Newspaper Page Text
the finest line.
Jest fcsoitels
Cant roll & Owens***
for young ladies
F A >
f A- ? ir. k ■ ■ ■■ '
j lie
- ItfraSSß» fflhwt ’
'•TjW- '
TMeil Session Opens September 19111,1894.
1 A lofty and healthful site, free from malaria.
2* Charming grounds and scenery —an ideal situation.
3. Magnificent brick buildings—“ The beauty of the colleges.”
very material comfort and convenience.
complete force of accomplished Teachers.
6. A splendid Conservatory of Music.
7, A renowned School of Art.
s An unsurpassed Department of Elocution and Physics
9. A strong and thorough curriculum.
10. A superior Finishing School.
11. A delightful h<»m° for the pupil away from parents.
12. Reasonable charges.
x 1 or catalogues and special information, apply to
Dr A. J. BATTLE, President,
Or Prof. Ivy W. Duggan, Business Manager.
A o. garrard.
Have moved to 304 Broad Street
Medical Building.
*mnrm«( j*.R Jßmwov ts<ntw^NTOaT• wfctww i"imm»www«ira 'l'.-'iMiuJ l -J hub.
t he little ruby
y°u want work In mv line call at my Shop.
Frank. Taylor, the old
-i .
M[ T. r rar V guaruuu- ~ . , et V .-nk Memory. Loss“ Ural.
W, >1 l’«>-.ver. Hr--; .I ~h . !■<-.•<!. NUlillv emissions. Nervoii-
L S >" ssul! ; t : Wai'S ot either sexcausei
b yoverex<T I .... , P)l e -slve ur.-ot tobacco.opium or sUm
■kW' 1 u ' a:: < f r I’ii I- i. Consumption or ionnliv. Can be carried li
.vc• ", v l‘ st •>. t>» i ... ... c lor «.», l y mail prepaid. With a•» order w.
*v* ve wri ft on jr n:in r «'•**■» t o cure or rcf'infl money, f “Id by a--
VKkaa «I rugi«t s .ui-f.,. .. »hvr Write ? re*-M-edtrat Book sent-«ea!eC
* bihu. in plain wrapper. Nddrct > EMC VE •££!> CO.tAlraonlcTexuple.vUiCAGO
' tor sale .n Kerne. Ga. by dhADEUKD Xi HUG CG.
Mors than 400 Divorced Couples
And are new Guilty of Biga
my. Decision Handed down
From the Oklahoma Su
preme Court Bristling
with Sensation,
Guthrie, Okla., Sept. 9. —A de
cision of the supreme court of the
territory, handed down at noon to
day, nullities all divorces granted
by probate judges in Oklahoma
since March, 1893. There have been
fully 400 divorces so granted, and
as a very large per centage of the
persons so divorced have married
again, they are guilty of bigamy.
The people affected are in every
state of the Union, having come
here to take advantage of the liber”
al divorce laws of the territory,
which allow divorces for any of
the thirteen causes after a resi
dence of ninety days. The decision
will cause a sensation all over the
The Star Gazer.
One night after a performance
of the “Star Gazer,” written for
Joe Ott, bv Franklyn Lee, a stran
ger bolted behind the scenes and
wank’d to see the man who had
P&UFC-hI the astronomer. He was re
ferred to Ott, who had removed
his makeup and was about to scrub
his face.
••You ain't the feller,” said the
■’What fellow?” asked Ott, jug
gling the soap.
“The feller that played the as
“Yes, I am.”
“Do you mean to tell me that
I you kin gityerself up so all fired
homely?” demanded the visitor.
“It’s all in the know how,” Ott.
“Well, I’ll be darned I My broth
er, the ugliest critter on earth,
skinned out nigh onto six years
ago, and when I seen the show I
thought you was him.”
Declined to Divide Time.
Flowery Branch, Ga., September
9.—The populists had one of their
big rallies here today. J. A. B.
Mahaffey, M. D. Ervin and Col
onel Fain spoke to about three
hundred and fifty people, compos
ed of democrats and populists.
