Newspaper Page Text
They are full 34 inches Icng and 20 inches wide. New and bright and
you can buy them at the value of a wash rag at BAS 6 BROS & Co.
o'd store, and PARKS & Co, store.
This is but a little item of the Thousand Great Bar
gans in store for the Fall Trade. Our prices for
the next sixty days will be a revelation to
the people, Prices unmatchable, unap
proachable and phenomenal.
The newspaper announce-,
ments of our purchase of the!
..oeiver of the Ladies' Bazaar
Co. s of Atla> ta. It was a
great stock of line Dry Goods,
Notions, &c., invoicing $39,-
The price paid was nearer
nofhnng than that at which
such goods never changed;
hands in this broad land, it our ;
knowledge©! such matters is a
strue record —
8400 Yds, heavy yard-wide Brown Sheeting, worth 6 I-2c at 4 l-2c.
420“ Turkey red Damask, never before under 20c going at 12 l-2c.
8000 “ Good quality 4-quarter bleached Domestic worth 71 -2c at sc.
3DO “ Cheviot shirts, with collars, priced by other s at $ 1,50 to go at 75c
SO Fine Count all wool, 1 Blankets.worth $ 1 O.
4000 Yds Dress Ginghams, lovely styles &. colorings worth 7c at 4 I -2c.
300 Pairs Ladies Fine dress button shoes, worth $ 1.75 to go at $ 1.00-
3500 Ladies Hemstitched Handkerchiefs worth from 10 to 1 5c at sc.
2000 Yds. High grade, fine count, Sea Island full 36 inches wide,
worth 71 -2c at 5c
240 Pairs of that celebrated Shoe for Men, “Goodwear’’ worth I sold only $1.50
360 Suits Fine all wool Cheviot Suits single and doub’e breasted
sacks, blacks browns. & c., A/orth $ 1 0.00. Made to sell for $ 1 0.00 o r
more. Nothing equal to them in a thousand miles of Home for the
money. - „
"By fartlielHi- -st stock in this
An almost endless variet ro . h
si-gewidt l American go. ds fr.pii
4c up to thu exquisite tffaets of
French Ar ists : extra qu t'-ity. Covert
Cloth -, Novelty Mixtures,
Artuuies. I’.e'igalines, Rcpliues,
Heuiietta Cloths, Camels Hiir,
Gr«i ites e*c.
Satin Dutchesses, Mone°, Fui!-
jea and Bengalines, China and la.mi -
<j,e Silks. Surahs, Ginghams, Prims,
Pric es, Cheviots, Crepe Cioth, Ut cks
Denim“ ; S litngs, Strip is, etc.
4€-inc i Cover! Cloth , ti e latest
corner of new dress ftibiics made to
sell atsl.2s ; our price .. .85
Beautiful Mixture Cover! Con ,
wortt She. at GO
Tr.< .toned Diagouab , LG-inch
1) -dJe hi iti io-s, 36-incb,
dark >»><i-m<-d-nm jjray, worth twice
•the pi eej i dll suit, 8 yards for sl,
lOli 'ti vai ds Fancy Dresi Prints,
•*>4xo4 cloth, wrath 7c 5
Trimmings &. c.
All the imupiuab’.es in bilks. Illumi
nated Surahs, two-toued. shot, and
aeeduoteffeefs, Bengalines, Tafletas.
Velvets Velveteens, Silk Braids, Pass
ementeries Jets. N--velty Triraminps,
Ribbons, etc. Ihe desirable thin rs in
lace.-. I m roidenes < n Swiss, Nain.
