Newspaper Page Text
Lowry Bro’s
Dry Goods
Call .
We Are
and LOW
Lowry Bros
atC.. WOODS,
old Stand
403 Broad St,
If les Lawrence Slioultl Be Found
by the People of Jasper
Flovilla,Ga,, Oct. 19 —Yesterday
while Mrs. Salli© Pope, a widow,
was picking cotton near Smith's
mills, she was set upon by a nf-grn
named Lee Lawrence and ou'rag
Large posses of citizens are
ecoir eg the country for him. He
will be lynched if caught.
Dr. Kremien Sentenced
Baltimore,October 18.—Ur John
D. Kremien, recently adjudged
guilty of murder in the second d -
gree for poisoning John Forres,
aliaa Herman Hanburch, formerly
of Philidelphia, was today sentenc
ed to ten years’ imprisonment it
the state penitentiary. The su
preme bench last week denied the
plea for a new trial. Kremien,who
was Forres’ physician,{was arrest
ed when he presented the forged
will to the orphans’ court purport
ing to give him Forres’s estate
Valued at $6,500.
Fusion Reached in North Carolina
Raleigh, N.C. October 19. — The
republican state executive commit
tee met here today, Chairman Hol
ton, presiding. The matter of com
pleting the fusion .ticket was dis
Chairman Butler and several
members (of the popu'ist state
committee were present, and af
terwards the two chairmen had a
long conference. Both were very
It is learned that it was "decided
to put the name of William A.
Guthrie, populist, of Durham, on
the supreme court ticket,view Hen
ry G Connor, who declined to ac
cept the nomination The printing
of the fusion tickets was ordered
done imm°d iatelv.
Mrs Mattie L. Mauldin / Libel for
vs. Div or c e
Perrian. Mauldin. \ in Floyd
Superior Court Meh, term 1894.
It appearing to the Court by the
return of the Sheriff, in the above:
stated case that the defendant!
does not reside in said county and
it further appearing that he does
not reside in this State. It is or
dered by the court, that service be
perfected on the defendant by the
publication of this order and no
tice twice a month for two months,
three months before the next term
of this court, in the Hustler of
Rome, a newspaper published in
Floyd County in which Sheriff’s
advertisements are published.
April 18 1894. W. M. McHenry,
J. S. C. R. C.
Mrs. Mattie L. Mauldin, ) Libel
vs. ;• for
Perrin A. Mauldin. \ Divorce
To the defendant Perrin A.
Maulden, you are hereby notified
to be and appear at the next Su
perior Court to be held in and for
said county on the 4th, Monday
in next September then and there
to uiak» your defense, if any you
have to the Plaintiffs Libel for Di
vorce .
Witness the Hon. W. M. Henry,
Judge of said court, this April 18,
Wm. E. Beysiegle,
Clk. Supr. Court.
The Little _G re n
Market No. 42 7 Broad
St. Everything Clean
and nice. The be s t
Sausage in me city. We
will gaurantee every
pound 16 oz. Polite At
tention all orders filed
promptly Give us a trial
McEntire & Schlap
When you want to
buy groceries and buy
them cheap call upon
J A. Kane cor. Broad
and Ross St. New yel
low yam pototoes very
cheap, orders called I
for and
..... MILDREN.
Look out for Sunday Mornings
Hustler of Rome,
Are to be given away but you
Must have Sunday Morn
ing's Hustler of Rome
or you are not in it.
Get one.
The Sunday morning Hustler
of Rome will contain an auu< u icu
ment that will prove a big sensa
tion among the children readers
of this piper.
No child can sfiTird t>> miss the
for if it does ii misses every
hance at (he handsome gifts which
we are going to place within reach
of all.
Os course the early bird will get
tin* S2OO worm but each ch i 1 d.who
tries,is going to get something nice.
Don’t fail to ger, a Sunda/ morn
ng Hustler of Rome.
it Cures Consumption.
Cincinnati, 0., October 19.—De.
positions taken here in the case of
Dr. Amick vs. Reeves, develop
some remarkable facts. It was
shown that the Amick Chemical
Company, of this city has supplied '
forty thousand doctors with Dr. i
Amick’s chemical treatment for
consumption, as much as SI,OOO
worth of sample n edicine being!
distributed daily. Each patient re
ceived a trial outfit and an inhal
er. The company offered as evi
dence its files, containing thou
sands of reports from physicians
of cure* covering every stage and
phase of the disease.
The Censorship of the Press.
Jackson, Miss., October 19.
