The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, October 21, 1894, Image 3

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V>Q HOM* h< saOEAKING. S'J coßD° vain > x—. ENAMELLED CALE /.. iu Y $3 50 POLICE,3 SOLFS. F .• I $2 • L 5 BoYSSCHOOLSHCES. ,< -ladies- J- < ff W ...• prockton. mass. ,„_.... hj-pitJ-cUasiun «• •« c»” of world. a.tdjuaranUe ! ' ’''. s yo« >’, i v.niu> f ~..u nr..f•■;. Oursno?-. ,n> ■ . • ■ - f,l custo - ■ .;. ... t. 1 :•■' <1 ev< V thevafi tdven that " . ■ ■ t p' l . -te. It you »' ' ' .-Ml- 1 Cantrell & Country Produce A Specialty, fresh Butter on hand all the time. . . New goods arriving daily. We Keep the best the market affords. COME AND SEE US, L. A. Dempsey, 409 Broad Stree IaKE Ur. M. A. liver medicine. Fb* ( f mwi 5/c/< oh B'UWM£Ss\ ; .■' IjflUWO/CE '.. •'•’M /Zzzrzr lv Stomach jv frPPwrE NONEGtNJ.hEV/ITHOUTIHE LIKENESS ..ND SIGNATURE OrM A.T.’tEDFORD ON FrONtCF Each Wrapper. M.A.Thedfcro Mec.(§ Rome.Ga; rving 'V, Larimore, physical di rectorol 1. M. C A., Dos lowa, says lie can conscientiouelx recommend Chamberlain's Pain Balm to athletics, gymnasts, bicyclists, foot Wl players and the profession in general for bruises, sprains and dis locations; also for soreness and stiff less of the muscles, when applied before the parts become swollen it will effect a cure in onehalf the time usually required. For sale by Lowry Bros Druggists ■aw,,® ■ Warter’s “Hand made’’ grows more pop ularasthe days go by— and its because of mer it. For sale by al! deal ers. Try one. MAGNETIC NERVINE (M 7 r"’* Is ;-nar«ntxM*h to one- 17 . ■'* Nervous Prcstra . f 5 . J tion, Fits, Oizzi hobs, Headache ',V «ii >r<l. Neuralgia and In if t \ SOmniti. virvtH tul ; NA"cesses in the use of to w bacco, opium, alcohol -'1 and in other direr tions, bringing on De BEFORE: - AM ER- bility, Sleepiess- P’esrjAn e,.-. ness, Mental Os- »ud . t 2?' ® of tening of the Brain, Insanity VINE v.'4- ‘ ”'' l ‘ th -, k MAGNETIC ner- uwstrength n> hJnrn 8 ln elt, ! Br “>»■ renews vitality toue. u ., the brain l > Uie musculHr and nervous system Ing u p , t ,llß flesh, brings refresh- •oncr.r. 'A nio??M re ? health an d happiness to the mail to anv add. 2? “ • t , r !S tnißnt *“ plain uackago b; box; fi for £>.oo. With <mre °r>*fondthe'mo™v 'Vf'tten Cuarantten u tlroul ’ lr ' s£re « O«arau«sv -***"««- - 9n^ V ? ry i t>Ody Vvh ° * S Preac h e s kJ 3 do . ctr I>n: 1 > n: ‘‘Patronize er^ lndustry -’’ Lov " afWri ? good c, S ar can thl dto cractice what er’/ £ reach for Waf-t --arp i-u t 1716 made cigars |< e { best on the mar- Marknf r e n St p? 1 N°- 427 Broad and Clean SarfA .^ity^W 5 ’ back, e & Schlap i^^mnt.r; see tTey’~|i a u. Second V' ‘ ard 1N Rome - l as t aiIn " r: ~~^ e8 I stopped 1116 in H .? 11 and thp y treated good care of Tn and took be t lam c Imy «°° dß - You 8O!i 8” wa J ° lng tO St ° P at “Robin to Rom/° n o ard wheuever Igo Ell gine HoTe r Btreet °PP OB ite w-4-t. MABEL PAIGE Closed her Engagement in Rome ’ Last Nigh at Nevin The pretty Ijtt'e black haired spark ling eyed Houbrette. Mabel 1 Paige closed her engaement at Neviu’a laat night with “Little Mips Mischief.” Mine Mabel is yet but a child.and] of course acting is free from the roauueri«mß of the elder ones sIiII she is ho cute and pretty tha l she always pleases. Most of the p ays were good—ail were kouwn here, hut none delighted an much as that presented ou the opening night “1 he other girl ’ Yesterday eVninug at the mati nee the opera- a “La Be'le Mar guerettb” was presented io an au dience composed inoetiy of ladies and children, and it was highly enjoyed by all, ' Mr Woodward, has made many friends Bince the engagement here by his excellent work as a come dian. He is a ciev-r geutleruau, and has had many years