Newspaper Page Text
’ : are full 34 inches long and 20 inches wide. New and bright and
you can buy them at the value of a wash rag at BASS BROS &. Co.
o'd store, and PARKS &. Co, store.
This is but a little item of the Thousand Great Bar
gans in store for the Fall Trade. Our prices for
the next sixty days will be a revelation to
the people, Prices unmatchable, unap
oroachable and phenomenal.
The newspaper announce-'
merits of our purchase of the!;
Receiver of the Ladies' Bazaar
Co., of Alia' ta. It was a <
great stock of fine Dry Goods,
Notions, &c., invoicing $39,-
The price paid was nearer
nothing (han that at which
such goods never changed
hands in this broad land, if our;
know ledge of such matters is a
true record —
8400 Yds, heavy yard-wide Brown Sheeting, worth 6 1-2 cat 4 1-2 c.
420“ Turkey red Damask, never before under 20c going at 12 1-2 c.
8000 “ Good quality 4-quarter bleached Domestic worth 71 -2c at sc.
300 “ Cheviot shirts, with collars, priced by others at $ 1,50 to go at 75c
80 Fine Count all wool, 1 O-quartQrJßed Blankets worth $ 10.
4000 Yds Dress Ginghams, lovely styles & colorings worth 7c at 4 1-2 c.
300 Pairs Ladies Fine dress button shoes, worth $ 1 .75 togo at $ 1.00.
3500 Ladies Hemstitched Handkerchiefs worth from 10 to 1 5c at sc.
2000 Yds. High grade, fine count, Sea Island full 36 inches wide,
worth 71 -2c at 5c
240 Pairs of that celebrated Shoe for Men, “Good wear” worth sold only $1.50-
360 Suits Fine all wool Cheviot Suits single and double breasted
sacks, blacks browns. & c., A/orth $ 1 0.00. Made to sell for $ 1 0.00 or
more. Nothing equal to them in a thousand miles of Rome for the
Bv far the largest stock in this!
An al most endless variety from h j
tingle width American goods from
4c up to the exquisite (fleets of i
French Artists: extra quality. Covert
Clcth, Serges, Novelty Mixtures,
Armures. Bengalines, Pup hues,
Henrietta Cloths, Camel's Han,
Granites, etc.
Satin Dutchess?*, Morie®, Fail-i
ea and Bengalines, Jninaaud Japan-'
ese Silks. Surahs, Ginghams, Prims,
Percies, Cheviots, Crepe Cloth. Ducks
Denims, Suitings, Stupes, etc.
46—inch Covert Cloth, the latest
coarer of new dress fabrics made to I
sell atslJ2s ; our price. .85 '
Beautiful Mixture Covert Cloth,
wort! 80c. at GO
Two-toned Diagonals, 36-inch
Double told Suitings, 36-incb,
<kark and medium gray, worth twice
fee price; lull suit, 8 yards for 11,
lA.OOO yards Fancy Dress Prints,
64xV± cloth wo.tb 7e5
Trimmings & c.
All the imagin'd) es in Silks Iliumi-
EaSwl Surahs, tw.-ioued, shot and
eeedkkh effects, Bengalines, Tff,
VcN'clti Velveteens. Si k Braids, Pass
eujentevies Jets. N velty Trimmings,
Bibbona, etc. Ihe desirable things in
laoes. Embroideries on Swiss, Nam.
eook and Cambrics, all-over embroi
400 yards Hamburg Edging worth
l*4e yard at ,5
2-3 c Hamburg at 10
30c Hamburg at .17
A choice r.fesortinent lor Men, Boys and Children. Swell elFectsin Tweeds, Cheviots, Cas
eimeres ami Serges: also swell eliects in the dressier Fabrics, prominent among which Clays
and West of England Diagonals. Suits for slender people, stout people, young giantsand
little fellows. Especial attention is called to 360 Men’s all-wool Suits al $5.00. They are
Simply unmatchable ba.igains. (jur stock of clothing from lowest to best quality comes to
us as the most brilliant haul of our victorious buyer, and we arc determined bp the power
of nitgnetisin ot price to put more new clothing on men and boys this fall than ever before
in our business experience. The few prices named throughout this advertisement are mere
ly suggestive of the way other goods will be sold, 300 Overcoats less than half prices.