sook ano Cambrics, all-over embroi
•RIO \ards Hamburg Edging worth
>loc yard nt
S'Oe H-ituburj' at in
30c H noi.r - nt, jy
• JtSEIEUsT C3r_
Ach >i<e ••><< rtinent for • Men, Boys and Children. Swell effects in Tweedy Cheviot s, Cas
hmeres an 1 Serges: also swell effects in the dressier Fabrics, prominent among which Clays
and Vi esi of ling and diagonals. Suits for slender people, stoat people,. youn->- -Hants and
Hittie fellows. Especial attention is called to 360 Men’s all-wool Suits $5.00. They are
sunplv unmatchable ba (gains. cur stock of clothing from lowest to best quality comes to
as as lhe 111 ‘St brilliant haul of our victorious buyer, and we are detenmued bp the power
‘ and m tgne i-m ot price to putinore new clothing on men and boys this fall than ever befoie
in our business experience. The few prices named throughout this advertisement are mere
ly s.u ;gest:ve oft he way other goods will be sold, 300 < ver-oats less tht.n half prices.
Fac . Sup rb assortment of Clcaks.
f\Al| I INFRY I ,ht Baz mi’s stock almost in its entirety was snipped to our
1 ' i ‘ ,<) ne hodst —<-'>st nearly nothing, and if you want anything
in this tine, we will sell it to yon away down bdo v prices of ot lers. Coni'* to sac hr.
bass brothers & company.
For the goods here advettised, go to eitherof our stores, excepting
that the Millinery will be found at the PARKS A CO. store, and the
vlothing and Hats will b-j at the old store. 2b Broad Street.
Less Than 19 Ctson $ I
A good percentage of these ,
goods has been shipped to us,
and if prices and values *
count lor air thing they will
go into new homes in quick (
order. Our import order for
Fad Goods had been placed
J before this purchase was made
1 and the goods are arriving
daily. Must have room, and
we are going to make it by
bidding admuto a pile of mer-
i • handise at once.
Smail Wares.
Needles, Pins, Hair-Pins, Threads,
Win* ebones, Casings, Hooks- md
Eyes, Tapes, Dress' Shields, Coisets
Laces, Shoe Laces, Buttons Brads
A straw will show the way the
rpi' l blows, so in these tittle items
v. v wn 1 save you 50 to 100 per cent
on your purchases Stick a pin down
ere;if you have no pin, we will sell
, u a whole paper of English Pius
roe. and everything else relatively
as ci eap.
Blankets and Flannels
These goods at pri es that cannot
and will not be duplicated by others.
We bought them away under the
market at the great auction sale ot
Faulkner Page &Co New York in
May when the mecury was up and
blankets were down.
! We want you to see our fu’l size
| Bed Bl iiiket at each—a trifle 25
Oar Fine All-wool Blanke .« SIO,OO
value per pair 3.0
Notl ing ever offered equal to
them as bargains.
Red Flannel worth 25c sf 15
W lute Flannel w Till 25c »t 15
Roil Twi'led F,a me) worth 4Ucat 25
M Twilled FL nn d won b 40c at
. ' 25
J very qualify of Flannel cut almost
iQ Ftto.
Gents Furnishing
Linen Bosom Shirts Laundried and
l niaundrie ; Percale and Cbevitx
Shirts Satiue Shirts Drawers Scriven's
Patent Drawers ; Hosiery and Gloves
So P ice! Price!
will do it. When the cost is
small, a fraction of the worth,
our lee-way is iinmense-191-2
cents on the dollar, and all
fine goods too; most of them
Winter Goods—l 9 1-2 cents,
You never heard of such a pur
in grt a viiiety. Sc trfs ’l’if-q H< se
Supporters Cuffs Buttons Col'ars am!
Cutis etc.; ali i i the bu t a n cat -
1 >gue,
Iler ’s Foie AIL Wool Shirts and
Diawtrs silk Sticued worth etc i
si; ts lo gas this lot lasts our price
will be .go
.1 ,900 Liueu Collars 10
lhe e is ro equal to our Dongola
Bat on S oa lor ladies at 1.00
Have you yet bought our b iecia
Tap-Sole B ucher Sh< es for mm?