experi ence on the stage. Miss Bessie Warren, ( who is in private life Mrs. Woodward) is always good and come in for a fair proportion of the public esteem. Mr. Wrighlman, Mr. Martin, Miss Eminsiu, and the other mem b »rs of I be troop are all firstrate in their line, and made friends here Al together the week has been a very pleasant one, for al! who saw company. They are presenting splendid plays at popular is very likely that Mabel will comeheie for another week during the seas.n. The company leaves today for Atlanta, where they play at. the Edgewood Avenue theatre all nexi week, THE DAIRY MAIDS. The Dairy Maids Festival is the next attraction at Nevins Opera House and promises to be the best attempt at a production by ama tuers in Rome. A splendid chorus of twenty voices will be one of the main features- Miss Darby’s ex celleut voice will be heard in a mo-it pleasing vocal selection,while Misses Nevin, Pattou, Clark and others whose vocal qualifications are well known will add a great deal to the entertainment. Among bo-e taking part are disses Viola Smith, Annie Pentecost, Z->e East man, Mamie Headden.Lula O’Niel Mamie Ledbetter,Estelle Mitchell, Cora and Mae Clark, Rosa Wood ruff, Mae Patton, Katie DarbrJ Ed die Magruder and Mrs. Chas Thompson. Tickets go on sale to morrow. The young lady, who sells the most tickers will get a choice of solid silver belt hucKles and the next to the most, a choice «f silver mounted side combs. The above priz s are to be seen at Johnsons Jewelry store. The boy who sells the most gets $2:50 esuts m gold. The conditions of thecon icst are that the winner must sell al coat (25) tickets, and no boy or girl will. be allowed to turu over his or her sales to any of the oth • rs to be added to their list ot tick ets sold. Tickets cau be secured of Chas. Seay at White Star Line office Monday morning. Price of tickets! 50 cents each ; no extra charges for rerervrd seats. FA LADY’S TOILET ij ? s tint complete E ■ 4 without an ideal fcij T PLEXIOIIf i O jfowdeel. Iu j ■I PBZZOWS ! Combines ever/ element of beauty and puritv It is beauti fying, soothing, healing, health ful. and harmless, and wh?n rightly used is .nvisible. A most j delicate and desirable protection K |to the face in this climate. L j Insist upon having the genuine. I = MIT IS FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. | THE HUSTLER OF ROME SnN DAY OCTOBER, 21 1894. THOMAS FAHY. No man makes a more careful study of his business than Mr. Fahy, the successful and enter prising dry goods merchant of this city. He keeps fully in pace with the needs and demands of the public, and hence can always furnish the trade with just such things as they desire. His excellent purchasing ability and his exquisite taste in making selections gives to his pa trons the benefit not only of style and beauty, hut also the most rea sonable prices. Throughout North Georgia his store is known as “The Bargain Center,” because from it issue the best finish and cheapest to be had in any market. His motto is“ Quick sales and small profits,” and upon this basis he conducts his business. The mammoth stock of goods he now offers at winsom figures to the trade is one of the finest ever shown in Rome. It embraces every thing that comes under the head of any goods, notions, and furnish ing goods, A more charming line of fine dress goods, silk, trimmings and drapery goods is not easily found. All that refined taste, and excel lent judgement could demand, is to be had at his emporium. In Notions, domestics, carpets, rugs, mattings, lace curtains and portiers, he leads the trade. An v man who places his order with Thomas Fahy may rest assured that he will he fairly and squarely dealt with and will receive the best at the least possible out-lay on the part of the customer. He emjoys a fine trade from Georgia, Alabama, and ships goods to Tennessee, South Carolina, Mis sissippi, and Florida, Frequently he receives flattering orders from as for off as Texas, which proclaims the fact that one customer at Fahy’s they are loath to discon tinue even though hundreds of miles intervene. No one should fail to see his fresh, new and most attractive stock of Fall and Winter goods. lil June 4, l| i’ l !8 // ! 