The democrats asked for a joint,
discussion, and were positively re
fused. Hall is safe by 800 major
Was a sensible one, but the
place to l*uy your groceries the
cheapest will interest yob more.
We have moved into the Kincaid
building next dcor to M . A. Rhu
dy’s furniture store.
For the next sixty days we will
sell as cheap as the the cheapest.
Listen to this:
Flour -10 and 45 cents per £5
pound sack. Sugar, sc. Crackers,
5, 8 and 10c per pound.
We Keep the largest and fresh
est stock of country produce to
be found in Rome.
Call and get our prices.
Yours truly,
835 Broad street
While in Chicago, Mr.C. L. Kahler
a prominent shoe merchant, of Des
Moines, lowa, had Quite a serions
time of it He took such a severe
cold that he could hardly talk or nav
igate, hut the prompt use of Cham
berlain’s Cough Remedy cured him |
of his cold so quickly that others at
the hotel who bad colds foliowee his
example ami half a dozen persons or |
dered it from the nearest drug store J
They were profuse in their thanks to
Mr. Kahler for telling them how
cure a bad cold so quickly. For sale
by Lowry Bros Druggists.
• , I
Warter’s hand made
is the finest smoke on
tne market-—and then
it is Rome made;Fruits
of home Industry. Ask
your dealer for or e.
Sheriff’s Tax Sa r es For Octo-!
ber 1894.
Will be sold l.efore the Court house door in
the City of Koine, Floyd county Ga. between the
legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in Oc
tober, 1834, the following des<-ril»-d property, to
wit : by v.rtue of S an- and County tax H fa’s,
ii> favor of the Sta <■ of < leorgill and County of
Floyd, issued by John .1., I'.C. anil
against the following named defendants.
Also al itie sun > lime and place, lots of land
No's‘262 ami 203 in the 4th District and 4th Sec
tion of Floyd <’■ unity, Ga, centaltiing 227 acres,
more or less, As the property of Blake Jm-kson,
agt. the Xlelendaut.
Als »at the suue time and place, lot of land
No. 85 i . the 23rd District and 3rd Section of
Floyd county, Ga. As the property of Thomas K.
Boggs the Defeuda. t.
A Iso at the same time and place, lots of land
No’s. 10,11,30 and 31, in the 23rd. District and
3rd. Section of Floyd county, Ga. containing
400 acres, more or the property of .Mary
E. Pope, the Defendant.
Also at the same time and place, lots of land
So’s 0, 10 and 11 in the 22nd. District and 3rd.
Section of Floyd county, Ga. As the property
of Marv E. Epperson, the Defendant.
Also at the same time and place, lots of land
No’s 113 and 128 in the 23rd. District and 3rd
Section of Floyd county, Ga. as th > property of
John. C. C. Boggs, the Defendant.
Also at the same time and place, one vacant
ot in tlie Oostanaula Division of the City of
R< me Floyd County Georgia. Fronting 65 feet
on East Boundary Street and running back East
28t) feet more or less to an alley being part of
original 2 acres deeded by Wallace Warren
Adiur, to -J, D. Forsytn, tiustee for Mrs. Joseph
If.Lumpkin, as the property of Joseph!!. Lump
kin. trustee.
Also at the same lime and place, lots of land
No’s. 156,146 and 147 iu the 15th District and 4th
Section of Floyd county, Ga. As the property of
Henry W. Dea . agt., the Defendant.
Also at the same time and place, 70 acres off
of lot of laud no. 603 in the 23rd District ana 3r<l
Section of Floyd/Couuty, Ga. as the property ot
C. K. Johnson agt., the Defendant.
Also at tile same tune place, lots of land
No s. 84 ami 07 m 22nd District and 3rd Sec.ion
of t- loyd county Ga. as the property of Bei.j
F Biglow, the Defendant.
Also at the same time and place, lots of laud
No s 132,14a ami 150 in the 24th District and 3rd
Section of Floyd county, Ga. as the property of
Elijah B. Duncan, the Defendant.
