Newspaper Page Text
ueci>na*cl»Rs Mail 'latter.
PHIL G. BYRD, { K M , 2aa ll « d
daily and Sunday.
30 cent - week or $5 00por annum
VFI^E - Corner Broad Street ana
"mh Avenue.
Os the city °f Rome, and Foyd, the,
“Banner county" of Georgia.
For Governor,
W. Y. ATKINSON, of Coweta,
For Secretary of State,
For Treasurer,
R. D. HARDEMAN, of Newton,
For Comptroller General,
WM. A. WRIGHT, of Richmond
For Attorney General,
J, M. TERRELL, of Meriwether
.■'or Commissioner of Agriculture,
R. T. NESBII’T, of Cobb.
For Congress,
7 Tn W. MADDOX, of Fioyd.
For State Senator,
• W. 11. LUMPKIN.
gbr Representative, Fioyd Co ,
Felton may carry a county in
this district, but we will have to
«3© the returns first.
£ South Carolina has had several
inurd'*rs since the red-handed gents
it Rome got in their last work.
Fall goods are ariiving daiiy and
the merchants are planting their
adds because they bought tnose
goods to pi’ll. Sop?
The tariff question having been
•settled, now watch the country re •
cover. from the panic which has
hoven d. ov< i> it for months.
Did Tommie WaUon have any
thing to <lo with the nomination.
• I‘Dr. “Fh>pf>i*r” Felton? Honest
■njun. now Tommie.
In times of war the armies of
Sjnopean nations can be raised to
'!.<•(><)men, tlie daily expeiiso.
.will b“ nearly s'2o,(X>o,ooo.
With such men as Zach Hargrovi
and Win. 11. Felton to lead them,
pops will play smash with in
making a purity movement.
If no itics are too bad for John
Temple Graves in Georgia he
aaigl d-op over to South Carol ina
for a year or so —Griffin News.
When a man steals a girls love he
generally returns it, — Augusta News.
Y ep, if he be a man he dots, but
■sometimes he marries her first.
The roar o’the lion can be heard
''farther than the sound of any living
crest ire —\nd the growl of the
Mexican lion,’' —have vou heard it?
The elections in New South Wales
resulted in the return of forty eight
Free Trader, thirty-nine Protect on
ists and twen y eight Labor cai d.
One inhabitant in every 180 in
<his country owns a bicycle, and
Sias lots of luu keeping the other
179 dodging for dear life. —Ac
•worth Post.
In four of the cities of the Unit
ed States, viz: New York, Brook
lyn, San Francisco and Jersey
City there are 1,200 Chinese laun-
I dries.
.And Rome, will Romp; the gem
*city of the mountains, ever have
a union passenger d<*pot? We will
4 ‘d«:n the Etowah’ first.— Mark
'that prediction.
The French are turning the desert
us Sal a”a into ag: rdeu. By means
of arks an wills, 12,000 000 acres of
land leva been made frui fu . There
£. r t still 900.000,000 acres to be
reeKumed After they have practic
ed on Sahara they might be induced
to take tie acid waste among the
mumbckull popes.—The French are
<ju?er people.
The biggest piece of political
r it we have read inqiite a while jb
John Temple Grave’s letter iuSuu
day’s Constitution. Been a nan
Experiments are being made
with a pneumatic paper tire tor
bicycle wheels. It is said to be
less than half as costly as rubber,
equally elastic and twice as dura
Him -. Watson and Felton have
degenerated into common, every
day hard times liars and calamity
howlers. They preach nothing
but “demnition bow-wows." —Dal-
ton Argus.
Populists might lift a mortgage
olf of Tom Watson’s farm if Tom
mie hud a farm and mortgage. Bui
it will mver lift a mortgage from
the little home' of the average
populist voter.
It is stated that Tom Watson is
I aid one hundred dollars a day for
speaking, and fifty-six dollars a
w» ek for editing his paper. It is a
money making scheme which
Thomas has struck.
