The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, October 04, 1894, Image 1
The loPAPER- FOURTH year A FLOOD OF OCTOBER BARGAINS. This week will be a bustling one in our business. Hundreds will en ter our emporum in search of love ly things, and they will find team ing hundreds of them. EXQUISIT DRESS GOODS. Those who miss seing our lovely line of new and stylish dress goods will indeed miss a genuine treat. This department abounds in love ly, stylish, and bewitching designs in all the new weaves. The eye is charmed at first sight. We invite evey lady who lives in Rome to see them. OUR TRIMMINGS Are attracting the public admira tion and growing more and more popular day by day. We can trim the most handsome dress imagion able. Satins, Stripes, Grenadines, Shot Silks, Jet trimmings, Finest Braids, Jewess Shot Cords, Beads, Drapery Silks and etc. KID CLOVES, HOISERY, BELT BUCKLES, BELTS, SIDE COMBS. UNDERWEAR, CORSETS, laces, WHITE GOODS, VEILINGS. fannels, CASSIMERES, JEANS, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, GINGHAMS, CARPETS, mattings, lace CURTAINS, Ruggs, watts, trimmings, ome this week if u want to be suppli mart"? the best the thp i et can a ff° r d at he lowest figures. T1 *OS Fahy. THE HUSTLER OF ROME. DEMOCRATIC VICTORY. A tittle Disfigured but Still in the Ring. ATKINSON’S MAJORITY Will Reach nearly 30,000. . The Pops seem to Have Elected About 50 Mem bers to the Legislature. WARNER HILL DEFEATED. Democratic Apathy. “Sorehead ism” & Overconfidence Causes the Great Slump in the Party and the Populist Ad vantage. Old Floyd as Solid as a Rock. A Quiet Election. The Gubernatorial race of the year 1894 has been run and W; Yj Atkinson, of the county of Coweta, has been elected by from 25,0CX) to 30,000 majority, while the rest of the state ticket goes in with larger vote. This is not as large a majority as tbe average democrat had ex pected, but so confident of success was the rank and tile of the party that many of the staunchest be lievers in democracy remained away from the polls attending their every day business affairs. This was the case in nearly ev ery precinct in Floyd county, and perhaps in every county in the state. Another cause for the light vote was the strong undercurrent of prejudice, fed by populists and imbibed of by many democrats who cared not to seek the source of the baleful stories or motives which prompted them. The influence ou the geueral re Don’t take internal remedies for Female Diseases Common sense requires a direct application like “Orange Blossom” Sold by D. W. Curry. JUST RECEIVED One of the most com plete assortments of TO.'LET SOAPS JAND TOILET ARTICLES Ever brought to the city. See our.line of fine IMPORTED TOOTH BRUSHES They have no superior on this or any other market SOLE AGENT FOR CANDIES J.T. CROUCH & CO Medical Building. ROME GEORGIA. THURSDAY EVENING OCTOBER. 4 1894, suit, worked defeat to democrats in a number of counties and of course populism shows an appar ent gain ot strength . In Floyd county populism was snowed under by a majority of 501 votes for Mr. Atkinson while the state ticket had a hundred Os two more. For state senator Lumpkin of Bartow received 1349 vo’es and Baker of Bartow’ the pop only 639 Lumpkin’s majority being 710. Capt John H. Reece received 1338; Mr. Moses R. Wright 1325; Maj. R. T. Fouche, 1309. Against these democrats Mr Bill Donahoo received 095; Major Zack Hargrove 020 and Mr Tom Hampton 009 or a democratic majority of 043 for Reece over Donahoo, of 705 of second over second and over 700 of third over third. Mr. Atkinson ran behind his ticket in nearly every precinct in this county while Judge Hines proved himself stronger than the Floyd agregation of pops—on ;m average, Floyd gave Northen a majority of 988 in the election of ’92. But there was a heavier vote polled in that campaign. OVER THE STATE. This mornings Atlanta Constitu tion gives the vote from over the state by congressional districts as follows: FIRST DISTRICT.