Newspaper Page Text
Successor To
Oar ver <Sc ITarper.
241 & 243 Broad Street.
This week we will show our new line of
Clark’s rich Cut Glass in all the latest designs.
Our assortment is varied in nappirs, Trays,
Bowls, Jugs, DeCarafes, Rose Globes, Oils&c.
We are in the lead in new goods and in Cut
Glass fully abreast with anything to be found
in any city. We invite you to call and seeour
goods and satisfy yourself as to our state
Have to Prnxe this week a full assortment of
Maddoek’s & Co’s Royal Vitreous Ware in
plain white and decorated Dinner and Tea Sets
in the following patterns; Premier Dove; Ven
ice Waldorf Golden Brown; Venice Rococo
Dove and Venice Barc'ay. These goods are
direct importations under the new Tariff Laws.
The Decorotions are rich in the different col„
ors. at the same time dainty and subdued, and
must be seen to be appreciated.
Our special sale of odd pieces in China and Fan
cy goods for this week.
Now is your opportunity for bargains in these
Fine stock of the famous Gauze Wire Door
Charter Oak Stoves, and New Enterprise
Stoves for the fall trade. We cordially invite
you to our store.
241 & 243 BROAD ST., ROME. GA.
Richards &
Mh Lansdell.
Dealers in
I )
W. A. RHUDY’S, Old Stand.
Broad Street, Rome Ga.
i.ook Over the Passengers—
Many of Them Will
Interest You
Mrs Beamer. of Boston is at t’i fe
Mrs Julietta D >wnt,of Galveston,
Texas, is io the City.
Clifford Seay returned home this
morning to attend the marriage of
his sister tonight.
Keene in Hamlet,at Nevin s Op
era House tomorrow night. All
those who have seats engaged at
Yeisers are requested to call today
before 6 o’clock and get their ticL
ets. They cannot be held beyond
that time.
Warier’s Hand made
is the finest smoke on
the market —and then
it is Rome made;Fruits
of home Industry. Ask
your dealer for one.
Mrs. 1). W. Curry returned from
a, short visit to Atlanta today.
Misses Annie and Ruth Freeman,
of Newnan, are the guests of Mrs.
Robt. Nixon.
Mr. Nat Hoyt, who is now in
the insurance business in Atlanta,
is in the city visiting his family.
Capt. J. A. Wynn went to Talla
dega today.
Get your seats now
for the Great Attrac
tion. A few choice ones
left. Call at once.
• Messrs Henry Deal and Dave
Brown left last night for St Louis,
where they will locate permanent
Miss Ci race Stroud has returned
from Mumford, Ala., where she
went to attend the funeral of her
Mr. Walker Curry left yesterday
for Atlanta, and will study med
icine in the Southern Medical Col
Sugar scts. at Morris
Tel°phone 26.
Presiding Eider T. F. Pierce
went to his home at Austell this
Dr. J. B. S. Holmes, who has
b >en in the city a few days re
turned to Atlanta this morning.
Col. J. R. Towers went to Mari
etta this morning fora few days.
When you want to
buy groceries and buy
them cheap call upon
J. A. Kane cor. Broad
and Ross St. New yel
low yam pototoes very
cheap, orders called
for and delivered. Give
me a call satisfaotion
Master Robt Williams, son of
M. Rob Williams, the carriage
man, is quite sick. He is reported
as being slightly better today.
Messrs. W. H. and I. D. Boyn
ton, of Talladega, are at the Arm
We have just opened
a new meat market
and hereby invite you
to call and try our
mountain fed beef,
pork mutton and other
fresh meats.
Schlapback & Mcln
tyre 427 Broad St.
Mr. W. R. Rowles, a prominent
K. of P, and insuaance man from
Chattanooga, is in the city,
L, Baer & Co, have commenc?
ed receiving their goods and wil
be ready for business in a few
Mr. W. E McEmloyt, of Mobile,
is in the city,
Onion Setts, Red
White and YeHow, at
Turnley &Co.
Messrs J. K. McKinny, of Piqua
and Lewis Brewer, of Cincinnati
passed through the city todiy en
route for Anniston. They go there
to open up the hotel \\ ilmer.
Mr. and Mrs 11. D. Moody of
North Carolina, who have been
visiting in the city a few days
went to Dalton this morning t<>
visit relatives. They were accom
panied by their two little boys,
and Mrs Moody's mother, Mrs
Get your seats now
for the great attraction
A few choice ones left.
Call atonce.
Bright Paragraphs From a Pros
perous Section.
Adairsville. Oct., 3 l'oday is
election day every thing is
astir. We will be sure to give a re
p >rt of a deuiocatic victory in our
The farmers are busy picking
cotton and hauling it to the gins
We have two gms in full blast.
Our merchants are looking for
ward to a good fall trade.
We have tbs banner roads of
the county.
A great deal of vtork is being'
done on our new cemetery towards '
beautifying it. Col. J. M. Veach is
having a handsome monument
put in place on his lot.
Several of our people went to
Crows Spring last Sin iay to the
Bartow Co Baptist Union. Toe
i next meeting of that body will be I
held in Kingston.
Hon. W. H. LumpHn, Col. T. '
J. Lyon and lion. Augustus Fite I
all spoke on the political issues of |
the day here last week.
Mr. H, M. Veach and Dr. Joe
P. Bowdom went down to your
city Saturday last to hear Judge
Crisp speak
Some of the ladies who have
been spending the summer at the
Hilburn House have returned to
their homes.
Mrs, G. M. Boyd visited Calhoun
last week.
Mr. and Mrs 0 D. Anderson
have gone back to Cartersville.
Mrs. Annie Veach Gradv has
returned to her home in Chatta
nooga after a pleasant visit to
home folks.
