The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, September 09, 1894, Image 11
_ _p z ()[ K”) —2 r I' ' Be finest line. ’ AND lest Assortmenls i ' lITAWthIAriW ’ L x l I H U»ilV. Hu J 4 SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! BARGAINS IN SHOESAT- Canirpjli & iQw.W#? 240 BROAD STREET- lIIORTER COLLEGE for young ladies I ROME, GEORGIA. ■ _ i- *• * - -■" -•"? I /> ’ I f i&WW A 5 - I SHI ~ M" F i ■ < -At*. M I * ■'• •-■■'. > I i , I ' «, I \ ■ T’’ I Wtil Session Opens Wt019tt,1894. I ADVANTAGES: I 1 A lofty and healthful Rite, free from malaria. J 2' Charming grounds and scenery—an ideal situation. I 3. Magnificent brick buildings—“ The beauty of the colleges.” I very material comfort and convenience. I A complete force of accomplished Teachers. I 6. A splendid Conservatory of Music. I 7, A renowned School of Art. I 8. An unsurpassed Department of Elocution and Physica ■Culture. | 9- A strong and thorough curriculum. i 10. A superior Finishing School. 11. A delightful hom“ for the pupil away from parents. 12. Reasonable charges. For catalogues and special information, apply te Dr A. J. BATTLE. President, Or Prof. Ivy W. Duggan, Business Manager. A. O INo MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS, Have moved to 304 Broad Street Medical Building. CALL AND SEE US. LITTLE RUBY ■ ’ tonsorial parlors, ls you want work In mv line call at my Shop. Frank. Taylor, the old reliable. ■ ...a Y Puuriint,. e ,; t ., o r ..lernory.LnaJWHrcu ■ *BAw n 2^ er tP. Cl ''’-u- ...... v... ..,.|.F.klitlvEnilMl<M«i.NerTom V V .1 v tfa ' a Urtnu bl s ! ~. , ~ t , vG<h_. i. of eitlipr sexcau...-. |WI i. -vtv. 1 ..L°y ere *ert. .... j >• ■' in’aucco.opium orsUit. I wants, which h ..... . ,G- .. ?L Lo-.i •i or Irr: mty. Can be carried I' J* \ jryy Y.rU' Pocket. Lt’ i ;j. t*v mail prepaid. \vitha®.» order we , u , vvr l F l er> e .. cure or refund the money. Spin by all iS *» AfiEi. I A-kfor :•■ > ■-her. Vrttc fer free .Medienl BoOkWnt sealed '*• 'PJ'luin wrapper. Au Un- A . ,(?V£HkEll CO.. Masoulc Temple, CUXCAGO »Wsale .u Home.GW -y EhAUFUUU DHUU CO. THE HUSTLER OF ROMEi, SUNDAY SEPTEMBERS 1894.. Wait for the rig barnum & bailey show! . „, . the greatest leader in amusements’ i BARNUM 4 BAILEY Greatest Show Qn Earth A_T ROMM i NOT UNT!L.O6TO3Ed FH£ 16 h, H ' —t- Afcginuing bn that day a Grand Triumphant Tour of theJSouthcrn States. 1 be fooled by no meap side-shows I 1 There is only one great show lodhdworld and that Is > THE BIC BARNUM & BAILEY SHOW. \ Capltnl inrested s3,*>oo t ooo. Daily expenses $7,300. Only show it*, i. .' - - ' - dor.e<l bv the Cle* gy. No False Pretenses. No Exaggeration. EVERTjI’ ? L__ ~ " JLST AS ADVERTISED. New Performances, New People, Ne# ji INCREASED W EFEEI WAY Wei £ aniTetknoloqic al congress 1 u WeC in pric« of admission. 'X f' GREAT EQUESTRIAN TOCRNAMENT. FOX HUNTERS’ MEET, n RS- '’*»<’ EQUESTRIAN MAY-POLE DANCE. WB THREE GRITS (WANES IA THREE RINGS greater number pf acts, and better ones than ever betore. too.j „ ~ . ... , , • . . . . . " w<> Elevat. d Stages, Race Track and Steel-barred Animal Arena. r““™EE.“ TRAINED ANIMAL EXPOSITION! Curious Human Beings with queer religions and ceremonies. A robatic, Gymnastic and Tumbling Tournaments. Circus, Hippo- Pagans. idoiators. Heathen. Mohammedans, Canmhais, vishnu*. droin'. Rvciiig, Aerial, Equestrian, Wild. Beast and Domestic • Ihddhists, ConfwQiaM, Hindoo- Chilians and mazons, who.e /lJ3h Animal Fxhihitinns Aamilesof savage fyciplefwnh huts, weapons, imnlemeuis 1 SwSVcmwH COLLECTION OF GIANT ANO PIGMY QUADRUPEDS UiU luu ill DR ODu /. (jJrILLA , GATHEBING OF CURIOUS CREATURES FROM ALL COUNTRIES. k No, and you never will unless vounttcud the ‘ j’• *' r Here ,s the only speennen of the wonderfu! connterfe.t 2(>—OF THE FUNNIEST CLOWNS IN THE WORLD—2O. JOHASNA, THE WIDOW OF BIG CHIKO. ® OUR PRIOES THE. SAME .NORTH AND SOUTH The Greatest Curiosity ever exhibited, aiid o's the utmost interest *■ :: V* All J EViTywhcrG I UkO OllF Entire Big SIIOW. to the scientific as well as the curious. .. - u v rxurr WO H®SE lESAt-UitS OFWII El) HAISE* Ji !i OOO«. »u» pmcb. Ferocious, Wild aud Domestic Animals performing at oh- CciilptFO'i Witt! OnTN OUICS* Shot W ftllld Be DofiT lit IcU f Cnts» IMMENSE HORSE FAIR. @1 iSRIMISIIffI m.k.M,.*, k.