The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, October 21, 1894, Image 2

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A.WA. POLKA -MA Z URKA. * r , . E. LAUWERYNS fils. introduction. f-f-f -F* = d!g F- --- tj p rit. dolce S > Polka-Mazurka. r 15" ; / nt. motto ms *»- —II ■! • • ■, ’j ‘~' < 0 ’’ « ’ ' -2=l=j= _’ '% —'J A- ,—^ZZZ—*-1 ' , - ■ • * . -- iSL. < r±tSE 1: Z * *' -r=»- 11 /dfc— 1, ■■:■*?., ._•_ • tffi. =±=J3^;r^’23i=?SS*3 ; '* 'SK *, f - - - * + ™ * B/ X ssii-a-’. . /■ JI - f JJ il basso marca to e staccato y XX *> ®& <*. g <u . > . > —'r - ‘1 * ' r y r •'* p —t —; —1 II £— - E=E±- E=S=Zzt f-fr- -M-s - : - : A-1 . * * < JZzFzF±fez s z£^F j W ZZ 'l IT ( *' fez *’=*' ' I *^'» • I .” ! W-z: z: XL~r~ g —r • h ■ I——1 —— z —r H —Uf-?~t- •-*-•-?-#—# JT ~^r—- Z7" ’— •—’- Y _ . . ♦ ■» -* *■ ■*■■&■ ) : l I i i * -*~Z :—» » J —II TT— t t l lj —L-M-*} --I Copyright, New York Musical Echo Co., 1894. THE GREAT EASTERN! COME AND BRING THIS WITH YOU. Cut this out. And bring it with yt>« to the Great Eastern Clothing House No 334 Broad Street Cor 4th Ave, in the Masonic Building, Rome Ga, if you need Clothing for Men Boys and children, dont miss it if you want to save money, it will pay you to come 50 mi[es to get some of the great bargains to be had here, our stock of Ck thing consists of the latest and best made Clothing ever Iwought to Rome, all of thia Season, ■jroductuns. Do not pay big prices for Clothing these hard times, come 9o ua, we will surely save you money, f and convince you that what is here advertised are facts. We are Manufacturers, buy our Cloth direct from the mi Is manufacture them in our large fac tory in Baltimore, and therefore can save you the middle men’s profits which amounts to more than 40 pei sent on the dollar and guarantee yo fit workmanship and Material besides In order to give the public an idea of the maivelous bargains to be had here, a few prices are mentioned Men’s Melton Caesimere Suits that w sold ii any and every Clothing «fc>re at sl2. and can get here so S6JJB: English Diagonal Dress Suits worth S2O. go at SIU 50—Elegant imported Worsted or Thibet cloth Dress Suit $ 0 85 worth sl2. —Mer e Striped Trousers worth 3,b0 for $1 75 Men’s fancy Striked Bliss Pantr woith $5 *O. Boys Suits worth s4.°o Jtor $2.25 Nobby Youth Suits $3 75 wo th $6.00 —Boys ivnee Pants c—Mens Elegant fall and wintar overcoats. $6,90 worth sll 00—English Melton Dress overcoats, $8.45 worth sls. Double and Single Breasted Cheviot, Suits $7 e 35 w »rth $15.-Mens Elegant Suspenders Br. Mens Iron clad work ing Pants STo and hundreds of other neumevous Bargains not! here ment on ed, all to be sold at 40 per cent less than you can buy them anywhere in the state of Georgia Cut this out and bring it with you, do not put it off, but come early and take your pick, everything sold at prices ad vertised,make no mistake in the place look for the number 334 Broad St GREAT EASTERN CLOTHING CO 334 Bb >ad St, Cor. 4th Ave In The Masonic Building ROME GA. CONVICTED OF MURDER. A Dispensary Constable who May Have to Hang. Spartanburg. 8. C , 0ct.20. — Jack Bladons a dispensary consta- Ne who killed Henry Palmer, a uegro in this city last December, was convicted of murder tonight The verdict was a great surprise as Blandon was out on a small bond and ten of the jury were strong Tillmanitea. Henry Palmer was a negro accused of selling li quors. Bladon, one of the most esperate men on the force, weni oairesthim. The uegro ran and Biacon shot him through the back of the head. Il is thought if Governor Tillman follows his cus om by pardoinug Bladon trouble will follow. The jury deliberated four hours and returned a verdict o’ ight at 11:15 o’clock. THE HUSTLER OF ROME, SUNDAY OCTOBER, 21 1894. AN AWFUL PLUNGE, Rosa Wolf Jumps From a Third- Story window-lnstantly killed. St. Louis Oct 20, Rosa Wolf, a German girl, 19 years of age , suf fering from the effects of amenor rhoea and temporarily insane, jumped from a third-story window at the Female Hospital at 11:80 yesterday forenoon, dashing her brains out on the sidewalk. She was instantly killed. The girl was taken to the Fe male Hospital Wednesday morn ing. She was placed in division 8 of the third ward. The attendants in charge gave her all the atten tion possible. But yesterday she was allowed to enter a private room alone. 