The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, September 09, 1894, Image 12
FOR ONE WEEK ONLY, GREAT SALE * Ale tter from Capt. W. Hjj f Steele who is in -•-» '>-■■■ «« JW— »WW v«Rr, .» *ww. »»• V> a4r*r-IMl'■ ■■■ «an •«■ aMBMMB. .■New toiksa>N, Sell regardless ot cost to make room for the Mammoth stock 1 have bought. LOOK At prices and you will know we “are thepeople.** Vkona ( I ina Ghi.t r sets, handsome decoration 114 piece sß.7s:. Beautiful Gold Ila. girg Lamps, (jidy $2.00 Fancy Decorated Hanging Lamps, Cut Glass Prisoms $3.7 5. Handsome Nickel Plated R< cheater Hand Lamp sl’7s. Large size glass stand lamps complete ,25c. New Styb* Sewing Lamp. .74c. dium glass stand lamps complete .20 . ■Glass stand lamps .15c. JSrcrythrng in Havilands lines < hinas. At cost Every thug in fine German china. \teost. tExery thing in fancy goods am’. ric-a-I’rac. At cost. "Reim mber these prices are good only forcne week. I OX JLT . FOR ONE WEEK ’’ If > LA ii x I. hnc* u/’TT’z i V 7 aX 0!i ■ i t f.l ♦ j ’ v '1 ■ ” «rr.«x«o p nksb e i 3 , :i I §*» £*ii*r*' •J v "J _ t*43 «-X_M t.oa % * . *X iit •< ■ • ? ; <ai‘ to H'V 1 rper .241 & 243 ' >AD ■. I ROME GA. ■■> X I • ' & I Sjgil Yourself | i Maa When you meet with an accident, | IMr fwnwisb Km s P rain a J oint > get,cut, burned or | 1 TO bruised; when you are attacked | ’i w * th cram P s > colic, cholera mor- I I\\ US ’ dysentery, or suffer with any | *l\ the ordinary every-day pain | producers, doctor yourself WITH PAIN-KILLER It never fails to give prompt relief, and is always at home s when wanted. Get a bottle and have it ready. It’s the I best family physician you could possibly employ. You | can now get double the quantity for the same old price, 5 Sold everywhere. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Providence, R. I. { MMIIUIIIMiIiIJIIIIIIIIIIiIUIIIIIIIIIRIIIIIIIIiIIIIItIIIIIIIIMIIIIIINIIIIIUIIIIIIIIHIIItIMIIUIHINHIMIIIIIHIUtIIINUIMNMMMMMMS NORTH GE® f ipitai W® Q? TnEUr;:7i'.;i' .\ •At hah lor, eg a, Gecrgla. i-fTiaste.-a be-ias first Monduy tu Fcbr.~. - Kall fire* Monday in Scptemoer. FULL LITERARY CftLsriSl'.. TUITION FREE X\ th ample corps of teachers THROUGH «mtn-ARYTP*;E;Hf. ..k X . lam «WWV» m; 1 ~ -». J, a under a V. 8. Army Officer detar 11 Secretary of war. • Departments cf Business, S'.n-l hand, T&wwrffing, Teiegr<-<«?>, and Art. couif iiud thorough instruct fr**. lADJES have evual advantages. CHEAPRffJGQUEGE IN the s!'"Tr -«*’ .■ uir. _ . v and full informal i lreae SscEStary or Treasurer of Fou Trusty 'i! . ■?. DOYLE NOT GUILTY. — . !:. 'nd of a Sensational Murder at Forystli ■', r -si’.i, Sept. 8. —The jury in ! ;■>;. !■ murder case, after being ou a’out x een h mrs, returned a '. ‘‘rd:< t of not guilty this morn-1 f mg. Young Doyle was charged with I k in G.’.ins at the High j ’ ails picnic last year. la v as r.'iH'osi-iited by Judge' a ■' i ynton.Hon. T. I>. Caba ■ : • r.'ii'. (’ >'. Willingham; the - »l:- i• • v Mark Beck and j i i i'er-<ms. ’ p ■ —••! stipei se he broke . a t ( ven'x.ioh? I’ r.lita— J’ ’ r w i s>' ■ l(.-u d<>i h mean to 11 . .>• be 1■ ■ 11 a meni? “No he | i.<Je i j. ■ kvz 'a.. * p«] a and broke j li.u • -Truth. 