins, as the property of the defen
Also at the svme time and place, one farm ly
ing in a body in the (23d)t weuty-third Dist. and
(3d) section of Floyd County (ia.consisting of
the west half of land, lot No. 353, adjoining
lauds of tlie East Rome Laud Company, said
farm containing (80) eighty acres more or less.
Levied on by virtue of a fifa issued from (be
Floyd Superior Court in favor of S, R, Knapp vs
Dennis H. Hunt as the property of the detend
Also at the same time and place the west half
of lot numlier (2fi9) two hundred and sixty-nine
In the (23d) twenty third district, (3d) third sec
tion of Floyd County Ga. levied on by virtue }of
a fifa issued from Floyd County City Court in fa
vor of J. B. Tippin Administrator of R.V.Mitch -
ell, deceased, against Andie Watters, unpaid
piurehase money lor said land. A deed has been
executed andtiled in conformity to the statute
in such eases, anil the purchaser will be enti
tled to the rentsfor the present year, as the
property of the defendant.
Also at the same time and place, lots of land
Nos. 70,71 and 108 in the 4th District and 4th
Section of Floyd County Ga. Levied on by vir
tue of a fl fa issued from the Floyd City Court
in favor of R. D. Van Dyke vs. J A. MeArver,
as the property of tne defendant and in his
possession. Property pointed out by I’lantiff’s
Attorneys. Written notice of Levy given to
defendant and also to R. B. MeArver.
! Application for Letters of Dis
GEORGIA, Floyd County:
Whereas Mrs. L. U. G. Presley, Guardian of
Fannv G. Presley, represents to Hie court in her
petition duly tiled, that she has administered
j Fanny G. Presley’s estate. This is to tile all per
sons concerned, kii"’” t ‘ nd creditors, to show
cause, if any they i n, why id administrator
should not lie discha- . -romhis administra
tion and receive leiteis of disniis.-ion on the
First Monday in September 1894. This August
lith. 1894,
John P. Davis.
Aug 7-30 d. Ordinary Floyd county Georgia.
Libel for Divorce.
James McCool )
vs. 5 Libel for Divorce
Mary Davis McCool)
Floyd Superior Court, March Term, 1894.
To the defendant, Mary Davis .McCool, jou are
hereby notified to l>e an i appear at the next
Superior Co irt to be held in and for said Ooun
anon the 4th Monday in Hext September then
bail there to make your defense, if any you
have to plantin's libel for divorce. Witness the
Band of W. M. Henry, Judge of said Court, this
April 11th. 1894.
W in, . Beyseigel, Clk.
Supr, Court-
GEORG! \, Floyd County.
Notice is hereby given that, a petition signed
by fifteen or more Freeholders ot the 962nd.
District G M. of said County has been filed in
my oflice a-kihg that the beneflt for the provi
sions of Seed ing 1449,1459,1451, 1462,1153 and
1454 of the Code of Georgia, of 1882 and the
amendments thereto, shall apply to said 962nd.
District’G M. of said County. 1 further give
natice that said matter wdl be heard on the
13th day of August "next ’and if no valid ob
jections are shown an Election will be ordered
to occur on the 29th. day of August “next”
“1994” ’odecide the question of ’ Fence” or
‘■Stock Law" according to the Statues in such
case, made and provided.
Given uniler niv hand and Official Signature
This July 23rd. 1894 . 2 id.
John P Davis
Ordinary F'oyd Co, Ga
Application for Letters ot
Georgia—Floyd C°nnty:
Whereas E L Bosworth, administrator of
JasT Vandiver dec’d, represents’.) the court in
his petition duly filed, that he has administered
James T Vandiver’s estate. This is to eite all
persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to
show cause, if any they c in, why said adminis
trator should not lie discharged from liis admin
istration and receive letters of dismission on
the first Monday m Aug. 1894 This May 1894.
John P. Davis
Ordinary Floyd County GeoSai
Administrators Sale.
GFCRGIA, Fl.<n i> Cot N’TY:—
Pursuant to an order of the Court of Ordinary
will be sold before the Court house door in the
t itv of Rome, nd County between the lega,
hours of Sale, on the first Tuesday in Angu; 1
1894. the follow! .g property to wit : Ono lot i
DeSoto, (now Fourth War-l)City of Rome, Floyi
County, Ga., known as the former residence of
.1. P. Si. Byrd, fronting on the Alabama Road
or Bridge Street in the said City 96 feet and ex
tending back, same width 140 feet, and being the
propertv, conveyed by deed of Mrs Mary T.
Freeman, to Mrs. M, E. Knox. Dated Febuary
Ist., 1889. Recorded in Clerks office Superioa
Court said County in Hook ••¥.” of deeds, Page
49k, ,'O. 4D on June 2«th. 1870, and alsod’gcrib
ed in deed ol Martha E Knox, to said R. B. Me
Arver, Dated April 20th. 1881 and Recorded in
Bork "0. E.” of deeds, Page 282 No. 187.
G<>o,d lot. sold as tl>e property of William T.
Sa’on deceased. This July 3rd. 1394.
W J. Gordon,
Administratoi De Bonis Non
with will annexed of Wm. T.Gordon
deceased, Estates
Application for Letters of Dis
1 GEORGIA, FiiovnCounty:
Whereas Mrs. Dora t ohen,Guardian, of Mamie
Cohen, riq resents to the court in her petition
duly filed, that she had anniinistered Mamin Coy
heli's estate. This is to cite all persons concern
ed, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if and
they can, why said Guardian should not lie dis
charged from her adininistation and receive let
ters of dismission on the first Monday in August
18;>4. Tills July 4th. 1894. • 7-4-30<l.
Ordinary Fioyd County, Georffia
Application for Letters o
Dis u’ssion.