The postmaster general has declar
ed the Co-operative Loan and In
vestment Company, of Mississippi,
with headquarters in this city, a j
lottery, and the same has been re
fused the use of the United States
mails, “and newspapers carrying
the advertisement of such lottery
have been notified that publica
tions containing such advertise
ments are not mailable matter.
Eluded the Chinese.
London. Oct. 19. —The steam
ship Moyuue, recently purchased
in England by the lapauese Gov- i
ernmeut has arrived at Yoko’no
ma, having made the passage from
Cardiff in 33 days, steam Dg 8,9< 0
miles without stopping. Although
Chinsse warships were on the look
out for.her ->he had no difficulty in
e ad mg them .
Today was Capt. A. B. S, Mose
ley's birthday and whether or not
Mrs. M. W. Brett knew the fact
when she sent him that lovely col
lection of beautiful roses makes no
difference. The exquisite flowers
were greatly admired by many per
sons and Mrs Brett certainly ha*
shown excelent taste in their selec
tion and wonderful cucoess in their
IjricuW Colkgs,
At Dahlonega, Georgia.
Spring tei’va begins first Monduy in February.
Fall term begins first Monday in September.
tuition rm
U th ample corps of teachers.
under a U. S. Army Officer detailed by
Secretary of war.
Departments of Business, Short
hand, Typewriting, Telegraphy,
Music and Art.
Under competent and thorough instructors.
YOUNG LADIES hare equal advantagee.
We have opened at the old stand
<>f W. H. Edmoiub in A Co., on
Broad st., with W. H. Edmondson
as manager of the business. Our
goods are fresh and nice and we
are going to sell them very cheap
for cash.
S ‘nd your child or servent to us,
an 1 they will be treated as well as
if you came yourself (but don’t
forget to send the cash.) If you
w mt to buy groceries at retail and
w holesale prices come to see us.
We want all of W. II . Edmon
sons A* Cos old customers and a
great many new ones, so come and
do your self good and please us.
Edmondson Grocery Co.
—v w. —
The Kaiser’s Flags.
Berlin, October 18. —A magnifi
cent military display was witness
ed to-day in connection with the
formal dedication of the 132 Hrgs
destined for the recently organized
hour th Battalion of each regiment
of infantry. The cere .iony us nail
ing there flags their staffs was per
formed by E npe'or Viliam n
the Ruhmes Halle, or HaH or
Fames, of the arsenal.
Wholesale Murder.
Hamburg, October, 19. —A sen
sation has been caused here by the
mysterious disappearance of Her
Rothgardt. a leather merchant of
the Hansa Platz, his wife and four
children and his brother-in-law,
named Kruse, The body of the
youngest child has been washed
ashore at the Island of Finken
waerder in the Elbe, and it is be-1
ieved that the disappearance of
the whole family may turn out to
be a case of wholesale murder and
Miss Mamie Weems, of Atlanta,
is visiting relatives in the city.
Mr. W. J. Powell,of Thomasville,
is at the Armstrong.
Mr W. G. Hatchell,of Gadsdeu,
is in the city.
Suita Uy. Co icfiefflo.
To The East.
Lnave East Rome 5.40 a. in. 4,40
Arrive Cleveland 7.55 a. m. 7.02 p. tn
“ Knoxville 10.25a, ni. ll'.OOp.m.
“ Bristol ,2.15 p. ni. 4.30 a. in
“ WaFhingt0n......4.02 a - in. 9.40 p. m
“ Baltimore 5.00a.m. 11.00a.m.
“ Philadelphia 7 05.a. m. 3.50 a. ni
*• sew York 10.50 a, in. 6.52 a. in
Train leaving East Rome at 5.40 a. m.. has a
Pullman Sleeping car. to Cleveland,
where it connects with tire popular Vestibule
Dining car train for Washington and New York
This i rain also connects at Cleveland, with
train for Chattanooga, arrives at 9.55 a. in. The
4,40 p. in. train connects at Oolt- wrh Junction
wi: h Sleeping car, for Radford. Vi.., making di
reel connection for all points East.
To West. And The North
Leave East Rome 4.40 p. in. 2.00 a.tu 10.40 am
Arrive Chattanooga....T.lOp. in. 4 50 a.m. 1.20 pm
“ cincinn .ti 7,30a. in. 720 p,in.
Nashville 8.20a. in.10,55a. m.7.20p.iu
“ Memphis 7.00a. m. 6.10 p. in.
“ St. Louis 6 45p. in. 7.05 a. m.
*• Kansas city .7,25 a. tn, 10.25 a. in.