1 hat was the opportunity shf had been awaiting. There was i> window iu her room It was raised and was on the east side of th building . Jumping upon the sill, Miss Wolf gave an awful scream and then plunged head downw. rd on the pavement below. The scream was heard by several but no one witnessed the fatal jump. She struck on her head crushind her skull. Her brains were scattered over the pavement. Both her arms were broken. Death had relieved her when the attendants found her a few moments after her plunge. The body was sent to the Morgue. Miss Wolf had lived with her parents at 1701 South Broadway. On October 16 she was seut to the Dispensary and thence to the City Hospital. An inquest will be held to-day. A J . J k f '. fl J! . J‘ It I S-r«4T «44—p/t - g - & S’zz)i. -»:>•- | ——t- _|_ |_ 1 — p rJ I "‘-ZaZ — *_J 7 X I ♦ £ , J F-l-- J J~ • =^—fcqzzzzfzz— XX v 3® XX XX * * - -•—~j~ : .LZZZ* • • *'-• <7 —.- a i-.t-Ltz.t-. 1 1 ““ :::: : : ia ♦ f J• > X f iw Jui aMMWMaiMMM > -^_. z^fcz^ = «Z»ZiZ^q C zraq ti—L^^HE*z» a -j -er 1 r-rLr r 'vpoj UOlfJ Q- O] UUMJ .. L —7; 1 I * * F ? -• f #~f —- ~ I OJVMVIU 0503013 oojop d f )| *:* */ * »<» I; ' ' * « *** • 0 - ■ H - ' • ‘ s " o < 5 ,s ’ ’ I — A -=» A A cf fl gy-i >;p ■O -- L4 —- -°l 1 r r- 4 £vr $— J-I fL * ■ —f—f— t.- s : *l—«i —L —j—-«-—t-=1 |~r= —*—rzzz ofuoiaijuasuo? d ♦ ■«- XX jll -^Z4—<-;-U-,-. tl*-=c‘ : ' ■ • ! «4 r ' X —® — L— 1 — ’ ’ I 'OIXI I Satolli Will be a Cardinal. Baltimore, October 20. —A cler gyman of Cardinal Gibbon’s household today confirmed the re pjrt that Monsignor Satolli wil become a cardinal ‘’This much is all that can be stated with certain ty,” he said. “Seven-tenths of what has been printed upon this subject is the vaguest speculation. ” In addition to the fact that the archbishop will be made a curd • nal, the most that can be said is that he will be named as such at the next consistory, w'hich will convene in Rome, most probably in December of this year. Died in Mississippi. • Mr Janies Blakeman who atone tinel lived in Rome, Jdied at his home in Mississippi, where he has lived a number of years. He was quiet well known here, and his old friends will regret to learn of his death He was a broth er of Mr Tom Blakeman, who owned and operated a cigar fact tory here some years ago, and who is now a prosperous citizen of At lanta. Are in Perfect Accord. London, October 20—The state ment made m The Pall Mall Ga zette that grave differences exist between Lord and the earl of Kimberley is officially de nied and it is asserted upon- the same autority that the premier and the foreingu secre’ary are in per fect harmony. SHINGLES, V We make them and sei them at bottom prices HUME & PERKIN? ; SHOT FROM AMBUSH. Nonunion Miners Fired Upon ILy Strikers. Denton, Ky, Oct., 20.—Many shots were fired from ambush at nonunion miners going to work to day at the mines of the Straight Creek Coal Company, in Carter County, by strikers. Seven are reported to have been hit by balls from Winchester ri fles. Jack Marcum is fatally hurt and John Morris dfhigerously wounded. The others are not serioesly in jured. The Sheri fl’s possee caught George Tyree. Bob and John Tay lor. Jim Coburn and several more strikers in the woods, but they were unarmed and professed inno cence. They are being held for further investigation. An attempt by the company to work non-union labor in opposi tion to the demands, of the United Mine Workers is the cause of the t ouble. Additional trow feared, as excitement is rui high, and heavy guards are placed. HE IS DEAD, j Mr. J. J- Miller Passed Awl I terday After a Stat lllij i News was received in tlfl ! yesterday, of the death of I iJ. Miller at his home neaß : Valley. ' Mr. Miller was on the fl ! Superior Court about t"'fl | ago, and was then j health. A few days ago ■ 'stricken with paralysis *,day about noon died. ; He was about 58 year- . | was a well-known and . i farmer. The remains wilM j ied near his home to W' o’clock. C01.M.8. Eubanks Is over the arrival of a pry X girl at his house.