Newspaper Page Text
1894 —■———- FALL SEASON i 894
Onr stock of MILLINERY is u nusually large this season, Dont buy until! you see our Styles
We are also showinga magnificent line of Dress goods and Trimmings in all the popular weaves and
colorings, Every Department is brim full of the very latest Novelties of the season
It is bad enough to have the fin
ger of scorn pointed at my whis
‘kers by the public in general and
r to receive anonymous’conpmunica-
CiciJß (brought the mails concern
ing the same, but I think the mat
ter has about reached a climax,
when a Judge stops court proceed
ings to examine my beard,Yester
day 1 went around to the court
Siauee, end- wa® • qin«Hy watching
the prooeedings, wbmi suddenly
Judge Henry walked to the front
of the standand called me.
Jerusalem 'But it did scare me,
all tire sins that were bad enough
to hang or put me in the penetenti
ary sksled across my mine in rap
id succession. I could no
offence that I had been
'“discovered in, but went forward
\w.ith ’.fear trembling to see
what was up.
As nearly as I can remember I
-''llilJi-'he following' ic about the
ccrnrersatiou that took place.
““Well 1 see you are,-eot going to
ahave. that Jbeard-off” the Judge
“ ' •?ir-lhat is f mean’No o-o- sir 1
■ Yon don’t spay any attention to
fhoYoti'inuuicilious you receive
about them ”'
“I-I-I- think not sir-’er that is
♦as I was going on to say-’er no
fjir *'
*rhey are quite becoming I
“What did you say sir-that is I
•guess so.’ And cold of per
spiration tt'Od<ut on my fore
head because I thought it would
xotily lead up to something else .
The Judge looked down on me
dtyingt’ 1 - and liseyes ; eeni* d t >
say that it wasn’t safe lor such
imbeciles to be running around
loose. He turned and walked back
Ao hi-> seat, and with a haste born
«of tear I skedadled back to the ol
t ice.and did not go outside again
laat day.
Air. Harry Rawlins gives an in-
< _ nil'llt -lli>\\ ing tile • '•-
centricities of Janie* Gordon Ben
nett, the owner of th* New York
Herald. Mr. Rawlins ws-s in Ven
ice with his party, and' one day
decided to get a gondola- and go
out on the canal and have' a pic
ture taken of the group. They row
ed out a steam yacht that wiw an
chored there, and going on board
found it to be the private boat of
Mr. Bennet. He engaged the Cap
tain in conversation, who - told
him that they had been there over
a year awaiting Mr, Bennett’s or
ders. He said that, any moment a
command to steam- up might coin**
but that they could never tell
twenty-four hours- before hand
what the owner of th** yacht would ,
Mr. Rawlins haul tJie ship car
penter io make hiani at stag staff,
and hoisting the Hug of the Halted
States to the breezes, the- group
were photographed. Whm he re
turned, and offered th# carp»*nter
pay for his trouble, he smiled and
shaking his head replied.: “I am
an American. ’’
If you intend to see Keene
r/ • !
as Hamlet tomorrow night, you |
had better secure your seats to-j
night or early in the mmrning, as-!
the best seats are going rapidly. A
large party of Cedartown society
people are expected to come, and.
altogether it will be a most cul
tured and fashionable audience
that will greet the distinguished I
From Tyhee to Dade the straight |
democratic tickets are I
populists so deep under today, that I
they will never be able to wiggle j
again. Reese, Fouche and Wright ’
are Floyd's next representatives.
\\ . G. Donehoo, one of the popu
list candidates will run away ahead
of his ticket, as he is very popular
over the county.
Os all the queer characters in
the world, the old negro popularly,
known in Rome as “Graveyard,’’
• | heads the list, in this part of th
i I woods. With his tali and exceed
ingly angular form, and an old and
tattered it of clot hes hanging in
> i picturesque- wretchedness to his
■ frame, he presents a picture that
is wonderful to behold. He usual
ly wears a pa.>r of tri,-users tibout
four inches too short t<>r him, and
his bare and skinny shanks can be
• seen abovethe coarse brogan shoes..
“(irav*yard srouches along tlje
streets, muttering idiotic nothings
to himself, hut t!'scares and pc*
plexities-of lite d< . not tomb him,
In Nowmber the people will
have the privilege of saying wheth
er Floyd will have $50,000 in bonds
■or not. The commissioners have
'concluded .o issue them, in dwiom
, iinntions of £5 to sso’.. and bear in
>rest at 5 j«r cent. $.5,000 vsill be
iuein ten y mrs, and $5,000 every
yn-'r thereafter, until? the $50,000
s paid. Kvm
diouid work and vote- for Irnids.
