Newspaper Page Text
p4o> Court
Os Justice
I nV IvdwK ZzTAa
{ Ji lVvWx-Z^ \J f )i
L. Eo Bleckley,
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of
Georgia, speaking of the new eJition of the
£nc/cfop*<ffa Britannica, says:
"Ii Is a vast store of information,
extending to almost every subject of human
interest •* rtands *° knowledge In general
somewhat as a complete dictionary does o a
language. The promise. ' Seek and ye shall
tnd,’ will be recalled by all who consult its
pages. Having, myself, profited by frequent
and continual references to the work. 1
commend It to others.
Colonel Jno. Milledge,
State Librarian of Georgia, says:
"This Encyclopaedia, as an accurate and
reliable source of information upon the vast
number of subjects with which it deals,
stands among the very first authorities of
which I have any knowledge. Os the
Encyclopedias in this library it has been
selected to be placed in that part of the
library devoted to the use especially of the
Supreme Court of the State. I regard no
, library complete without this work.”
The Constitution,
Best Yet retails aj 60c
good as any 90c tobac
co. Ask your dealer,
< \
J^A? j2 blstoo N5 °M.
100 can save money by purcbaaiug Vt. L*.
Douelna Shoes,
Because, we are the largest manufacturers of
advertised shoe, in the world, and guarantee
the value by stamping the name ana price on
the bottom, which protects you against high
prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes
equal custom work in style, easy fitting and
wearing qualities. We have them sold every
where at lower prices for the value given than
any other make Take no substitute. If you>
dealer cannot supply you, vre can. Sold ty
Cantrell & Owens,
While in Chicago, Mr C. L. Kahler
a prominent shoe merchant of Des
Moines, lowa, had quite a serious
time of it He took such a severe
cold that he could hardly talk or nav
igate, but the prompt use of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy cured him
Ot bis cold so quickly t hat others at
the hotel who bad colds foliowee his
example and half a dozen persons or
dered it from the nearest drug store.
They were profuse in their thanks to
ilr. Kahler lor telling them how
cure a bad cold so quickly. For sale
by Lowry Bros Druggists.
feisiltai Mkp,
Hahlonega, Georgia.
Fall terms 1 b . eB ' n ’ flrßt Mondty in February.
flrst Monday in September.
full literary courses,
tuition free
thai »ple corps of teachers.
under a V. S. Army Officer detailed bv
Secretary of war.
Departments of Business, Short
n ’ typewriting, Telegraphy,
Music and Art.
VoXr raPeteßt and thorou « h instructors.
CNG LADIES equal advantages.
ures« Ca « ,ilOßUeß an<l full information ad
Trusted"*" 7 Tre “ urer ° r »<>"'
ope I suppose he broke
? OurL <art eventually?” Perdita
sayk i , *’T°u don’t mean to
h/iib* • ? ke tLe eu 8’g ea »ent? “No
Jeu poker with papa and broke
Pungent Paragraphs About Thea
ter Folks,
'Caste” to be out on About
the 28th. A Word About
Some Attractive At
tractions Booked
to Attract
Do you like comedy? You shall
have it in ‘ Jane’ The Colonel imh!
the Spider and the Fly, Si Perk
ins and other good comedies.
Do you like tragedy? You shall
have it in Thus W. Keere Mr.
James Young, Lillian Lewis Sadir
Whitford, Robt Downing and Ma
rie Wainwright.
Do you like Melodrama? You
shall have it in, the Operator,Hat
tie Bernard Chase, the Torrado
Pawn Ticket 210. Jno.L. Sulivan,
and The Fast Mail.
Do you like >.( veek of good comedy
drama a«d fastshows at populor
prices; You shall have that in Mabl>
Have you a favorite or an? one
particular show you would like to see
If so how do some of these strike
you. The Devils Auction, Mrf.lam
es Brown, Potter and Kyrle Ballew
Culeaines Minstrels The Boston Me
troplitan Co. in Spectacular produc
The above are some of the book
ings at the Opera House for the
coming season, some come this
mouths some do not come before
spring is almost here. You can
surely ni?k a few, you would like
to see can’t you?Of course, then go
and enjoy yourself for three hours
once in a while. The wrinkles of
pleasure are more desireabie than
the wrinkles of pain.
Take a fifty seven cents silver
dollar give your boy the quarter
and let him go and see from his
favorite positiou and you Jtake the
rest and see the show from yours
You will get a dollars worth sure,
the dollars worth of your daddies
too. That is the small boy will get
the '‘2s of his daddies”worth any
how and he can b« a good demo
erat.That is the way to dem<-natize
silver. This is no tariff on shows
for there is an ad velorem duty
owed to your health and happiness.
