Newspaper Page Text
seconu-cla!>f Mail Matter.
PHIL G. BYRD, { E^“ d
10 cent a. »veek or $5 00 per annum
OFFICE: Comer Broad Street and
Fifth Avenue.
fi the cl’y "f Rome, and Floyd, the
"Banner county" of Georgia.
For Governor,
W. Y. ATKINSON, of Coweta,
For Secretary of Slate,
For Treasurer,
R. U. HARDEMAN, of Newton.
For Comptroller-General,
Wm. A. WRIGHT, of Richmond
For Attorney General,
J, ,M. TERRELL, of Meriwether
For Commissioner of A«ricuiture
R. T. NESBITT, of Cobb.
For Congress.
Jehu W. MADDOX, of Floyd.
For State Senator,
For Representative, Fioyd Co,
amendments to paragraph 1 of Sec
tion 2 of article 6 of the Constiru
(Increasing the number of .Judges
of the Supreme court of this State
from 3 to 5)
©(amendment to paragraph 1. Sec
tion 1. of article 7 of the Constitu
& (Extending the provisions of
said section, article and paragraph
to all Confederate Soldiers,who b\
reason of age and poverty are una
ble to pre,vide a living for them
—against ratifica-
tion of amendment to paragraph
3, section 4, of the Consti
(Changing the time of the meet
ing of the General Assembly of
Georgia from October to Jnlv.)
The catch of Alaska salmon is
estimated at SOO.OOO. casee this
The next national convention of
Christain Endeavorers will be held
in Boston, instead of San Francis
A Kansas Judgejhas sentenced a
boy thief to six months in a public
school, the Sheriff to see that he
goes “stiddy.”
A Kentucky court recently de
liberated three days, at a cost of
S2OO, upon the ownership of sll
worth of scrub pine land.
It seems quite probable tha
when a man starts out to find the
North Pole he had better leave his
wife and baby at home.
The hewgags and bazoozs are
sounding in Sherman, Tex., over
the marriage of a young lady to
her stepfather. Yet the match does
not seem to have been illegal.
A Canadian boodler has been
caught working as a hostler in Chi
cago. That’s a mighty poor return
for the liberal way in which Amer
ican bo -Ilers have spent money in
Two Georgia writers applied to
Grover Cleveland for foreign ap
pointments. In the case of John
Temple Graves, Grover sized his
name up about right when he turn
ed him down. Blackburn should
have had what he asked for.
The laces of the Astor family
are valued at. $300.000. and those
of the Vauderbits at $500,000. The
Pope's lace treasures are said io be
worth $75,000, those of the Queen
of Englanb $75,000 and those of
Princess of Wales $250,000.
According to returns compiled
in the oflice of the Comptroller of
i thd Currency, the National banks
1 of the United States hold $299,788
000 in gold.
The State Department has been
notified that the Belgian Gover
merit has issued an order which
subject, all American cattle to
forty-live days quarantine.
William Cullen Bryant’s mother
if is said, kept a diary for 53 years
without missing a day. This is th<*
■entry for November 3, 1794: Storm
ling, wind N,E ; churned; seven
in the evening son born. - ’
During the past year 41,899 ap
plications were made for patents
and 21,204 were granted. Os these
1,000 were for boots and shoes, 1,-
SOO for carriages and wagons, 1,-
000 for harvesters’ implements,
I,ooofor gas fittings, 1,400 for rail
way cars and 1,050 for packing and
storing vessels.
If the worst Northern sentiment
is to be janderedto by changing
Appomattox post-office "Surren
der,” the fire eaters of the South
should be allowed to name a num
ber wita such strong and suggest
ive titles as Rou\ Retreat, Panic,
Surprise, etc. It would only be fair
treatment —Walton News.
Two little children, a boy and a
gir', appeared at the Mexico C nn
etery last Sunday, bringing with
them in a lit tie wagon the body of
their infant brother, which was fi
nally interred. They said that
their mother was sick and that
their father had sent them. —Kan-
sas City Star .
Airs.' Pearry has presented to
the National Zoological Park at
Washington, three Esquimaux
puppies, the progeny of the ani
mal that drew her baby’s sled The
presentation was made in the name
of Marie Anuetigo Peary, who was
born in the Arctic regions a year
The Montgomery Alonitor says
this is the practical side of politics
and sentiments as shown in the
un’on of Pops and negroes : “Nig
gers voted for Third party; Third
party elected coroner; nigger got
killed; coroner held inquest jur
ied in a gopher hole; goods box for
coffin; no shroud; charged county
sls for it; over in Emanual; go
and see; ’tisn’t far.”
The negroes in Bulloch county
know Judge Hines. Hence this
bit of news byway of the Haw
kinsville Dispatch is interesting:
“Three hundred and fifty ne
groes in Bulloch county have sign
ed an appeal to the colored voters
of the state to vote for Col. Atkin
son for governor against Judge
Hines, because of the latter’s de
nunciation of their race.”
Wh *n the high-wheeled bicycles
were in ro breed into Morocco, the
sultan o f tn-it country U’ed them
as a means of punishing his wives.