GEORGIA Floyd County :
Whereas John C, Printup Executive, Henry
ITiutup, represents to the court in his petitbr
duly filed, that he has administered Henry
Printup's •■.-date. Tins is to cite all persons
concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause
if any they can, why said Executor should not
be dk-charired from' ids Executorship and re- I
cieve letters ofdistntssion on tlie first Monday
in Heptember 1894. This June 4th 1894.
John P. Davis,
Ordinary Floyd County,Georgia.
-Application for Letters of
GEI >R< 11 A, i’T.ovi) Cot’XTV:
Whereas W. R. Reese, Administrator of Reese
M. Braden, represents to the court in his
tion duly filed, that he lias administered Reese
M. Braden s estate. This is to cite all persons
concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause,
if any they can, why safi'l administrator should
not be discharged from his administration anti
receive letters of dismission on the first Monday ,4
in October 1894. This .July 41b.’1894. 7-4-3 mo.
Ordinary Floyd County Georgia.
Road Citation,
GEORGIA, Floyd County :
Whereas W E. btnitii, etal., have petitioned
the Board of Conn lissioners of Roads and Rev
enue of said Count,, asking that the settlement
road now leading and running direct from Se
ney, Georgia, and running directly by what is
known as Budgets old Barn Place and Henry S
Drummond's dwelling house and intersecting
with the public road known as the Pleasant
Hope church road, at or near Drummonds
school house, be made a second class public J
road, and the Road Commissioners of 1504 Dis
trict G . M County having reported 11>e (
proposed rojuTo he of public utility. Now, this
is to cite all persons having objeciions thereto
or claims for damages arising therefrom, t«
make the same known to the Board of Comtr is
sioiiers at the next meeting to be held on the
first Monday in August 1894.
Witness the Hon. John C. Foster Chairmanof
the Board, This July sth. 1894,
d-3b-d. Max Meyerliardt, Clerk.
Election Notice ‘‘For F»nc«”
or “btock Law.”
Georgia Floyd County:
Notice is hereby given that an Election will
be held at tlie Court house g-ound in the 962nd
District (Chulio) G. M of said oonnty on She
29th. day of august inst. in which the queetkn
will lie submitted to the qualified voters es aaM
District “For Fence" or “Htock Law ”
Given under my hand and Official signature
this 13th. of August 1894.
John P. Davis,
15d. Ordinary
Application for Guardianship
GEORGIA. Floyd County : ’
To all whom it may concern: Hamilton Yan
cy having applied for Guardianship of the per ,i,
son and preperty of Frank Holland, minor chili
of Sarah Bazelle, late of said County, deceased , 9
notice is given that said application will b
heard at my office, at 10 o'clock A. M.,on th: ij
first Monday in September next. This Augus w
Bth. 1894. John P. Davis, >
8-8-30 J. Ordinary and ex officio Clerk C. ( si
What Nerve Berrie I |
have •'(one for other I
■W <
; I
O F 15TH DAY. .. ® f
JVJ E BV Easily, Quick!/ ‘ I
and Permanently R soth da j,
A positive cure for all Wes .iia.-sos. Nervousne Si, I
Debility, and all their train of evib< resultl
from early errors and nxcesses: the res I
'f o»w>rorU, kirk iPMt. y, jti? Deveh
And gives tone and mth to th? ' « * ■ |
Iran*. Slop* unnahirai .•• niubi ' , I
esmsMlonft caused by or
cessive use ol tobn<*c<», og»ncni ui<l Jiqiv
‘yhich lead to co»»>utn)itiori and iifMini ) I |
1-heir use shows immediate improvement. Ac* 4 »t I
no mitation. Insist npon having the geiiv
tMorve Berries, M^rT??; ? I j
Prien, jß.oo per b<>v <*\ boxes, on 21 < 1
t/Patmer *. to cure ;tny < W f a
( not kept by your drti^jist we will send tb w
by mail, upon receipt of price, ;•« plain wi |
Pain ph let free Address all mail -order* I
A U HItAN JlKflm’Als €’O.. GudimMi |.■ I
For saie by Crouch
Kennetli Bazemore liaa the g* .W |
fortune to receive a small bottle 1
Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera 1
DiairliUMi, liemedy when three
bers of his family were sick with < LI
entery. This one small bottle cv
them all and he had some left wi T H
he gave to Goe. W. Baker, a pre
nent inorcliaijt of the iilace, Lewis ji ■
N. C and it cured him of the s S“ x?
cemplaint, Wh< n troubled with < 4.
•iitviv, dianlqp c iic or chc Kli
morbus, give this remedy a trial if
you will be mure thar pleased <
the result The praise iliut natu fl X
follows its introduetio.i and use J
made it very popular. 25 end 50 JH .’J I •
bottles for sale by. Lowry I
Druggist. **
i 3 •«’».-i
Y V « ii.-ka ,t.. |
CiivAL* ISTHE’-ei F
$5. CORDOW fl
'X i H
$3.49P0L1CE,3 S j
<9s«>2’Woßking $ I i
EJvTTJA fine. <
4 2. t 1. 7 - 5 8oysSchoo ,){ - I
-LADIES f if
Best dong „
You can safe nnni’y by purchasing Jr
Douglas Shoes, w. ■■
Because, we nr<; the largest manufact K ■■
•dvertised shoes in the wbrid. aud gi K
;e value by stamping the name ana ■
he bottom, which protects you agai J .
::ccs aud the middleman's profits. O,
i'.ial custom work in style, easy fit ■ ,ffl .
iring qualiiies. We have them sol I j
ie:c at lowe r prices for the value gP 1 jjV
;• other make. Take 1:0 substitute. ?
iler canuot supply you, we can. sio- |
Cantrell & Owes > J*