The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, September 09, 1894, Image 1
Sunday Edition. FOURTH year FOR’*™— Du * Base,p H “Hoik. cjpAVood&&>x Best goods! Lowest prices’ tiii- iustitu of rome.; COUNT OF PARIS The Head of the House t Died Yesterday. WILL HESLEEPIN FRANCE The Ministers will Consider The Matter. Died Surround ed by his wife and chil dren in his London Home. London, Sept. B.—Tho Count <f Pans died at 8(owe House, shortly before 8 o'clock ‘hi- mriiiug. He besTT' ik visibly at mid night. but at interval.- was clear!} con«ci‘»n - f" IW W' W *i v ®fess3»»^®^W‘• ■••* THE COUNT Rpcogniz ng Hu couh‘9rf a d his children as lhey beta over him, and murmeriog wotu? ot affection for him All th m*-.offers of his family who annul turn when he died, His b- dv will buried a’ A.lly*ridge 8 irtfey. but '.ff <ta ! e of the f'mie.k o.s n.". . 'i\ •. Dl-CUSeiX .< I'i.' .v ST . Paris. St t f - ffo.- .> ' • thatffhe cou.’.ci! min s' t vv.ll beheld tod' ? to j '.-‘i-s'fit; pie— Hon of p rm<! tit g th- ■ i ■ > ,nt of the body of th" fount of. ; -•’< at Dreux in ttu- ev-uA o; a r<q i. on behalf of the ‘ mi'v fiu-toif privi ledge. —ym— 1 Tv.N-im..- ->•« JUST RECEIVED One of the most com plete assortments of TOILET SOAPS AND TOILET ART! LES Ever brought to the city. See our line of fine IMPORTED Tf'OTH BRUSHES They have no superior on this or any other market SOLE AGENT FOR CANDIES J. T. CROUCH & CO Medical Building. ROME GEORGIA. SUNDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER. 9 1894. DEMOCRACY Is Aroused and has Shaken off , herSlnmhers J, . M . CONGRESSMAN MADDOX And Eloquent Moses R.Wright at Livingston Yesterday a Flatwoods Rally. Crisp and Ta on of the 29ih. Tl.e Democracy of Floyd has shaken off her slumbers and is al ready in .the saddle. Gallant old General Evans, the matchless Bob Burner and North Georgia’s favorite son, John W. Maddox, fired the signal guns on Friday and from now on the Pops i will meet a well organized and ag- I gressive front. Yesterday speakers met with the I sturdy yeomanry of Flatwoods dis trict and poured red hot democracy into the enemies camps. At Livingston on yesterday and again last night Judge Maddox and Hon. Moses R. Wright met the boys and preached the pure doctrine to them. The meeting yesterday morning was very large ly a"ten '•••I a: I • yer: l ! fo’lowors io t < popuffsb. loaders ■e c on v r. d ‘roi.i the cavs of !•":•' y V'<t tn nod back into the paths <>i | k rutic rect: tude. j ■ M.T,Y AND BIUSfi'.TE. O i Saturday September 2; th mo of the higgo-t 'arbecuc • > .:d democratic rallies ever held m Floyd county will be on the boards. Speaker Cri-p and Judge Mad dox will the orators of the day and they will tell-the people i.v'.iy things which will bring confusion into the eaiiips of' tin co nmon enemy, the loud-mouthed and blatant populists. Won’t ■ he ' & ;> 4sjii .Lt-.;. utive coirriiit-.' «.>t the local Knight.- of I’yth'.'.s decid'd to ni-rhl 1■ j th.- p’-iz. of if-VX) ■offered *"l' tin ■ o-o. l td tenon dull and which th' Fu st re.’it'.n'nt of Indiana won without opposition, .j) th-' ,r ro’ind that tffov !>■ <i dvill ed according to the new united States army tactics, which have not yet been officially adopt 1 by the supreme lodge. Col. Helskcl! of the First Indiana was very an gry at the decision and much ill feeling was shown. • China After Chili’s Navy. London, Sept. B—lt is reported that the Chinese government has arranged to purchase halt of the vessels comprised in the Chilian navy. A Yokohoma dispatch says that Marshal Yamagata sailed for Co rea, Thursday, to assume com mand of the Japanese army in that country. It is said that the Ja panese force in Corea will soon number 100,000. The Southern Argus. Messrs T. E. and W. O. Clement have leased the Shanklin printing office from Capt. A. B. S. Moseley who recently purchased it. Messrs Clements will run a firstclass job office and Editor W . O. Clement s Southern Arguswill be issued from there, and about the Ist of October it will be enlarged to an eight page weekly. They have a fine line of new job type and good presses which will be operated by elect "ic power. They are both clever men and excellent printers and should have the liberal patronage of the people. Camp Meeting. A great number of Romms will go out to Morrison's C'inp Ground this morning to attend the camp meeting. Several hundred people will le there today, and the services will all b” good. An unusualy large lot of farnilii s are ten-mg, and many from here have teute rnd will spend the week there. SHOT TO DEATH W A Stuckey Shoots Ira Taylor his Brother-in-law. FIRED AT HIS SISTER • And Then Jumped Rom a Moving Train, Fracturing his arm. Arrested and Jaded. Result of a Family Fend. •• ' " lu “* Dublin, Ga , Sept ,8. —J, Ir, •’aylor, a yountr farmer of this community, was killed on the in- Quuiiug M, D. aud S. trai u yester day evening about seven miles west of Dublin. W. A Stuckey, the slayer aud brother-inlaw ot the dead man wine in the car wb«re 'l avlor and ShucKej's wife were sitting and demanded of her where the baby way. After receiving an evaGve an swer, be turned to Taylor and ask ed him what h« had to do with it at the same time taking Taylor in the collar and shooting him in I a bjdv ko j;.g him inatantly. I'uri’.g iirj -hooting Mrs. Stuck !" arose and stv'.ed for the door it.? cal! rh“ contact t when Stuck ; ,-y tu- r,d ami fir- 1 '. 