94 I that is the date ul p. of a letter from Mr. Jas. Hl lij E. Brown, 524 Pacific l|l Il Ave., Dallas, Tex.—He Ijl d lost his strength from HI k\\ overwork, like so many IjS Ijl others, and took |l| /// Brown’s wi £ ron if* jh Bitters. /// ff 'l die says: g|[ “Brown’s Iron Bitters I is the best medicine I I ■ have ever taken. I had | 1)1 been suffering for a year I >// from extreme weakness, I ff// caused by overwork, and I til two bottles renewed my I 111 strength entirely. lam l\\ glad to say so. I ID Not a miracle, but just I Kll another cure brought 111 about by Brown’s Iron fl 111 Bitters. Do you take it? I| ' ill LOOK FOR CROSSED RCO \lfi Ul\ LINES ON WRAPPER 111 Bl I BROWN CHEM. CO. Balto., Fid. 118 What Nerve Kerrie* have done for other* they will df IST DAY. : >/■" ” VIGOR OF 16THDAY. MEM AWteSL and Permanently Restored, soth da v A positive cure for all Wej Nervousnes. Debility. Hint all their train of evils resultln from early errors and later excesses; the resu of overwork. Rich sewn worry jtc !>eve|n| and gives tone and streuth to t i.. o. Stans. Niopo unnatural low.« ur nitch.l emisaions caused by youth.ul error, or e> cessive use 01 tobacco, opium ami llquoi which lead to conMUinption and hiwnil; T‘iel r use shows immediate Improvement. Ac."e) no Imitation. Insist upon having the genv n< Nerve Berries, pocket. Price. SI.OO per box. six boxes, on tu< treatment.4s.oo. WuaranteeH to cure any <*»e ff not kept by vour druggist we will send then by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrat per. Pamphlet free. Address all mall orders t AN MKDICAI €O„ Cincinnati < For Sale by J. T Crouch & Co. fMfi MIST Every cu-tomer buying 50c worth of goods at a *ime will have ■i guess ev->ry day (buy do so, at ’ jar of b' j anp, etc , to be opened October 31-t, 1894. The one guessing nearest iln i umbel g *s n good WATCH?.- The 2 .d nearest a Barrel Flour Th- 3»d. nearest 100 lbs. Fit us The 4 h nearest 50 lbs Fit nr The sth. nearest 25 lbs. Fl nr The fiOi, nearest 5 lbs, Firn Soda Cracker*. The 7th. nearest 1 Gallon of Prime Molasses. The next eight nearest, each 25c worth of any g > <h y may se iec.t. The Guess Costs You Nothing. Evert bo'ly invited to call and see, -i-F. F J ENCE«- 412 Broad Street, ROME, GA. Pence Cheap Cash Grocery and Notion Store. The cheapest place in town to buy goods. Give me a call, satisfaction guaraufeed. A\ ; c / x< - e I ’x V —T ' - U “ J “? ----- _ Esin jam 3 □ Fran'dim Used to s< that if he obtained but one idea from a book he considered himself well repaid for his investment. There is a siient but potent missionary tt« not alone suggests Ideas to men. but tells them what the thinkers of all time have with these ideas: a missionary that represnnti the very fountain-head of all knowledge, that unlocks the secrets of nature, and “Chaims the Elements To our chariot wheels.” This missionary Is I the justlv celebrated new edition ENCYCLOP/EDIA BRITANNICA, and it appeals to every human being who can read. If you have any special bent or inclination for any particular branch of knowledge op*n the BRITANNICA and ideas will flock to you If you are young, with your life before you It will furnish you with ideas to advance you' business interests, and to make you a more