Aisoat the same time and place, 56 acres off of
lots «f laud No’s, 405 and 406 in th* 3rd District
and 4 t h Section of Floyd coun y, Ga- as the prop
erty of James H. Do lar, the i.e e.udau ,
Also at the same time and lilac . west half of
lots of laud No’s,'Jl ami U 2 all in tne 4th Dis
tric. ami 4th Section of Floyd county, ».a, as
tlieproperc. of J B. and M. L.Bice, Ug De .ce
dant ,
Also at the same time ano place, lot of land
No- 220 in .he 22ml D.s.rict an t 3rd Sec.ionol
Floyd county, G . ing 160 acres, more or
les ,as toe property oi John W. Hoss, Uic De
ien- ant.
Also at the same time and place, lotsol land
No s. 14 i, 306, 27‘.»wnd 261 m -he 15th District
an,, 3rd S ct.oii of 1 loyd county, Ga. as the
property oi Hosea C. Rush, the De em.ant.
Als al the B‘aine time and piace, lo oi land
No. 216111 -he 24m Distiiec and 3r . Section of
Floyd county Ga. as the property of .lonnjalle
f rro, the Defendant.
Also at the same lime and place, lots of land
No. 81', 92 and 93 in the 4th District and 4th Sec
tion of Floyd county Ga. containing 340 acres
more or less* as the property of E. hl. Buice,
the Defendant
Also at the same nine and place, lots of land
No’-. 32,31,11 and 140 in the 23rd District and
3rd Section of Floyd county. Ga containing 43 >
acres more or less, as the property of the Delen-
I daut, C- K- Bilbro.
Also at the same time and place, lot ot land
No. 318 in the 4th District and 4th Section < f
I Floyd county, Ga, as the property of Elizabeth
Ware, the De'emlant.
Aso at the same time and place, lot of land
No. 229 in the 4th District and 4th Section of
Floyd county, Ga as the property of Thompson
F. Towns, the Defendant.
Also at thesa . e time and place, 4-ommencing
at the line of Eugene rdat-k on the West siue of
the Bluff road null running along sam road to
ward Rome 140 varus tuiuce West 140 yard-,
thence So .tn 140 yards, to line of Eugene lilacs,
j lienee along said line 140 yards, to beginning
! point, con-aining about 4 acres ■> ith all the im
pruveiu- nt» V ereon. As the property of J. S.
Hargrove. thefDeft.
Also at the same time and place, lots of land
I No’s 210 and 229 in the 24th District and 3th
Section of F loyd county Ga. containing 116 acres
more or ie-s, as the Property of Sarah K. Ford,
the Defendant.
Also at tin same time and place, lots of land
1 No’s 125,123,122 and 128, all in 22nd, District and
3rd Section of Floyd county Ga. containing 100
acres more or less, as the projierty of Mrs. Al. R.
Bellman,the Defendant.
Also at the same time and place, lot of land
No. 75 m the 24th District and 3rd. Section of
Floyd county, G a - containing 43 acres more or
; less, as the property of Mrs, Julia Battson the
, Defendant.
Also at the same time and place, lots ot laud
No s 285 and 275 in the 24111 District and 3rd Sec-
I tiou of Floyd county Ga. containing 135 acres
more or less, as the property ot Josephus -Mc-
Kenzie, the Defendant.
Also at th same time and place, lots of land
; No’s 273 and 274 in the 23rd District and 3rd Sec
! tion of Floyd county, Ga. containing 72 acres
’ more or less, as the property ot Mrs. G. W.
Holmes. Guardian, the Defendat.
Also at the same time and place, lots of an
No’s 32 and 40 in sth District and 4th Section of
s Floyd county, Ga. containing 300 acres, more
or less, as the property of Brown Johnson, the
Also at tlie same time and place, 22 acres more
or less in the 23rd Distrist. anil 3rd Section <-f
I Floyd county, Ga. being parts of lots No’s. 315
' and 326 beginning in the center of Dean street
at a point in the North-east co-ner of the Wolf
’ Ot. the same being immediately East of a large
' marked or chipped Post oak fence post, thence
I north with the center of Dean street 990 fea',
thenee west 1264 feet and 4 inches to the origi
nal west line of said lot No. 315; thence south
with said original line 1990 feet, to a stake in
north-west coiner of said Wolf Jot, thence
east 1264 feet and 4 inches to the beginning
point, as the pioparty of -Mrs S. C. Tanner, the
Also at the same time and place. One bouse
and lot in the city of nonie, Floyd Co, Ga., sit
uated on upper Broad St, the same being the
place where the Deft, now resides, as the prop
erty of the Deft. Thomas J. Helm Agi.