The offending women were compell
ed to ride tnem, and when they
fell off,he exclaimed “RismalLth ! ”
and laughed. The cruel sultan
broke them on the wheel as it
The Camilla Clarion slates a
greit truth in the following few
word*- : "If you want ‘to get on to
the financial situation just tackle
sone fellow with the gable end of
his putils out, who spends his time
sitting on fence" corners and Jat
tending coon hunts. He can tell
you just ho.v the governmental fi
nances should be managed, but be
cannot, manage to keep his wife
out of the fi“ld, or his children at
school or meal in the barrel! .
The Cundell Lumber
Co., sells
Cheap shingle sail
Cheap lumb e r aI 1
Cheap ceiling and
flooring, sash, doo r s,
and blinds. 9-7-Imo
To Prevent a Lynching.
Princeto’, Ky.,o t.,'-Willie GrU
fey a repuisiv - ooknig negr' , v g
lodged in jail here yesterday nfttr
uoon for saf<- k” p ig and to escape
a mob’s vengeance. Ha assaulted
Miss Daii ■>, white, near LuFayette,
Siturd iy, vliile iha young la ly was
out riding. The <4ll •ers had hard
work to keep him away from a mob,
and there is a possibility that it will
get him yet.
A4 A .S'Cr/vs
C ’ ft;.- exliuosVxt, ue: . .
; •■•••• •-•••i v.. .«:
llooill’C ' 'ill d > I s
J as Dr. Pierce's Favorite
yY. ' Ji-esrHotion. It re,ru-
Z- y ,3 3m ■ a.u! as-ists all the
f - J funetio’- -. t—• r
r’ y ; <• ■ v.-ith L -i. ..ii'l
V. >’j it so ujrthens and builds
p' ' 4, :pib. remain system in
»< u v.uyef its own.
{’.■ 7 ’! Nursing metb-rs »u 1
Kt's.t , •■-“ '-•■J women approaching con
i*?'.'.' . '?« ’ i'.n<'i:i-;nt, will find it
i H exactly fitted to their
nee s. It Ic - s fhw pitinc and burii .is f
c!iil.l-bci:ri.'.;r, < healthy, vigorous off
spring and pr- noit-.s nn abundant, secretion
of nourl..hrn- i t <• , rite part of the mother.
It’s an in-. ;ing, restorative tonic, a
soothing and suengthening nervine, and
the only j/McirmiC'cri remedy for woman’s
chronic ills and ailments. If it doesn’t bene
fit or cure, in the case of every tired or af
flicted woman, she’ll have her money back.
On these terms, can anything else be "just
as good ” for you to buy ?
You’re offered §SOO, or a cure of Catarrh,
by the proprietors of Ur. Sage’s Remedy.
Teacher cf Viol in,
Mandolin, Guitar. Stu
dio, Shorter College.
Hours from 3 p. m. to
5 p. m. Begining Mon
dav, Sept. 23rd. 1894.
That Democratic wonder. The
New York Weekly World, 1 ias just
changed its weekly into a twice a
week paper and you can now get
the two papers ami the weekly
courier for the same old price
SI.OO a year.
Think oi it! The news from New
York right at your door fresh every
three days—lso papers a year.
We have made a?:.’.ngements by
which we can furnish the weekly
courier and the twice-a-week New
York World all for SI.OO a year.
Here is th? opportunity to get
your own local paper and The New
York World twice every week at
extraordinary low rates.
as mercury will surely destroy th
sense of smell and completely de
range the whole system when en
ering it through the mucous sur
faces. Such articles should never
be used except on prescriptions
from reputable physicians, as the
damage they will do is ten fold to
the good you can possibly derive
from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure
manufactured by F. J. Cheney &
Co,, Toledo, 0., contains no mer
cury, and is taken internally, act
ing directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system.
In buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure ba
sure you get the genuine. It is
taken internally and is made in
Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney &
Co. Testimonials free.
(fWtSold by Druggists, price 75c
per bottle <
The t
breath |
of health|
I trom the sea—the bracing k
|effects of a stay in the p
| mountains—the toning upfi
| qualities of absolute rest— p
j that rest which is so neces- w
sary to the weary wife, the B
: overworkcd father—may &
I be found in &
Jrown’s Iron Bitters
lif taker, faithfully. Men and women gain Eg
I Malaria ySSiI
Dyspepsia I
Poor Blood
Weaknesses I
Debility Si?—|
I You know best whether '
lyou need it. If you are «
jailing do not delay—sick
ness may be at your door i ■
The Genuine has the Crossed 'S
Red Lines on Wrapper.
I All Druggist and General Storekeepers I
I sell it. But get the genuine— ■
I Bsown Chemical Co., Baltimore, Md. I
No. 21 Broad bt. No. 1 9 Broad St.
Dry goos, Shoes Groceries, Feed
Hats&Clothing. & farm supplies.
If you clout believe it, Bring your
feet to N0.’21 Broad St, and we
will show you what we can do.
Biggest Stock
Lowest Prices,
We can fit both feet and pocket
book. New goods arriving daily*