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»ec»na-cl&» Mail Matter,
nv->-n si r»vrT»n (Editor, and
PIIILG. BUtD, j Ma „ agßl . I
10 cents a week or $5.00 per annum
• the city of Rome, and Floyd, the
"Banner couuty" of Georgia.
rr-rw " ! -
Why of course democracy will
rule in the next house —even if
dexporra?y has to caucus. Does the
.pops think if won’t?
John W. Maddox the loyal and
true must be endorsed by an over
whelming majority —and he will
f, Maik that prediction.”
Only It I more days before the •
Congressional election takes place.
Re sure and go out to vote tor John
W. Maddox.—Dalton Citizen.
Editor Jim Hall, of tbe’Calhci n
Times, must hav* received the first
installment of that California tor
tune ;be has put the Times up to •
an eight page size.
They are charging 25 cents for
a three minutes talk from Albany
to Americus. This is decidedly in
refutation of the old saying that
“talk is cheap.”—Albany Herald-
One of the hottest campaigns
now being carried on in Georgia is
that of Hon. F. C. Tate, of the 9th
congressional district, who is now
preparing to plant the political
hopes of Col Newt Twitty beneath
thedaisis. —Athens Banner.
The democrats of the Georgia
Legislature should caucus on the 1
selection of officer from Sen-;
ate down, and should see to it that
nene but good democrats and good
men are put into office —Cedar
town Standard
As the field now stands The
Hustler of Rome predicts the
election of W. H. Flemming, of
Augusts, as the next Speaker ot
the House. Mr. Flemming is an
able lawyer and as a parliamenta
rian ranks away up in G.
I'hh Emma Knowles, who came
▼cry nearly being elected State’s
Attorney of Montana, has just been
paid a fee of SIO,OOO for effecting
a. settlement in a law’ suit involv
ing large mining interests. This is
probably the highest fee ever paid
to a woman lawyer.
Suppose John Tomtit Graves, ts
lie Griffin News calls him, strikes
bis tent up m New York, would he
be very much missed? —Columbus
Aud just imagine! what will be
come of New Yoik if Johu-gets
his-gun after the democracy and
•haois down as much democratic
majority there as he did in Geor
gia. Save the mark!
'One of-the most peculiar cases
on record is reported from Boston.
Mies Mary E. Bartlett, late of Mal
den, Mass., who has brought suit
for SISOJXM> damages against the
estate of the late Dr. Henry J. I
Bigelow f<»r alleged’breach of prom- I
ise of maniage, made by the doc
tor some time before Ji is death.
She [says fth at she fully believes
that the doctor would have kept
his promise to wed her had iot
death intervened. After his death,
Miss Bartlett tried to recover from
his executors $150,000 which, she
said, the doctor promised her if
she remained true to him, but they
refused to surrender that sum.
The strange suit will soon be
brought in court.
Now that Governor Northern is
going out of office, what will he do
with the sword that he wore in the
Waycross campaign?—Columbus
Ledger. „
Sell it to Scott Thornton and let
that worthy wear it in his “new
. war’ play of “The hero of St Ma
ry’a Bridge.or how 1 was side track
while enroute to the U. S, Sen-
W ate'
The Lynchburg Advance notes
that even the steel-ribbed conserva
tism of the bank of England ’8
bending; for that venerable in
stitution has admitted women to
clerkship m its office. This is the
a'6 of the conquering queenhood
of women ; and every true-hearted
man rejoices that the petty, paltry,
pigmy notions about the “lords of
creation.” and all ’hat unmitiga
t d bosh, is now no more than a
discarded cnestnut.
Jac a and Jill went up th a hill
To fetch a pail of water;
Jack be was the milkman’s son.
And Jill the milkman’s d yughter.
Free Press
Jack and JrT wehi tin the hiTf’
For wate-.'so’we m-jf,
But the state tl ey wandered home in
Would indicate ’twas beer.
—Chicago Inter-Ocean.
