Newspaper Page Text
Officers Makin? War Upon the
Sports in Chicago.
"Chicago. September 20. —The
'gamblers who have looked on with
~a smile nt the efforts of the civic
’fedefat.’on to close them up, are
“touight genuinely alarmed and not
*l. single gambling house is open.
Early in the day the mayor or
-dered the places closed and his or-
• dere were promptly obeyed. Not
•.witb standing this, the House of
David and the Newport Club were
raidto on the searcli warrants is
sued by Judge Brentano yesterday.
Th- sheriff took two very valua
ble layouts, and although he was
served with writs of replevin, he
refused!-- return the property un
til ordered so to do by Judge Bren
tano rhe matter was carried into
courtx.nd Judge Brentano, refusing
.to surrender the paraphernalia,
but -ordered it destroyed.
.It- was carried into the basement
.of Jtm county building where six
• deputv sheriffs smashed it into
Lkhidin g wood with axes. This new
.-tacJ< -m the part of the reformers
'.gives-ibe gamblers good cause for
alarm, as their ever-ready replevin
writs are likely to prove useless,
jind.they are left no grounds on
asrhrct to stand.
lhe Masons Celebrated their 25th
Last night Oostanauhi Lodge ol
w Maso»s cdehratel their ‘twenty
fifth auui’ersary i a their hall at the
corner-of Brood S’. aud Fourth Ave.
Masers present from th
-rurrovuding c Hen and the occasion
wai- one of special interest to all
jßjftEvbers of the order.
Many short and interesting speech
■ es were made, and at a late horn
great banquet was seved which was
enjoyed immensely by every one
All the "übstanti ds and delicacies of
sxacoon were on the long tables.
, Sue following out of town parties. |
■vr&re registered at the Central; Sum
i cnerville. W. B. Hollis, B L. Knox
Dr. R D Jones. E E Smith, B II
Edmonson and T P Taylor.
Trion.G L Meyors, D. K Willian s
.J. W. White and J H. Williams'
The masonic lodges are a pow
erful aud influential secrete order
tin Rime doing great good,
No Court :
I Os J ustice I
Brer questions the authority of the £
i i . I
\ lIVWvO 1
• c
L. E. Bleckley, •
< Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of
✓ Georgia, speaking 0/ the new edition of the
> Encyclopedia JBritannica, says :
■“ It is a vaat Fiore of information,
*• extendipj- tv- almost every subject of human
Intert a -h stands to knowledge in general
stnnev i.itis a complete dictionary does o a
language. The promise. * Seek and ye shall
> "Sri J will be recalled by all who consult its
vjiages. Having, myself, profited by frequent
and continual retefences to the work, I
commend it to others."
Colonel Joo. Milledge,
'Stare Librarian of Georgia, says :
" This Encyclopa-dia. as an accurate and
reliable source of information upon the vast
saumber of subjects with which it deals,
stands among the very first authorities of
' Which I have any knowledge. Os the
-selected to be placed in that part of the
library devoted to the use especially of th*
’Supreme Court of the State. I regard no
.'Library complete without this work.”
The Constitution,
Dissolution Notice
WLThe Partnership heretofore ex
isting between W. L. Collier and
'myse f. under the firm name of
Brow . & Collier has been this day”
■ dissolved by mutual consent, C.
LL . Brown having sold out all his inter-
• est in tlw business to W. L. Col-
Tier. Thi-. September 17th, 1894.
C. Brown,
W. L. Collier.
He had Abused the People and one
Resented it.
Waycross, Ga., September 21. —
S. L. Bishop, champion of the
populists, was given a series of
kickings today’ by Mr. Higgin
botham, a democrat. The affair
was witnessed by several persons.
It occurred in front of John Ma
lone’s store and lasted several
minutes. Bishop was in his buggy
abd stopped by Higginbotham.
Higginbotham asked Bishop whae
he meant by vilifying the peoplt
Bishop did not give a favorable
rep y and he received a heavy blow
on the ear. The twain tumbled out
of the buggy. Bishop started to
run and he received several kicks.
Bishop was kicked repeatedly
until he reached the chaingang,
when he begged Marion Young to
make Higginbotham stop.
He then started back to bis buggy
and was kicked several times en rout
He was kicked into the buggy
and sent on his way The affair re
sulted from a speech wade by Bish
i pat tie courthouse recently and
published in a populist paper in
which lie c.iiied the people here peo
pie dogs aud other hard names •
He also referied lo a prominent
democrat as being a liar Higgin
botham had read the speech and
heard the charges against his iriend
awl he resented them
New York Grabs one From Chicago
-Boston Looses.
at Pittsburg— R- H. E.
Pittsburg 1 3,0 01 1 2 2—lo 10 3
New York 0 oeolou2 o—3 10 7
At Louisville— R. H. E
Louisville 1 00 10 1 0 00—2 6 C
Boston 003 0 01 0 o—4 6 3
At Clevland— R. H E.
Cleveland 3 0 523 10—14 13 4
Washington 300 01 0 4—B 5 2
At Chicago— R. H.E
Chicago 10 04 1 0 l|o 3 I—2o 19 4
Philadelphia 10100 0200—4 8 8
clubs Played Woa. Lost P.Ct
Baltimore., •• “120 83 37 . 692
New York.. “ “125 82 43 .656
Boston.. “ “123 78 45 .634
Philadelphia “ “122 70 52 .574
Brooklyn.. «• • 122 66 56 •541
Cleveland. •’ “120 61 s'.* .509
Pittsbu’-g.. “ “122 60 62 .492
Chicago.. “ “126 54 72 .429
Cincinnati,, “ “123 52 71 .423
St. Louis.. “ “123 51 72 .415
Washington .. “12’4 43 81 .347
L uisville •• “122 34 88 .279
The Ping Yang Battle.
