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aecona-oIMS Mail Matter.
nvmr\ (Editor, and
PHIL Ct. in RD, ' yj auagelt
daily and slnday.
10 cent., week or $5 00 per annum
FFICE: Corner Broad Street ana
rriuc. c-Hth Avenue.
Os the City of Rome, and Foyd. the
“Banner county of Georgia.
democratic ticket.
For Governor,
W. Y. ATKINSON, of Coweta,
For Secretary of State,
For Tieaeurer,
R. D. HARDEMAN, of Newton.
For Comptroller General,
W A. WRIGHT, of Richmond
For Attorney General,
J, M. TERRELL,’of Meriwether
For Commissioner of Agriculture,
R. T. NESBITT, < f Cobb.
For Congress,
John W. MADDOX, of Floyd.
For State Senator,
For Representative, 1- ioyd Co ,
The engines of a first clues man o
war cost about $700,000.
Berlin has added 1,000,000 to its
population since 1840.
The days of the panic and third. {
party arejgrowing beautifully shorter
He i fleet of tn n ctia cn the (oai
p oi< ii is directly cj pcsite that o
Che r les II was called the Mutton
Eating King, from his fondness for
pfing lamb.
Ansto was the M uiitr Scott of It
aly, because of his skill in the line
of histciieal romance.
Ii takes not less than 2,G00 red ce
dar trees to supply ‘be pencil manu
facturers of this country.
During the el even months ending
May 1, 1894, Unc e Sam expor ed
181,003,500 pounds of copper.
In 1800 the public common
school funds of the United States
amounted to $118,423,942
Griffin is mourning for a circus
and will not be comforted Rome
gets two this season but Rome has
no State Encampment.
• The New York Sun wants to
know, ‘ where are the ‘snipes’ of
yesteryear.’’Why they were the
toast of the long Hg.,.
Bud Boyd, senator from the
thirty-fourth! A min honored,who
will honor the position. Os course
he will be elected. —Blairsville
Ibe town of Hubbard, O , isrun
fling itself, Both the mawrand city
marshal are in jail, the forme.’ for
intoxication and the latter lor no
obeying orders
Accobdixo to the dispatches it cost
Rev. J. M Wilder, of Blackfor*’, Ida
ho while in Denver, S4B to learn
that it isn’t safe to het on an ace iul]
on ten: against a professional gam
The trolley car has carried its ben
efiits to the utino’t parts of the earth
The quiet streets of the city of
Jerusalem, in Palestine, echo now
with the z’zz of the trolley wheel and
the bang of the nerve-killing gong.
Tommie Watson Lae at last discov
ered in old Dr. Flopper Felton the
grandest political here c f ihe age.
But what did Tommie think of ‘Dr.
Flopper’ in 1890 when Le wuf> de
Bouncing Tommie and the “Allow
anceV’Suppcse Ttmmiehas hss pt- 1
}>er to publish some cf those grand
1890 speeches.
The test for symmetry is to turn
a man with his face to the wall.
If he is perfectly formed his chest
will touch it, his nose will be four
inches away, his thighs five, and
the tips of his toes three.
Only one marble statue of the
human figure with eyelashes is
known. It is the sleeping Araidne,
one of the gems of the Vatican, and
was found in 1503. Old enough to
have whiskers on it.
The man who hasn’t had appen
dicitis will soon boa back number.
—Savannah Press.
And the man who lias will have
“gone before ’’ —Chronicle.
That last remark is the ghost of
a grave joke.
Chicago has the largest ropes in
the world in the engine rcom of
h r cable car There are 12
of them each measuring three
inches in diameter, 11 inches in
circumference and 12G0 feet in
The tenth annual report of the
Rome Public Schools are out and re
flect. credit on the Board of Trustees,
the Superinrendent and “Smith the
Printer” who has done himself proud
on the typographical appearence of
the catalogue.
A Methodist minister in Fosto.
ria, (J. married’a mullato the oth
er day, The congregation gave him
Ins conge and locked up the church
Os course Ohio advocates social
equality —for Southern people.—
Augusta Chronicle.
This year it is expected Florida’s
crop of lemons will aggregate 200,000
boxes, which is nearly four fold the
product of last year. Now let jthe
Sugar Trust buy up the stock, water
it, squeeze out the juice and Lemon
Aid the trust ridden country.
Fish Hooks are precisely the same
in shape to-day as they were twenty
centuries ago . The only difference
is in the materia!; then they were
made of bronze, now they are made
of steel. Ami have a bottle attach
ment to i early every fisherman.
A woman at Sewallville, Ale , the
other day, when getting her ironing
board ready to iron a sheet, noticed
a long wrinkle in it and on trying to
smooth it out found that it was caus
ed by a two foot snake that had
crawled in while the sheet was on
the line.—Mail and Express.
Czar Tom Watson, of the Pops,
compare his books and writings
to those of Alexander II Stephens!
But then Tommy swears that he
has pure Jeffers nian Democracy
coursing his political veins. Poor
Tommie, its been a longtime since
he knew where he was “at ”
Dear Tommie : We were “raised’’
here in the good city of Rome, Now
where were you raised Tommie
—we mean up to the time J. C. C.
Black lost you over in the Tenth?
Ot course, every body understands
that you have never known where
you were “at” since.
Women freely travel about in
Korea until midnight, a writer on
the Koreans says, while the men are
required to be in the bouse at 8 p. in.
Only the married men are permitted
to wear hats, and the- inference is
that, their wives are watchful how the
wearers use them for conversational
purposes.—Augusta News.
The Macon News thanks us for in
formation which we recently submit
ted as to who Gallagher is, and wants
o know where Ga’lagher let her no
to. That is more than we know.
