The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, October 21, 1894, Image 1

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tanw THE HUSTLER OF ROME Sunday Edition? - -- • • ■ -j ; FOURTH YEAR Lowry Bros Dry Goods notions SHOES ■ HATS CAPS ETC Call AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK OF STAMPED LINFN’Q IFe Are NOW OPEN OUR NEW QUARTERS, NEW GOODS, and LOW PRICES, Lowry Bros ate. . WOODS, o| d Stand 4Q3 Broad St, A SANCTUM I ROMANCE They were Partners on the Valdos ta Telescope LIKED DOUBLE HARNESS So Well that they Decided to Intensify the Union and Ex tend the Date of Part nership Indefin ately. Valdosta. Ga., October 20. —The marriage of Mr, Charles Brantley and Mias Florence B, Wiliams, both editors of the Valdosta Tele scope, has just been made public The mother and sister of the bride have known of the marriage ever since it was consummated in Augst Ist. Mr. Brautly, when asked today in regard to his marriage to Miss Florence Williams, stated that he and Miss Florence Williams were married by Rev. Walker Lewie, in Atlanta, on the Bth of Augst, They left here to attend the Weekly Press Association, and the ceremony was performed just af ter the editors left for Washing ton, The marriage had been kept a profound secret, it having been given out only by the mother and a married sist-r of Miss Wiltiams Uprising in China. London, Oct. 20.—The Shanghai representative of the Central News positively reaffirms the statement that a sin al 1 uprising has taken place at Ku-Lao Hwei, 200 mileeJJjrom Han Kow, in which two inferior offi ceis were allied. The same dispatch says that >he peculation of Sheng-Tao tai, of 'Vten-Tsin. have been well known througout vnina, uui persons in exalted positicu have endeavored to suppress all men tion of his irregularities. S, M, STARK. 1 desire to inform my Friends and Patrons and the Pub lie gener ly, that my elegant line of new Fall and Winter WOOLENS ’ Has been received,and are now open for in spection, And I willfur ther state that I am now better prepared than ever to turn out FIRST CLASS WORK AM) FIRST CLASS GOODS, At prices never before heard of in jßome,, S. M. STARK, MEBCHANT TAHOB 16 ARMSTRONG HOTEL ROME GEORGIA. SUNDAY MORNING OCTOBER. 21 1894. FIVE MEN Hold up a Western Train and Se cure much Money A COAL COMPANYS KJSH Was whatthey were cf er, they Blew open the Outer doors of the safe but failed to reach the Treasure of $16,000 Fort Worht, Tex.. October 20. At 8 o’clock this afternoon a dis patch was received from Secretary Mills, of the Texas Pacific Coal Company at Thurber Junction, on the Texas Pacific,Ry, west of this city ninety-five miles, stating that a train had been robbed near Gor don, but that the coal company money was safe, as the robbers could not open the safe The money was for the month ly pay roll of the employes of the coal company at Thurber, and had been placed in the express ear in a burglar proof safe, the combina tion of which the messenger dip not know, hence the robbers were unable to gain access to it. Inquiry by telephone at the ex press company's office failed to elicit any information concerning the robbery, Agent Gill being out and the employes in the office claiming to be entirely ignorant of the robbery. From railway employes it is learn< d that about $16,000 in lo cal packages was secured from the Pacific Express Company, and it is reported that a larger sum esti mated as high as $50,000, was taken from the through safe, though this report is not confirm ed. The robbers were five in num ber and held up the passengera in the coaches and secured a large ' miscellaneous conation of watch es, money and other booty. No one was injured so for as was learned, though it is reported the robbers took a couple of shots at the porter. Later reports state that the robbers blew open the coal com pauie’s safe but were unable to get to the $16,000 contained therein, as they failed to open the inside combination. BRIDEGROOM SURPRISED At The Eleventh Hour The Bride ZBacked Out Champaign, 111., October. 