1 1 THE HUSTLER OF ROME, SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 9 1894 liLEGM GAB GLILUMN •ook Over the Passengers— Many of Them Will Interest Ycu Miss Edith Carver will leave Tuesday for Atlanta. The Misses Holleyunan, who , have been visiting Mrs. C. T. Par ish in this city, left yesterday for Decatur. Lucky Strike tobac co Best natural leaf made. John Harvey left Friday for!' Young Harns luistutute. Miss Louise Oehmig, of Chat tanooga, who has been visting the ! family of Mr. E. H. West on Sec ond Avenue .during the summer, left yesterday for her home. When traveling, always take a cake of Johnson's Oriental Soap with you ; | diseases are often caught from using Intel soap. For sale by J, T. Crouch - & Co. Dr. Ebon Hiller returned yester i day from a very pleasant stay at' Majors Springs. i Mr. AV. W. Brooks came down | from Summerville yesterday. Shell Road tobacco best 1 5c plug on earth. Mr Charlie Knight of Cedartown was in the city yesterday. Mr, H. Robinson of Atlanta district ' j mail agent, is stooping at the Arm- • i strong. Warter’s “H and made” grows more pop ular as tne days go by— and its because of mei it. For sale by all deal ers, Try one. Mr. and Mrs, C A Caidwell of Frankfort Ky. parsed through the i i eitv V's ordav enroufe Lome from l I I C ve Sprint, They wen: tlteie looking,’ or a suit able 1- catie as thev wish to' wove Books, slat xs, tablets and pent Is at Smiths Mr, George Porter •. i' Sever ( reek, wa, in the city yestedrv . I Mr. Will Reynolds loft yester day f ■ Lav. ri ■ 'o. X . J.. where ■ Flour 40 and 45 cents, Morrit Mr, Hughes Reynolds will leave shortly for Boston, and will enter Harvard College. You can find any thing needed in a school room at Smiths. Mr. J. 31. Stark of Tallapoosa is stopping at the Armstrong. Judge Henry set the cases for the September term of Superior Courtyesterday. Starch 5 cents lb Morris Mrs. M. A. Nevin is visiting rel atives and friends in Atlanta. Mr. J. B. Carver, now of Atlan ta, is in the city for afew days. He reports excellent business in his new field. Best flour at Morris’ 45cts. Telephone 26. I . . • City court will open at the court i house tomorrow morning, with Judge W. L. Turnbullin charge. Regular morning and evening j services at the North Rome Baptist I church today. The streets were crowded with people yesterday and last night, sml the merchants all report a sp'endid trade. Kock Candy 15 cents lb. Morns For Sale Cheap:—One dgoo horse and set of harness, also bug gy. Apply to Charley McKinney, No. 302 Broad St. 9-7-6 t. Mr. J. I>. Gwaltney will open his hoys high School Monday in ' the old office building of the O'niel Lumber Company on Second Aven-I ue. Flour 40cts. at Mor ris’ Telephone 26. “INTERESTING TO ALI? Art Potterv, Bric-a-Brae, Onyx Tables, Liberary, Hall and S ■ Lamps. China and Glassware. Vln ß W E EXTEND A CORDIAL INVITATION I L To the public to visit us and examine the beautiful articles disni in this, our , P NEW DEPARTMENT” “A CROCKERY STORE” "A HOCISEFdRNISHING STORE” Where you can buy any article for Household use, v?ry r.iuch p der any price you have had he, eXTcrc. OUE 5 AND 10c COUNTERS RE FULL OF BARGAINS. THE’ . /LLTY STORE Cr- 1 V-JTZTxiTSj 318 BKOtXD ST. ROME, GA. Mr. R. A. Ward of Anniston, is at the Cedtral Hotel. Mr. Samuel Funkhouser has re turned from an extended trip, to j Baltmore. New Yoik and points ! in Virginia. Oostanaula Lodge No. 113 will confer the second degree on next Tuesday night. Final arrange ments wtll be made relative to the Anniversary Meeting the 20th of this month. Every member who has an interest in the success of this occasion is requested be eprsent. i Mr - and Mrs. J. F. Dupree were in the ci ay yesterday. Dr. Cox will leave tomorrow for Philadelphia He will take a p >st —graduatecourse in surgery in Phihtdelphiaand New York col lege, The jumping or electric beans in | Trevilt & Johnson’s show window, . have attracted many curious visitors in the past few days. By the way if you have a jumping tooth (one that aches awfully bad) Mr. Paid Reese, the clever] young