The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, October 18, 1894, Image 3

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TA cfeiii £lj> j.V.’X*h? EUS’* ■»■ Is as safe and unless as a fla> JeeJ ration • - ticc. ouvi?- ‘c-ra and curing al' .Miesses pecuiiai tollies. vQvange Bios? is a paj tile easil’/ ~sed at any time; is applied right to the parts Every lady can treat herscL with it. Mailed to any address upon re. ceiptoFSi. D'. J. Z .McGill & Co- Panorama 'xacc.. ( AcagOj 111. Sold bv D, W. Curry Druggist. iHave lyou q ia baby i < that is making you old* <before your time with wor- [ ’rying? Is it weak, deli-* |cate, puny? Are you fear- ’ | ful lest it be taken from; ’you? Mother! Will you J < read this letter about £ Brown’s Iron Bitters (Bl TWIIIWWBMIIIIIBI J It is genuine—not paid} |for or even solicited—and J ’the writer is the happiest J i ’woman in New Orleans. J < 509 Dufedes Street, ) * < New Orleans, La. ) * * Enclosed you will find a photograph of * <my youngest boy, Clarence. He was sick » J about seven months; nothing cured him but J * Brown s Iron Bitters. He is now a year J J old, well and hearty! I cannot say too much ? J in praise of Brown’s Iron Bitters. ’ Mrs. L. Lkveringberg. J < This letter was written* jon July 25th, this year, g «Have you a delicate cnild ? * ’ Life for many children in» ’Brown’s Iron Bitters! * < The Genuine has the Crossed k I Red Lines on the wrapper. » Ot own Chemical Co., Baltimore, Md . BEWARE OF OINTMENTS FOR CA TAKRII THATCONTAIN MERCURY as mercury will surely destroy t l ' eensH of smell am! completely d range the whole system when ' n ering it through the mucous su - faces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure manufactured by F. J. Cheney & b'o,, Toledo, 0., contains no mer cury, and is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, hi buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure bo sure ymi get the genuine. It. is taken internally and is made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & vjn Testimonials free. ■•''Sold by Druggists, price 75c per bott’ej ALMOST A NEW YORK DAILY fliat Democratic wonder. The New York Weekly World, has just changed its weekly into a twice a ’ f,f ‘k paper and you can now get the two papers ami the weekly (( ” kier for the same old price SI.OO a vear fhink of it! The news from New 01 1 right at your door fresh every days—ls 6 papers a vear. wh'.k ave nia(,e arrangements by >ch we can furnish the weekly V i 11 1, 1 ! the twice-a-week New jp ,'Vorld all for SI.OO a year, vour 1S t \‘ e °PP or tnnity to get Yrri 11 <JCil ' paper and The New ’’ ',’Ori twice every week at $25 F OR mercantile COURSE IN BOOK-KEEPING Including Hooks & t office for particulars J G harmison. THE HUSTLER OF ROME. THURSDAY OCTOBER, 18 1894. FOR WOMEN FOLKS CHILD LABOR. An investigation of the Factories in Cincinnati! Cincinnati), Oct. 18.—An in vestigfiti m of the factories in this city where labor of minors is em ployed has just been completed by M. A. Usher, a loca Knight of! Labor, Commirhicner \V T, Lew ■ is. Mr. Usher Ims filed his report witn ihe Labor Comm issioner, and it wiil be embodied in the iwxt an nual report of the l urer. It wilij c •n’ , 'in about 76 pngog Usher found that over 1000 chil-| drew le»8 than 16 years of age wem i employedin various shoe, clothpig I cigar and pap«r ffct» rieß, contec-’ ' lonery establishments,’ re . Whi'« it is true that h« wu« ah’e to dis cover few luaiances in which the uni <lrrn would admit tha„ they were below the iprh! age or 14years oe found h number that admitted ages to be lb or 16, and stated that they had been at work for three or four years. The result as embodied in A’r. Usher’s report shows that to an alarming extent child labor is un necessarily displacing that of ad ull s, He found little support for the claim that the great bulk of facto rs chi'd-m. were the sole or main support o; fh r -ir widowed mothers or invalid fathers CHICAGO WOMEN Registering in Preparation for Vo ting. Chicago, October 17. —Today is the first dav for the registration of the voters in this city. Citizens began registering promptly at 8 o’clock this morning, and kept it up so steadily that leaders of both parties count on, an unusually heavy registration. While it is impossible to make any accurate predictions, ve 1 in formed politicians guess the total for the day all the way from 170,- 000 to 220,000, and there is every reason to believe that the record jof the first day of registration in 1892, 190, 428, will at least be equalled. Women will be allowed to vote i for the first time in this city at the coming election. They are, howev er, limited to voting for university trustees. A Good Story. A short time ago a young lady was troubled with a boil on her knee, which grew so bad that she thought it necessary to call in a physician, says the Courier-Jour nal. ' • She had formed a dislike for the family physician, so her father suggested several others, and final ly said he would call in the physi cian with the homeopathic cases who passed the house every day. They kept a sharp lookout for him and when he came along call ed him