Jack and Jill adown the hill
To get some water ran— —
That was the stiff they gave the cop
Who saw them with the can.
Detrcit Tribune
Jack and Jill went up the hill
Io throw a stream of water;
Bn found the pressure all to weak
To throw it as they ought to.
—Houston Post.
Jack and Jill slid down the hill
After going up for water;
Jack told it about the town
That Jill displayed her garter.
Montgomery Advertiser,
Jack and Jill went np the hill
They say,to gat s .me waler;
But what they got, I w P not say,
I do not think I ought to.
—Mobile News.
Jack and Jill was on the hill
They went up there for water
Jill fell a fall and squalled a squall
While Jack ue sawto —s <wto
Jack end Jill went up the hill
To get a pail of wat r
Jack fell down and broke a §lO bill
and Ji 1 ran away with the change
Mabel Paig*.
Jill and Jack got on the taack
Os a spring of “Mountain dew,”
They “smiled” in whack and never came
To the two little girls in blue.
—Possum Trott Gt sett.
Another Summer hue'passed,an
other fall is sipping by and anoth
er year will soon pass in to history,
but on no page of the scroll of those
days is recorded that dirt has been
broken for the build n ; of a Union
passenger depot or ot water having
been broken tor the purpose ot
damming the Flow'd). Saades ot
Lord Beresford, wh t has become
of Rome’s Board of Trade?.
“In* every Slate m the Union
except Mississippi,“says the, Phil
adelphia Press, “the Democratic
ranks are shattered and broken.”
Are they, indeed? Watch the re
turns and see how the scent of
roses sitll cling to the Southern
ballot box.
The Chicago Journal suggests
that Corbett and Fitzsimmons set
tle their dispute by playing Ham
let and Julius Caesar to a finish,
But this plan would involve cruel
and unusual punishment to the
hired Roman Senate and a plain
violation of the Federal Constitu
In a few more days, and Hon.
W Y. Atkinson will assume the
duties of Governor of Georgia, and
then the campaigu liar who circu
lated the Harry Hill slander will
begin to hunt for a hole of egress.
Does General Schofield think an
eucrease of the standing army nec
essary because Buffalo Bill has
canceled the engagements of hit*
Wild West Indians and returned
them to their reservations?
Jake Moore of Floyd will both’
next keeper of the Georgia Peni
tentiary and will make one of the
best officers that has ever filled
that important position for the
—the usual bowel
5 . medicine. I
T ’ cleans out you!
f system, in a mon
v or less unpleasant
W?.. way—but tbat’i
V- ,-3 all. You’re loft to yourself again,
■jLgka when tliat is over.
trfoa fieroe’s Pleasant Pellets
ffSMlf farther, give better help, do in
good. They have a tonic
UM strengthening effect on the tin
JkW membranes of the intestines. 1
assists and increases the natural action of
bowels. By this means, they permano
cure Constipation, Biliousness, Jaund
Sour Stomach, Indigestion, Dizziness, Sick
Bilious Headaches, and every like disorder.
They’re tiny, sugar-coated granulee, a co
pound of refined and concentrated vegeta
extracts —the smallest, the easiest to ta
and the easiest in the way they act.
They’re guaranteed to give satisfactio
ever}’ case, or your money is returned,
pay only for the good you get
For BO cents, at any druggist’s, you can
Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy. No matter
bad your case or of how long standing,
will permanently aura your Catarrh.
‘ Our John” is the favorite son of
N >nh West Georgia and will ever
lastingly wipe up the earth with
old Dr. “Flopper” Felton, Mark
that prediction
Prof. J. C. Harris and wife, of
Rome, spent Tuesday night in the
city with relatives. Prof, Harris
attended a meeting of the Board of
Trustees of the school for the Deaf
and Dumb in Cave Spring yester
day.—Cedartown Standard.