* Atkinson 7 counties, Hines 8 counties. Atkinsons majority 3858, SECOND DISTRICT. Atkinson 14 counties, Hines one county, Atkinson’s majority 4,595. THIRD DISTRITCH Atkinson twelve counties.Hi ties one county. Atkiusou’s majority 4,863. FOURTH DISTRICT Atkinson six counties. Hines fire counties, AtKiuson'e majority 1,118 FIFTH DISTRICT Atkinson six counties. Hines two counties Atkinsons majori y 2,002. SIXTH DISTRICT Atkinson eleven conuties. Hines two counties. Atkinsons majority 3.036. SEVENTH DISTRICT Atkinson eight counties. Hines five counties. Atkinson’s majority 2,080. EI3TH DISTRICTf Atkinson nine counties. Hines three counties. Atkinson s major ity 3,460. NIMTH DISTRICT. Atkinson eleven counties. Hines six counties. Atkinson’s majori ty 7. TENTH DISSRICT. Atkinson four .counties. Hines seven counties. Hines’ majority 296. eleventh li strict Atkinson sixteen coun ies. Hines two couties.Atkinson majority 4.. 8 < The above estimates ti ves —-• ww? M MH' 1 twMhi * t ' veil vX / I populists about fifty members of tl e i ext house and h Date and makes them stronger than they have e ■ r before been and doubtless thee tunes as strong iu Georgia as the> will ever be again. THE 7TH. DISTRICT, Given by Counties Shows a Demo cratic Majority of 2COO. PAULDING COUNTY. Dallas, Ga., October 3. —Pauld- ing gives Hines 100 majority. A. L. Bartlett, democrat, elect ed to the legislature by (5 majority. J. W. McGarrity, populist, for senator, gets a majority of 38 in Paulding over W. E. Spinks, dem ocrat. This county’ went populist by r 30 two years ago. MURRAY COUNTY. Springplace, Ga., October 3. Murray county’ gives Atkinson 250 majority, S A Gregory, democrat, is elect ed to the legislature by 7 250 majori ty, and T, Starr, candidate for the senate, carried the county by 250, Murray- gave Governor Northen 333 majority’ two years ago. WHITFIELD COUNTY. Dalton Gh, October 3.—Whit field has gone democratic by an in creased majority—the largest dem ocratic majority in years. Atkin son carried the couuty by fully 400 majority, and J. A. Langley, dem ocrat for the legislature, 'by 425, Starr, democratic for the senate, carried the county by 450. Two preciu’s are yet'to hear from and they may reduce the majority about 50 al I round. Whitfield’s ma jority two years ago was 229. WALKER COUNTY. Lafayette. Ga. Oct. —Walker county goes democratic ;by a ma jority of 388. Atkinson’s vote is 780 W M Tatum, democratic candidate for senator for the forty fourth district, got 1,023 ,votes in this couuty ; Lumpkin, democrat 250; Austin, populist candidate got 725. Gordon Lee democratic candidate for representative got 1,148 votes. J I' Suttle, populist gut 873 votes. Watters, indepen dent gut 25 votes. The vote is the largest ever poll, ed in this county and the populists have made a stubborn fight from beginning to end. Th# democrats never realixed the situation until a few days ago, but they went to work with a vim and have buried populism here. Walker gave Nor thern 624 majority two years ago. PuLK COUNTY Cedartawu Ga.. Oct, 3.