Fact . assortment ot Uk aks.
AAII I INFRY I 'I l> : 'zaar’s stock almost in its entirety was snipped to our
[ll ELI INLI \I J Rome house—cost nearly nothing, and if you want anything
in this line, we will sell it to von away down below prices of others. Come to sue us.
y° r^ e goods here advertised, go to either of our‘‘stores, excepting
that the Miiiinerjr found at the PARKS’A CO. store, and the
Clothing and Hats will beatjihe oldbtore. 25 Broad. Street.
Less Than 1 9 Cts on $
A good percentage of these
goods has been shipped to us,
and if prices and values
count lor anything they will
go into new homes in quick j
order. Our import order for;
Fall Goods had L “in placed
before this purchase w. made;
and the goods are arri/“*g|
daily. Must have room, and
we are going to make it by
bidding adi“tt to a pile of rner
' handise at once.
Sma I Wares.
Nved'ew, Puis, Hair-Pins, Threads.
Wba ebones, Casings, Hooks-and-
Evts, Tape.-, Dress Shields, Coisets
Laces, Shoe Laces, Button--, Brads
A straw will show the wav the
win ' Nows, so in these little items
v/e wifi save you 50 to 100 per cent I
on your purchases S ick a pin down !
here; if you Lave no pin, we will sell ;
you a who] - paper of English Pins
foi sc. and everything else relatively
as ci >eap.
Blankets and Flannels
These goods at pri-es lhat cannot
and will not be duplicated by others
We bought them away under the
market at the great auction sale of |
Faulkner Page &Co New York in
May when the mecury was up and
blankets were down. ;
We want you to see our full size
Bed Blanket at each—a trifle 25 !
Our Fine All-wool Blankets $lO 00 I
value per pair 3 50 i
Nothing ever effered equal to
them as bargains.
Red Flannel worth 25c. al 15
White Flannel worth 25c at 15
Red Twilled Flannel worth 40c at 25
White Twilled Flannel worth 40c at
Every quality of Flannel cut almost
in Two.
Gents Furnishing
Linen Bosom Shirts Laundried and
"Unlaundried ; and Cheviot
Shirts Satine Shirts Drawers Scriven’s
Patent Drawers ; Hosiery and Glove.*
So Price! Price!
will do it. When the cost is!
small, a fraction of the worth,
our lee-wav is immense-19 1-2
cents on the dollar, an all
fine goods too; most of them
Winter Goods—l 9 1-2 Ments,
You never heard of such a pur
in gr a- variety. Scarfs Ties Hose
Sup ortGrs Cuffs Buttons Col'ars and
Cuffs e c.; all iu tbe bargain cata
Men’s Fine All-AVo 4 Shirts and
Drawee silk Slicked worth each sl,-
00 ; <>s long as this lot lasts our price
will be .09
1 ,900 4- Linen Collars 10
There is ro equal to our Dongola
Button Shoe for Ladies at 1.00
Have you yet bought our specia 1
Tap-Sole Blucher Slioes for men?
This Shoe is made excusively for us
and cannot be sold by auy one except
us. We take the bold position that
there is not a Shoe on earth of equ
wear to it at the prme .50
Ladies’ Cloth Top Patent tip great
value 1.50
Ladies’ Genuine Kid worth
i 3.00 at 2.00
| Ladies’ Solid Substantial Shoes
M .n’a Rex Celf Shoes 1.0
. Hand Welt Calf worth $4.50 at 3.00
Children’a Solid Shoes 50
Mieses’ Heavy Shoes * 65
School Shoes north SI.OO at 75
School Shoes worth $1 .25 at 1 .00
Misses’ Fine Shoes worth $2.00 at 1.50
For all our stores we buy as many
Shoes as any 4 houses in Rome; we
buy them at headquarters with ihe
cash aud we buy them at lower prices
than those who buy in smaller quani
lies. Con eto our place for Shoes .
Judge Branham, and other Schol
ars learned iii the science of life,
have intimate that it wan bare'y
possible that Brother Bridges.
