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secona-class Mail Hatter.
einLG.BYßD,; lc^x: i ud
10 cent <* week or $5.00 per annum
•'OFFICE: Corner Broad Street and
Fifth Avenue.
Os the city <>f Rome, and Floyd, the
“Banner couuty” of Georgia.
For Governor,
W. Y. ATKINSON, of Coweta,
For Secretary of State,
For Treasurer,
D. HARDEMAN, of Newton.
.For Comptroller General,
A. WRIGHT, of Richmond
For Attorney General,
Jj, .M. TERRELL, of Meriwether
-Commissioner of Agriculture
,®. T. NESBITT, of Cobb.
For Congress.
, X-ohnW. MADDOX, of Floyd.
For State Senator,
fiTor Representative, Fioyd Co,
Now for an early fall and plenty
• of good cotton weather.
“Our j >Ln” spoke to a large audi
ence of Catoosa Citizens at Ringold
Catoosa will give Gov. Atkinson a
big majority next mouth.—Ringgold
New South
They kill men for kissing girls in Tal
apoosa. Dmn such a town —Hal ’s
What is more ‘“generally speak
ing” than the earthly angel—wo
The Louisiana sugar planters
Seems to have been democrats for
revenue onlv.
There are 650 beasts, 1,391 birds
and 360 reptiles in the London
zooldgical gardens.
Speaker Crisp addressed a large
.Audience at Cedartown today.
Speaker Crisp always draws a big
The invalid husband when speak
ing of his healthy wife knows all
the meaning of the term: “my
Letter half.”
' The men who invented mules,
work and fishing, must have been
■related to the great ease-loving
family of Lnafer.
Lieutenant Peary is going to
spend the winter among the Icey
.mountains and snow clad Auroria
i-Borealues of Greenland
Georgia, Democracy has a full
supply of brooms and in a few
more days wi'l sweep the populist
political trash off the de?k.
Editor Hale says : “Watch this
prediction: Populists will put
more niggers in the chaingang than
they will in the jury.”
Bury Breckinridge! Do not pro
long the obsequies, but proceed at
once with him to the eloquent
sjourt of Silence—Boston Herald.
The complainer who has plenty
<to complain about, like the com
plainer who has nothing to com
plain about, keeps on complain
The Africans of the south are
are becoming civilized. Already
one Georgia negro farmer has
committed suicide because of the
Jew price of cotton.
Ab the pencil is mightier than
the pistol, so is the fountain pen
kalkulated to provoke a flow of
eloquence in three languages i. e
English, American and profane.
Com tar yields sixteen shades of
' blue, sam“ number of yellow tints
twelve of orange, nine of violet,
and numerous other colors and
Police interference prevents a
lynching in the heart of New York
City on Sunday.. Let the English
“‘investigating committee” hasten
Judge Hines made a square back
down,despite the editorials of Tom
Watson stating that he was itch
ing to meet Mr. Atkinson “in joint
No, Maud, dear, the teacher for
the female department of the
school for the deaf does not neces
sarily have to be an expert with
the dumb—bells.
Our devil says it’s his
that when the inillenium comes all
school teachers will have jobs as
stamp clerks—and “lickin,” like
Salvation, will be free.
When Ebenezer Smith married
Florence Brown the Possum Trott
Gazette man headed his v rit i up,
“the Ebb and Flo tied on the mat
rimonial sea.”
Chauncey’ M. Depew says that
“one can’t tell everything one sees
and hears abroad.” And New
Yorkers abroad aren’t inclined at
present to tell everything that ci n
be seen and heard in this city.
The Editor—“ Mr. Bard how do
you distsnguish between your verse
and your poetry?”
Mr. Bard—“l read it to r y
wife, sir. If she understands it, it’s
verse; if she doesn't, it's poetry.”
B. P Bishop, vho las been
nominated for Congress in the
Ninth Michigan district, was once
a policeman in Washington. Bi-h
--<>p knows that Washingo n police
never bother with a common
The New Orleans Picayune says
that no one in the State has any
fears as to the electorial vote of
Louisiana at the next PresidHal
election despite the sugar planters
who have gone over to Republican
The most singular ship in the
world is the Poylphemus, of the
British Navy. It is simply a long
steel tube, deeply buried m the
water, the deck .rising only 7 four
feet above the sea. It carries no
masts or sails and is used as a ram
and torpedo boat.
The Camden and Amboy divis
ion of the Pennsylvania railroad
has put its men on at full time.
For the past year they have been
working only five days a week in
the th >p», while the trainmen
were on half time. The evidences
of reviving prosperity continue.
O Cblonel Wright, of silvertongue,
We’ve watched you early, watched yon
And this brief song of you is sung:
Your name’s all Wright—but your’e all
—The Rustler in Cedartown Stand ird.