in. The young lady mod estly showed him her disabled member. The little man looked at it and said: “Why, that’s pretty bad.” “Well,” she said, “what must Ido?” “If I were you,” he answered, “I would send for a physician. I am a piano tuner. No receptacle tor soiled clothing, even if handsomely decorated, should be kept in a sleeping apart ment. Soak glass globes in hot soda wa ter, then wash hard in lukewarm amonia water, and rinse m cold water. It is supposed that good beha vior and lessons are the only things that count at school, but true teachers think of character also. They read it in lots of*ways pupils never think of. For this season girls who are going away to board ing i c’wols, acadamy or college this tall will do well to leave most of their jewelry at home. A much I bejeweled girl may be a bright j scholar, but she generally isn’t and wearing ornaments out of place is a sure sign of l ad taste. The brother of a well known so ciety bell has brought suit against a reporter for discribing his lis ter’s appearance as being “uu j fait,” and then allowing the print er to set it up “all feet.” An Ohio editor says that hay fe ; ver is caused by kissing grass wid !ows. An lowa editor thinks it is caused by kissing a hired girl while she is feeding hay to the cow. A wise Kansas editor is of the opin ion that it is caused by missing the girl and kissing the cow. Handsome parlor vases are usu ally filled wilh such ingredients as saud to weight them and prevent the light porcelain from baing brushed off the mantelpiece. Whiten yellow linen by boiling half an hour in one pound of fine soap melted in cue gallon of milk. Then wash in suds, then in two cold waters with a little blueing. The best way to remove mildew stains from leather covered chairs ’s to rub the leather well with a clean, soft and very dry cloth. Then apply a rag moistened with pyroligneous acid. If you want your pie crust to come out flaky and nice and not take up the juice of the fruit or other filling, brush the under crust with the partly beaten white of an egg before putting the filling m. Use Dmon juice and salt to re move iron rust, ink and mildew on white goods. Some time ago “Ouida” inveigh ed against the “shake hand” as a ridiculous and ungraceful method of greeting—“pump-hand-ling” she called it—and pleaded for the “slight inclination of the head” as a substitute. Her protest did not have much effect, and although we still go on “booing and booing and booing,” like Sir Pertinax Mac Sycophant, to royalty and acquaintances, yet we like to use a warmer form o f salutation with our friends. Now “Ouida” finds support in a quarter where she can little have expected it. At Baku, in Russian Asia, a society has been formed with the object of “putting down” the practice of hand-shaking— not on the ground of its inelegance, nut for a more practical reason’ The founder of the society —a doc to: —lieclarsa “ibat to grasp a man’s hand, unless it has been thoroughly diseufected,”is not on ly dangerous,but suicidal “Would you,” he asks, “take iu your hands an unclean object teeming with cholera bacilla?” and concludes by declaring that “shaking hands should be punishable by law ” Os course kissing is still more to be deprecated, A brilliant woman said: “If I had not bored myself so much in my life I believe I could have been very pretty. You smile? That shows you are unobservant. Don’t you know that people who bore themselves continually grow dingy and dull-eyed, heavy of feature and graceless of movement? I nev er knew boredom in congenial sur roundings. But I have died of it nearly, and have certainly grown ugly upon it in the long years that I have been compelled by duty to spend in a dead little country town, where the men all go to sleep with their pipes after dinner and the women tittle-tattle about their secret for making biscuits rise by the hour.” Resolve that when you go to church) ou will prove false the masculine taunt about women look ing at *heir neighbors’ bonnet. Do not strive to see what other people are wearing. It is not only undig nified and irreligious, but is likely to make you green with jnvy. Twenty months is said to be the average widowhood of women under 35. •THE BIGGEST® THING ROME, -WMcDonald-Sparks-Stewart-Company.hA: wife, taipels, Hings fc Wecarry the largest stock in the state. We buy cheaper than any house in the state We sell cheaper than any other house in the state. We do business on business principles. Our customers are always pleased with their purchases. We have The Best Goods We are always picking up big bargains.for om customers. Once a customer alwaysja cits— tomer. Solid Oak Suits $15.00 t0;325.00 ~ Call anJ see our $20.00, PARLOR SUITS. ~~ W i • just overflowing with bright new Furniture It is a pleasure to show you these goods. Call an d see us. Undertaking Coffins, Caskets, <?t Having purchased the complete Undertaking bus inessof W. A. Rhudy, we are prepared to give> this branch of our business the best of at tention, We have made many improve ments &c, which enable us to better serve the public than ever been done in Rome before WcDONILD-SSi-tapaiiL 1. 3 & 5. Third. Avenue