—Poik county gives Hines about 125 ma joruy. J. 1, Fun wood populist for the legislature got 60 majority W. . Spinks, democratic tor the sen ate carries-me •,county by a small majority. Hogg democrat for rep resentative carried the Cedartown precinct by 100 majority out of 812 votes The negro vote went largely for the third party. An average full vote was polled and a hot battle was waged all day at Cedartown precinct.No difficulties at the polls occured anywhere i.i this county Polk gave Governor Northeu 173 majority two years, ago. 4 HARALSON COUNTY Buchannau Ge. Oct, 3—Haral son county gives Atkinson 539, Hines 828; Hines majority 289. W. E, Spinks democratic nominee : for the senate 534 J, W. McGarri FIVE ty, populist, 834; McGarrity’s majority, 800. J. K Holcombe, 1 democat, for representative, 528; ] J J Pope, populist, 778; Pope’s ( majority, 250, Governor Northeu’s majority here was 402 two years , ago. CHATTANOOGA COUNTY. Summerville, Ga., October 3. A very light vote was polled in Chattooga. It amounts to about 1,100. Atkinson’s majority if 275- Wesley Shropshire, democrat, for the legislature, over F. G, Little, ocrats were confident and took lit tle interest. Chattooga went for Northern two years ago by 679 ma oritv . Lumpkin, independent, 53 ■ Austin, third party. 20*, Charles W Gray, for representative, democrat,J Smith independent 199: McLain third party 50. CATOOSA COUNTY. Ringg old,Ga,Oct.,3 -The rain pre vented a full vote in jCatoosa county today , Only a little over half th vote of the county was polled. Th democratic ticket won by 2’ J 2 major ty. Atkinson recieved 404. Hines 202, Hardeman 437, Jones 200 Tatum democrat for the senate, received 404 All amendments were defeated by an overwhelming vote. North ■ ern’s majority two years ago was ) 461. “Orange Blossom” is a painless cure of all diseases peculiar to women. Sold fresh by D. W. ' Curry. ‘ SM. STARK. I desire to inform my ■ Friends and Patrons ' and the Pub lie g e ner- ly, that my elegant line of Fail and Winter WOOLENS Has been received,and are now open for in spection, And 1 willfur ther state that ! am now better prepared than ever to turn out FIrtST CLASS WORK FIRST GLASS GOODS, At prices never’before heard of in Rome, 8. M. STARK,’ IfflCHAtlT WLOII 16 ARMSTRONG HO Tl L Eight Pages. 10 CENTS A WEEK THE PEOPLE NORTH GA. §<-AND> ♦ALABAMA.* Hard times and the the scarcity of money, has forced the price of cotton down to 6 cents Wages and every thing else is low and we propose to put the price of Groceries and Dry t .Goods, Etc, down in proportion. We are the only large dealers in our line in Rome that dont belong to an associa tion or combine of some sort to keep the prices of goods up. We have been in business in Rome about 15 years, and have never joined an asso ciation of any kind, that had to cut prices for us to sell by. We began with a single little grocery store, but by selling cheap for cash and never try ing to get more for goods than they are worth. XVc have built up a trade that any body ( might feel proud of. j We now have six stores in the Fourth Ward. Two with ' Groceries, two with Dry Goods , and shoes,and one with Cloth ing and Gents Furnishing goods and one with Crockery, ' Glass Ware and Stoves. An 1 in addition to these we have one at 23G Broad with a Mammoth Stock of Stoves, Crockery, Glass. Tin ‘ ware and Ilbuse Furnishing Goods. ’ We buy hi large lots as cheap as any wholesale mer chant car buy and sell them as cheap as we please. We Wholesale and Retaij and it von havaa little money | to spend, we can and will sell ■ you < hcaper than any body in - this city. I I Look Ata Few Prices. Good Green Coffee 6 lbs for $1 Good sound Tobacco 11 inch plug at 5 cents. Good Red Flannel Guaranteed all Wool at 10 cents yd Heavy Jeans 10 cents a yd, Cotton Check 3| cents and up Sheetng yard wide 4| cents a yard Cotton Flannell t) cents a yard J Bleached Cotton yd wide 5 cent yd Dress Gingham 4| cents a yard Flour, Meat. Sugar. Etc. Luder the prices of the Association If you are a merchant come to see us, and we will save you money by giving you our lowest prices. Lanham & Sons, 316,318, 320/322/3- 24, 326 Fifth Ave ANDI 236 Broad St.