1 the remaining ch ,i m his pisi >1 t he: fitting the seat As soon us this was done ha jumped from the moving train, which came on to Dublin. The train with the officers re turned to the scene of the killing ! and found Stuckey at a house si?<>ut a mile from where the shoot ing occured. He had a compound T'acture of the left arm b dow tl.e joint and was bruised I m n< ■ w Livre. I There was some trouble between Stuckey and the heirs of t he Tayi. r I'; i rlvwlih r n •<* to tin- prop erty. Not long since, Stuckey and his wife parted and I’their separation >■ ' -My .-.dd dto the hard feeing. Stuckey was carried to Macon on the charge of illicit distilli' g, and it was on this errand as wit nesses that Taylor and Stuckey's wife were in the tiuiin returning from Macon. Excitement is very high, as the connection of both parties are w -11-to-do people. AMMONIA EXPLODES Several Persons Nearly Suffocated Owner to Be Enjoined. Brunswick, Sept. B—ByB—By the ex plosion of an ammonia tank in the cold storage department of Charles Baumgartner’s butcher shop at 2 o’clock this morning several per sons occupying rooms in the neigh borhood were nearly suffocated. None, however, were dangerously injured. The explosion created a great deal of excitement in the neigh borhood, and the fire department was culled out. The neighbors of Baumgartner threaten to enjoin him from fur ther use of the tank. Breckenridge Denounced. Lexington, Sept. B—Eighty-sixB—Eighty-six iadies, the crust of Frankfort so ciety, have signed a bitter denun ciation of Breckenridge, begging the people not to return him to congress. The idea is prevalent that if the district committee tomorrow pass es a rule requiaing voters in the primary to swear they will sup-, port Breckenridge if he is the nom-1 inee, that Owens will withdraw from the primary and make the rtu ■ against Breckenridge as an independent candidate. . THEY PERISHED By Flame Though not Bound to the Stake. < LO, THE POOR RED MAN! Twenty-Three of Them Fell by the Wayside. A Common Fate Clames Chief, Brave, Squaw and Papoose. Pokegama, Minn,, Sept. B—A courier brings the report that the bodies of twenty-three Chippewa Indians, bucks, squaws, and pa pooses lie upon the sands between here and Opstead, a small settle ment on the eastern shores of Lake Mille Lace, They are scattered over ten miles of country and will in all proba bility, prove food for buzzards and wolves, as the country where they lie is too far from civilization for burial ceremonies. The Indians left their reserva tion two months ago and built a hunting lodge along one of the forks of Shadridge creek. Chief Wascouta was the big chief of the party and he perished with his followers. The first body found by the courier was that of an infant bare ly a year old-. Then came those of two squaws and five children. They had evidently turned west when the fires swept through the forest. A ride of a mile brought him to a pit' of ashes which marked the site of the hunting camp. There was one tepee, the shriveled raw hide thongs, marking the place where it stood. Around it were the ruin;- of a half dozen birch wood bark shan ties, protruding from the ashes were the fused barrels of rifles and shot guns. The courier counted twenty-throe bodies. S. bi. STARK. I desire to call the attention of my patrons and the public general- 4 ly to the fact 'hat i ON oEP’T 10th. Aly large and well assorted new stock of FALL AND WINTER WOOLENS Will arrive, and further that lam now prepi ired and wid turn cut FIRST CLASSWORK AK9 FIRST GLASS GOODS, Cheaper than ev rbefope Paste this in YOUR HAT J-md remember yjur own Jii.t .rests S. M. stark7 HBBCHAST TAILOR J JI6J ARMSTRONG|HOTEL. Twelve Pages. I O CENTS A WEE ft Comiiij! Our enor.nors stock of season able styles are now comintrin. Such qualities and such prices we have never befo e been able to oiler our customers as we will place within your reach this fall. Fancy Goods, Notions nd novelties that arc a revalatio * in beauty, merit and cheapness. The newest ideas, the best goods made,the greatest vari ety and the finest figures. We will op n this w-ek the fi nest and most complete assort ment of NEWAND POPULAR STYLES you ever laid your r.V es upon, mark our words, vv e will give ni-u-c honest qual tty this season f>r a dollar tfian has ever before been offer Thi following is just an inti mation ofwhat our stock em braces : Plain and Fancy Dress Goods BKACK GOODA finesilks, ’ CHINA SILKS SATIN.ES, VELVETS, plushes, fine FLANNELS notions, LACES, TRIMMINGS; GLOVES, HOSIERY, UNDERWARE, RIBBONS, HANDKERCHIEFS, CORSETS, CLOAKINGS, Print and Domestics, EMBROIDERIES, ! WHITE GOODS, CLOAKS, JACKETS, WRAPS, FANS, TEA GOWNS, WRAPPERS, GOSSAMERS, JERSEYS, SHIRTS, SHAWLS, BLANKETS, BEDSPREADS, COMFORS, QUILTS, CARPETS, RUGS, MATTS, MATTINGS, CURTAINS, SHADES, POLES, TRUNKS, and hundreds of other articles. Come and take your choice of the good things offered. WAT C H THIS COLUMN, tl liras, fak