In Russia no man or woman can
marry more than three times and
unless they mnrrv before they are
ighty, they are doomed to spend
their second childhood i i single
bl esse in ess.
Dr, W, 11. Felton,has been nom
inated for congress in the seventh
district by the populists, He won’t
know he’s living when Congress
man Maddox and the Democrats
of the seventh get through with
aim.—Canton Advance.
Dr. W. H. FeliGu has been nom
inated for congr°es by the populist
of the Rome district. Dr. Felton
has beer, an iudipendeut, republi
can. democrat, and now is a popu
list. — Sandersville Progress.
Baily, the astronomer, calcul:it' »
the earth as weighing i f»,049,836.-
'AM 1,0)1),(1(H), ‘ tons. And just to
think —all .that.and more is down
on the kahunity.howler and Wat
soiiinn worshipers.
From Haralson, away down in
the hot bed of populism, comes a
message Iroin Populist Republicans
ami Democrats, all saying. tliev
will' support John W. Maddox
agatnst Dr. “Flpppey’’ Felton.
The Hon- John E. Russell is fa
vorably spoken of for the nomina
tion of governor by the democrats
of Massachusetts. The party there
is united, and there is a fair pros
pect tor the state to go democratic
at the next (‘lection.
It is reported that numbers of
the strongest and most ii fluential
members of the populist party u
this county have stated most em
phatically that lhey would not sup
port Dr. Felton f--r congress.—
Summerville News.
Great as is the cattle industry,
the value of poultry and eggs pro
duced in the United States annual
ly is but little less. The ‘‘lay ’of
thu land around Macon was worth
millions to Mrs Lease in the shape
of advertising.
A verdant youth, who desired to
know how tu become rich sent a
qu.r er in answer to an advertise
ment, and received the following
valuable receipt: ‘ Increase your
receipts and decrease your expen
ditures. Work 18 hours a day.and
live ou hash and oatmeal gruel.”
The next great issue iu this
country will ba trust and anti trust
Tne trusts must go.—Savannah
Ds done gone and done it, up
this way. Even our devil won't
trust us any more, but wants bis
pay two and three times a year.
J. \\ . McGarrity, the charming
orator of the 7th district, feels
like the boy whom the calf run
over, since those "who control’’
forced him out of the race to make
room for the' grand old eloquent
political acrobat.—Douglass New
A vote for Hines and populist
candidates for the legislature is »
vote to add about two million do -
lais, ai l ually to the state taX‘S.
It will require that much money
to furnish '.ext books to the pupils
of the public schools, and the j op
ulist party is pledged to that poli
cy . —Sparta Ishmaelite .
John Temple Graves is probably
sore and disgruntled because I’res.
ident Cleveland would not appoint
him to a foreign consulate, hut
this is no reason why he should
give aid and encouragement to the
People’s Party by abusing the par
ty that has given him the only
prominence he ever had.—Newnan
Herald. '
Watson no doubt thought he
was adding strength to his party
when he had Dr. Felton nominated
for congress in the seventh con
gressional district but there is
nothing that could have give, it a
black an eye. It goes without say
ing that Maddox will beat Felton
three votes to one —Buchanan
reports are com
ing from all sections of the coun
try. It is said the People’s party
is stronger and in better shape
than ever bifore —People’s Party
Alabama is not included in any
section of this county, we presume
or had you nut <- hearn” from Ala
bama as “yit.”—Buchanan Ales
-a ■■ ■ ii ■■
Hon. Scab Wright will be a get
ting mad along with Dr. “Flopper”
Felton next. If seems that the an
cient "Hopper" has no inclination
to clear the tracK for the modern
“Hopper.”. Butthen, letumflop.
The strawberry is known all
over the world, and was used as
an article of food by the ancients.
Even good King David was a straw
berry blonde before the first dude
sucked a cane.
