Newspaper Page Text
secoua-claas Mail Matter.
eaiLG. Byrd.
daily am> Sunday.
10 cent u. week or ss.ooper annum
OFFICE*. Corner Broad Street ana
nth Avenue.
Os tfv? city of Rome, and Floyd, the
“Banner county ’ of Georgia.
For Governor,
W. Y. ATKINSON, of Coweta,
For Secretary of State,
For Tieaeurer,
«a.D Hardeman, of Newton.
For Comptroller-General,
WM. A. WRIGHT, of Richmond
For Attorney General,
•J, M, TERRELL, of Meriwether
S'er Commissioner of Agriculture,
«R. T. NESBI IT, of Cobb.
For Congress.
.fo’au W. MADDOX, of Floyd.
For State Senator,
For Representative, Fioyd Co,
The man who is “always right’’
is very « ft* n left.
Motey to buy school bucks would
%e just that much taken from the
school funds
Face value on some matrimom
al bonds is sometimes above par —
but oftener below her ma.
The annual meeting of general
passenger and ticket agents will be
held m Quebec Sept. 18th.
In Atlanta last week nine ne*
groes were convicted for gambling
And fined SSO each or six months
in the penitentiary.
r —
'Tlbe Acworth Post and the At
lanta Gazette are a lovely pair of
democratic dux—just such a pair
as Turn Watson loves to draw to.
From this time on the North Africa
“Society will train its missionaries in
‘book or literary Arabic before they
leave England. A school or this
purpose will be established.
The widow t of Senator Hearst. < f
California, is said to be the mos.
fceavily insured woman in this coun
ty. Sie has policies amounting to
$300,000 on her life.
Vacderkilt paid $75,000 for Rosa
* Ktafcuef's masterpiece,“The Horse
Fair, ’’ now in the Metropolitan
.Museum at New York The artist
.kherse'f received $5,000 for it.
AVe imagine that a woman who
studies to be a doctor would have
to be examined as to how quick she
<sould get up at night and dreis
Atchison Globe.
Its sad to dwell upon the subject
but the season of the year is at
band when the summer girl aud
the dude will find thev have not
been fcoltng each other very badly
Atter all.
-Judge Maddox told the truth,
-And the boys all know it. Then
why not all vote for him and the
party he represents? We say’ it’s
«mr duty to do it.—Buchanan Ban
The statistics of life insurance
people show that in the last twen
ity-five years the average of man’s
Jiife has increased five per ceut, or
itwo .whole years, from 41.9 to 43.9
ThifL Hidon Post Office requires
men to have every unbound tooth id
if, heir heads pulled out before they are
eligible for employment as postmen.
The ether day an unfortunate girl
dark was c ndemned to have four
teen teeth extracted before she was
■eligible for promotion. Her tongue
was tet ied also, but like any oth°r
womai?*tocgue was found to be very
•wsoubd .” It was not pulled,
Penelope—-‘ I suppose he brol e
> your heart eveuiualh?” Perdita
l '
rar woise • lou don t mean to
s'iy he broke the engagement? “No
, he played poker with papa and broke
him* —Truth.
A train which runs at the rate ,
of eighty-five miles requires a mile I
in which to stop, when going at]
i full speed. Jimmie Hines’ train —
but let that pass, it could be stop
ped within a rod and a half.
A bull charged upon an engine j
on the Colorado Midland. His
head was cut off neatly, and the
Pullman cars stayed on the track.
The apologue: Don’t Debsy with
the engine.—New York Sun.
The Pennsylvania Steel Com) a
ny will, it is said shortly engage
about 1,000 additional workmen
for its Steelton works. Orders are
in hand which will keep the plant
busy’ for the next six months.
Editor Ham, of the Georgia
Cracker, wants to know “what
1 will become of Judge Hines when
Watson has to go home to his can
vass in the Tenth district and no
longer has time to draw crowds
for him. ’’
If enterprise and energy will ac
complish it, The Herald will be
made the peer of any afternoon
paper in the South. Keep your eye
on The Herald. —Augusta Herald.
Huh—you’ve done done it, if we
are any judge of a sheet in the
“In a square inch of the human
scalp the hairs number about 1-
000, and the whole number on an
adult scalp is about 120,000.” The
above may be true but one would
have a hard time convincing Dr.
Curry or H. M. Tanner of its being
a fact.
The Augusta Chronicle rises io
remark, Judge Hines' unauthoriz
ed and unjust stareinwuts that the
advocates ot Geu. Evans, for the
gubernatorial nomination wornd
not support Mr.Atkinson.are draw
ing out the emphatic contradictions
they deserve
It is estimated that Florida’s cr< p
of pineapples this year will aggregate
50,000 crates, or fully 2,300,000 pine
apples. The growershave been doing !
so well financially that the acreage set
to pines is int r lasing very rapidly
and it is expected that the crop of
1895 Will amount to 100.000 crates.
For a man of his age, Dr. Fel
ton is wonderfully agile-just judg
ing by the number of his political
somersaults. If any political party,
in the Seventh has ever been hard
up for a candidate, Dr. Felton has
always been ready to say, “Barkis
is willin’’—Cedartown Standard!