Little Rock 2.30 p. m, 2.45 a. tn,
“ Ft, Worth ~8 :#0 a. in. 7 -50 pin
Trains leaving East Rome 4 :40 p ni is the pop
ular "Cincinnati & Florida Limited.” It is full
vestibuled and runs solid Jacksonville to Cin
cinnati. carrying Pullman's finest sleeping cars
and a magnificent observation oar from Macoa
to chattanoogai seats free), where it makes di
rect connection with solid train with through
Sleeping car attached Chattanooga to Memplii -
connecting there for all points west.
To South Georgia, Carolina and
eave East Rome, ,2 50 am 1115 am 4 02pm
Arrive Atlanta 6.00 am ILS p m 6 25pm
“ Augusta ....,1.20 pm 925 p tn.
“ Macon 10 50 a m 725pmio 40 p ni.
“ S vam.ah ... 630 pin 700 am
“ Brunswick.... 715 pin 6 1.5 am,
“ Jacksonville ~9 00 pm 830 am,
Tra n leaving East Rome2:so ain runs solid
to Brunswick. S.eeping cars Chattanooga to At
anta, The 1115 uin train solid through vesti
buled train to Jacksonville, stops in Atlanta 1
until 7 30 p m : lakes on sleeping ear to Bruns
wick ami the connection from 4:02 train, The
1115 am .lain co nieces wiih R A I),S AL, A A
W P and ca railroad trains in the Union l>ei>ot,
Atlanta, It Also has an elegant observation
chaii car (seats free) to Macon,
To Alabama, Texas & the West.
Leave East Rome.... ....9 40 pm
Arrive Anniston ,12 05
“ Selma 5301 m
“ Montgomery.... ,7 00 ai n
Mobile 12 30 noon
•• New Orleans 445 pm
“ Houston.., TlO a 111
Leave East .tome 4 10 p m Alpine Accomoda
Leave East Rome 2,00 p, in, Gadsden and At
talla Accommodation.
Train leaving East Rome 9:40 p m has Pull
man Sleeping car to
t PRICKLY ASH, POKER; ’. . ' 'BmB ~ '' ' •
'> Makes l\ .
? Marvelous Cures i. *
* in Bioorl Poison
* Rheumatism , U
■t an(j Scrofula \*,
>X 1' r I’ puri'ca •:.,- 1,.., ..I ).■■; -,» np F f • 1 ■RduHNK AAAd-.’AA ; <'’ASi
'JJ t"» "•■nk hi. l dehlldatH.i. |lr « i AA■ -■ '-■ A- "f' : .A
'< fri-nutb to aenketisl neive- ri;ei< L X B A. >
A d.-eases KlUr'L He i ntlknl kv". n t '■» V ■ 1
f o' Tnoi'li'us" where • i.kneti. , .. my I J ■HIMIMWMMIWBWWWMI
•< ><••• inui and b.- mp tn-t i rwiiH"! .< \ j > 'WBMaMjfIHIMMHwiiSBWMMIIMaI
~7— > ,
ir T t i.tin.ary ne.-. n lari- a., 1 ten art 1 '. V ’• I .
ryi'bilis, t.,r Id I |...n. rt-.T-ii’- 1 i W■MHHHMK'd TVBJmOh
5) i‘.il r i- nn m . < ,~. . s MMffifItHMHMMB tfrtSari
■ Id nil Id 1 and ,-uiu .Iwtvj,
"> I'l"'' In's. I • ..'ll Ihr I.- nh ri,. Al ' 1« ! bMMMMMMMMMI
,■■ .1 Rcnhi ii. ni. ■ !,.. t, ' t 1' I ugWMMMMMMMHfejgjS’tßsfea
’!■ i.j.i ..f
,’n, mt ra.ti.t i. .n. t l>nr r. 1' I’. i. il.elift jv. ..1 g f y
I'v l ' 1 '" 11 i' u| d>vr in ti»» ii i n iii ,u<- > > WMMMBMmMMBMhMmWI
p.i d'ivi', speedy mid pei i..r.iient , e, gMMMMMBMM—I
X in nil coses. 1 '■ | Ti a M
( ..) . ‘I, ' '
V Ijf'len whoue systems urn p..l»..ned J. '' \ V -A i S vCRmBSHRBK'''
**) and whoso blood >■ in ar. Ini; :”. <• hi i- kno . I W r e JAi’ s
' * tlon. dllo tn inoliHtrual 11 reg oarltlra, »’rn. \ I
, sre peculiarly bem-fitnd by the v.-on- P»n \ll H • ,*3H|MMBSDn|
X. 4 derful tonic and bl.. .! cleansing prop- rltai 11 V < ,1 iWMMM—
R crtiesi.f I‘. 1> I- Prickly Ash, Toko un<> 1 1' 'U t
-k Itoot au.l rotasKium. SO! T. I 1‘ 1 '
~ andt ' ,A
- Bt RiNiirirtn, Mo., Vtiß. nth. Is7 111 / I 1 *tt ; ft <• ''rffl
A -1 <• .n npeal; >.< :.•• highest ’er:, aof I"‘ ~I;. Il >1 "'s'iki!