The most loyal «>nd '’yed-in-the- 1
wool J- Georgia to hv is
W. Dempspy Wooden, Mr Whole i
has >een in bad hsulth for so ae time
l.ondi* staying is the country to recu
pende.'Puis iwriiing h, drove thir
teen xaileo in order to to lio-ne
jto vote the sn-right <leu>x*r>tti<- ticket
' ami he. did thw agmusj me adv co of
I physicians. .If there is t ii;o re faith
ful or better democrat io be found
has got. to be heard n f , lu . All honor
to this aged and Christian genilbman
Boh Person Received Slight In-'
- juries While Boarding a Train. ■
This morning about two o’clock f
I 1 ob Person,a Ntgro braker-m.-m vsjj
I the Southern railroad received a
pretty severe shaking up.
Ine freight had side tracked at
’he Atlanta Junction to allow a.
I as-eng'-r train to pass, when they '
stamen out of the switch, Persons !
ru «» and caught holdot the caboose
iu order to swing aboard.
He stumbled over a pile of ore
‘n 1 fell. He was dragged for some
distance and received a slight in
ju’tes to. his back aud several
I brutees aud cute,
The Coat Beat the Bullets.
October 3. Capt. Manard, the ■
J British marksman, hist night gave :
a private exhibition here of his •
now bullet-proof coat. He used a
380 bore Martini-Henry rifle in his
experiments.. The first t®st was at
apiece of steel about ©ne-eighth
of an inch in thickness, which was
pierced by th*-bullet. Shorts were
then fired at tSse bullet-proof jack- j
et, which was worn by Mr. Ma
nur'd s sister. Afterward the regu
lation Springfi-dd rifle, in. use in
the American Army, w:u used.
The bullet failed to pierce the pro
This is Arotfier Lillian.
New Haven, Oct. 2.—Mr. and
Mrs. George Shapard of W est Ha
v*?n, have been arrested in that
place, charged with bigamy. Shep
ard is the son Dr. Shej-ard, a
well-known phpsician. j
1 he- pair eloped last \\ edimesday
ai d were married by a Portchester '
(N. \.) Justice- of the Peace. It
now turns out that the young w< - !
man, whose name is Lillian Rus. ‘
sell, has a husband living in this •
city, and it was at his. instance
that the pair were arrested. Both
ajrn in jail.
Produce :
I 1
A Specialty.:
Fresh Butter on hand
all the
New goods arriving
daily, We Keep the best 1
the market affords.
L. A. Dempsey,
409 Broad Street, <
Bond Bled ion.
! eeorsria, Floyd County.
j By lliresetion of Board, of Commissioners *of
- RoruLsami Uevenue, in aud for the county of
, Floyd, mxlceis hereby given, tliat 01 the nth.
vhy of Novetubei, an-election will be held
at all voting precincts within the limits of said
County, to determine the question whether cou
pen bonds to the amount of Forty Thousand
I (T-hi,OOO.CO) Dollars shall be issued by Floyd
County for the purpose of'paying the floating
indebtedness, of said Count,-■ . Said bonds shall
bear interest at the rate of Five percent per
annum, said* interest payable on the first; day of
i January of each year after tha date of the issue
I of said bonds. Said bonds shall bear date Jan
uary Ist. l>os.,and . .all be of the following de.
noudnatio is:
Ten Thousand* Dollars to be of the
denomination of Five (85.00) Dollars leach.
• Ten Thousand (810,000.00) Dollars tobeofthe
detmininatkrn of Ten (810.00) Dollars each,
Ten I hounrjMl >IO,OO ntO) D »Vlars to lie of the
denomination of Twentv ($20.(») Dollars ;eaeh.
Ten Thousand (*10,000.00) Dollars to l»e" of the
dewominat on. of Fifty (850.00) Dollars each.
For the first twelve years, only the interest of
said bonds shall be paid, 'thereafter there shall
be paj<l.
The Thirteen! h year Five (*5000.00) !