Also at the same time and place. The Arm
strong Hotel ano the land upon which the same
is located, on the corner of Secend Ave. and
East First -t in the city of Rome. Flovd Co, Ga.
As the property of the Rome Hotei Co.
Also at the same time amt place, lots of land
No. 75 i . the 15th ■ District ami 4th Sec
tion of Floyd county ca. each lot cont.inng
160 acres niore or less, as the property of the
Defendant, S. A. .McArthur.
Also at the same time and place, parts of lot
No, 47 in the 22nd District and 3rd Section of
Floyd county <ia-containing 115 acres, more or
less'as the property of John,a Marion, the
Also at the same time and place, parts of lot,
N'o, 250 in the 23rd District and 3rd Section of
Floyd county oa. containing 75 acres more or
less’, th.i property of Caleb E. Dowille, the
Defer lant.
Also at the same time ami place, Lots 124 and
135 in the 4th Dist. am!4 h Sect, of Floy<l Co.
i.a., as the property of .Marcellus D. McLendon
the Deft.
Also at the same time and place, Part of lots |
of land No’s 283 and 284 in the 23rd Dist and 1
3rd Section ,< Floyd County Ga,, containing 87
acres more or less, as the property of Jam. D 1
Thomas, Agent for Wife,
Also at the same time and place, an undivid
ed half interest in all that tract or par el ot
land situated, lying and being in the Fourth
W ard of the city of Rome Georgia, in Block
“B.” Mitchell's survey: the same being part
of lots Nos. 112 and 113 said lots in the plan of,
Mitchell survey fronting on < College street, nine
ty five ft. each more or less; and running back'
Two hundred and sixty (260) feet, more or less; '
to Chestnut street; being the North half of said 1
lots. As the property of Mrs. Jennie Howel). 1
Levy made by W. M. Byars L. C--
Jake Q. Moorb Sheriff.
Sheriff Sales For Octo I
ber 1894. I
GEOR»;iA, Floyd County :
Will be sold before the Court House door in
the City of Home, Floyd County Ga.. be ween
the legal bom - ofsaleon the first Tm-s.lsv >o '
October 18 4. the following de»cnbj<t prop- i
erty to wii :
The remainder intereG of Jos. J. Print ip in !
city lots Nos. 35, 36, s 4 iml 42, with the improve- ,
ments there >n. Also known as the residence of
.Mrs . Ava C. I’rlntup. Levied on by virtue of a
Justice Court fl-fa issued from the 919th Dist
G. M.,in favor of W. .M. Gammon & Co, vs
Jos. J. I’rintup, as the property of the Defilant
ant. Levy made by Henry Beard, L. C.
Aisoat the same time and place, all that tra c
or parcel of land lying and being in the city of
Rome Georgia, fronting on Broad Street, 43Jeet
and running back Westerly, 145 feet on North;
side and on South side 127 teet, and on the West
43 feet wide. And knowh as No. 108 in Kings
Snlidivision of ihe City of Rome and mar the
Northeast corner of original land lot No. 245 in
the23rd Diltrict and 3rs Section otFloyd Coun
ty Ga. Levied on bv virtue of two tl-fas, one is
sued from the 919th D strict G. M., Justice
Court in favor of Anderson Miller, and the
other issued Ly John J. Black, T. C. in favor of
State and County, vs Owen Goodlot, as the
property of the Defendan . Levy made by-
Henry Beard, L, C.
Also at the same time ami place, a certain lot
of land in the 22nd District and 3rd Section oi
Floyd county, Ga, commencing at Silver Creek
and running north 230 feet, thence west 120 fee
thence south 112 feet, thence west 32 ieet, thence
smith 150 feet thenee east witli creek 176 feet to
starting point, containing one acre more or less
and being part of land lot No. 67, situated at
Lindale on the E. T. V. & G. and C. R. <St Tl.