This Shoe is made excusively for us
and cannot be sold by any one except
us. V.e take the bold petition that
there is not a Shoe on e.ith of equ i
wear to it at the pri--e 1.5 t
J ladies’ Cloth Top Patent tm great
i. 50
Lidie^ ’ Genuine Kid j worth
3.00 at 2.00
Ladies’ Solid Substantial Shoes
Men a Rex Calf Shoes 1,50
Hand Welt Calf worth $1.50 at 3,00
< hildreids Solid Shoes 50
Misses’ He.ivy Shoes 65
School Shoes worth SI.OO n t 75
School Shoes worth $1.25 at 1,0 C
Misses' Fine Shoes worth s2.ooat 1.50
1 or all our rtores we bu» as muu>
Shues as any 4 house* in Rome; we
buy them a 1 headquarters with the
cash au'l w : buy tli-m at, lower prices
t ban *n<>BS -vho bn* ’h smaller quuni
• i“e . Con e ’o onr place fur Shoev.
And now He Makes Sensational
Charges Against His Wife.
Washington, October B.—The
domestic discord in the family of:
Dr. A. H. Glennan had a violent '
seque 1 only this morning w hen j
...rt’-u; and Kenneth, the two eld
est children, were ’orcibly taken
from'their sleeping apartments in
the home of the mother by a par
iv of unknown men, instigated,
Mrs. Glennan asserts, by her hus
Dr. and Mrs. Glennan have not
lived together for about three
years. The doctor attempted to se
cure possession of the children |
through the Courts, but failed. He
is a surgeon in the Marine Hospi
tal service, and his wife was form
erly Miss Susie Rayner, daughter
of Joseph K. Rayner, at one time
a Congressman from North Caro
Mrs. Glennan and her two sons
have been occupying rooms of the
third floor of a boarding house,
and early this morning the moth
er was awakened by the breaking
in of the doors leading to her own
ftlid sioiis’ rooms.
i She screamed, but before the oC
cupants of the house were aroused
the children we.e seized and taken
to carriages in waiting. Four men
composed the party, and Mrs.
Glennan alleges that one of the
men was her husband. The police
have been notified, and are search
ing for the children and their ab
Further developments put a new
light on the case and make the
affair assume an entirely different
aspect from that given by Mrs-
It is alleged in a bill of divorce
filed to-day that Dr. Glennan last
night found his wife in a compro
mising position with a commercial
traveler named Silling, of Alex
andria, Vtl., and that it was upon
this discovery that he took th?
children from her custody.
Dr. Glennan, it is said by his
friends, has had his wife under
surveillance for some time. About
two years ago he sued for divorce
and named Surgeon Magruder, of
the Marine Hospital Service, as
co-respondent, the <Mfense at tlmt
time not being proved.
To-day, however, on the evi
dence alleged to haveJaeen secured
last night, Dr. Glennan filed suit
for divorce against Mrs. Glennan,
naming Silling as co-respondent,
and alleging offenses at Harper's
Ferry and other places to the plain
tiff unknown, and also at the place
where he say he discovered his wite
in Killing’s company last night.
Ye a T y< umu t have it. It is the
only way you c n learn whit is go
g >n a >out you ;t e ws of the
city, vil age or farming district i
which you live. You must have yet*
i o ee piper, whether 5011 can afforu
anything else in the way of current
calling or not And a. g cat deal be
sides home news you win dud in it
The editor of your home paper aim
first of all Io give you the home new
with intelligent and helpful comme
But he does not stop there -.he does
the best he can to give you the gen
eral news and the best thought of i Li
tt hole world Oi course he does n. t
and cannot give you as much as you
ousrhr, tn have,and if you ask him
about the matter he will frankly ie,
you so
He will. »lso advisn vou what you
ought t> gm to rtUpplem nt yuur
home paper and keep you an 1 your
growing boys and girls up with the
times in the great fields of politics
sociology, finance, commerce,
science, religion, art, education,
and the literary and book news of
the day. He will tell you there is
one vs m-k iy journal, ullhi uh m this
rcßpeo . ma- s.tip of c ne-iidi select
ud, c-u-i-hsed aud cla ifi-d ex
tra.Cs from the newspapers and
magazines the world over, and
that be has made special arrange
ments by which he can give you a
reduced subscription rate |for the
uuiquo journal, if taken in com
uectionjwith the weekly courier
He will tell 1 c-u that the name of I
this journal no admirably suited
toyour wants is public opinion,
that it, ns published at Washing
ton, D. 'J , and that th- regular
subscription price is $2 50 per
year, hut fha f he can give you both
Ihe 0 >URIE a and PJBLTC < PINK N
lor one year\f"r $2 75 cash. Ho
will a s\- tel! you (bat PUBLIC OP.N-
I N amj the COURIER are exactly
wi-atyoL in-ed during this politi
cal camp-ngn. public op nion will
tie sent vou for ten weeks on trial
fur fifty c°ii’s.