Capt. Lytle, Col. John R. Towers.
| Major Freeman, ‘‘Father” Ward
l law and other good citizens who
I went to the circus and let lining
pocketbooketless reporting that
they had been “touched”—might
have lost their “wads” in a little
game o f draw poker.
* *
This may have been the case
with Col Towers —whose empty
purse was found in the eoal house
in Mrs. Maroneys yard, near the
circus grounds. But who helped the
brave Colonel scale the coal scut
tle and draw the poker is yet a
mystery as is his reasons for leav
ing his empty purse.
* *
This morning I interviewed
Brother Bridges, one of the “touch
ed” and learned of him that his
little boys had found three empty
wallets in his cow house. Brother
Bridges, .it will be remembered,
lives near the circus grounds.
* *
One of the three purses seems to
be the property of Capt. Lvtle, for'
while the sl4 dollars had been »m
--putated there remained some bread
tickets, some receipts and Capt.
Lytle’s front door key. It would
seem, from this evidence, that the'
pickpocket had gone to ths cow
house, “stripped” the purse of its
“cream,” but in the skim milk of
human Kindness had left the “stall
of life” tickets and the key to the
situation, to their rightful owners
* *
Brother Bridges has the other
two purses and w> 11 surrender one
of them to its rightful owner, but
thO other —the one containing a
counterfit quarter, just let its own
er show up and see how quick he
will be nabbed. What a grim smil*
that thief must have worn when he
opened that purse and gazed on the
‘‘queer”—l imagine that that olt
spoken of feeling of “honor among
thieves” made his heart ache to
return what Shakespeare kails
“trash,”(wh-n stolen,) filthy lu
cre, “queer” and all.
* *
• *
Will the owner of that pewter
quarter ever come and claim his
* *
I was in at Bass Brothers thia
morning and found them opening
a lot of new goods. “These,” said
Mr. Sam powers, “are goods that
are being shipped from New York
by Mr. J. L. Bass, whois now in
market for the second time, Mr.
Bass is shipping us new goods ev
ery day and if you ever saw bar
gains, familiarize your eyes to them
by gazing on these. ” I gazed.
* «
Mr. Lewis Dempsey, at the R.
V. Mitchell old stand is building
up a magnificent trade. Air. Demp
sey has just received a heavy line
of purest and freshest groceries
and has got lots of “good things”
in the eating line. Call on him.
Among other things for jam up
jelly and best preserved pickles.
'electric lightdanger
Nsgroas and Brunettes Peculiarly
Liable to injury.
New York, Oct. 20—Dr. fames
P. Parker, of Sr. Louis, in a let e
to the editor of the Medical News.
Philadelphia, says that the incan
descent light has a peculiar effect
on the negro and the brunette, af
fecting especially the eye, and pro
ducing the diseased condition
known as electric retinitis.
The changes in the retina con
sist of an increased pigmentation
of the central muscular region, to
gether with lessened visible acuity
aud hyperaemia.
Dr. Parker thinks tnat the im
pairment of vision is liable to be
permanent in cases of this kind.
The greater the ua'arai pigmenta
tion of the retina the more disas
trous the result.
And Excitement Reigns at the Rus
sian Capitol.
For the afficted Ruler; and Re
latives Summonsed to his
Bedside. Can last but
a few days Longer,
at best.
St. Petert burg, October 19. —The
Grand Dukes Sergius and Paul,
the czar’s brothers, started for Li
vadia today. The grand duke of
Hesse-Darmstadt and the Grand
Duchess Sergius, his sinter, were
officially notified by wire at Darm
stadt yesterday of the sudden
grave condition in the czar’s con
dition and started for St. Peters
burg immediately.
Consternation was caused here
by the news from Livadia and the
feeling is general that the czar’ a ’
death may be expected at any time.
Great anxiety is exrpessed regard- (
ing the consequences that would .
follow the sudden death of the czar.
London October 19. —A reporter
at Livadia, of the British Medical
Journal, telegraphs that as the re
sult of interviews with .the czar’s
physicians he is able to state that
the fear of the worst has not been
lessened. The czars trip to Liva
dia has benefited him in some (
ways, but he grows weaker and
there is little hope of his ultimate
recovery, unless he gets into a
warmer climate and refrains abso
lutely from the transaction of
state business.