Mr. Sam Graham, who left s< me
time ago to investigate a position
offered him by a big Iron Compa
ny in Tennessee, has returned to
the city Mr. Graham’s friends
will be pleased to learn that he
wilLremain in Rome, as he has
decided that he can do as well here.
The circus at Rome drew a. large I
crowd from adjoining counties,
and Polk furnished her share.
Nearly three hundred tickets were
sold at the Cedartown railway of’
fice, and our city had quite a re
spectable minority on the grounds.
The pick-pockets got in their work
and several lost their purses. Judge
Bick was looted for $27, and Mr.
Isadore Scheuer was relieved of
his pocket change—Oedartovn
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case of catarrh
that cannot be cured by Hall’s Ca
tarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props,
Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years,
and believe him perfectly honor
able in all business transactions
and financially able to carry out
any obligation made by their firm.
West & Truax, Wholesale
Druugest, Toledo, O. Walding,
Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale
Druggist, Toledo. O.
Hull’s Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally, acting directly upon the
blood ano mucous surfaces of the
sys em. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold
by ail Druggist. Testimonials free.
Valuable Fanns foment or
We have On hand a
number of good farms
for rent or sale. These
farms have come into
our hands at very rea
sonable figures, and
we are in position to
offer them at low
prices and on most
favorable terms. Ten
antsand buyeis would
do well to consult us
before trading. We can
rent or sell. To good
parties, wishing time
on Farms we are
pared to offer bargains
Come and see us
Hoskinson & Harris.
Weekly Excursions to California.
Every Friday mbrninga one way
excursion leaves Chattanoga via
the Queen & Crescent route for
Los Angeles, San Franciso and
other points in California, carry
ing tourist sleeping cars, from
Chattanooga to San Francisco
with charge via New Orleans and
the S 'iithern Pacific railway. Pas
sengers holding firstand seconp
class tickets are permitted to occu
py space in tourists sleeping cars
on payment of a nominal rate
charged for accommodations there
These cars are modern and com
ortable sleepers in charge of con
ductor and porter and are furnish
ed with bedding, curtains and all
other necessary articles.
Passengersen route to Mexico via
San Antonio or El Paso, Tex.
have only one change of ears by
this route.
For further information call on
or address: A. J. Lytle, D. P. A.,
107 W. Ninth St.,
Chattanooga, Tenn
J. R. McGregor, T. P. A., 2005
First Ave.,
Birmingham, Ala.
W. C. Rinsarson, G. P. A.,
Cincinnati, O
Every cu turner buying 50c
worth ot goods nt a time will have
a guess ev-ry day they do so, at
a j ir of beans, etc , to he opened
O' ’o'ler 31et, 1894
The one guessing nearest th>
number gets a good
The 2nd nearest a Barrel Flour
The 3rd. nearest It 0 l«s. Flour
The 4rh nearest 50 lbs Flour
The sth. nearest 25 lbs . Flour
The 6’h, nearest 5 lbs, Fim
Soda Crackers.
The 7th. nearest 1 Gallon ot
Prime Molasses.
The next eight nearest, each 25c
worth of any goods ihy may se
The Guess Costs You
Everybody invited to call,
and see,
-412 Broad Street,
Pence Cheap Cash Grocery and
Notion Store. The cheapest
place in town to buy goods. Give
me a call, satisfaction guaranteed.
Recently said that one of his favorite ways
cf spending an evening was to hunt up every
Imaginable phase of some question, In the
• argument of which he had been worsted Ch
his way up town.
i /g
“And when I know what the
about it,” he said, “ I feel capable of wiping
up the floor with that man." It is a
counterpart of Mr. Depew's faithful library
offers to all its readers on terms so low as to
be almost humorous.
One cigar a day less is nothing in the way
of self-denial, yet forth* price of that
< Indulgence this complete library can be
brought into the family, so that every member
can, in the words of Chafles Dudley Warner,
“drop a nickel in the slot and take out a
complete education.”