20. — Just a week ago Mr. and Nrs. A, J. Kirkpatrick, who live near Ur bana, sent out to their many friends, cards announcing the marriage of their daughter, Myra, and W. W. Woolever would occur last evening. As Mr. Kirkpatrick is a very prominent farmer, his daughter a very much admired young lady and the groom to be a deservedly young man, the wedding promised to be the social event of the neigh borhood. Yesterday was the eighteenth birthday of the young woman, and every preparation was made by her parents for the wedding. The guests were assembled, the lamps were trmmed and burmg for the bridegroom and he appeared on scheduled time. To the consternation of the guests, Mr. and Mrs, Kirkpatrick, and the especially the young man himself, bride that was to be ! decided at the elevent hour and the fiftyuinth minute, that she did not wish to wed. Naturally, her decision made it impossible to carry out the pro gramme, and the guests and the young man repaired to their homes without partaking of the wedding feast. Ths affair has created a sensation. SHE HAS SOLD MANY TICKETS To J Henniiy Nelms GreatLeit ire, “Joseph” HOPE TOSECURE ENOUGH Signers byTomorrow Afternoon to Guarantee the Lecture to Rome. From Press Re ports the “Joseph" is a Gem. Mrs Mniley Bainbridge Crist, the gifted Kentucky authoress is meeting with great success in plac ing tickets for Col. J. Hemiug Nelms gr%d lecture “Joseph.” Mrs. Crist has on her lists of tncket holders a large number of ths names of the very best people in the city. The lecture, so highly spoken of by the Kentucky Press, will be given under theauspicea and patron age of Sharter College and lead ding citizens of Rome. Mrs. Crist, in the arduous du ties of “working up” the lecture; has proven herself as great a hus tler as she is a writer —and these who have eaten of the fruits of her lifted pen know that—she is a hustler. She hopes by tomorrow afternoon to be able to announce the date of the lecture, Ten Dynamite Bombs. Barcelona, Oct. 20 —Ten dyna mite bombs were found today near the engine of a large manufactory where a number of anarchists were formerly employed. Fuses were at tached. Among the anarchists,who were at one time employed at these works, were two men who were ex ecuted {sometime ago in frort of the fortress of Montguich. An in vestigation showed that the bombs were rA>wesful‘ to have aused great destruction. A Blanket Indictment. Chicago, October 20’ -The fed eral grand jury today returned an indictment against Dets and the officers of the American Railway Union and a large number of per sons charged with participation in violence and the obstruction of the mails and commerce on the diffei ent roads last summer. In all sixty persona have be-m included in the blanket indictment. Populist Nomination. Memphis, Tenn. Oct. 20, —The populist of the tenth Tennessee district today nominated R. J- Rawlins for Congress. Tnere is no hope for the success of Rawlins, but his candidacy makes the chanc es for the democratic nominee,Col. Patterson, doubtful and gives J.W. Brown, republican a favorable prospect. Postponed a Week. Washington Oct. 20. —Secretary flerberti has molified the orders which,were issued to Commander Davis of the Montg>mery, t> leave Norfork. November 6th and visit Mombile, Ala. not later than Nov. 15th on account of an exposition which is to be held in Mongomery November 15th. The departure of the Mongomery will be postponed a week. End of the Topolobumpo. Abilene Kan- Oct. 20. —The end of the greatTopobolobampo colo ny is complete. The final scene is the suspension of its paper. The Intergral Co-Operator, yes erday. The paper was {published by the colony president, C. B, Hoffman The colony has been gradually loosing ground for some mouths i through desertion of the ranks* ’ PAT WALSH Made a Fine Speech at the Couit House Last Nieht. THE AfiRIFF DISCUSSED : A Fair Sized Audience Greeted the Distinguished Senator. He Won Votes for De- I mocracyand Friends for Himself. lion. Patrick Walsh arrived in the city yesterday evening at 6 o’clock and commencing at 8 . o’clock last night spoke to a fair ( audience at the court house. The short notice given for his i speaking here and the business