Newspaper Page Text
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-*D jo eswo e[q«jn.>ui Xt:n joj pjn.uoj
jfoqq— Avs Aoqj jltqai uv.mii etnoipaui
srqi jo sjoqvtn oqy, •a.m.> .Cpnapiuioo rim
4p9UM>j qj.ivqvD s o3b£j ’jq ‘otuij v jgj qaJW|
-K) jnoA lipy A[UO uvo *3U|qj Joqjo
•Xpnw u p.M/vrumif; ptre “invj
-jno ‘oyns w st it ‘ptn.q ajbao jo u tqutwfdtnoo
•TBUlaj „ pint ‘tf.tnq JfVOM ‘SUOpt.'SUO., ItMOp
-Satjuoq Squaiti,>ov[dsip joqqo pun
‘suivd [Botpoi.tad uo,q] .ui stqq qp«
•Jvdiuou übo lltnqjou ‘pooqiiaiuoM jo sjopjc
-sip pnv Bass.wqth M eqi [jtt ut pun ‘aouioM
pejtJUMj.iAO jo poqsnvqxo c'n Sutppnq uj
•jpeq Xouotu aoq «Avq n.oqw ‘trtntioM
Surpm jo pojij A'joab jo osvo eqj tit ‘ojtio jo
Itjatioq qtiqq jj inq joq;o oil s.ajaqj,
■uorqdij.iso.rj (/tijoabj s.ojjatj j(q m ivqj.
i dreq sjop ir ssrqttn mqq’ou r.oX s<:oo qoiq.w
eno ot;q aq oq ureas it
djaq -_q tuttip ivq; Rouptpetu aqq qu jo quo
v?fcu mK'w—lauanM
The Burney
Tailoring Co
220 Broadway.
What about a
a very fine pair
of pants, do you
need a pair?
Burney Tailor
ing Co., has just
received the
largest and best
selected stock
of pant goo d s
ever shown in
Rome. We have
bought heavily
of f i n e pant
goods and will
make you a pair
of dants for $ 1 O
that will cost
you 12. to $1 4.
We have a MAN
pants maker who learn
ed his trade in New
York and is as fine a
pants maker as ever
came South, so if you
want a fine pair of
pants, made right, call
on us and we furnish
them on short notice.
The Burney
Tailoring Co.
220 Broadway
You have been thinking 0
buying a Piano for a long
If you keep putting it off
you will never get it. Now is
the time to buy, a« 'all is near
at hand, crops were never
better. Nights are getting
longer, ai d you have more
time to enjoy music. Call at
store 227, Broad street and let
me show you some fine in
I can sell you a new Piano
for $200,00. A good one like.
the Kingsbury Piano fjr
$300,00,0r a lirstclass onewill
cost a little more. Terms easy.
If you can't call at the store
write for catologue and price |
All 1 want is a chance to prove
my claims. I s» 11 some of the
best make ot Pianos and Or
gans. and wiil save you mon
ey on anything in the music
. 227. Broad St. Rome Ga.
and Anniston A'a.
But they were Uttered by a Brave
More was done by the last Con
gressfor the People's Re
lief than was ever done
by Any Party Un
der the Sun.
Speaker Crisp spoke to a gre. t
a idience in DeGive’s opera house,
Atlanta, tn Friday night, while
almost an equally large number
whs turned away. His address was
iike the man. w-'l considered and
conservative, but forceful and ag
gressive, and was a masteily de
.ense of the attacks made upon the
Democratic party, It is well epit
omized in his cone usiou, which
was as follows:
The Democratic party enters up
ou its contest with Republicanism
hnd other temporary issue
| which may present itse l f, with
| courage and {confidence. While we
have not done all we hoped to do
we have done more m the past
(year to redress the ( wrougs jot the
I people,we have doue more forth ir
relief than was ever done by any
party in the same length of time
in any coujtry under the sun.
These are bold words, and yet 1
hold tnvself at all times ready to
defend thmi. Coming into powe»,
iat a time of panic, when business
I was at a standstill, when labor was
; unemployed, when our treasury
I was empty, with courage and fidel
| ity ve entered upon a struggle
j with the enemies of the people. We
emerged from that struggle victo
rious in this:
We have repealed the McKinley
We have greatly reduced taxa
tion .
We have made living cheaper.
We have made all money taxa
We have taxed surplus incomes
We have fiit jre4 fried nq of ejg •
We hftve r u duced public expen
ditures aud we have declared undy
mg hostilty to all trusts and mon
opolies organized for the oppres.
sion of the people.
On these foundations we build
our house ;on|those issues go we be
tore the public. For them we have
‘‘fought the good fight ;” to them
we have kept the faith and o f
| them we have no fears.
i Rich Find of a Cincinnati Man in
the Miami River.