Meeting of the County School
The County Board of Education
met Monday in the Commissioners
at 11 o’clock a. m.
Present A. B. S. Moseley, G. J.
Whatiey and C. P. M*>rtoir.
Minutes of last nir-eting read and
confirmed On motion Board ap
proved the quarterly report of the
commissioner and ordered same
On motion the County School
Commissioner was ordered to ap
point 5 trustees for each school
district in the county whose duty
shall be to recommend all teachers
for each district to the county
Board of Eduoatiou fox contract,
Sup -rvise and settle fill matters ill
dispute for each school, and aid
the Board of Education in their
efforts to improve the school of
the county.
motion Board adjourned.
A. B. S. Moseley Chairman.
W. M. Bridges Sec. and Com.
Rome Ga. Oct. Ist 1894.
Murders in San Salvador.
San Francisco, October 3—The
steamer Colon brings news of mur
der and assasiuatioo in San Salva
dor. Silveroa Lewis, a prominent
literary man, had written a history
of ths coun r ry and was about to
take passage on the Colon for San
Francisco to have his history pub
Some parts of the history did
not b; eak favorably of the Ezeta
I Government, and on the day the
steamer was to sail the historian
was found with a dagger in his
heart. No trace of the manuscript
could be found, and it is thought
Lewis had been murdered to pre
vent the publication of the his
Fernand Figaro, a wealthy plant
er, was found murdered in his
country residence. The house had
been ransacked as though the mur
der Ia 1 be-n the work of robbers,
>ut mere are rumors that his death
was i->r o ditichl reasons
Application lor Letters of Dis
Georgia, Floyd county;
Whereas Alexander Johnson, Administrator of
Joseph Sharpe represents tn the court his peti
i-m duly tiled, that he has administered Joseph
Sharpe’s estate. This is to cite all persons con
cerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if
any they can, why said administrator should not
>e discharged from his administration and re
ceive letters of dismission on the first Monday
in January 1864. This October Ist. 1894.
JomxP, Davis,
Ordinary Floyd County, Georgia,
.st d m for 3-in.
Bids Wanted.
GEOil JI A. Fl iy<i C unity: Board Oa Coiu.nid3KMie.-4 0/ Road* and
Revenue ruuutvu appLu-UiOas vl ptra ns
desiring to act as fireman the Court House,
seating salary per month, for which they will
act. Said applications must be in the Clerks ot“
iiqe by 1 wel/e o’clock noon on Saturday Novem
ber 3rd, 1804.
Witness the Hon. John C. Foster, Chairman
of the Board. This Octoiler 3rd. 1894.
Max Meyerhardt, Clerk.
’ ■ ll '"■■■■ ■ L ' II r W
Buis VVauted.
GETKgIA, Fb-yd county.
The Board fCo nmiss on iri of Roads and Rev
enu oisai-. C un.y will te live sealed bids for
bui i i'j rwo, one Vealsand one for
Pope’s Fer.y, Specifcations arj on tile in the
- fticeof the Clerk of the Boaru. Said bids io be
... uJice not later than Twelve o clock
noon 0.1 Saturday, November 3rd, 18.14. Th
Board reserves the right to reject any and all
Witness ih. Wn. John C. Fosttr, Chairman
of the Board, This October 3rd. 181)4.