men having to attend to their at- 1 fairs the crowd was not as large as it ordinarily would have been. Senator Walsh is a small stout man, but has a face that indi cates much thought and great det ermination. Wil'iamA. Wright introduced the speaker in a short and eloquent address. Mr. Walsh started out by state ing that the financial depression was due to the inside of the repub lican administration that proceed ed the present democratic govern ment. The democrats have redeamed their pledges, he said, and were saving th* eountry millions of dol lars by tariff legislation and on economical a administration of the government affairs. The srving in this country to the consumers will amount to $62,000- 000 by the tariff. By a reduction of the expenses of the administra tion $30,000,000, $8,000,(MX) to the laboring class by the income tax, and $20,000,000 by the whiskey tax. 1 His talk was manily on the line of the tariff, and made a pro found impression upon hie hearers. He is a forcible and able speaker, and won friends by his speech for democracy. THE ROBBER WANTED Gov. O’Ferral of Virginia, Cails ’ Upon Gov. Brown, of Maryland. Richmond, Va., Otcober 20. — ( Govovernor O’Ferrall tonight is sued a requisition upon Governor Brown, of Maryland, for the sur render to the Virginia authorities of C. J. Searcy, whois in the Cum -1 berland, Md., jail under suspicion ' of being one of the outlaws who • held up the passenger train at ' Aquia creek and robbed the express , car. His excellency declines to say • what evidence the state has, but he • feels thoroughly confident that i Searcy is one of the bandits and perhaps, h a ler of the gang. The requisition had to be issued upon affidavit, nogrand jury hav ing been empannelled, and it is 1 ik< 1 y that one of the express mes sengers who was in the car when it*was rilled, made the sworn state ment upon which the , papers, are based. Commonwealth Attorney White, of Stafford county, arrived here late this evening, in obedience to a telegram from the governor and Sheriff Kennedy, and Mr. Herring, the express company’s Washing ton manager came in on the mid night train. They are now in conference at the executive mansion. Sheriff Kennedy will leave on the 7 o’clock morning train for Cumberland, s< as to have the requisition then when the case comes up tomorrow afternoon on habeas corpus. Hi • will probably go by Annapolis si J as to get a rendition warrant fron Governor Brown. 10 CENTS AWEE I A CHANCE FOR CHILDREN Some Bright Eyed boy or girl wil get a complete set. RICH HALF-MORROCCO Bound, upto date, Encyclopae dia Britannca, a book case and the daily Hustler of Rome Free for one Year. Readclosely. There’s not a bright eyed child in Rome who can afford to miss next Tuesday’s Hustler of Rome-- When you have read the enclos ed circular you will agree with us. Think of it, the first child who constructs the correct sentence and files it in thisoffice will A be awarded a handsome halfniorrocro • bound full setof the Encyclopaedia Britatnnica, a handsome oak book case and a paid up subscription to the daily Hustlerof Rome for one year. And every other boy or girl who onstructs the sentence properly and files the same in this office* will be presented with a handsom “Dime saving” bank N< w is the time, children, for you to study the circular and pre pare for the contest. Remember it costs you absolutly nothing to try for the magnificent prize or for the banks—all you have got to do is clip the words from The Hustler I 1 of Rome and build the correct sen tence. Double Execution at St. Paul. 1 St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 19, —At pvactiy six minutes past 5 o'clock this morning, the drop fell and Charles Ermiach and Otto Kell, y. two young dessradoee, paid the penalty for the murder of Lind— e hoff, a young bartender last May.- ♦ JUST RECEIVED One of the most com plete assortments . of : r TO'LET SOAPS “ .AND 1 TOILET ARTICLES > t s Ever brought to the city. See our line of a t fine IMPORTED TOOTH i BRUSHES i They have no superior on this or any other market SOLE AGENTFOR CANDIES J. T CROUCH & CO. Medical Building.