Stephen B. Bangs, of Mount
Lookout, Cincinnati has recently
taken from the Little Miami River
near Morrow, 0., the largest pearl
ever found in any part of the
It weighs 300 grains and excels
any pearls yet found in luster as
well as size. The find is valued by
Mr. Bangs at SIO,OCX).
A remarkable thing about the
finding of this pearl is the fact
that in the same niussell from
which it was taken was another
pearl weighing over 100 grains.
The finding of two pearls of any
considerable size in a single shell
is very rare, and all the more re
markable is the fact that they were
taken from a sand niussell, in
which pearls of any value are rare
ly found.
These pearls were found about a
mile above Morrow, August, 7th.
The smaller of the two is valued
at $7 a grain, or over S7OO. Th a
color of the larger pearl is a sky
blue or rainbow.
Mr. Bangs also made another
rare find on the same trip. It was
an eagle-eye, or ring pearl, of which
only three were ever found.
Mr. Bangs has spent twenty-eight
years hunting pearls and says the
Little Miami River gives up the
finest articles in the world.—Cin
cinnati Post.
Best flour at Morris’
45cts. Telephone 26.
Highwaymen Rob an Editor.
Ruthford, N. J.. Sept. 1U —('. L.
Parker, editor of the Bergen Coun
ty Herald, while going home at an
early hour this morning was in
saulted and robbed of a consider
able sum of money and cheeks by
a gang of five men, who were urn - I
ed with pistols. The robbers is
eaped. Mr. Parker is not serous y
Jel y scis. at Morris’
Telephone 26
Valuable Farms forßsnt or
We have On hand a
number o‘ good farms
for rent or sale. These
farms have come into
our hands at very rea
sonable figures, and
we are in position to
offer them at low
prices and on most
favorable terms. Ten
antsanc! buyeiswould
do well to consult us
before trading. We can
rent or sell. To good
parties, wishing time
on Farms we are pan
pared to offer bargains
Come and see us
Hoskinson & Harris.
The Cundell Lumber
Co., sells
Cheap shingles a I 1
Cheap lumber all
Cheap ceiling and
flooring, sash, doors,
and blinds. 9-7-lmOg
V \ /
\ \* /
\ / •
Th* comparative value of these twocarda
le known to most persons.
They illustrate that greater quantity is
Not always most to be desired.
• •
These cards express the beneficial qual
ity of
Ripans • Tabules
As compared with any previously known
Ripans Tabules : Prict, 50 cents a box,
Os druggists, or by mail.
J A. WlLLS—Dentist—2o» 1-2 Broad street
over Cantrell and OwenA store.
J. H. Spu lock, Attorney at Law, Masonic
Temple Buildidg
Temple Building Rome Georgia.
JAMES B NEVlN—Attorney at Law Offlc
I'overtjr Hail postotiici cor-ior 3rd Avenue
C>HAS. W. UNDERWOOD- Attorney at
Masonic Temple.
~ Rome, Ga.
R*r«ECE <& DENNY—Attorneys at law. OtiiCf
in Masonic Teixivie. Rome, Ga.
WW. VANDlVkß—Attorney and Conn
B sellor at Law—B<>>ne, i,a.
& Starling. Attorneys at Law, Masonic
Temple, Rome, Ga. feb23.
WH. SMITH, Attornoy-at-Law. Office n
Masonic Teiuure Rome Georgia.
B J. NEAL—M’Henry, Nunnally & tieal-
Attorueys-at-atLa w, office 01 er Halt
Davidson Hardware Co., Broad street, Rome, Ga
Dtl. RAMSUR—Physician and Burgeon
Office at residence 614 avenue A, Fuurtr
LP. HAMMOND—Physician and Snrgeon-
B Offers his professional services to tne peo
pie of Rome and surrounding country
Office at Cronch and Watson’s drug store, 26
Broad street.
DR. W. D. LOST-Office at C. A. Trevitt 1
drugstore. *-’O. 331 Broad street Telephou !
110. residence. N 0.21
—_ 1
DR. C. F. GIpFFIN- Physician and Snrgect '
—Office n<, » Masonic building. Residence
300 4th as oue.