30 cl Max Meyi rhardt, Clerk.
■ . ~y--aga
GE< R 'IA, Floyd County.
Whereas, J. A. Rounsa.i’i- has petitioned the
Board of Commissioners of Roads and Re enue
of said County f<* a yiiange ia the Sliver Creek
r ad. n ar llounsaville’s mil , and in front < j
ills reiiil.mce; ... i ..m C.mmiissio.ur.s of Cave
Spring istric have r commended that said
petitio i lie granted This is to notify all persons
having objections thereto or claims for damage
arising therefrom to make the same known at
the next meeting of s»id Boari of Commission
ers to lie held on the first Msodayin November
Witness the Hon. John C Foster, Chairman
of th Board. Tnis 3rd. day of October 1894.
3V d m Max JMeyerharct, Clerk
Bund Election.
Georgia, Floyd County.
By Direction of Board of Cmimd.
Roads and Revenue, in ail( | f Su, ners; ot
Floyd, notice is hereby g iven> tlwt of
otNovembei, 1894, an election W j|H® . 6th '
at all voting precincts within th In * helll
County, to determine the .p.esUon wbL'” Uia
pon bonds to the amount of F.rtv n. rc °’
(¥49,000,00) Dollars shall be igau h " Us a U(l
County for the purpose of payin tlle H " yd
indebtedness of said Couutv. Sahl 1 at ‘“"
bear interests th- rate of Five " ,ha "
annum, said interest payable on the Hr’ TV
January of each year after tho date . o’ 3 " f
ot said bonds. Said bonds sh m i 18s,1 «
uary lot. 1800, and shall be of the fm “ Jau
nominations; ‘ *i.owing
Ten Thousand( Dollars to i
denomination of Five(.s6.oo) Dollars •< ,' i° f the
len Thousand (»10,000.00) Dollars' mi
denomination of Ten ftlo.oo) Dollars eac? f
len Thousand (~10,000 00) Dollars ?
denomination of Twenty (S2O 00> I> ° f th ®
Ten Thousand (KO,000,oi)).DoX
denomiuat on of Fitly D “ be the
Tor the first twelve years, oily the L, •
said bonds shall be paid, .the.eafter ti tOf
be paid. tbeie shal
The Thirteenth year Five Thousand
Dollars of pnncipai .(Five D-nlar b.‘, ll(h
Thousand (2000.00) Dollars of interest **'
The Fourteenth year Five Thousand •
Dollars of principal (,- Ive h „ , lul '•-•”■00.00
Seventeen Hundred and fifty ( fe j 7am T
interest; 1
lhe Fifteetth year Five Thousand
Dollars ol principal, (Ten Dollar ’^" W - (l 0
Fifteen Hundred (1500 00) Dollar ,r • ’ UB3 aail
The Sixteenth ’F.vXXd’VT'
Dollars of principal, (Ten Dollar b V*' 00 ’
Twelve Hundred and Fifty (1250) Dol
D<fiUrM,r V inc‘ipi t i h
One Thousand («1000.00) hollars of W “‘
The Eighteenth year, Five thousand j
hollars of principal (Twenty Dollar bS, 10 ' 00 ’
Seven Hundred and Fifty (. sy ,o O)
The Nineteenth year Five
Dollars of principal (Fifty Dollar
FiteHundreu [»f00,00j Dollars of interest-
The Twentieth year Five Thousand
Dollars of principal [Fifty Dollar Bonds and
Twa Htindrcd and Fifty («-250.00] Dollars o r
terest, when principal and interest will 1"
fully paid off.
AU voters favoring the issuance of sa>d 1 ■
will have written or printed on n •
“F,r Bonds.” All opposed, the words''! u"" tS
Bonds.” s -gainst
John C. Foster, Chairman.
I> J , "tox Meyerhanh, Clerk
of R„ lt q s and Heveuue '
Citation--Leave to Sell
Georgia, Floyd county:
I o all whom it may concern; A. H. E/liS r,
cutor of Radford Ellis, deceased has in 4 e
form applied to the undersigned for leave to
sell lam a belonging to the estate of said de
ceased, and said application will be heard on the
first Monday in Nov. next. This Ist day of oct.
