The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, September 10, 1894, Image 1
w-ta News. FJURTH YEAR Have moved across the street to the Medical Building, next s P IP 0 Cfl door to C,ouch & Co’s, Drug store, near Douglas & Co’s, Stables - PCMTO Fl lOIMICUFIIIQ h’ 111 < -J HI 11 LU \X LU j Go there for Bargains in Dry-goods, Notionsand Shoes, Ties Etc, UL.ll I U I UlilllullLllu 2 Spools cotton for five cents, 5 Papers pins for five cents, THE HUSTLER OF ROME. i BARN BURNERS Twa Floyd County Lads Jailed This Morning. WITH CRIME. The Loss is a Total oneto?M r . Charley Crayton, who Own ed the Bam and its its Entire Con tents The large barn of Mr. John Cra ton, who lives near Brice, in this county, was totally destroyed by fire yesterday evening. Over 10,000 bundles of fodder, 150 hushed s of oats, a cart and a lot of farming implements were burned. This morning John and Will Welch, two young boys fourteen and fifteen years of age were brought to the city and placed in jail on suspicion of having been the guilty parties. The fire occurred in broad day light, and was clearly of incendia ry origin, as the barn is over a hundred yards from the home of Mr. Craton, and there was no earthly way for it to catch, with out the fire having been placed there purposely. The Welch boys are sons of a widow, who lives near Mr. Craton. For some reason they had a spite against him and have been heard to make similar threats in the past few days. The boy were seen near the barn a short while before the fire was discovered. The blaze had secured such good headway when seen that it was impossible to save anything. The matter will be thoroughly sifted, and the guilt fastened on the proper parties? JUST RECEIVED One of the most com plete assortments of toilet SOAPS • AND TOILET ARTICLES Ever brought to the city. See our line of fine IMPORTED TOOTH BRUSHES They have no superior on this or any other market SOLE AGENT FOR CANDIES J. T. CROUCH & CO Medical Building. ROME GEORGIA. MONDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER. 10 18P4. | INTHETOILS. [Oily About ten men did the Lynching. THE PLOT LAID BARE ! And the Gu’lty Being Arrested | and Jailed ThePeopleare Indignant and the Mur derers will get a Dose of Justice. Memphis, Sept. 9.—The grand jury, which had been in session all day yesterday, at 10:30 o’clock last night returned six true bills against M. Strick-faden, Jim Per ley and Ed. Smith for murder. They are charged with being parties to the shooting of the six negroes at Millington on August 31. These three men had already been arrested on bench warrants, but their indictment created con siderable excitement. Following the action of the grand jury, Judge Cooper issued a bench warrant for Will Wilcox, I assistant jailor, on a charge of per jury. Willcox, who was in the an te-room, waiting to appear before the grand,jury, was arrested and jailed. It is now reported that the mob that lynched the negroes did not consist of over ten persons, and this looks bad for Richardson, the detective, who stated that it con sisted of fifty persons. Ten men would not have made the stuck unless they had an un derstanding with Richardson. The whole plot will be laid bare in a day or so —at least, that is what the officers say. Later—The whole plot of the Kerrville lynching is now laid bare. Before many hours elapse it is thought every one who had any thing to do with the affair, or the majority of them, will be behind the bars. Boh McCarver, son of Sheriff McCarver, is the one whet gave the necessary information. He was in vited to participate in the killing of H, N. Smith, one of the men now in the county jail under in dictment for murder in ihe first degree. It was reported to McCarver that his father, the sheriff, knew all about it and that Judge Cooper of the criminal court was not out in the dark. These false represen tations were made by Smith for the purpose, of course, of mixing Sheriff McCarver up in the affair through this so his bauds would be tied if an investigation should be instituted by the authorities. The scheme failed. McCarver’s examination resmted in the arrest of Jailer Wilcox for pe.ijury and binding over of McCarver in SIO,OOO bond to issue his remaining in the city. MASS MKETIG OF NEGROES. Memphis, Sept. 9, —A call was is sued today by all the pastors of the colored churches in the city for a mass meeting of neoroes tomorrow night for the purpose of publicly thanking Governor Turney, Judge Cooper and the white citizens of Memphis for the determination they have shown to bring the Millington lyn. hers to justice. Funds will also be raised for the widows and orphans of the six n< - groes who were murdered by the mob. Aii Amiable Count. London, Sept. 10. —The Berlin correspondents say that the Ger man dailies speak of the Count of Paris as an amiable man, who never expected and probably nev er wished to become King of France. The Vienna press makes similar comments. The Spanish court has gone into mourning for ieghteen days. NOL I UP DATES. “Our John ’ and Representatives Wright, Reece and Fouche WILL SHELL THE WOODS For the Remainder of the Cam paign. The next Mass Meeting to be Held at Cave Soring and at Vans Valley. Chairman John J. Black and his committies have been very busy with campaign mutters for the past few days. A Hustler of Rome reporter called to see Mr. Black this morn ing and found him mailing cam paign