/'i? vonr inedlclne f" wn personal iruu-ii i a. v t.
v Knowledge. Iw an aft. eted r.-it !i heart I ¥. i'll '.|V ] ,_ J ( ' i
Jk disoane, jil.-arisy and r':nnmat!«tn f r I 1 ft v
C ” H.> years, wint •■ best V 1 If J
'r t.hrklciai.« aii'i sj. nt Imu tre.> . f .’.>l-
-A lara, tried . very ki...ten ren-edy witn- CWf. 11 .X ’’
(Jr out finding relief. I hav. only taken I 1 WiAfl
J. one bottle of your P. r. 1., and can AI - |< I ft' 'tMMMBMy 1 '
cheerfully say It has done . Br% . It 1 3V g w||MMw|Mw' '■
good than anything 1 have over tal.en. j' I T*. r■'
1 can recommend your medicine to all 1 f* I’ "-
Butfarora ot the above diseases. <4 > '
MRS. M. M. YEARY. w . J.l t tV ’
Springfield. Green County, Mo, lappma I ȣ (
”st« A
Nothing in This W J
Is so cheap as a newspapqk V
measured by the cost of its p | | IT
value to the consumer. We cA i I'i Bl
an American, metropolitan, dI ’■ > 1
first class like THE CHICAGO I WS
cheap and so yood you can’t wt
°f progress to be without it. *lr|
papers possibly as good, but zzlft I z
none just like it. It prints all All
the world—the news you care fc it 1W VtH
and prints it in the shortest possbw.X « Vi’ ?
work too. It is an independent |.
all political news free from- the i\] i
bias. In a word—it’s a complete A VH ■
clean, honest family newspaper, flZi Wl
largest morning circulation in Chichi ‘l WfcWM
west—l2s,ooo to 140,000 a day. UII|MEI
Prof. J. T. Hatfield of the No I. || I
University says: CHICAGO l | % t
comes as near being the ideal da ■' '
nal as we are for some time likef 1 i | ®
on these mortal shores. *V I TV®
Sold by newsdealers everywhere, a I |fn
scriptions received by all A i t a, 11
IHE CHICAGO RECORD, 181 Madison-s .f I ;• ‘
L ' 1
First farmer: —I see they have
a new wagon >ard in Rome.
Second farmer: —Yes 1 stopped
there last night and they treated
me in first-class style, and took
good care of a-U my goods. You
bet I am going to stop at ‘ Robin
sons” wagon yard whenever I go
to Rome, on Broad street opposite
Engine House. w-1 t.
State of Georgia, Floyd County,
to the Superior Court of said Coun
ty: The petition of Cornelius Ter
hune, J. Park Bowie, Geo. F. Nix
on and P. M. Nixon respectfully
first That they are the owners
of theentire capitol stock of the
“Terhune, Berry Hardware com
pany,?’ a corporation chartered
according to the laws of the State,
second That petitionersare now
engaged in, and propose continu
ing business under said charter and
the privileges therein conferred
but they desire to change t;j_
name of -;mi
hune Nixon Company.
Wh - refoie pet ii , I’ 1 W, ®' 0
granting of an older of the iVt-WKM
changing the iri m< f sa?
tioii to h.t f ‘T . ; u e *’V V ‘
Company, ’ ami p. ;i;i<'.'ne>'Al9H
ever pray on. [WI
McHe:i t >»' vTmuH.J
I- lied in < fiiee ( jt , I|G 1.
\V. i " ■ ' 118
At; ; > copy fr> :.r. nawMM
a;,; w of . J‘.ill
'■ o. ~ f Fiord• ■■ rk Coulj’ ?
0 1m M I
Clerk tap u C V'
Fhn ovntv Ga. VI
Good Advice.
Wo advise every reader of this paper toi
write to the Gazette Co., Cincinnati, v., sot I
a free sample copy o£ that good old paper— 1
The Cincinnati Gazette. It is now published <
twice a week—every Tuesday and Friday, for 1
only one dollar a year, and it seems to grow
better with each issue. Its fashion page is
quite a feature, being edited v ith great care.
It describes the very latest Par isian c<
as well as the plainer, every-day horfie dress.
Its news pages, home and farm pages, story
pages, market pages, etc., are full and com
plete. It will always be a
every intelligent
in «o ■i v