John P. Davis,
Citatien- Leave to Sell.
Georgia, Floyd County:
To all whom it may concern: Samuel Pyle, Ad
ministrator of John Landrum, deceased, has in
d le form applied to the undersigned for leave
to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said
deceased, and said application will be heard on
the first Mo-uday in November next. Ibis in day
of October, 1894.
John P. DAvfc^ r Ordinary.
Notice Guardians
Georgia, > Agreeable to i.n order from
Floyd county, > the court of Ordinary in and
for said county will be sold before the court
house door, between the legal hours of saloon
the Ist Tuesday in Octobar next, the follow
ing Real Estate to wit: Tue South west quar
ter of lot of laud known as,lot No, two hund ed
and twenty-eight (2 ») in the 23rd District aid
3rd Section ot Floyd county, seorgia, contain
ing forty-four (--T iacres more or less. Terms cash,
Anderson x Thompson,
Guardian of the Estate of
Samuel and Luc etia Thompson
A Years f-up port.
Georgia, Fl-yd county:
To ali whom it mav concern: Notice is here
by given, that the appraisers appointed to set
apart and assign a years support to the 5 minor
children, ot Jack Prior deceased, have filid
t'leir award, and unless good and sultlci- nt
ciuse is shown, the same will be made the juilgf
ment of the Court at the November term. 1894,
of the court of Ordinary. This Oct, Ist, 1894
John P. Davis, Ordinary
Floyd county, Ga|
unr-in-m iiuiini—M—rir-iiii—siii '
Application lor Letters of
GEORGIA, Floyd Coumy :
Whereas A.j. Wat.luis Administrator He
It. * >0.., ofjosei.n Watters, represents to w
court in his pe itiou duly illeii, that hehasa ■
ißihi-terert Joseph Waiters estate. This l ’
cite .11 persons concerned, kindred h n< ’ cr( ‘','.
to show cause, if any they can, whv saws ■
ministrator should not be discharged fi<-m
administration and receive letters of <llsinl ’~! ja
on the First Monday in November 1894. 1
August 7th. 1894. , ,
John P. Davis.
Aug. 7,t0 Nov 9. Ordinary Floy I i’-ouity. G»-
Commissioners Sale-
AV. F. Ayer }
J.W. Barnwell G'lard'n. I C.mrt.
G. C. Longs reot . t. al.) t
Under and by vntue of an order g '■ 1 ~
the Hatch term i f the Superior cou. t "1 1 l "-
•'oi’iity. Th.e nndersignu I ‘ n-is’i' ne's a l
]>-inted for the puipose, will sell for
in the above stated cause, at public outcry
fore the Court house door in Rome. , * t "'
the usual hours for public sales, on 11 _
Tuesday in November next, the fnUow '"® '
senbed real estate, to wit: "That tra- ’■ a
known as the Oak Hill farm, on the btow ’“ '
er, abouteight miles from Rome, form- 1 > 1 cl
pied hy Dr C.K. Ayer, in the 23rd. Dfstric.
.1 d. Section of said county 01 floyd,
ing the whole of lot No. 299 an *’ ’ ,l "‘ ’ e !"*> the
of lots NO’S. 300,301,and 302 which 1 11
North side of the Etowah rivet < 1,1
abou 440 acres. Terms of salt*, one 1
the balauc-i In equal amounts in ”' u “,| 4 -,. of
tears will; interest a. 8 per cen > j ,[,j
sale. The ’ .le will be retained >i ]s4i
pure ase money is paid. Septemoei
J,B. Sullivan,
W. W, Brooks,
Smily Johnson,!
Many arsons are wo*®*
own fron? cfcrviork or howsebotbH
* eown’2i iron Hitters
eysiem. aide digestion, removes >
‘wa cußis uaUo*. Get the gemHa*