Professor Leyden thinks Tener
iffe or Orotavu, in the Canary Is
land, would he preferable to Cor
fu as a wintering place for the
czar, but the distance and the pa
tient’s weakness render it hardly
possible for him to be taken there.
A dispatch from St. Petersburg
this morning confirms the report
that the czar’s trip to Corfu has
been abandoned.
Berlin, October 19. —A privite
dispatch from {Livadia says that
the czar’s fami y and attendants
are unanimous in the belief that
he cannot live many days. The
disorders affecting his heart arw
growing serious.
Father Cavan, ofCronstadt, who
is celebrated and revered through
out Russia for the supposed effi
cacy of his prayers at the bed
side of the sick, has started for
M. Muhneoff, minister of jus
tice, who has been abroad recently,
arrived here in haste today. He
came in response to an urgent call
for his presence during the expect
ed crisis.
All political questions are in
abeyance, even the protection of
foreigners in China, inasmuch as
the foreign office is uusettbd St.
1 e ?rsburg has Lot been so shaken
with anxiety for years.
The last bulletin touight was
posted at the street corners
throughout the city. It was read by
anxious crowds. The text is:
“Tee condition of the czar has
changed markedly for the worse.
General debility and weakness of
the heart, are increasing.
Roms Masons go to Rockmart
and Have a Pleasant Trip.
'J here were exactly savnty-seven
Masons on the Specia) train that
left over the Southern last evening
at 6 o’clock for Rockmart.
The meeting in R ckmart with
the local lodge was a most pleasant
one. Sj eeches were made, and a
great banquet was spread.
They returned to Rome st
1 o’clock thia morning.-
A nice neat well lo
cated 5 Room Cottage
oneasyterms. Apply
at Mrs Echols cor 4th
Ave & Ist St. 10-
5-1 mo
I Or- M. A. THED POI . d ,
j oysppps/a / 7M
NcneGenuine V.'-thout Tur < „
Signature orM A.Thejfjko^f” 3 -" 0
Eac, L Wrapper. M.a.The^o^m? 0 ;
Everybody who k
somebody pre ache'!
t he do.ctrm:‘'Patron®,®
home industry ” i
I e « °f, a S°°d cigar ca„'
.afford to practice wha?
they preach for Wart
er s Home made cigar'
are the bestonthemlr
. rving W. Larimore, physical
M.C A.’. ' D « M oi '
lowa, says he can conscientiov
t recommend Chamberlain's Painß
to athletics. gymnasts, bicyclists
ball players and the profession
general tor bruises, sprains and
I locations; also for soreness and
imssotlhr muscles, when ap
before the parts become swol
will effect a cure in onebalf the
usually required. For sale bi J
Bros Druggists
Warter’s “H c
made” grows more
ular as the days go
and its because of
it. For sale by all
ers. Try one.
, A W&WT* Nervi
„ Xbl Neui
. Vbae«
‘l"' “ V*. tionf
•bet-ore - Amer- bun
P r psßion, Softening of the E
in -at jast a miserable death. M/5
VINE arrests all losses in either s
.nd strength to both the muscular a
> its up the brain, builds up the
ig elcep, aad restores health an
merer. A month’s treatment i
tail to any address, $1.90 per box
very ss.ooorder give a Writte
t: e or refund thenumey. Circuit
uni" by our agente.
** KKM Jeh! 2T* ■"
Procluc i
A Sp
Fresh Butte
all the time
New goo
daily, We k
the marke J e “
L. A. D< JD
4091 -3m
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_ BestDO'Wi.h
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.«y P n, nn^ K ° CK TON. AIAS3. I
U>e valuff s2, oe. i n the’Xnrt^" n j fac,ure '
( he h O f tn s,a ’npinif thr-°, r KUTanfe*
a ” a P’Ue o»
c e n:i,, 'ilenia7r! J l . a S'“”s: iiri
/■■‘ •‘••■ine ~ vork in Oarsboel
■ lle Te at ? ‘ 1 'hi f. n- e , ' ca V tiling and
t. * f T. k- -rtie given than
lv 'Stitute. If you
' Cant^/ & CwenV;