The. Lome Evening N w hi s the
nail ou the head with direcnie s and
precision in .t.lx'3 f< Rowing sensible
paragraph:: r. i e <.< n,< <i t c prin
ciples are good enough for any good
md honest man to five by. The
trouble is that ‘ihoso vho control’ in
the democratic party are in t>o
many cgses corrupt, putrid politica
blather skites and henchmen ’-Ac
worth Post.
The Savannah Press says that "li -
gers ’s doctrine of suicide, of course
is infamous It has wrought con
siderable havoc already among weak
and morose beings There is no tel
ling where such vicious teachings
may lead. Ingersoll believes that
man is a ruoftt, floating in the air
without divine creation, and tending
to no immortal destiny. To destroy
such a speck of humanity is no crime
To destroy one s seif may even be
desirable. It is not hard to see t >
what vicious ends such doctrines
tend. To justify self-murder may be
a step in the directio i of homicide
and manslaughter.’’ With all due
respect to Mr. Ingersoll, we would
suggest that he practice what he
In far away
Grotesque Catbay,
Where the 100 100 sings all night
In a willow tree z
By a sad, salt sea,
Biave men went forth to tight]
There were Li Hung Chung
And Ki Wu Lung
And bold chee cni choo < ham,
With chang Wun citing
Ami Sam Moy Sing
And fierce Wan Wee Woo Warn,
There was a sword tier gnn,
But each brave one
A tomtom wildly beat
And they all cried '‘Boo!'’
At the foe and flew
To a safe and snug retreat.
There were Si Hung Chug
And Ki Wu Lung
And bold chee chi chocham.
No blood was spilled,
No one was killed. '
But they all marched home once more.
And to til's day tell
How they drove pelluiell
The foe from the sacred shore.
There were Li Hung Chung
And Ki Wun Lung
And bold chee chi cho chain,
Wilh 1 hang Wang Ching
And Sam Moy Sing
And tierce Wall Wee woo Warn
Miss J •imio Walsh, after a plea-s
ant \ isit to her sister, Miss Nate,
atCapt. O'Neill’s, returned to her
home in Chattanooga yesterday.
f OBi 11
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wllr lililP 1
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Why should Homans orcitizens of the surrounding country go to
Atlanta, Chattanooga or any otht r city except Rome when they want
to purchase furniture? The Hust er of Rome a ks xhe question in all
seriousness and after you hav ? coKeci over tie cu-s or beautiful
househeld furniture, as presented on this page,r nd noted the remark
ably low figures that set forth th (j selling price, we think vou will un
derstand whv w e as k the questicn.
J '. -.pssfri- -~
fes4Sg&b W I
. ■■ .... ■ T ■ r W
’ . " )Tr
gp?^ ~~ - ■ -v, fFS'sl a;..'! :?-& I isSSfirSlT
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z> < J& ( P—»— 12' ' . . " ■-■ ■-- • ' ' . .
o■’ s<®<r ■-•■ ~~-j ■ •.. j$ I
$20:00 u.
v J 11 - r Donald-Sparks- ey/urt Jo., is ;ir. f furniture
ki ? ?L .’-J 1 ' -Uch,ali ypu nav- ‘- »o iS 0 ca j| an , t n qu- e f or a piece
‘J;:’' ! •" r ' € , r , ,CIC J I ‘ h> ; -grcnd a*' ar.d make
_ on / ”h e tp. stJer of Korr.e knows who; eqf it speaks when
us reac era that the go^c-Lvdver by hs> great firm are
just as reprecented.
Inrr! IBiB ■.
Ji 1 ’ip if i ■-,? L,
1 i/'Ww'l
| |V V 4mi7 tifew j
U fciMW r c 'i.
zfli H ! tjpA -' - ui • ,r v-x
i'ibL Wi H “''ru.rt. h A
Ptl ll rh r— .—. -4' <lf r ?z''r^CJ?¥?zU-'• !< l ' '■’
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