Dollars of prineipal ,(Five|Dollar bonds) aud tw J
Thousand (‘2CoO.(rt ? Dollars of interest;
The Fourteenth year Five Thousand (85000.00)
Dollars of principal (Five Dollar Bonds) ami
Seventeen Hundred and Fifty (81750) Dollars of
i Die Fifte*< th year Five Thousand ($5000.00
Dollars of jwtaeipal, (Te . Dollar Bonds) aid
Fifteen Hundred (1500.0e) D Ila □ of interest.
Die sixteenth ye». Fie.*'jTt.i»ia i.l (SSOOO 01)
Dollar.-. principal, ('icu Dollar Bonds) anu 1
Twelve Hundred a . Fifty (1250) Dollars ol in
terest ;
Die Seventeenth year Five Tuou and (5000.00)
Dollars principal 'T .eaty Dollar Bonds) and
One Thousand ($1000.00) Dollars of interest;
Ine Eighteenth ye..r, Five, thousand ($5000.00)
Dollars of principal t wenty Dollar Bonds) aud
Seven ri-ndred and Fifty (.50.00) Dollars of
The Nineteenth -r Five Thousand ($5000.00
Dollars ot principal [Fifty Dollar Bonus] and
Fi ie Hundreu [5500,(.01 Dollars of interest;
Hi! I vvnuietn ye. . Five Thousand [$ .000.00-
Dollirs of princip?’ [Fifty Dollar Bonds] ano'
Two Hundred and 1- .iy [5250.00] Dollars of in
terest, wluir princoxil a.i I iu.erjs; will be
tully paid off.
All voters favoring the issuance of said bonds
will have written o. printed on their ballots
"F i- Bonds.’’ All opposed, the words “Against
John C. Foster, Chairman.
Max Meyerliardt, Clerk.
Board of Comr’s of Hoads aud Revenue.
Citation--L mve to Sell,
G 'orgia. Floyd county:
To all whom it may concern ; A. H. Ellis, Ex
cutor of I’ tdford 1 s, deceased has in due
form applied tot undersigned for leave to
sell lan< s belongi the estate of said de
ci ased, and saidap leation will be heard on the
iir-t Monday in Nov. next. This Ist day of Oct.
181’4. John P. Davis,
< iruinary.
in>iny tie nr ii
own from overwork or h<-usehoid carts.
iron Rebiflidatno
lyßUiiu, &idr digestion, removes exce*« vtf bu«b
•jaatrtss’DuU'ia. Get the ireEbiat,
Easily, Quickly, PertutciiS; Rsilml.
MAGNETIC NERVINE ten guarantee to
restore Lost Manhood. Cures weaknesses, Nervous
Debility and all the evils from early or later ex
cesses. the results of overwork, worry, sickness,
etc. Thill strength, tone and ' ovcloyment gives
to every organ or portion of the body. Improve
• ment immediately seen from the first box, Thsus
ands of letters of praise on filein ourofiice. (an
I be carrier! in vest pocket. Sent by mail to any
I address on receipt of dHk<-. One month's treat
merit in each box. Prioßil.OO, 6 boxes. 15.00, with
Written Guarantee to refund money ifnotcured.
Bend to us for the Genuine. Circulars Free.
Is guaranteed to cure
Nervous Prostra
/ \ tion, Fits, OlZ2 '"
WWr ness, Headache, KJ V?' Neuralgia and ln
''X somnia.
cesses in the use of»
baoco. opium, alcohrt
and in. other dirs.
' YX. tion". bringnwon D*
pression, Softening of th ®
aud, at last a miserable death. AUNR • |ra ]jtT
VINE arre-ts all losses m either sex. renews
umtetrength to both the muscular and n• . re fresh-
tunas up die bruin, builds up the Besh. t 0 the
ing sleep, and restores ..feVSage bv
sufferer. A months treatment m I»la I
to any address, *I.OO P«r r uarantten
utfwy *5.00 order mve .1
cure or refund the money. Circular* free, v
. oiilr by our ucents.
Iptai C*
/If Dahlonega, Georgia-
Ci'i-n- tfc»\a begins first Moml-y in ‘ ebruory.
I ail term begins firefe Monday In Septem
W th ample corps of teachers.
under a. U. 8. Army Officer dctaik d
Secretary of war.
Departments of Business, Short
hand, Typewriting, Telegraph
Music and Art.
competent and thorough ***—
STOUNG LADIES have equal advantages-
For catalogues and full ID,o ‘_
» dress Secretary or Treasure