Railroads, known as the Abrams house and lot.
Leviedon by virtue of a ti fa issued from the i-loyd
city court in favor of R. D. Van Dyke surviving
partner vs J. 8. Howe l, as the property of the
Deft.J property pointed out by ’he Kiff’s. Atty’s
Also at the same time and place, all that tract I
or parcel of lanu, situa'ed lying aud being in
the city of Rome, Floyd county, Ga. being part
of lot No. 50 in th- Etowah Division of said
city of Rome;, fronting on Fifth Avenue sixty
(60) leeti bounded on the North-west; by the
property of Luke Mi-Doaaid andon the South-I
east by the property of F. .V . Hoytand extending
back in the rear one hundred and ten feet, more
or less. Tlie same being the property whereon W..
F. Comer now resides. Levied on by virtue of
Justice Court ti fa issued fio.n lhe 919th District
1 .M in favor ot King & Bro, vs, W. F. Comer
. as the property of Hie Defendant. Levy made
by W. M, Byars L-
Also at the same time a d place that part of
1 lot of land No. (117) in :3rd. District and 3rd.
'. section ot Floyd county Georgia that lies on
East side of the Dalton road and being three
‘ acres more or less of land in Southeast corner
of said lot on said east side of said Dalton road
Levied on by virtue of a justice court ti fa issued
1 from the 919t1i. District o. M. in favor of W. H.
Wardlaw vs. Frank Murphy as tile property of
the defendant. Levy made by W. M.Byars L. C.
I Also at the same time and place that parcel of
; land in town of Forestville Floyd county Ga.
1 known and distinguished as lot No. one hundred
' | and twenty (1.0) in said Town fronting on Wails"
I I worth street fifty feet running back one Hun
s I dred and nfty (150, feet to Chesser property, Lot
‘ Levied on known as Settles place and Levieil on
1 by virtue of a Justice court ti fa issued from
f the 919th. Dist. G, M. in favor of Ben I’enson
1 vs. Columbus Johnson, as the pro erty of the
. Deft: Lovy made by W . M. Byars, L, c.
f Alt oat the -ante time and place,south half of city
lot of land N 0.45 in Etowah divisioncity of Rome,
iloyd county, <ia. fronting on fifth Avenue f 6
i feet and running back 132 feet to the North
west where 1.. J. Wagner now resides,known as
the Armstrong property, bought by him from
Mary H. Armstrong. Levied on by virtue of a
1 Justice Count! fa issued from then 9th District
1 a. m, in favor of Reese & whitehead for use of
T. J. Reese vs J. vv a K ner > as the property of
the Deft. Levy made by vv- E. McLeod. L. C-
Also a the same tim-and place, South half
of lot of land No. 11 in the 22ml District ami
j 3rd Section of F oyd county Ga. and said half of
. lot containing 80 acres and being land bought
of Malinda Roper, by J. M. Henderson. Levied
J. on by virtue of a justice court Ufa issued from
r the 962nd District g. m. in favor ot Rounsaville
B & Bro. vs. J. M.Henderson, as the property of
j lhe Deft.
Jake C. Moore,
s ■ ——.
, Notice Guardians Sale
Georgia, | Agreeable to an order from
s Floyd <■ unity, J the Court of Ordinary in and
’ for said countv wi'l be soul b-fore the court
house door, between the legal hours of sale on
f the Ist Tuesday in Oetobar next, the follow-
B ing Real Estate to wit; Tne Soujh west quar
> ter of lot <>t land known as.lot No, two hnnd ed
and twenty-eight (2.8) in the 23rd District and
3rd Section ot Floyd county, G>orgia, contain
e ing forty-four ( 4)acres more or less. Terms cash,
f his
5 Anderson x Thompson,
f Guardian of the Estate of
s Samuel and Lite etia Thompson
) “minors,”
i Election Notice ‘‘For Fence
or“ Stock Law,’'
» (reorgia, Floyd county Notice is hereby given
. that an Election will be held at the Court house
. grounds in the 1516th District (Ridge Valiey)G,
? st. in said county on 13th day of September
[1894) in which ths question will be submitted
. to the voters ol said District “For Fence” or
i ,‘Stoc < Law”
1 Given under my hand and Official Signature
> this 29th day of August 1884,
1 j l-5d John I’, Davis, Ordinary.