A large bowl of Brunswick Stew
came into the office today at noon,
and with a card like the following :
“Compliments of the Ladies Home
I Misgion Society of the Baptist
[Church.” And it was certainly de
licious eating. The ladies took in
quite a neat sum during the day
serving barbecued meat and Stew
to hungry democrats.
Flour 40cts. at Mor
risTeiephone 26.
Citatien Leave to Sell.
Georgia, Floyd County:
To all whom it may concern : Samuel Pyle, Ad
ministrator of JJin Landrum, deceased, has in
due form applied to the undersigned for leave
to sell the lands belongin g to the estate of said
deceased, and said application will be heard on
the tirst Monday in November next. This Ist day
of October, 1894.
John P. Davis, Ordinary.
Disfigured by Nitric Acid.
Bethlehem, Pa., Oct. 2.—Gerald
Lewis of Milford, a senior at the
Lehigh University, was carrying
I nitric acid in a'glass beaker when
| the vessel was broken by romping
youths, who bumped against it.
I The acid splashed over him, disfig-
I uring him for life.
The Keene Company Come up
From Anniston.
Mr. Thos. Keene and company
came up from Anniston this morn
ing and are registered at the Arm
They were billed toplay in An
niston tonight, but the manager wf
the opera house at that place skip
ped out, and the company came on
tu Rome.
£s as safe and L’mless as a fla>
seed poultice. I..Ukeapo”!.
tice, drawing out*=?erar ipam
and curing a” aliases peculiar
to ladies.
“Orange Bios; >n” is a pas
tile, easily «.sed at any time; f
is applied right to the parts
Every lady can treat hersch
with it.
Mailed to any address upon re»
ceiptofSx. Dr, J, A. McGill & Co.
4 Panorama Place, Chicago, IK.
Sold bv
D, W. Curry Druggist
Gave Yooh° Boy
A boost in life that will help him.
And won't cost you much.
Zll I
You Cannot Buflld
Anything unless you firs-, have a foundation,
ft hather 3 Us a teh-story hotel or a success.
Neither a house nor a man can reach any
great height unless it has something to stand
on. You build a foundation for your home in
■ order that your family may be protected.
Now, is it not equally wise to build a
foundation for a success for your children
in order that their future, too. may be
protected. Education Is the
OnuHnr ««•><» ICzsrt n r-rrH ai 4 S/Th-n
Which will elevate character and brains to
the height where their possessor can reach
the fruit which nature intended should be his
It tsnot the teaching that a boy receives, but
the learning that counts in the race of lit*
You know it is the knowledge that you
acquired by (milling out your problems
yourself, not that which was given you
offhand by a perfunctory teacher, that has
stood you in good stead. The
i Encyclopaedia Britannica
Is the learning of the world concentrated; tt
has all there is to a college education except
the college buildings and the " larks of the
students.” Is it not worth securing?
Ten Cents a day saved, and this priceless
work is yours for all time. We even furnish
you the bank to save up the dimes.
Remem Iber
That this is the New Edition;
that it is just off the press:
that it is now offered for the first tlmp
to the American public; that it Is the
only up-to-date edition in print;
that it can be procured at introductory
prices bv subscribers of
thaf *3 sabers must pay full retail pricbl
tbi»d »pß«la 4 uifer is singly a plan
of the Britannica publishers to get
their New Edition before the people, and ,
that when this has been accomplished,
CONSTITUTION subscribers will
b>we to pay regular prices.
the same as every ohe else. Address
The Constitution,
Notice Guardians
Georgia, > Agreeable to an order from
Floyd county,) the court of Ordinary in and
for said county will be sold before the court
house door, between the legal hours of sale on
the Ist Tuesday in October next, the follow
ing Real Estate to wit: Tne South wesc quar
ter of lot of laud known as,lot No, two hand: ed
and twenty-eight (2-8) in the 23rd District and
3rd Section of Floyd couuty, Georgia, coitain
ing forty-four (.4iacres more or less. Terms cash.
Anderson x Thompson,
Guardian of the Estate of
Samuel and Lue etia Thompson
Wild Land Sale.
Will be sold before the court house door in
the city of Borne, Floyd county, < la. between the
egal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in
••'’inber 1894 the following described property to
' wit;
oi'.d land lot No. f 4 containing*one hundred
and sixty acres, and Kast half of lot No. 55 co»
taining eighty acras, all in the 4th. District and
4ih Section of Floyd county. Ga. Levied on by
virtue of 10 Uta’s for the years 18 4 to 1895 inclu
sive, isued b.v John J Blank, T c. in favor of
State and county vs. Jno, W. Jones, as the prop
erty of the lef* uendant*
—Wtods-d. Jakec.J Moore, Sheriff
Li Lu I f or Divorce.
Georgia, 4 loyd county.
Curie E. Williams) Libel for divorce
vs !No 45, Floyd Superior
Benj. L. Williams) Court, Se; t. Term 1894,
Tojthe defendant Ben jamin L. Williams, you
are hereby notified and commanded to be and
appear at the next term of the Superior Court
to be held in the aforesaid county of Floyd on
on the 2nd Monday in January 1895, then and
there to answer pl mflffs petition for lible for
divorce, As in default thereof said court will
proceed as to justice shall appertain.
■Witness the Hon. W. M. Henry Judge of
aforesaid county. This 25th day of Septembe
1894. W. E. Beyseigel, elk, Supr, court Floy
county Ga.
Have moved across the street to the Medical Building, next
AP 'H /P Pfl d °° r tO Crouch & Co Drug store, near Douglas & Co’s, Stables-1 PPMTQ
• Di lIIC nHlLri ulli G° there for Bargains inDry-goods, Notions and Shoes, Ties Etc | tlLll I U I UlllllunLliU
2 Spoolscotton for five cents. 5 Papers pins for five cents,