Washington Sept, 21.—The of
iciel despatch received at the Jap
tnoey legation today from the
Binistor ot foreign aHairs at Tokio
;ives the following account of the
’mg Yang batfr:
•‘General Nordeau, commander
u chie f , reports as follows: “In
he Ping Yang fight, so far as as
certained, our loss was eleven of
icers and 154 men killed, thirty
>fficers and 521 men wounded,
besides forty < lli iers whose fate is
unknown .
The Ch up's j loss i j over 2,000
killed and the number wouni.ed is
as yet unknown. It is estimated to
be very larg".
A number of wounded Chinese
are in our fi«'d h<>«mta| ”
You ran find any
thing needed in a
scfool room at Smiths.
Handsome Farris Nixon, of Pin
sons station, will spend the nignt
in the city.
\ *3 /
Theeomparativavalueoftheae twocarda
la known to most peraona.
They illustrate that greater quantity ia
Not alwaya moat to be deaired.
• •
Theae cards expresa the beneficial qual
ity of
Ripans • Tabu les
Aa compared with any previoualy known
• *«
Ripana Tabulea: Prict, 50 centa a boar,
Os drugglata, or by mail.
1 W ta ft; A d ’
ffiK it®
w telex’’’ ‘ T? 4 «' •‘■l" . ’ • <■
w KtSyp*;w "i >
raKwdWW' A Vl v ' •»., ■ :
w. ■■ j/ I. ’ ? ■’
; * I / ... v ;
l\ 'M < J
\\ \ ' -■ -4W ■ /J
We keeo a full line of these Stoves and Ranges on hand, and guaran
tee them to be the best and most perfect made in the world. They
will save more than there cost in fuel in one year, We also havaacom
ple_e stock of everything in the house-keeping line, and you will find
us lowerthan any firm in North Georgia, We arethe oldest and largest
Crockery house in North Georgia, Call and see us if you need any
thing in our line, Wholesale or Retail.
&> SOMS 3
VaMs Fa® MOi
We have On hand a
number or good farms
for renter 5 ale. These
farms have come into
our hands at very rea
sonable figures, and
we are in position to
offer them at low
prices and on most
favorable terms. Ten
ants and buyeis would
do weH to consult us
before trading. We can
rent or sell. To good
parties, wishing time
on Farms we are pae
pared to effer bargains
Come and see us
Hoskinson & Harris.
Including Hooks
Call nt office for partiepiars
The “Operator” at Nevin’s to
night has received very compli
mentary notices from the Atlanta
press, and should have a crowded
dyspepsia | ! I sick ok
SiSMACH Appetite
SUT MATURE Os M./V.7 H7.< "'n' 3N FsOMTOF
| Each V.'SApPi,!. M./'.'.'hsoforij M.-is.g-1
j ' ' KO.ME.GA. ,
Everybody who is
! somebody pre ac h e s
the doctrin: ‘‘Patronize
j home industry.” Lov
-1 ers of a good cigar can
' afford to cractice what
they preach for Wait
er’s Home macle cigars;
are the best on the mar-
, ket.
Irving W. Larimore, physical di
rector of Y. M. C A . Des Moines
lowa, sat she can conscientiouely
recommend Chaniberinui’s Pain Balm
to athletics gymnasts, bicyclists, foot
bull players and the profession in
general for bruises, sprains and dis
.ocaiions; also for s, a eness and stiff
ness of th- muscles, when applied
iiel’oie the pans become swollen it
will effect r. cure i > ortehalf the time
usually required. Fur sale by Lowrj
1 Bros Druggie is
f. rs. A. O. Garrard ai d Daugh
■er Mrs C. R. G rrard, have gone
North to attend the late FallM il
iiuery Openings: and 'Aill buy
a large and eelect stock of
newest Millinery Novelties.
1 A. 0. Garrard
We make them and sell
them at bottom prices,
-A., -w. HART,
Leather and Shoe Findings,
-. f c ■» ’ ' * '
Hand made Shoes built to order, Repairing
a speciality, at
Masonic Temple Store.
Wild Land Sale.
Will ba sold before the court ‘house door in
the city of Rome, Floyd county, (la. between the
egal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in De
cember 1894 the following described property to
Wild land lot No. 54. containing one hundred
and sixty acres, and East half of lot No. 55 con- I
raining eighty acres, all in the 4th. District and
4ih Section of Floyd Ga. Levied on by
virtue of 10 flfa’s for the years 18f4 to 1895 inclu
sive, isued by John J Black, T c. in Jfavor of
State and county vs. Jno, W. Jones, as the prop
; erty of the defanendauf
Wtods-d. Jake c.J M°'>re, Sheriff
Easily, Quickly, Permanent Usstorti.
cesses, the resultsiof ovei 7^ r Ji Te ]oßmsnt « ive ®
etc. tfoll strength, tone “ nd
to every organ or portion < of
ment immediately ron L^; n oU r effio* <
ands of letters of praise on filem mai l w
be carried in vest pocket. »trt*
address on receipt boxes.
ment in each box. I l ’iSll-00, jf not<’ ttr * 1
Written Guarantee to refund monsf» yreS .
Ihnd to ns forth* Genuine. Circulars