Frosts and drought have cut short
the cranberry crop for this year, The
owners of the Massachusetts cran
berry bo„8 are bolding their cran
berries at $8 per barrel on board the
cars. In the meantime the wind is
wl istling through the whiskers of the
goblers on a thousand hills in Old
The Chattanooga Tradesman
says: “Merchantile business
throughout the Southern States is
very’ satisfactory. Sales are large
ly and steadily increasing, collec
tions are fair, and the condition of
the crops encourages the belief that |
fall and winter trade will be un-I
usually’ good.”
With Crisp, Bartlett, Lester,
Lawson, Maddox, Russell, Living
ston, Moses, Tate and Black in the
house of representatives, and Ba
con and Gordon in the senate,
Georgia's delegation in the Fifty
fourth congress will size up with
that of any’ state in the Union, —
Macon Telegraph.
The construction of the Henne
pin canal, a work that will connect
th<- waters of the lakes with those
of the Mississippi River, has al
ready been commenced. The num-!
borof men employed is small—
less than 125—but by the middle
of September over 2,000 men will
be a t work constructing the chan
nel and making ready for the locks
—Pittsburg Commercial Gazette.
The English Churchman express
es some alarm at Mr. Gladstone’s
recent article, and concludes with
the following words: “Space for
bids our dealing more particularly
with the clever but dangerous
, teaching of this article, which
leaves ns in doubt as to w hether
this marvelous man will die a Ro
man Catholic or a Baptist. Neith
er would much surprise us.”
. ;
The State Geologist of Alabama is
reported as saying that the Warior
coal fields of that State alone contain
108.394,000.000 tons of available coal
in semasof 18 inches or over in thick
ness. This is three times the amount
! of the available coal in the bituminous
fi Ids of Pennsylvania In the mines
at the present prices this Alabama
coal is worth $150.000 000 000. cr
1,000 times the value of the whole
property ot Alabama in 1800.
The price of corn in Russia has
shrunk so low, in consequence of
the splendid prospect of the har
vest, that many’ farmers are send
ing their cattle into the fields, as
the cost of harvesting would ex
ceed the price of the corn. In the
Caucasus barley and wheat arc cut
green and given to the cattle. For
ty-five pounds of corn are worth a
cent and a half.
Electric wedding has been used
to remedy blow holes in defective
castings by’ first drilling or chip
ping out the defects and then heat
ing the casting around the blow
hole in a gas or oil flame blast.
Scraps of steel are then introduced
. and the electric arc is applied to
melt them. The result is said to
be a perfect joint, without seam or
flaw of any kind.
When Phill Byrd succeeds in
hiving the Etow ah dammed he wil]
not only have done a grand work
for Rome but will supply the pow
er to run the cars on that Dummy’
Line the Herald has called for so
persistently.—Cave Spring Herald.
And we will see to it that the
said power is furnished the dummy
line afore mentioned. In the mean
time when ever we think of the no
ble Etowah we think dammit,
Tne smallest woman living to
day is said to be M’lle Pauline of
Holland, of a respectable family,
who is eighteen years old, weighs
ten pounds and is one foot nine
inches tall.
This is about the onliest woman
that we have heard of who would
prove eligible, from a physical
standpoint, of becoming the wife
of the honest element of the Third
Lawyer—Did he call you a liar
in so many words? Client —Well,
ihe called me a weather reporter.
Lawyer—That is sufficient ;vou are
sure to get damages . —Tid-Bits,
Lemuel —Here’s a piece in the
naper tolling how men get rich in
Wall street waterin’ stock. Mrs.
Lemuel—lts prob’ly them ’lambs
and bulls. —Truth.
Jimmy—What is this moral
courage .that the Sunday-school
teacher was tollin' us about? Tom
my —As near as I |kin guess it, it’s
the kind ot courage that, kids has
that’s afraid to fight.—ludisnapo
1 lie Journal.
St, Peter —You were a salesman
in a |dry goods store on earth>
weren’t you? Spirit(tinidly)—Yes
sir. St Peter—Then sit down "at
once. You needn’t be afraid. Your
employer won't disturb you here.
—New Y’ork Herald.
Sick or
None Genuine Without The Likeness . .no
Signature ofM A.Tneoford on FrontOf
Each Wrapper. M.A.Theoford Med.@*
—— Home.GAi
Furniture, Carpels, ifclliojj ft.
* • I
We carry the largest stock in the state. We buy
cheaper than any house in the state We sell
cheaper than any other house in the state.
We do business on business principles.
Our customers are always pleased i
with their purchases. We have
The Best Goods
■ *«*AND
We are always pickicking up big bargains for our
customers. Once a customer always a cus
tomer. Solid Oak Suits $15.00 to $25.00
Call and see our
We are just overflowing with bright new Furniture
• It is a pleasure to show you these goods. Call
and see us.
1.3& 5. Third. vetiue; >