Ask Phil Byrd —Columbus Ledg
We told him to “go to” blazes and
‘dam the Etowah!-’
Tooth* of Tattnal is to be as fa
mous as Dink Botts. Tootle has
been nominated for the legislature
by the pops. Mr. Tootle’s footer
will toot lor the great calamity ■
platform of his fellow calamity '
footers, but Tootle of Tatnell will 1
hardly have lils vanity tickled '
I y au i lection, says the Dispatch I - ’
Mr. Spbingeb, an expert in tariff
figiir •», «ta’«, Gi t • wir
cl the /ew Jaw will save io the fnmi
lies of the United Stales ri ll,(ItIo 000
a year. It means better and cfleiqx-r
clothes, carpets, etc, and a turning
over the stock of the retail merchant
< •
just that much faster. The McKix
lei nonstroiitv is not in it.
Tom Reed opened Ihe repaid)
can campaign, at Otd Orchard,
Me., gu Saturday. H* forgot to
note in charging the democrats
with giving the sugar trust $12,-
009 protection, that it is milli-h.s
less than the McKinley b : ll gave,
and Reed voted for it, and forced
it through the House when he was
its autocrat. —Savannah Dispatch
H u- A. O. Bacon is proving him
self eminently qualified to fill the
high office for which he is a candi
date. His speeches show that he is
in lliorugh accord with the grea
ptinciples of democracy, and that his
mental attainments and integrity of
of purpose are on a parity with the
highest standard of statesmanship.
The Democrats of many counties
have expressed tne desire that he
should be our next United, States
senator. —Perry Home Journal.
I the a»p seena of Cleopatra Miss
Lillian Lewis, now in England, will
use a live snake. For this purpose
he has had two milk snakes trained,
and will use one in ner production of
Cleopatra. She is in daily practice
w’th the slimy reptiles. The people
want realism, says the actress, and
they shall hare it. If the public
want to see Cleopatra apply a live
snake to her breast in the death
scene they should see it, and they
wi 1.
The saltest lake in the world is
Lake Urumia m Persia, situated
more than 4 000 feet above the
level of the sea. It contains 22 per
cent of salt against 8 5 per cent of
the Dead Sea. —Hustler of Rome.
The Georgia Populistic candi
dates, so we understand, are to go
on an excursion to Lake Urumia,
this fall. The tour will be person
ally’ conducted by’ Tom Watson.
Here-to-fore their tours been only’
a trip up Salt river, but this fall
they propose to take a more dis
tant and a more salty journey.—
Columbus Ledger.
A regular personification of de
ceased pensioners has been discov
ered at the station of Dapoolie.
This is a delightful healthy place
in the district of Ratnagiri, about
five miles from the sea, at an eleva
tiou of GOO feet.
It was the residence of veteran
Sepoys, who had been pensioned
after doing good service iu 1857-
An annovm in petition brought
to ight »b<j diotressing tact that
pensions Ind drawn long af
ter tbe dec . 2 oi ;he real incum
bents, and that there w"®, besides
an organized scheme by which
pensions still due to survivors had
betn intercepted,!,nd were iu the
mam enjoyed by money lenders
iu the bazzaar aul by the native
clerks of the department.
A long investigation followed,
in which the millitary authorities
were all but baffled the conduct of
an Englishman m the ordinance
d> piriment, and of au intelligent
Pirsee, books were seized, rolls
were inspected and was found that
one fannak, who had origiua'ly
been intended for k the army, had
been in the habit of dressing him
self up as pensioner and drawing
the allowances.
This enterprising individual,
from bis photograph and from the
letter press must have had a lively
“ense of humor, He was sagacious
enough not to personate more than
rwo pensioners ou the same day
One in the morning and one in the
evening, except on special occasion
when he appeared five times.
His millitary salute was admir
<l 1! y giVrti and he subsequently re
lated, with just pride how he had
menvpd to draw the allowance of
he buhbadar major and of Sirdar
Ramnak Bahadur for. lour years
Os course this gifted actor had
g'fl Ills own “commission” every
t’nip lh.e sharpness of the English
superintendent in the native ac
count Jooka Would have done cred
v tO 3 the^ eßt offieerß in Scotland
lard—l he Saturday Review.
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Uliß Dip :;x.T pm ITHRF da nop
.*JL - A AUi vi MJL JL kJ »** .< At A.J . -lA J L./ ''' 1,
f iMHBi
_ I
Why sh -DJic! Homans or citizt.ns of surrounding cocnt o 0 t(
[ Atlanta. Ch -Ha: ooga or an-' oa ' < . .-x: eci. Rome \1- t, i ( , '^ van
to purchase f u niture? Th-; Hester f home a ksCu-qt.ev Uinal
seriousne s and after you hav oo • -'/-r t'-.j u s h .tifu
household urniture, as p.> seroea u < ne rage, and < eo he remark
. ably low noures that set Ut th--. b-ulir.g p: ice, w-o :.h rk\ou v; o un
. derstand wbv we ask. the qoetoc 0..
—Jr ■
feu t ifefai
L, fo'’'. Jit, 1 pl ,
oil I
S2OOO, ;ui‘. .■ u
That|the McDonald-Spark-- Q ewart Go., is thr bigges' urniture
1 house in the south all you have to do is call anc; enquire fcr a piece
of turn it urea nd:»»lck b' ■ ‘ • i the grand a- bo*"! m* nt ar • make
1 your select on. The Huskier of Forme knows whe - eof it speaks when
it tells its readers t the gc-vcu adver ~sed by th.i> treat Dim are
just as represented.
WBw MBfew
.Fl k '-®r 4 Wwi
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Jl 1. I’ -
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•I?O ME G K ORO iyr.