. | .. .. ..
Wild Land Sale.
will be sold before the Courthouse door in
. the citv of Rome, Floyd county, Ga. between
the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in
t December, 1894, the following <l. scribed prr.p-
I erty to wit,: *
M ild land lot N'o. 54 containing one hundred
' and sixty acres, and Emt half of lot No. 55: con
taining eighty acres, all in the 4th. District and
4th Section- f Floyd county, Ga. Leviedon by
virtue of 10 ti fa’s for the years 1884 to 1893 iii
elusive, issued by John J Black, T. C. in favor
I ot State and County vs. Jno. W. Jones as the
J property of the defendant.
1 1-w to d-s-d. Jake 0. Moore, Sheriff.
Year’s Support.
GEORGIA, Floyd County:
To all whom itimy concern: Notice is hereby
given that the appraisers appointed to set apart
and assign a.year’s support to Mrs. Susan Mor
, ris,(formerly Susan Allee,) the widow of A. J
■ Allee, deceased, have filed their award, and un
less good and sufficient cause is shown, the
same will be made the judgement ot the Court
1 at the October term, 1894, of the Court of Ordi
' nary. This Sept, 3rd, 1894.
I John I’. Davis,
Ordinary Floyd County Georgia.
Road Citation,
GEORGIA, Ftovn Cot• ntv :
Whereas WE. Smith, etaL, have pet-t onm
the Board of Coun ilssioners of a:: 1 Bit
eime <>t said County, asking that these-t le.nsnt
road now leading and runnirg direct from Se~
ney, Georgia, and running directly by What is
I. m-'.vn as R'-dgei s old Barn Place and Henry
Druu ui'tmd’s dwelling house and int’’r"ecthig
with the public road known as the Pleasant
Hope church road, at or near Drun numds
school house, be made a second cla: ■* public
re I, and tie lon inissioiieraoflMFDis
tri-r g.m •of said Count’ having repoytedtbf
proposed road to lie of public utility. Now.thip
is to eiie all persons baa ing obje - lions thereto
or claims for damages ar.sing therefrmn, to
make the same known to the Board of Coron is
s-oners at the next meeting to be held on tho
first Monday in August 1894.
Witness the Hoi: John C. Foster Chairmanol!
the Board, This July sth. 1894,
d-36-d. Max Meyerhardt,Clerk.
Letters of Administration-
gEORgIA, Floyd County:
To all whom it may concern : E. H celelou gl.i
having in - roper form applied to me f-> r per
manent letters ot administration on tlw estate
of W. H. Perry io be and appear at my lattice
within the time allowed by the law and show
cause if any they can, why permanent admin
istration should not lie granted to W, H. Ennis-
Ccunty Administrator on W. N, Perry’s estate.
Witness my hand audofllcial signature this 3rtl
day of Sept, 1894.
John I’. Davis,
Ordinary Floyil.County Georgia.
Letters of Administration,-
GEORGIA, Floyd county:
To ail whom it may concern ; Rachael Carrell
having in pioper form applied t-i me for perma
nent letters of administration on the estate of
Steve Carroll, late of said county. This is to
cite all and singular th) creditors and next. Os
kin of Steve Carroll to be amt appear at iny of
fice within the time allowed by law and show
cause, if any they can, why permanent adminis
tration should not be granted to W. H. Ennis,
County Administrator on Steve Carroll’s estate.
Witness my hand and oilicial signature th.s 3rd
-lay of Sept, 1894.