There are enough level hbaded
voters in Georgia to vote in the
amendment which will give the
Supreme court of the state two
additional Judges. As an econo
mic measure it reccommends its
self to the favorable consideration
of every thinking man.
You never heard a Democrat say
that he was as good third party
man as could be found; on the
other hand most third party men
claim to be good Democrats. If
they are, they will g-t back in the
old party where they all belong
before election day.—Senoia En
Br >. Byrd of the Hu tler keeps
improving his paper last Sun
day he issued a twel epige paper
and it is considerably in proved. He
must believe ihat the J towah will
eventualy be dammed —Cave Sprii g
Dammit! Why of course it is geing
to be di named—lu thanks fcr the
compliment paid,tl.e Hustler of
The Duke of Mar borough has di
parted from the eatubljrh*d cus
tom by choo-ing for his bride an
Australian i sfeao of an Ahieri
can heiress. She uMiss Morgai »
whose father . ight years ago
bought amine ter S7OOO wbi h is
now bringing him in $5,000,000
a year It is s»ni tl at from its
founder down the Duke's lamily
have always made the thriftestof
Governor Atkinson has challeng
ed Candidate Hines for a joint de
bate, and the aforesaid Candidate
Hines has discreetly declined-
Candidate Hines would make a
sorry figure in a joint debate with
Governor Atkinson, and has just
sense enough to know it. But what
a circus the people of Georgia
have missed through his coward
ice!—Cedartown Standard.
Two years ago when Seab Wright
was nominated for congress by the
People’s party at Cartersville,
Colonel Atkinson was speaking for
democracy in Calhoun. Atkinson
called attention to Seab’s shaky
political record, and Col. Wright
has never since relished that little
speech of Atkinson. The publil
understands why Seab abuses Bill
Atkinson, but Atkinson, is going
to be Georgia's next Governor,
just the same. —Cedartown Stand
The New York Press gives an
un qr.e instance of the law of he
heo <iity intbe irrepressible actions
of acning baby on an elivated
triuj recently. Every effort to
q 't the screaming youngster met
with faiiu.e, until his mother
lifted him up so that his chubby
fingers •o' Id grasp the oveihead
strap, bin i- Ihe P-* “Every les
son oi ter- < 1 ; that ihflt
boy’s taite r ■ , <>ng period be
fore his birth v di i Hi.r em, a: d
had ridden back a ,-i .orlh on the
elevated during work hours.” It
was an impressive demonstration.
There was a man in our town
A mere bant wonderous wise,
lie bought himself a stock of goods—
But failed to advertise.
And when he found that trade was dead,
He opened wide his eyes—
His ad went in The Hustler of Rome
And he sold his merchandise.
He says his goods are all for sale,
No matter what he buys,
Now day by day he’s growing rich
How? He thinks tojadvertise.
His neighbor views .the passing throng,
The windjthrough his whisker sighs.
He seems all-bent to keep bis goods
Or else he’d advertise.
But scon the sheriff comes along,
And levies on stock and home
But ere he sells he advertises all
In The Hustler of Rome.
Rev. Dr. Flopper Felton, M. D.,
is booked for a speech in this city
tomorrow. He will doubtless beg
pardon of the populists for having
on a former occasion called them
“Norway rats,’ “Dark lanternitet’
and “Connie Hannie ites.”
There are three new degrees for
the order of det< ctives—fence climb
ing, pole climbing and tree climbing
Two of these have be su successfully
conferred upon one oi Savannah s de
tectives. and there is no doubt he
will soon try the thiid. —Savannah
No, Maude dear, if a oerson sits in
the light of the cresent moon, it does
not follow that be will catch J“New
mconia. ’ lou’rea little off on your
spelling anyway - Augusta News.
\\ hen an heiress and mastiff
each tear into the poor devils suits
you find a compounded case of lac
erated aspiration.
Levi P. Alorton will never be
Governor of New York or Presi
dent of these United States’ “mark
that prediction.”
Let Ida M ells start a paper and
call it the Daily Lynching Bee She
should get many subsciibers—in
England. e
It is stated that a Chinese soldier
is paid only per month and finds
his own lations. Rats!—Augusta New
Lucky Strike tobac
co Best natural lea
-4»iMcDonald-Sparks-St e war t-C ompany. ** 4-
imilw, Carpels, Mailings ft,
We carry the largest stock in the state. We buy
cheaper than any house in the state We sell
cheaper than any other house in the state.
We do business on business principles.
Our customers are always pleased
with their purchases. We have
The Best Goods
We are always pickicking up big bargains for our
customers. Once a customer always a cus
tomer. Solid Oak Suits $15.00 to $25.00
, Gall and see our
We arejust overflowing with bright neurnFit ure
It is a pleasure to show you these goods. Call
and see us.
1.3 i& <5. Third Avenue; ;