Pay it and maybe someday vou
will have the tax Collector asking
von the amount of your income
and you w<il have asha ic-» to p it
in operation another good Demo
critic law
The show business, from the
point of view of an opera house
Manager, must take a back seat
for the next week or ten days Why?
because the circus is coming Circus
advertising and opera house ad
vertising do not mix well, that is
they do not mix at all. It is al
most impossible to find even the
old patent medicine signs, so gayly
bedecked are’the fences, the barns,
the bill boards the windows and all
with the wonders of the coming of
the circus,
Mr. Robert L. Downing in his
production of the “Gladiator”
this season is said to use two real
lions in the arena scene. They are
under perfect control and add very
much to the realism of the act.
It is a positive fact that neither
one of them however, is Mexican,
or in the least resembling the
same. Floyd county lion hunters,
please take notice and do not ask
for a complimentary ticket on ac
count of vour long and intimate
acquaintance with the star lion.
“The Operator”’s the next show
at the. Opera liaise, and it is a
show that can hardly be surpassed
as a scenic production, lie Newell
Brothers, kn<>wn to the theat ik ul
world as the “Twin Stars,” play
the leading parts in this strong
Caste is almost a perfect play ; Mr
Max O’Rell to to the contrary not
withstanding-In the Englhsh etand
aid Drama it ranks very near to the
“School for Scandal,” “She Stoops
to Conquer.” or the -Hunchback.’’
It is itself the founder of ‘ a school,
and no higher praise can be given to (
a modern comedy than to say of it
that it belongs to the school of Ca-te.
There is no prettier, simpler lore
story told in fiction than the story it
tells, and the kind hearts are more
than cornets which pervades it makes
an exceleut text fop an excelent stage
Extract from a letter by Lau
rence Hutton in the New York
Dramatic Mirror.
The above delightful comedy
will be put on the boards of Nevin
Opera House by a competent com
pany of Rome’s best amateur
dramatie talent, tie latter part
of this month, The play will be
elegantly mounted and interspers
ed with the latest songs. This is
the same comedy that a party of
young people of this city made
such a hit, in Atlanta, AnnistVn
and Dalton. The performance will
be for the benefit of the Young
Men’s Library Association’
With Barnum & Bailey’s Greatest
Show on Earth,
Every year for many past, the
press and public have been wildly
enthusiastic over the extent aud
magnificence of the Barnum &
Bailey Greatest Show on earth.!
which will be seen here exactly as
it wae in New York.
But what will be said of it this
year, superior as this season’s
show is to all previous ones? In
deed the big show has been vastly
improved and enlarged in all de
partments to h most wonderful ex
Now in the circua department
alone one hundred acts are given
atjevery performance, afternoon
and evening by as many daring
champion equestrians, athletes,
gymnasts jugglers and acrobats.
There are twenty acts in which
perfectly trained animals are seen
with twenty comical clowns. Sev
eral of the later were acknowl -
edged to be the funniest fellows in
Europe before Barnum & Baily
engaged them.
After the acts in the three cir
cus rings and on the two elevated
stages numerous hippodrome races
take place, And after these the re
markable exhibition of trained an
imals in the specially constructed
iron-barred arena, in which lions
and lambs tigers aud goats bears
nd sheep ponies and elephants
and other wild and domestic beasts,
take part.
Then there is Chiko and his
bride Johanna, the giant gorillas
only two of the world at present in
capivity. The grand Ethnological
Congress of’savage and idolatro-s
human beings, with representatives
from nearly all the savage and
heathern countries in the world,
Wanted: A pair of second hand
wagon scales.
Johnson & Waters.
, 9—3 4t ♦ North Rome.
A. M. Bailey, a well known citizen
of Eugene, Oregon, says bis wife has
for years been troubled with chron
ic diarrhoea and used many remedies
with litt’e relief until she fried Cham
berlain’s Colic, Cholera and diarrhoea
Remedy, which has cured her sound
a>d well Give it a trial ;n I you will
be surprised at the prompt relief it
affords. 25 and 50 cent bottles for
sale by Lowry Bros., Druggists.
I r> u equaled .•’ I vantages to young men desinifc a ■
. ..’hh r Shorthand. Course thorough ano
IS <> . w rree -ar fart: tn Rome Circulars free
H>. R MISf )N. President.
What Nerve Berries
have Hone for others
for you
MEN Quick!/
and Permanently Restcred. 30TH
A positive cure for nil Wei .nesses, NorvouMiest
Debility, and ail their trais of pvih< resultin
from early errors and later excesses; the resu.
of overwork. worry etc Develop
and gives tone and nirenjcth to th or
Iran a. Si top* unnatural »«r nithd
emieeiona caused by youthful or pi
cessive use of tobacco, opium aud rfiouor
which lead to ronmianiptioii and liiunnily
Their use shows immediate improvement. A ccep
no imitation. Insiai upon having the genv ne
Nerve Berries,
pocket. Price, $1.(10 per box. nix boxes, on ful
treatment. «6.(«>. Gnuraniml tocurea'i, < Me.