useful member of society. If you are a tired bread-winner it will amuse and enliven you with stories of travel ’ with quaint and beautiful mythological legends, and with the facts about animals agd flowers. It is never wearisome, and it lasts a life-time. It is cosmopolitan And Democratic For it ina.tes no distinction between the rich and the poor, but says to both: “ I am yours almost fo* the asking." TEN CENTS A DAY will buy it, but you should order at once if you wish to take advantage of the special introductory offer. Th© AT i. AN TA, GA AR Terrible Headaches RESULTING FROM DERANGEMENT OF STOMACH, LIVER, OR BOWELS, Relieved by Ayer-s Pills “I don’t believe o there ever was so g x jSfcPr good a pill made o / as Ayer’S Cathar- o tic pills - Tl,e y q v it, will do all you rec ~ © them for O r and even more - o H 1 When I have a O ; ' I ' \ I cold and ache O; from head to heels, a dose or two of o ; these pills is all tlie medicine needed to o: set me right again. For headache, they ®: never fail. I have been a victim ofter- o ; rible headaches, and have never found o: anything to relieve them so quickly as ® Ayer’s Fills. Since I began taking this o medicine, the attacks have been less and o less frequent, until, at present, months ® have passed since I have had one.”— C. o F. Newman, Dug Spur, Va, o; AYER’S PILLS oi Prize Medal at World’s Fair oooooooooooooooooooooooo! MAGNETIC NERVINE. I ,s » o, d with written guarantee to cure '4 '-YSjEa .4 NurvoueProetra tion, Fit,. Diizi ’tir wN jail nese , Headache anu .aRy T Neuralgia and Wake CTTc’yTk 'Zwa J fulness,caused by er V/iftf-Tk. cessiveuseofOplun Tobacco and Alc< «- - VV-Si Jp'* hoi; Mental Depre •BBFORE • AFTtFV Bion, Softening< he Brain, causing Misery, Insanity and Death Barreneftg, Impotency, Lort Power in either sei Premature Old A$Z9, Involuntary Losses, cause oy over-indultfeuce, over-exertion of the Brain an Errors of Youth. It gives to Weak Organs their i N'aturat Vigor and doubles the joys of life; cures Lucorrhcea and Fema’e Weakness. 1 month’s treat ment, in plain package, by mall, to any address, ?1 I per box, 6 boxes f 5. With every »5 order we give e Written Guarantee to cure or refund the money . Jirculars free, tiua’ itee Issued only by our ex . lusive agent. “Orange Blossom” is a painless’ cure of all diseases peculiar to women So’d fresh by D. W. Curry. Rome Mutual Loan Association. HOME OFFICE ROME GEORGIA, 325, ’.road Street. A National Building and Loan Company” Purely Mutual, safe investment aneb Good Profit Made by small Monthly Payments, OT'FICER . J. A. GLOvEK, Presioent. J. D. MOORE, Sec’ty A Trcasv CHAS. I. GRAVES,tVioe President. .1. H. RHODES, Mgr'land Deyfc- ItALsTED SMITyj, General Council. IB94FALLSKD WINTER MILLINERYIB94 NO. 302 BROAD STREET. ROME GEORGIA, ' We are now prepared to Show A Select Stock of New and Sty lish Millinery, Ladies, Misses and childrens, Hats and Bonnets, Baby Caps, Hair Ornaments, Side and Tuck Combs, Ice Wool, Silk floss and Zeohyrs. Will sell at lowest Cash prices, Call and See us, Respectfully A. O. GRRRARD. k I - \ '''' . . ® v BiSOwi '"t" ' -1 WHMllllkiiiiFiiinff-' y- _ | J ~ ~ > . i fata - venue jEHICZ^^OZ 1 -HjlLj Madison Aven e and 58th,Street, NEW YORK. per day and up. American Plan, FIREPROOF AND FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY PARTICULAR. — • »- Two Blocks from the Third and Sixth Avenue Elevated Hailroads The Madison and Fourth Avenue and Belt Line Cars pass the Door, H M. CLABK, proprietor. Passenger E’s vator runs all night, BRICK KILNS LIME KILNS HAIR AND SAND We can furnish fresh Lime in large quanrties burned from our own Kilns on short notice. Brick. Lime, Hair and Sand always on hand! Greorge . Trammell Fourth Ward Brick Yards,