literature to the various dis tricts in the county. Mr. Black says the out look for a Jemocratic Land Slide in Octo ber is of the rosiest tint,and all that is necessary is to rouse the populists and them to do like democrats, that is go and hear speakers on both sides and equip themselves so that they can vote intelligently. That they may do this and that the democrats of the various dis tricts may have an jopportunity of hearing democracy without having to come to Rome, the executive committee have ordered the nom inees of the pary, /or representa tive.into the field and have arrang ed the dates as printed below : Cave Spring. Sept, 14th Vans Valley, (at night) 14th Howe'ls, (at Seuy) 17th Texas Valley, (Court ground) 17 Chulio, (Bryants mill) 19th Barkers, (at John Porters store) 20 th Etowah, (at Court ground) 20th Watters, (at Pinsons store) 21st* North Carolina, 22ud, Floyd Springs, 22ud. Rome, (Barbecue slid Rally) 29 Other dates to he made later on. Judge Maddox will make as many of these appointments as possible, So enthused are the democrats who heard the matchless Bob Burner last Friday, that Chair man Black wrote him this morn ing that, com Q what might, he is expected to come to Rome and speak ag«iu on the 29th, along with Maddox, Bacou and Atkin son. Democracy is in the saddle and has the right of way. SHOT WHILE ASLEEP. A Man Addicted to Sleep Walking is Killed. Wilmington, Del., Sept. 10. — Samuel R. Barber, a cigarmaker, residing at No. 313 East Third street, was shot at his home this morning. He was found lying on the floor in his night clothes with the entire left side of his face and his left eye shot away. A breech loading gun lay at his feet. Bar ber insisted that he did not know how the shooting happened. He has been addicted to somnambu lism at times, and it is believed by his family that he arose from his bed while asleep and got posses sion of his gun, which was accident ally discharged. LOCKJAW FROM A PIG. He Was Doctor ine the Animal and Contracted the Disease. Lockjaw from a pig is the case that is puzzling local physicians. Fred Jacob is a young man who has been largely engaged in raising pigs on the Conard farm. He was doctoring a pig several days ago which had lockjaw and some of the saliva from its mouth got on Ja cob’s face. He grew ill soon after ward and is now in a critical state, suffering with lockjaw.—Philadel phia Record. BARELY SAVED. A Texas Brute Saved by a Texas Sheriff. JUSTICE IS BALKED. Butthe Diguity of the law is Preserved m the Lone Star State. The Fiend is safe y Lodged In Jail. Huntsville, Tex., September 10. A report was received Ly Sheriff Thurbur that a fifteen-year-old daughter of Turner Selett had been outraged by Jim Webb, five miles east of town. The sheriff found Webb locked by a chain to a tree iu the woods, He had been given a severe whip ping and it is believed that the in tention was to finish him up last night, as the girl’s father had the key. The girls claims Webb assaulted her Friday morning in a barn near the house.; Her tather came uj, when Webb kicked him down and ran. Later he was caught and the chastisement administered. War ranU have been issued for several of the parties. Webb is in jail and gives evidence of his seveie beating, Died of Laughine. St. Louis, Sept 10.—Eugene Dix on swallowed a green fly Tuesday afternoon and died yesterday. . He was playing gm the kitchen and laughing heartily at some incident which had happened whu he swal lowed the fly. About an hour afterward he be came so ill that it was necessary to call a physician. Notwithstand ing the efforts of the medical men the patient grew worse rapidly and died iu terrible agony. S. M. STARK.. I desire to call the attention of my patrons and the public general ly to the fact ffiat ON bEP’T 10th. My large and well assorted' new stock of FALL AND WINTER WOOLENS Will arrive, and further that I am now prepaired and will turn out 44 • FIRST CLASS WORK AM) FIRST CLASS GOODS, Cheaper than ev-rbefore Paste this in YOUR HAT J-ind remember your own S. M. STARK, MBCBAHT ma 16* armstrongihotei ; Eight Pages. IO CENTS A WEEK.. wining! Our enor.noi h stock ofseason able styles arc now cominzm. Such qualities and such piices we have never before been able to oiler our cu-tomcrs as we will place within your reach this fall. Fancy Goods, Notions nd novelties that are a revalatioo in beauty, merit and cheapness. The newest ideas, the bent goods made,the greatest vari ety and the finest figures. VV e will open this week the fi nest.and most complete assort ment of NEW AND POPULAR STYLES you ever laid your eyes upon, mark our words. We will give ni«rc honest <j lsal ity this season for a dollar than has ever before been offer ed you. The following is just an inti mation of what our stock em braces: Plain and Fancy Dress Goods BKACK GOODS, FINESILKS. CHINA SILKS. SATINES, VELVETS. PLUSHES, FINE FLANNELS NOTIONS. LACES, TRIMMINGS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, UNDERWARE, RIBBONS, HANDKERCHIEFS, CORSETS, CLOAKINGS, Print and Domestics, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, CLOAKS, JACKETS, WRAPS. FANS, TEA GOWNS, WRAPPERS, GOSSAMERS, JERSEYS, SHIRTS, SHAWLS, BLANKETS, BED SPREADS, COMFORS, QUILTS, CARPETS, RUGS, MATTS, MATTINGS. CURTAINS. SHADES, POLES, TRUNKS, and hundreds of other articles. Come and take your choice ofthegood things offered. WAT C S THIS COLUMN, Thus. Fahv.