Newspaper Page Text
1894 FALL SEASON 1894
Our stock of MILLINERY is unusually large this season, Dont buy until! you see our Styles
I •
We are also showing a magnificent line of Dress goods and Trimmings in all the popular weaves and
colorings, Every Department is brim full of the very latest Novelties of the season.
The tent meetings will begin
operations in East Rome tonight.
Tiie tent has been pitched on the
Church lot, and either Dr. Gibson
or Rev. M. L. Troutman will con
duct the first services. They re
quest me to invite all readers of
The Hustler of Rome to “come
over and help.'
Lumpkin 11>A JudgeHar•
ns te'l me <bat ti.ey will begin
Justice court tomo; r< w morning at
10 ockck. They will convene their
court in tbe.Ciiy Court room and
will show the (Superior Court just
Jhow indtpendent a .Justice Court
can l e jud.
* ♦
I w s over in the Fifth Ward
one afternoon of last week a d was
invited into his gard< i. by Judge
Lumpkin, to see a trio .’of gouru
Vines. Two of these vines are in
deed remarkable. One for its
leugrts end the other for its ;,eiz
and enormous yield.
The long vine, is a “volunteer
and has travehd lor 90 feet along
'the fence towards ti e Mam street
and for 48 feet towards the back ot
the lot. It has but few gourds.
This vine reminds me of some of
liceeeekers —everlastingly and cod
tiuually a “rucniu but never a do
-4u iMithin?”Bee? Biblically speak
ing its no prophit but just a good
* *
But then that other vine, the
CDe which yields, the .ptmi cratic
, vine if you please, 'lhat vine has
climbed au apple tree and almost
the top of a small orchard
and, from it,down among the apr
pie branches there Lungs by actu
al count 53 long haudh’d, sizeable
gourds. Has any one a pair of
; vines they will match with these?
t »
ft * *
LI stepped into Mrs. Wardlaw's
muliuery establishment this morn
ing to see the pretty hats display
ed at her “Fall Millinery Opening
I saw no hats—how could I when
there was such a throng of beauti
ful women and them all going into
eustacies. Gee—whiz, but I'm go
ing back there tomorrow.
0 0 0
Messrs Bass, Brothers & Cq. at
their Parks iStore are prepairing
for an immense Fall opening ot
millinery to occur on next Wedues
day—S?e their big display add in
another section of this paper. See
it. read it and profit by it.
o o o
Mr. A. O. Garrard, will soon be
ready for his regular Fall opening
Mrs Garratd and Mrs Charley
Garrard, have .just returned from
market and are confident that they
have secured ail of the very latest
novelties in their line of business,
and promise a beautiful display in
due time,
Three Gentlemen in the City Who
Will Compile One.
AM. Hineman,of Baltimore,
Dr Geo . H Candler and D.T.Veinan.
of Atlanta,are in the city for the pur
pose of m iking a map of Floyd coun
-\v and compiling a city directory, if
Scisfactory arrangements can be
Th s will be a commendable piece
of work, aid one that appeals to eve
ry citizen, as both the maps and di
rectory are needed,
Tbe directory would be a;conne of
special interest to Rome,as nothing
of tbe kind exists,
Tbe maps of Floyd new n tise are
all old,and a new and up to date o ie
would be of great value to th ‘ coun
ty • :
It is to be hoped that those get -
th men will meei with fl ittering suc
ces; in th ir interprise and that eve
ry one will lendjthem a helping han< .
Johnson’s Mignetic Oil cure
cramps and colic and internal neu
ralgia and headache and backache
□staidly. 25 and 50 cts, For sale by
•I T Cmuch & Co
Brother Grubbs Pronounces Broth
er Hildreth a Liar.
Decatur, Ala., September 30. 1
For some time there has been bud
blood between Editor C. J. Hil-I
dreth, of the New Decatur Adver
tiser, and Editor J. Hensley'
Grubbs, of the Decatur News, two |
of the most prominent and influ
ential editors in the state. It is
about to terminate now in some- i
thing more serious.
In the New Decatur Advertiser |
last week appeared the following '
paragraph, to which Editor Grubbs
has taken serious exceptions :
Editor Grubbs sends condolence
to Colonel Breckinridge, of Ken
tucky, and asks him “how he likes
it himself."
In the News this week editor
Grubbs comes back as follows.
“C, J. Hildreth is a iar—a cow- 1
ardly bar. a black hearted liar, a
malicious liar, and, until he veri
fies the many wanton, unprovoked
and mean lies he has told and
published on me or defends him
self against the repeated public de
nunciations that I have made
against him be taciictly admits
that be is a malicious liar arid un
worthy of further notice.
J. H»ns’ev Grubbs.”
Tin Plate in Bond.