„„. f ..V I \- ir With 3 eyes, 3 nostrils and 3 horns. f/ '■ , . GKiffl MET FMI! B !B®| OiOg? All the Crowned Heads of the world represented, and the Military Uniforms'r yjjW ’ Nl' ! T| K \ I I J of all the nations, at 9a.m. ©a day of show. T rt 'i ¥ ■'4 I I THE VERY LOWEST EXCURSION RATES ON ALL RAILROADS T« All Points ©n the Big Show’s Great Southern Tour. W Bowling Green, October £; Nashville, October, 3; Columbia, October 4•' STZhP fmingfaam, October 3>; Montgomery, October 6; Macon, October 8-At aer- j SW'U T JF s, October 9; Augusta, Octeitoer 12; Athens, October 13; Atlanta, October MI JWk« > . Rome, October lt»; Chattanooga, October 17. eatruto. > 80, CTS.-NORTH AND SOUTH-ADMISSION 30 CTS. Beware ofCheap 2.5cS hows, : Playing the South at Increased prices, &> BAIL SY ALONE GIVE THE SAME SHOW AND THE SamePricesNorthandSouth ; - - . ■ ■ . - i ■ —i. • 1 -■■ —: 1 Ari <4 * ■*■ —-*■ ■* -4 -X —■——i ■■ —-L—. „ ... HOW THEYJiTANDI The Exciting Race for the National League Pennant. THEORI9LESARE LEADING Witt. The Giants a Close Sec- ond. The Bake Bean Cham pions in Third Place- Items of Interest to Crankand Fans ' z STANDING OF! THE <LI BS. clubs Played' Wrtn. Lost Fere Baltimore.. ' “111 To '36 .675 New York.. “ “11(7 75 "40 .652 , Boston..- “ “113, 73 40 .584 Philadelphia,* ‘-113- £6 47 .584 Brooklyn.. * 112 61 51 *604 Cleveland- *‘lo9 55 - 54 504. PittSbU’g.. “ “112 54 58 ,4g2 Chicago.. “ “113 50 g 3 *442 Cincinnati,, “ “114 47 57 412 St. Louis.. “ *‘ll4 46 68 404 Washington.. “114 40 74 362 L< uisville.. “113 33 80 .295 Id the history of baseball in this country, nothing has ever equaled the exciting race between Balti more, New York,and Boston,for the pennant in the natural league. The loves of the great gaine al| over the United Slates ate watcb r ing with ieverish interest the re suit of every contest., It is sur ■ I prising to know how many people in Rome scan the papers every morning for baseball news,amt tn see different fellows pulling for their favorites. The relative standing of the clubs is given to the Hostler readers th.s morning. At the beginning of the season, when the Baltimores were wining game after game the knowing cnee predicted the down- I fall of the Oriies as t-oon as the other club got in good playing form. Butalass; and alack ; Man ager Hanlon’s good boys are put ting up the spunkeet article of up to date baseball ever known in America. They have broken the record in the league by twelve sue cessive victories, and are 24 points ahead of the second club in the race the New. York. If Manager Ward’s team had played the invincible game at the first of the season, that they are dealing out now, the New York would have won first place easily. It is remarkable how theGiautspul games cut of the fire, so to speak They have won dozens of times in rhe last winning and against heavy odds. In big Amos Rosie and J uoett Meekin, they have two of the best and most reliable pitch ers in the league. Every man on the team are ball players of the Star order. If Baltimore caunot —— -f T 7 -f T ' ism the play nearly every Soiith qnier hopes the New York* wrt l . i The Bean eaters are not playing I _ I •* - - snappy, winning ball just now lake hey did a Jew weeks ago., 3 ust think of it the despised Louis villes beat them badly Thursday. From now until the end of the great contest will be watched with almost breathless interest. Here’s hoping the Baltimore wijl nail the pennant! All of the League Clubs, except Louisville and Washington, have won the majority of the games i played on their respective home grounds. St. Louis has won and lost an equal number of games played at home. Only the Bostons, New Yorks and Clevelands have won the majority of games played away from home. The directors of the Pittsburg team have released A. C. Bucken berger, who has had charge of the team for three years past. Catcher Connie Mack has been selected to manage the club, —Ely, the Brown’s short stop, will be in demand among the Lea gue magnates for next seson. Kid Nichols is the fastest base ■ running pitcher in the. I eague, with the oth>r Kid, Glen aim la good second. Rusie >s the slowest twirl er in the League on the ba|es. ■< The Boston team has made nine ty home runs this season, Chicago is second in this respect, tb-re is a big gap between first and second, as t! e Winds' City men have only fifty-two tc their credit. . 0. P. Caylor of th- ,\>w York H. raid, is the best I as“ hill re porter on tJ)H press t-ir|nv His re ports of the games in N“w York are full and interestin'/, Ihe games in R (U ne Thursday, Friday and Saturday between Car. tersvilln mid the local t“am will be the best of the season in this city. Several first-class players from other places will be secured bv the local management. and the Cartersville team will bring over a lot of fellows th it know a thing or two akout base ball, '■ - t? it o i y /