Frank. A. Wynn, Physician and Surgon
office at Tre- itt & Johns >ll drug store 1
Telephone 13 Residence 406 Second Ave, |
Prompt attention given all professional call
11 i I ■ J
JTT GREAT many people are not aware of the fact that there is an establishment right he re •
Rome that is manufacturing all kinds of Blank Books, that would be creditable to anv ’’ook
< A manufactory in the larger cities. If you use a Ledger, Journal, Cash Book or other £i
Book requiring a special form of ruling or printing, you can have it done at home, and ha
advantage of seeing “proofs” as the work progresses. You can get almost any style of binding and
any quality or particular make of paper desired. Recently I have made Blank Books to order f the
City of Rome, Thomas Warters, R. T. Wilkerson, Rome Gas Light Company, Rome Cotton Factory tl/
Excelsior Nurseries of G. H. Miller & Son < biggest thing in the South), and you can see and exam’ 6
the work for yourself at any of these places. If you don’t like it. then don’t give me your order'
If you have a Bible or other volume that needs repairing, bring it to me and I’ll make it ()oi
like new, and as good as new, for a small sum. Have done work of this kind for Capt. C. Rowell Dr
Goetchius, Grandfather Norton and others, and have received repeated orders from them, which proves
that the work is satisfactory. lam now rebinding a full set of Commentaries for Dr. Goetchius The
cost is trifling, compared with the value of the work. IN GOLD done while you wait
H, A. Smith will sell
you school books
cheaper than the
c heapest,
Libel for Divorce.
James McCool)
„ vs - ! Wbel C invert
Mary Davis McCool) *
Floyd Superior Court, March Term, 1894
To the defendant, Mary Davis McCool, you are
hereby notified to be and appear at the next
Superior Caurtto be held in and for said Coun
anon the 4th Monday in next September then
had there to make your defense, if any you
have to i.lantiff’s libel for divorce. Witness the
hand of W. M. Henry, Judge of said Court, this
April 11th. 1894. ’
Wm, . Reyseigel, Clk.
Supr, Court
Shell Road tobacco
best 1 5c plug on ear*h.
New Jewelry,
Beautiful line of new
Silver Novelties, and
Silver Goods,
J. K. Williamson
Broad Street
Citation--Leave to Sell.
GLORoIA, Floyd County:
To all whom it may concern: w- H. Ennis,
Administrator of Jack Prior, deceased, has in
<lue form applied to the undersignedfor 1 eave t
sell the lands belonging to the estate of said de
ceased, and said application will be heard on
the first Monday in October next. This 3rd, day
of Sept, 1894.
John P. Davin,
Ordinary Floyd County Georgia
All kinds of school
text books at H. A.
Lucky Strike tobac
co Best natural leaf
Georgia, IFoyd )In the Superio
County, I Court of said eonn-
) ty
lhe petition of R, S. Draper show?
the following facts:—
Ist. that petitioner is l*boring
under disabilities impostd by the
granting of a divorce by the Supe
> rior Court of Floyd county to Nora-
I Draper.
2nd. That Nora Eraper ot said
’ county, on the 14th. dsy oi May 1892
j hied in the Clerk’s office of the Su
j perior court of Floyd county, her
. application for a divorce, setting
I north the following grounds to wit:
abusive and unkind to your petition
er, and his treatment recently be
came so unkind and cruel to your
petitioner, that it became unbearable
for her said husband was continually
abusing and ill treating your petition
er by cursing her. charging her with
unchastity and that in her presence
and in such and divers other ways
making the life of your petitioner
miserable, his general conduct to
wards her being of such cruel char
acter that no human heart of any
feeling could possibly bear and un
dergo by longer continuing in his
resence and living with him as his
wife, and they are now not living to
gether as husband and wife.’’
Upon the trial of said case at the
March term 1894 of Floyd Superior
Court the following verdict was ren
dered, it being the second and final
verdict: “We the Jury find sufficout
proof have beensubmitted to dir
consideration to anthor.ze a totalcul
vorce, and that a divorce, A A iienno
Matrimonii be granted Plantiff, her
maiden name, Nora Moore be restor
ed to her. and that the defendant.
Robert Draper be not allowed
marry again. March 31st. 1894
Wherefore petitioner prays the re
moval of Pis said disabilities at the
next September term of said Court
in compliance with the statues in
such cases made and provided. And
your, petitioner will ever pray etc.
J. B, F. Lumpkin.
Petitioners Attorney
Filed in office July 6th. 1894.
Wm. Beyeiegle,
Clerk Superior Court
Letters of Administration.
GEORGIA, Floyd County:
To all whom it may concern: Judith E. She* >•
ley having in proper form applied t° f "’
permanent letters of administration on the es
tate of Peter M. Sheibley, to be and appear at
my office w ithin the time allowed by law am
show cause, if any they can, why permanent a<
ministration should not be granted to Judit 1
Sheibley, on Peter M. Sbeibly’s estate. Witness
my hand and official signature this 3rd daj
September, 1894.
JohnP. Davis,
Ordinary, Floyd County Georgia-
Johnson’s Magnetic Oil cul *
cramps and colic and internal De
ralgia and headache and L
nstantly. 25 and 50 cts, For sale .
J T. Crouch & Co