John P. Davis,
KMM Ordinary Floyd County Georg a
Application for Letters of
GEORGIA, Floyd County:—
Whereas A.j. Watters Administrator De
Bonis Non, of Joseph Watters, represents to the
court in his lie ition duly tiled, that he has ltd
ministered Joseph Warters estate. This is to
cite xl! persons concerned, kindred»andcreditors
to show cause, if any they ran, why said a-i
--inii-iistrator should not be discharged fioin hrs
adniinistration ami receive letters of dismission
on the first Monday in November 1894. This
August 7th. 1894.
John P. Davis.
Aug. 7.t0 Nov 9. Ordinary Floy I County, Ga
.Application for Letters of
GEORGIA, Ft.ovn Coitntv:
Whereas W. R. Reese, Administrator of ReeSa
J M. Braden, represents to the court in ins petii
I tion duly tiled, that he has administered Reese
M. Braden s estate. This is to cite all persons
concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause,
if any they can, why saitl administrator should
not lie discharged from his administration and
receive letters of dismission on the first Monday
in October 1894. This July 4th. 1894. 7-+3ino.
Ordinary Floyd County Georgia
GEORGIA, Floyd O unty:—
Notice is hereby given that a petition signeo’
by fifteen or more Freeholders of the 1516th
District G. M. of said County has been filed fn
my office asking that the benefi a for the provi
sions of Sections 1249,14*0. 1451,1452, 1453,
and 1454, of the Code of Georgia of 1882 and
the niendments tlieretoshall apply to said Dis
trict. r further give no;ice that said matter will- 1
be heard on the 2 of A ngust inst.and if tn -
valid objection are shown an Election will be -
ordered to occur on the 13th. day of Septc:rre
next to decide the question of “Fence or. St?«
Law’according to the Statutes in such- sete-o
madeand provided.
Given under my hand and Official signature
this August9th. 1894. John P. Davis,
What Nerve Berries
have done for others
v » ( ‘ >r i“**-
vIcOR j
OF 15TH DAY /' Ay _
M E IV Easily, Quick!/ Ms M
and Permanently Restc. zd. both da*.
A positive cure for all Wcf NervoiiNiiesi-
UebilHy. Hn<i al! their train *v-i!s resulting
from early errors aim later excesses: the rpsuli
ul overwork, Nirk vorry.j.- Developfl
ami gives tone am! m(retailti to th? oe
iraiaa. K(o|»m iiichtls
raaaiMMiona caused by yo nt hi.a I ♦>rn>ra or ey
cessive use oi tobaeeaa. opium ami Uuuop.
which lead to rons>iaaaapth»n and ii>*anily_
f 1 te’r urc shows immediate improvement. Accept
n » r ritation Insist upon having the genuine*
JMorVP S orn®r. < en«
1 ’ V I lent to carry ip rest
pocket. 1 rice. «I.(M) per box. six boxes, on* fuF
treatment,ss.oo. <■ unrantee<l t 4» rureaay
f not kept by your druggist we will send them
r>> mail, upon receipt of price, in plain ■wrap*
ne* Pamphlet free. Address all mail order> V*
M£I>ICAX. CO.. Cincinnati. ••
For sale by Crouch &
W. L.
S MA T* '« TH E 8 EST.
W i i Warn f'O SUUEAMNCi.
*5. Cor?. DC VAN,
X s 4.^ 5 -0 FINE CAlf-3.
~ I
H $2. 5 - o>2 - WORKIfi
I p extka fine.
I 4 2JI. 7 5BoYSScjlOCLSHOES t .
“ J ’ BesTD oNGO M
I'ou enu snvc money by pur,-basing W. JL«.
Dougins Shoes.
Because, we are the largest manufacturers oC
advertised shoes in the world, and guarantee
the value by stamping the name a-:a price otx
the hottonL which protects you against kigb
p: ices and the middleman’s profits. Our siloes
■'pml custom wonc in style, easy fitting and
• ring qualities. We have them sold every.
. here at lower prices for the value given *.h»n
other maki " -.'.-.c no substitute. If vvust
... .er cannot supply you, we can. Sold by
Cantrell & Owens,
Best Yet retails at 60c
good as any 90c tobac
co. Ask your dealer,.
Sugar scts. at Morris”
Telephone 26.