Baltimore, October I.—There j
are over 8,000,000 pounds: of tin j
plate in bond at this port. The 1
importers have allowed the stock !
t<> accumulate and remain in bond]
until the new tariff law, which re-I
duces tlie duty 1 cent a pound, I
shoujd go into effect. |
I nd r Secretary Carlisle's nil-!
ingth< n< w tariff provision I
Comes elleetive today, and the 1
customs officials expect the great I
er part ot the 7,0<>0,000 pounds to'
be taken out of bond this week. i
The reduction amounts to a loss J
to the government of SBO,OOO. |
Mr. Earl Blaca returned to''
Washington yesterday. I‘
Hew “They” tne Lovesick Twain
Tawked Through it.
The Detroit Free Press says that
a business man of that city has a
very pretty daughter, with whom
one of his office staff is hopelessly
in love.
As the young man is not invited
Ito the paternal mansion, and the
young woman has been notified to
; keep away from the paternal office,
the course of their love does not
! flow very smoothly. They have hit
j upon the following expedient:
When papa enters the office in
the morning he hangs his hat on
a certain nail among the row of
other hats and proceeds to busi
Then the interested clerk, while
the head of the firm is reading his
morning mail, takes that hat from
the nail, looks inside, slips his
hand inside the lining and takes
out a tiny missive, which he at
once conveys to his own pocket,
and the contents of which delight
and amuse him all day.
At night, when papa returns
home, his pretty daughter slips in
to the hall and makes a raid on
hat hat, always finding there an
answer to her missive of the morn
■ Met Death Tin a Well.
| Warrensburg, Mo. Oct. 1. —In
1 Simpson township, eight wiles
! north of this city, Bob Martin and
' Ashley Potts,, two well diggers
; were killed yesterday by fire-damp
in a new well they had just about
One of the men went down,
and, not answering to the signal
f.< m above, his partner followed,
thinking possibly be was nun .Both
men were dead when brought out
of the well.
Don’t take internal remedies for
Female Diseases. Common sensei
requires a direct application like
“Orange Blossom.” Sold by D. W.
Fight ia Gilmer County In Which
Both men are Wounded.
Ellijay, Ga., October I.—News
has just been received here
that R. L. Peace and Ulysis
Aaron was fatally shot at Cherry
Log, nine miles above here, at
noon today.
Peace was shot three times. Aa
ron was shot twice. The row be
tween the men arose from soms
tales about a girl.
Keene as Hamlet.
Rome on October 4th will have
an opportunity of witnessing a
'great play—Hamlet, presented by
the "greatest legitimate company
on the road. Mr. Thomas Keene,
an old established favorite with
the Southern people will play
Hamlet, supported by Edwin Ar
den, Miss Lawrence and a really
1 good company of lesser lights—but
I all good and of known reputation
in Eastern cities. Hamlet is one of
I Shakespeare’s great plays if not
j the greatest, and the titular role,
' Mr. Keene perhaps has no living
equal.—Best seats going first. Call
at once at Yeisers. —Reserved $1.50
and $1.25.
' A little Girl Drops Deal
I Montgomery, Ala., Sept. 30.
A special from Center, Ala., says
that the ten-year-old daughter of
Mr. Alex Ford, of Musbat, Cqosa
county, dropped dead from heart
disease last Thursday. The child
was advancing toward the meal
table when she was stricken and
died tn an instant. There had
never been any intimation that
the child's heart was not normal,
and as she had taken no violent
exercise immediately preceding
her death, the physicians are at a
loss t > understand the cause of the
unfortunate and imperative sum
Starch 5 cents lb.
Neet in the Court House Today.
Morning and Evening Session,
The County Commissioners
met in the court house this morn
ing to attend to the regular husi-
I ness coming before them.
| The petition to change the line
| of Barker’s district, cutting it into
I Howell’s was granted.
I The clerk was instructed to ad
-1 vertise for bids for the court house
I fireman.
! B. F. Warren resigned as road
j commissioner in the 919th. dis
trict and Thos Tmadawav appoint
ed in his place.
Messrs. C. A. Todd and W. L-
Pyles were app* in ted read Com
missioner in Hie Flatwood’s dis
The clerk was authorized to ad
vertise for bids for flats at Veal *
and Pope’s Fij-rrys.
: The commissioners are in session
i this afternoon and are con.-idering
i the bond question. They wish to
return thanks to the party that
left a bouquet of beautiful flowei
on their table this morning.
Superior Court.
Henry McElroy, a Legro, was
•’l'oUnced to five years in th p l’ tU
itentiary this morning for st •abm
a dinner b .sket from a little school
girl. A pretty dear price tn pay lei
a bmch.
Richard Jones plead guil l ' 1(1
charge of robbery and was s''"t» ta’
ed to two years in the chsn'grng-
A County Treasurer Indicted.
Dallas, Tex., October 1.- 1 "
grand jury last evening ioum
dictments against Count}' 11
urer William Cole and (
Commissioners McAdams. ( iral
Fisher, charging them with ■ m
zlement of funds from tne '
treasury. The shortage '
definitely known, but it L san
be about $12,000. The parties vi
be arrested tomorrow.