Mr. Depew further said that when a boy
He flade It a Role
To lay aside one-fourth of his earnings, and
that he has ever since, throughout life,
observed this rule, tn fact, the Idea of early
training in this direction of economy, for tha
sake of an education, is now being agitated
by our leading teachers everywhere, because
of the fact that a boy’s or girl’s future
> depends very largely on how they use their
time and money from five to fifteen years
of age.
you to secure the ENCYCLOPAEDIA
BRITANNICA at Ten Cents a day, and
presents you with a dime savings bank te
fnstrunt your childron i« habits of ecot-iosy,
You Intend to Get
This Encyclopaedia for your home some
time—it is only a question of how sooa. If
you order now you will get the benefit 6t our
introductory rates —a saving of from sai to
, S); oa the price ot your set. besides getting
It on the remarkably easy terms made
» possible by eur special contract. But what to
\ still'more Important; every day you delay you
deprive yourself and family of the elevating
•nd refining Intluence ot this excellent
library, which might at well be placed la
your home today, for it can be done by
denying yourself the price ot one cigar a
But bear in mind that this offer Is not
perpetual, and THE CONSTITUTION cen
supply its subscribers at introductory rates |
for a limited time only. It behooves you to
order now, and be on the sate side. It is a
step that you will never regret, for the
possession of this great library Is sure to
prove a source of the greatest profit and
pleasure to yoyr home.
The Constitution
SWhat Nerve Berries
have ‘<one for others
will <l<
for you
i v * 1
O F 15Tn DAY. 3;, I
IV2 E M Easily, Quick!,
and Permanznily Re.-rfe \>d.' 3oth da y
n '-"[e for al. We, ,t -s>eH. Nervoostieec
OHbihty. and all tlit-ir tram of PV i!s i-esr.ltfn.
•rom early errors and later excesses; the resui
u overwork, airk lee* voir-- • Oeveiot
and utves tone and t< , i, lt <
rails. Ntojo, u.inu'urni 1«» .. ■. ■ ■■sulsa.l
riiiisxlon-i caused hy y.uiil ~( | vrrora ilr ei
:esstye use oi tobtweo. opiuiia and ilnuoi
ihlcii lead to ronsumidfon and firs.-tuili I
I aeiruec shows immediate improvement ■ j-.-eo
“> “ itation. Insist upon having the genv ne
Mcrve Berries, MlTarrvVrV/s
■ ocket. 1-riee, ? per box. six boxes, on fill
-reatmcni. As.m. bmirani veil tocurent is <
t not kept by your we will send then
0} mail, upon receipt of price, in olnin wrnp
a’nkb'ic'am'm K»iCAiL r c«:l l i;a«rt l .s;iu' '
For Sale by J. T
Crouch &. Co.
Rome Mutual Loan Assooiatoi
325, Street.
A National Building and Loan Company
Purely Mutual, safe Investment and ’
Good Profit Made by small
Montnly Payments,
J. A. GLOVER. I resident. j D Mf>
CHAS. 1. GRAVES,iVico Bcesidei-t. j H> ' & Deas.
HAL-TED SMIT H . General Conm-t’i " ' ' ' ' ’"“' i **P‘-
We are now prepared to Show
A Select Stock of New and Sty
lish Millinery,
Ladies, Misses and childrens,
Hats and Bonnets, Baby Caps'
Hair Ornaments, Side and Tuck
Combs, Ice Wool, Silk floss and
Zephyrs. Will sell at lowest Cash
prices, Call and See us,
||t g i
I® j*
Madison Aven l e and 58th. Street,
$o per day and up. American Plan.
• ——
Two Blocks from the Third and Sixth Avenue Elevated
The Madison and Fourth Avenue and Fell Li ,K ‘ Cars pa ss
the Door.
S proprietor'
Passenger Elevator runs rrgbd.
We can furnish fresh Lime in large quanities
burned from our own Kilns on short notice.
Brick. Lime, Hair and Sand always on hand
Gre*oro;e AVL TranaiiieH
Fourth Ward Brick Yards,