If not kept by your druggist we will send them
bj mail, upon receipt of price, In plain wrap
per. Pamphlet free. Address all mail orders i'"
A'XKKIA AN nJKUiCAL. CO.. Ciacinn.ll <
For sale by Crouch &
I have given to the world an ac
count of the terrible experience 1 had
with my friei d Jim one night when
his gentle pqul was torn with pity for
the strikers.
Since that time up to a few days
ago, he had been persuing the eVefi
tenor of his way, and bad developed
no new and alarming symptoms. Jim
is a peouliir fel!o-«. In his periods of
sanity, which lasts anywhere from
one week to three months, he is mild
and sweet tempered as a lamb. But
if anything happens to ruffle the plac
id surface of one of those lucid
spells, he will bottle np his feelings
for a whole day, just to give me the
benefit of the same wnen I oome in
at night
Now for a very long while J;im
has entertained a sneaking affeeb
ion for a very sweet young lady.
It has always been a source of
great mystification, how Jiin
managed to keep it from me as
as long as he did. But I think he
held it as a thing too scared to
divulge to such a plebian as my
I knew for quite a while before
he confided in me that something
unusual was agitating his bosom.
But one day I was standing talk
ing to him, and all at once he burst
“Old man, I am in love!”
Poor old, foolish, cranky Jim.
He has seared his soul with the fe
verish opinion of wild-eyed anar
chy, has done and said many cu
rious things, but this is the sad
dest’blow of all.
I guyed him unmercifully,
at first about the “holy passion,”
“dainty cupid” and such things,
and he took it all good humoredly.
But the other night I went Ijust
a little too far. It happened in
this way. I went up to the room
about 11 o’clock, and contraty to
the accustomed order of things,
Jim was not in bed reading. I lay
down and commenced perusing a
current magazine.
Presently he came in and I ask
ed him where he had been.
“I have been to see my divinity,”
he said.
Hitherto he has been satisfied to
grin at her idiotically as she drove
up the street, but it seemed that
he was harder struck than I had
given credit for.
He at once launched into a glow
ing euDgy of the girl. He told o
her seraphic face, the two “blue
windows,” showing her pure soul
and all such stuff. While he was
talking his excitement was pitiful
to behold. He took off nis immac
ulate collar and cuffs, tossed them
under the bed, and then deposited
his shoes on the bureau.
“Old fel, I don’t think she looks
very bright, do you?” I mildly
Yegods! Once again he became
a raving lunatic.
He leaped up, grabbed a book and
threw it at my defenseless head.
With the spring of a- tiger, he
bounded onto the bed, but I in
gloriously beat a retreat by crawl
ing under the bed. I lay there
quaking with terror, I argued and
pleaded with him for two blessed
hours before he would allow me
to get out.
He would not say another word to
me during the night, but I heard
him saying something about
“dear” “darling,” etc., in his
Next morning he woke me up
early and said :
“Old man, I beg your pardon for
my idiotic conduct last night,”
and to this day he has never men
tioned that girl’s name again.
J.C. R.
■— l < O »
Will open on September
10th, Boys prepared for Jun
ior class at college, For circu
lar giving full information,
K. J. Gwaltney,
Rome Ga.
We make them and sell
them at bottom prices,
■ ■ ■ I "■ ■■■■■ MJII I
. To my patrons and the public I wish to state,
that 1 have removed ms
Carriage Waggons and.
Blacksmith Shops
From the old stand in the Fourth Ward to
buildin opposite the New Ccurt house where'
I am always readv to do guaranteed Carriage,
buggy, wagon bnd Blacksmith work
Repairing and Horse Shoeing a specialty
Leather and Shoe Findings,
Hand made Shoes built to order, Repairing:;
a speciality, at
Masonic Temple Store.
I k [
|M _ _ ___ u
rfTTV. tilV? ■ I**"**"^— sa " a ——""""VL —— - r-7- .. ■ IZ~T ' *
> > ’
Nafan - Avenue
Madison Aven e and 58 p n, Streets
$□ per day and up. American Plan.
• 4,
4-* • »
A ' l -
Two Blocks, from the Third and Sixth Avenue Ek
Bad roads
The Madison aid Fourth Avenue and Belt Line Care
the Door,
H. M. CL AIK .proprietor
J* *
Passenger Ele /t tor runs all night.