prescriptionist in this store,has au instantaneous rente* dy for it. It is his own preparation and is guaranteed to dotlie work. Concert Last Night. The concert at the Armstrong last night by Prof, Ford’s select orchestra, was listened to by a large and appreciative audience. The music discoursed by this orchestra is splendid. They will give concerts nt the hotel every Wednesday night through the winter. Dr. Mar-hall cordially in vites every lovht of fine music to come and hear them • LOST. Ou upper Broad Street near residence of Mr. Sam Powers, a pair of gold rimmed spectacles in morocco case. A suitable reward will be given if left at this office. HAM AHO EGGS. Mr. S. S. King will commence moving his stock of yroceries into his new store ar, the corner of Broad street and Third Avenue. 'I his building as it stands is one of the handsomest houses in the city. The interior furnishings are very pretty and convenient, and Mr. King puts in the most com plete stock ot fresh and salable goods. He has a courteous and ca pable force of clerks and wants your trade. The Medical Building has at tracted » trio of the most pros perous business firms in the c ty. But such is not to be wondered at considering the convenience of the handsome storehouse. There is J 1 Crouch & Co, on the cor- J ner ..nd it would be almost foolish • to say anything about the popular ity and prosperity of this firm. A. B. McArver has recently moved I hi sent ire stock next door to Crouch land is doing a splendid business, i Mrs. Garrard is just putting the finishing touches on her beautiful and saleable stock jin the next store. That is three trade winners fiw b&sure. My life was once indirectly saved through being a mason,” said a trav eler at the Armstrong. “I was going from Denver to Kan sas City and on the cars met a lot of nice fellows who were masons, I belonged +o the order myself and we all b erne goed frie ■‘The train stopped at a littleway station, and two powerful looking and well armed men got aboard. 1 was talking to a gentleman and paid no attention to them. “You can imagine my conster nation when he leveled -his Jpistol at my head, at the same time yel ling: ‘That’s my man, I’m going to kill him. Thon pandemonium turned loose in that car, and near- i ly everybody in it tried to crawl under a seat. “My Misonic friends grabed the man and asked him what he meant,' He replied that he knew me and t hat 1 had gotten on the train at a station just above there. The fellow was in a towering rage and kept trying to get at his pis* tol. At length I gave them my keys and liunk check Fad them to go m the baggage car and. that the would find p'enty of evidence to prove that I was the wrong mau ' They went through ail my effects and at last, convinced theoldfei tow that I had gotten on the train at Denver. “Then for the first timely ec what all the trouble was about a stranger had insulted the daug ter of the man that had wanted to shootme, And I vrily beleieve untill this day that if itl 1! llot been for my friends the man would have killed me could haave explained. Messrs. J W. Lancaster, '-' p - Alien and W, A • 1 honip” •’ leave for Texas Monday nip ll Mr. Lancaster will four mouths and will viel part of the Lone Star state. In his abscence Mr. Hackett and Mr. Jones of M ‘ will have charge of the phot°S gallery, A Valid Objection. A young man just hone college, wishing to inspii' '• sister with aweof his lean 111 -! ed to a star and said : “Doyons lh»t luminary? It’s biggo whole world.” “No ’tain’t,” said she. “Yes, it is,” replied the collegian. a th “Then why don’t it kei p . rain?” was the triumphant *'